Maryland Early Intervention Program (EIP)
Maryland Early Intervention Program
Maryland Early Intervention Program (EIP)

The Maryland Early Intervention Program (EIP) offers specialized programs with expertise in the early identification, evaluation, and comprehensive psychiatric treatment of adolescents and young adults at risk for, or in the early stages of, a mental illness with psychosis.

We use an integrated approach to address the health and mental health needs of young adults, including providing support for co-occurring substance use disorders, and metabolic and other co-occurring medical conditions.

The Maryland EIP is committed to reducing disability by equipping individuals at risk and their families with tools to manage their illness, move successfully through the developmental stages of growth, and establish a life of their choosing.

If you are wondering if you, a family member, a loved one, and/or a patient is eligible for a Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) program within the MEIP network; or if are a mental health provider seeking consultation with another provider, or a formal assessment of your patient, please call our centralized line: 

877-277-MEIP (6347)

Learn More About What We Do