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Alumni Testimonial

"Overall – fantastic! …I think the length of rotations is great – we have enough time to really get used to how each clinic runs, as well as get used to the supervisors and other health care professionals there. I think … that students are placed in rotations based on personality and how each of us learns best or needs to be pushed, and I think that is really invaluable."  

Jen Sabatino MGC 2013

The Master's in Genetic Counseling Program awards the professional degree of Master’s in Genetic Counseling (MGC). The program is five semesters long. Fall and spring semesters are 16 weeks long, and summer semester is 12 weeks long. Continuous, full-time enrollment is required. Students are required to enroll for three credits during the summer between first and second year (HGEN 745 – clinical rotations).
