Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

Each Research Center must include a research training program that addresses the biological, behavioral, environmental, sociocultural, and/or structural factors that affect pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality and severe maternal morbidity. A training program for early stage investigators is of high interest. Support for visiting scientists, exchange programs between Research Centers for postdoctoral fellows, community health partners, hands on training sessions, seminars and research forums are appropriate items for inclusion in an enrichment program. In addition, travel support may be requested to allow investigators to travel to present scientific findings, to develop new collaborations, or to engage in scientific information exchanges.

The Center is currently working on partnership with Howard University's Maternal-Fetal fellowship and addition clinic, which will include

  • one to two minority MFM
  • physician in OB/GYN plus addition
  • one to two research faculty