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22 JUL
Unlocking Solutions: Menthol Smoking Cessation Strategies 12:00 PM | Virtual

NIH Prevention in Focus Webinar Series

Tobacco smoking, particularly mentholated products, remains a significant U.S. public health concern. Despite concerted efforts to reduce tobacco use, menthol cigarettes continue to exert a stronghold, posing unique challenges for individuals attempting to quit. This presentation will delve into the complexities surrounding menthol smoking cessation and research on effective intervention strategies among adults. This presentation will elucidate the nuanced behavioral, physiological, and sociocultural dimensions underpinning dependence on commercial tobacco products, offering insights into targeted and individually tailored cessation approaches. 

Drawing upon interdisciplinary research, this presentation will also describe the development and efficacy of behavioral therapies with adjuvant pharmacotherapy, and culturally specific interventions designed to address the needs of adults who smoke menthol tobacco products. Finally, promising avenues for promoting successful cessation outcomes and thereby mitigating the disproportionate burden of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality will be discussed. 

Registration Link


29 AUG
Breaking the Habit in Behavioral Health (BH2) Training 9:00AM | Virtual

The Maryland Tobacco Control Resource Center is disseminating a training program (developed by MDQuit) titled, “Breaking the Habit in Behavioral Health" for behavioral health providers across Maryland. The training is for clinicians working in the behavioral health field. We can offer CEUs for social workers, mental health counselors, and peer recovery specialists. 

Presenter: Melanie Bennett, PhD

Registration Link

30 attendee maximum

22 NOV
Breaking the Habit in Behavioral Health (BH2) Training 9:00AM | Virtual: Registration Coming Soon

The Maryland Tobacco Control Resource Center is disseminating a training program (developed by MDQuit) titled, “Breaking the Habit in Behavioral Health" for behavioral health providers across Maryland.