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Operations & Facilities

Welcome to Operations & Facilities

Operations and Facilities is responsible for maintaining the campus of the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM). This includes all the maintenance and operations functions of buildings, departments, centers, programs, and individual offices. The Operations and Facilities staff manage all the people, processes, services, and tools needed to run UMSOM facilities at the highest level and peak efficiency.

Common Requests

Routine Facility Service Requests

Routine facility services in your building, such as cleaning, tripped breakers, leaks, and room comfort issues can be requested by submitting a facilities work request.

Modifying your Work Space

Please contact the SOM ORM Operations Team for an estimate to remodel or renovate your work office. This includes installing electric outlets. Urgent requests should be called in at 410-706-7570. Please additionally notify the SOM ORM Operations Team of urgent events.

UMB Building Access Requests

Request building OneCard access for SOM stakeholders. Please have a department administrator request access on the end user’s behalf to ensure expedient processing.

Granting Access to Non-Faculty and Staff

The UMB Community System is used to grant access to University resources to individuals who are not paid employees or registered students (Affiliates). New enrollees need to be sponsored by a designated department administrator.

Fire Safety and Hot Work Permits

Fire Safety an Hot Work Procedures for departmental equipment repairs that require welding, brazing, or soldering.

Elevator and Loading Dock Information

Information regarding loading dock addresses and locations, freight elevator cab size, and weight capacity.

Freight Elevator Location and Capacities

Event Planning

Policies, procedures and setup diagrams for hosting events in University of Maryland School of Medicine facilities.

Policies & Procedures for Scheduling Events in SOM Facilities

Policies for Scheduling Events in the HSF III Atrium

Typical Building Event Setups Diagrams

Select a building to see the various setups.

Space Inventory Application Instructions

Department Space Administrators can find the most recent instructions here:

Space Inventory Application: User Instructions

To report a FACILITY Emergency:
Call 410-706-7570

In the event of a CAMPUS Emergency:
Visit UMB Alerts


James Peach, MBA
Assistant Dean of Operations & Facilities

George Bafitis Jr.
Assistant Director of Operations

Eric Crowell
Sr. Facilities Operations Specialist

Harry Davis
Assistant Director of Operations
