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Maryland Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) Program

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MAHEC Program Highlights 2023-2024

2023 - 2024 Program Highlights

The Maryland Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) Program is a community engagement and impact initiative supported by the University of Maryland School of Medicine with funding from the Health Resources & Services Administration and the Maryland Department of Health.

The mission of the MAHEC Program is to improve the health of all Marylanders, by recruiting, training, and retaining a qualified and diverse health workforce in underserved areas. We envision a Maryland where every individual has access to a diverse and qualified health workforce who strives for equity in caring for all.

MAHEC Centers

The MAHEC Program and its first center, AHEC West (formerly Western Maryland Area Health Education Center), were established in 1976. The Eastern Shore Area Health Education Center (ESAHEC) was the second center established in 1995 and the third was the Central Maryland AHEC (formerly Baltimore Area Health Education Center) in 2003.

MAHEC Centers map

MAHEC Programs

MAHEC Programs Presentation

Maryland AHEC Education and Training Programs


A Special Message from the Maryland Area Health Education Program Office and Statewide Centers

Picture of letter

July 1, 2020

Everywhere around us we are seeing and recognizing examples of social injustice. This is not new, but now is in the forefront of the news as well as everyone’s mind. Racism also contributes to health care disparities. We want you to know that the Maryland AHEC Program, established over 40 years ago was founded to address inequity in American health care. Our Centers are based in three underserved areas of the state: AHEC West in Cumberland, Maryland; Eastern Shore AHEC (ESAHEC) in Cambridge, Maryland and the Central Maryland AHEC (CMAHEC) in Baltimore City.

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Perman at Rural Residency Program

Rural Residency Program Will Aid Eastern Shore

July 29, 2019
The Elm
Author: Mary T. Phelan

A new rural residency program made possible through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will address a growing shortage of primary care providers on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. HRSA Administrator George Sigounas, MS, PhD, announced the $750,000 grant award at a July 18 news conference at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) Health Sciences Research Facility III...

Eric Barksdale

YouthWorks Interns Get Simulation Education Primer

July 24, 2019
The Elm
Author: Lou Cortina

Eric Barksdale is a rising senior at Dunbar High School who can envision himself working in the health care field. A recent trip with fellow students in the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) Summer Bioscience Internship Program (SBIP) put that vision into much clearer focus.


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