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Application Process

Potential GCRC users are encouraged to meet with Jennifer Marron, the GCRC Nurse Manager, before submitting an application. Ms. Marron can be reached at 410-328-7368.

All projects using GCRC resources must be approved by the General Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee (GAC). The process for gaining access to GCRC resources is as follows:

  • Indicate intent to use GCRC resources on the "Organizational Review Requirements" page in Cicero, then complete and submit the GCRC application in the workspace generated by Cicero.
    1. The GAC meets the third Tuesday of each month to review applications. At the meeting, the Advisory Committee will vote with one of the following actions: Approve; Approve with Required Contingencies; Defer; or Disapprove.
    2. Investigators and/or a representative who is familiar with the protocol must attend the GAC meeting in order to beifly present their protocol and address any questions the GAC might have; protocols will not be reviewed if they are not presented. The presentation should be no more than 5 minutes. 
    3. Written notification of the Committee's action will be sent within one week of the meeting date. The letter will indicate which resources have been approved and the extent to which the GCRC will be able to provide these resources.


  1. The application may be submitted in Cicero for GAC review/approval prior to IRB approval. However, the protocol must have UMB IRB approval before work can begin.
  2. A physician who has privileges at UMMC must be included in the IRB-approved protocol for medical coverage of study subjects.

For questions or assistance with the application contact: 

GCRC Nurse Manager

GCRC Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting Dates & Application Deadlines

The GCRC Advisory Committee (GAC) meets the third Tuesday of each month.  The deadline for submission of applications is two weeks before the meeting.

Once we receive a GCRC application, the protocol is assigned to a primary and secondary reviewer, as well as a biostatistician for review. The PI is expected to briefly present their protocol at the GAC meeting. For more information regarding the GCRC application, click here: Application Process

2025 GAC Schedule- Meetings and Deadlines

GAC Meeting Application Submission Deadline
 January 21 January 7
February 18 February 4
March 18 March 4
April 15 April 1
May 20 May 6
June 17 June 3
July 15 July 1
August 19 August 5
September 16 September 2
October 21 October 7
November 18 November 4
December 16 December 2