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Grateful Patient Stories: Anonymous

Gastroenterology & Hepatology

I owe Dr. Peter Darwin my life; it’s as simple as that. I underwent a surgery at another Maryland hospital that took a turn for the worst. The hospital could not handle my condition; the doctors there refused to perform a procedure that I needed to save my life. I was transferred by that hospital to Dr. Darwin at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

When Dr. Darwin met with me and my family, he explained the gravity of the situation, the risks involved and the likelihood of success. I needed to have a procedure to save my life; it was not optional if I wanted to live. It was a very tricky, complicated procedure. We agreed to have the procedure.

Dr. Darwin performed the surgery that kept me alive and saved my life. I have made a full and complete recovery and am so very grateful to him for allowing me the opportunity to watch my children grow. They were 2 and 6 months old at the time. There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel blessed that Dr. Darwin accepted me as a patient.

Grateful Patient  

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