2023 Spring Session (Seniors)
Medical Symposium: Innovation and Discovery
April 18 - May 23, 2023
Virtual on Zoom
Seniors Medical Symposium
The Seniors Medical Symposium is for Baltimore seniors who are interested in the latest advances in medicine. The University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM), in partnership with the Community College of Baltimore County, provides a six-week lecture series every spring, where local adult seniors get an opportunity to learn about the recent discoveries in science and medicine from UMSOM doctors and researchers.
2023 Program
Medical Symposium: Innovation & Discovery
Attendees learned about the most recent advances and treatments in medicine from highly qualified doctors and researchers. All sessions were held via Zoom, every Tuesday from 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Session 1: April 18
The Impact of Climate Change on Cardiac Health
Haitham Khraishah, MD
Fellow, Department of Medicine
Session 2: April 25
Exploring the Life-Saving Potential of Artificial Blood
Allan Doctor, MD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Session 3: May 2
Long Covid: Major Findings & How to Treat It
Andrea Levine, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Program Director, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Session 4: May 9
Implementation and Outcomes of Home-Based Multicomponent Interventions for Older Adults
Jason Falvey, PT, DPT, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
Session 5: May 16
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: How It’s Being Used in Medical Imaging and Beyond
Paul Yi, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Session 6: May 23
Antibiotic Resistance: Exploring Novel Strategies to Combat the Problem
Jacqueline Bork, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Programs from Past Years
Session 1: April 19
Precision Medicine: How Our Genes Hold Many Answers to Our Health and The Treatment of Disease
Alan R. Shuldiner, MD
Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean for Personalized & Genomic Medicine
Session 2: April 26
New Advances in Image-Guided Drug Delivery to the Brain
Piotr Walczak, MD, PhD
Professor of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Session 3: May 3
Successful First in Human Pig Cardiac Xenotransplantation
Muhammad M. Mohiuddin, MBBS
Professor of Surgery, Director, Cardiac Xenotransplantation Program
Session 4: May 10
Exercise and Competitions in the Older Adult
Alice S. Ryan, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Associate Director, Translational Science in the Center for Research on Aging
Session 5: May 17
Covid-19 and the Heart: What We Know and Don’t Know
Charles C. Hong, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Director of Cardiology Research
Co-Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine
Session 6: May 24
From Polyp to Cancer – How Catching Colon and Rectal Cancer Early Affects Interventions and Outcomes
Rebecca F. Brown, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Session 1: April 21
The Vaginal Microbiome: It’s Role in Women’s Health and Disease
Jacques Ravel, PhD
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Session 2: April 28
COVID-19: Where Are We Now?
Matthew Frieman, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Session 3: May 5
Sleep and Cognition in Older Adults
Emerson Wickwire, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine
Session 4: May 12
Micronutrients and Markers of Healthy Aging
Christopher D’Adamo, PhD
Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine
Session 5: May 19
Healthy Aging: Improving Mobility in Older Adults
Jack Guralnik, MD, PhD, MPH
Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health
Session 6: May 26
Palliative Care and Pain Management
Raya Elfadel Kheribek, MD, MPH, FACP
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Palliative Medicine
Session 1: April 23
Vaccines for Older Adults: Current Use and Future Challenges
Wilbur Chen, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Medicine
Chief, Adult Clinical Studies Section, Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health
Director of the UMB Travel Medicine Practice
Session 2: April 30
Depression in Late Life: What Is It and What Can We Do About It?
Scott Thompson, PhD
Professor of Physiology
Chair, Department of Physiology
Session 3: May 7
The Effects of Early Environmental Exposures on Health, Disease, and Development
Joanne Dorgan, PhD, MPH
Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health
Division Director of Cancer Epidemiology
Session 4: May 14
The Future of Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease
Paul S. Fishman, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology
Chief of Neurology, Maryland Veteran Affairs Health Care System
Session 5: May 21
How Immunotherapy Is Redefining the Approach to Cancer Treatment
Saurabh Dahiya, MD, FACP
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Session 6: May 28
Telemedicine: The Changing Face of Health Care
Alexander Pappas, MD
Addiction Medicine Fellow
Session 1: April 17
Can Pancreas and Cell Transplantation Be Used to Treat Diabetes?
Joseph R. Scalea, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Session 2: April 24
The Latest Advances in Cancer Treatment: Proton Therapy vs. Traditional Radiation Therapy
Charles B. Simone, II, MD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
Medical Director, Maryland Proton Therapy Center
Session 3: May 1
Geriatric Psychiatry Who Needs It and When?
Lawrence W. Adler, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Session 4: May 8
Science Is Finding Potential New Ways of Treating Hearing Loss
Zubair M. Ahmed, PhD
Professor of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Session 5: May 15
How Your Genetic Makeup Affects Your Health
Miriam Blitzer, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Division Head, Human Genetics
Session 6: May 22
What is Xenotransplantation and How Will it Change the Future of Transplant Surgery?
Muhammad M. Mohiuddin, MBBS
Professor of Surgery
Director, Cardiac Xenotransplantation Program