Curriculum Organization - Year 1 (36 weeks)

(Length of all blocks is approximate. See block schedule for actual dates. See MedScope for course details.)

Practice of Medicine I (Year Long)

PoM-I is part of multi-year longitudinal experience to provide each student with the understanding of the components of clinical medicine and the community in which they will be learning/practicing in. Through a series of lectures, small group workshops, standardized patient exercises and longitudinal clinical sessions with faculty members, students will gain the skills that form the foundation of their clinical rotations and clerkships.

Foundations (11 Weeks)

Foundations is an introductory course that consists of several units: Foundations of Anatomy, Foundations of Research and Critical Thinking, and integrated Foundations blocks organized by weeks, each centered around a concept and a clinical problem. The course is designed to prepare MSI students for systems-based courses in the pre-clerkship curriculum and beyond. The course will present the fundamental principles of anatomy, embryology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, histology, pathology and pharmacology – disciplines crucial for mastering concepts of systems-based pathophysiology and treatment of disease. Understanding the basic principles underlying these disciplines will be invaluable in analyzing the pathophysiologic basis of diseases and the pharmacologic approach to the therapeutic management of disease.

Blood and Host Defense (7 Weeks)

Blood and Host Defenses is the second course of the first year. The course covers three major areas: (1) hematology and hematological malignancies, (2) immunology and immune disorders, (3) selected microbial pathogens and introduction to infectious diseases. This integrated course focuses on topics including general principles and clinical applications within hematology and immunology and serves to introduce selected blood and systemic infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. The format consists of lectures, small group discussions, clinical correlations, team-based learning sessions, and lab demonstrations. Participation of faculty from both basic and clinical departments will provide an integrated coverage of major topics related to health and disease.

Brain and Behavior (10 Weeks)

Brain and Behavior is an integrated multidisciplinary course taught by faculty from Neurology, Neuroscience, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Pathology, Anesthesiology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry. This 10-week course will cover material that ranges from basic neurosciences to clinical correlates of neural dysfunction, neurological disease states, psychopathology and drugs of addiction. Our goal is to provide a firm foundation of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, adhering to the 8 medical education objectives so that the students can utilize this body of knowledge to obtain a better understanding of disorders and diseases of the nervous system. The format of instruction includes lectures, small group sessions, clinical correlates, team-based learning, interactive video workshops, and anatomy as well as pathology labs.  

Digestion & Hormones (8 Weeks)

Digestion & Hormones provides integrated and comprehensive coverage of gastroenterology and endocrinology. For each of these systems, students will receive in-depth instruction in the fundamental principles of anatomy and physiologic function. They will explore the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease, including infection, inflammation, trauma, and malignancy. For each disease process, they will navigate the pertinent epidemiologic characteristics, diagnostic considerations, and treatment options. Students are guided through the material by clinical, basic science, and pharmacology faculty. The format includes lectures, small group clinical case conferences, anatomy labs and demonstrations, TBL sessions, clinical correlates, and self-directed learning.


Last Revision: July 29, 2022