Department of Neurobiology

Department Administration

Judith Edelman, MA
Department Administrator
Department of Neurobiology
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Health Science Facility-2, Room 255
Baltimore, Maryland  21201
Phone: 410-706-8805

Program in Neuroscience Administrator

Jenn McFarland, PhD (she, her, hers)
Academic Services Specialist 
Graduate Program in Life Sciences, Program in Neuroscience 
University of Maryland School of Medicine
HSF I, Room 512 Baltimore, Maryland  21201
Phone: 410-706-4701

Medical Gross Anatomy Course

Adam Puche, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Neurobiology

Anatomy Board of Maryland

Note: The Anatomy Board is not affiliated with the Department of Neurobiology. Contact the director below for information on how to donate one's body to medical science under the Anatomical Gift Act.

Juan Ortega, Acting Director
Anatomical Services Division (Body Donations)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
State Anatomy Board
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
655 West Baltimore St.   
BRB Rm. B-024
Baltimore,  MD  21201-1559

State Anatomy Board Contact Info

Phone: 410-706-3313
Fax: 410-706-8107 
24 hours: 410-547-1222
In-state (no toll): 800-879-2728
Computer e-Fax: 208-976-2059 
Pager (toll free): 800-616-5910 