Clinical Center for Neuromuscular Disease
Interim Director
The University of Maryland Medical Center's Neuromuscular Program has an active in-patient and out-patient service in clinical neuromuscular disease.
The University of Maryland Medical Center's Neuromuscular Program provides specialty comprehensive-specialist care for patients with ;amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease), muscle disease, myasthenia gravis, peripheral neuropathy, and autonomic disorders.
The Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory at UMMS performs numerous detailed and complex electrodiagnostic (nerve conduction and eletromyography) studies, including single fiber eletromyography and neuromuscular ultrasound. The Autonomic Laboratory performs autonomic function testing including Osweat, heart rate response to deep breathing, Valsalva maneuver and tilt table testing. These tests can evalute complex diseases affecting the autonomic nervous system, for example, diabetic autonomic neuropathy, orthostatic hypotension, multiple system atrophy, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
Muscle and nerve biopsies are performed in the Neuromuscular Center and processed in the Neuropathology Laboratory and discussed in neuromuscular conferences. Skin biopsies are performed to determine the presence and type of small fiber neuropathy.
An Infusion Clinic provides specialized parenteral therapy for neuromuscular diseases.
Faculty and Staff
Related Faculty
- Chandana Chauhan, MD
- Bryan Cupka, MD
- Peter H. Jin, MD
- Xinqi Peng, PA-C
- Neil C. Porter, MD
- Sharon Stiles, RN
- Lindsay Zilliox,MD, MS
Research Staff
- Vikram Nambiar, BS
Support Staff
- Jody Womble, BS
- Yvonne Pratt, BS
Fellowship Training
Neuromuscular Disease Fellowship
Clinical Neurophysiology EMG/Neuromuscular Track
The University of Maryland School of Medicine offers a one-year, ACGME-approved clinical neurophysiology fellowship for up to three fellows starting in July. Fellows are trained in clinical neuromuscular disorders, performing EMG, EEG, evoked potentials, autonomic electrophysiology, and evaluation of nerve and muscle biopsies.
For more details, please visit Neuromuscular Fellowship.
Research Interests
- Outcome studies and treatment trials in ALS
- Clinical trials for treatment of diabetic neuropathy
Ongoing clinical research studies can be seen at:
Contact Us
Center for Neuromuscular Disease
110 South Paca Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201-1642
(410) 328-3100
Fax: (410) 328-8981