The JACQUES Initiative
Jacques Initiative Discovery
Community Outreach

*Subpages in the navigation to add content.

*Suggestion - If content is brief for each of the three subpages, you may want to use tabs or accordions to put all of the content on this one page, rather than having separate pages


Existing Community Outreach content

The JACQUES Journey Center
520 W. Fayette St. Suite 140
Baltimore, MD 21201

The Community Outreach Team provides free support services and care in a sex-positive, non-judgmental manner while following principles of harm-reduction. Our target population is located throughout the State of Maryland, including State Correctional Facilities, with a particular focus on the Baltimore Metropolitan Area.

Walk in: Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 4:00pm 
By appointment: Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm 

Contact us: 410-706-6410  

Services include: 

  • FREE Rapid and Confidential HIV & Hepatitis C Testing, results in 20 minutes
  • Linkage to HIV and/or Hepatitis C Medical Services
  • Linkage to Biomedical Prevention Services - PrEP & PEP
  • Sexual Health Education
  • FREE condom distribution
  • Personalized Prevention Kits