Curriculum - Second Year
During the second academic year of study, each student completes three 12-week clinical rotations (HGEN 745) corresponding to the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Concurrent specialty rotations (e.g. cancer genetics) are scheduled during at least one of these semesters. In addition to clinical rotations, work on the independent study project, students are enrolled in Advanced Topics in Genetic Counseling (HGEN 750), and Psychosocial Genetic Counseling (HGEN 700).
During both academic years, students attend a weekly human genetics seminar (HGEN 608) and a weekly genetic counseling seminar (HGEN 610). Additionally, throughout the course of the training program, students attend a weekly case conference that is attended by the clinical genetics faculty. Students also attend a biweekly Clinical Applications for Genetic Counselors workshop (HGEN 615). Students may also take advantage of being in a large academic medical center by attending departmental grand rounds, conferences, seminars, and other educational activities on campus.