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- Aarabi, Bizhan
- Aaron David Greenblatt, MD
- Aaronson, Scott
- Aasim, Alina
- Abbas, Hatoon
- Abbasi, Abdolrahim
- Abbott, Bernard
- Abdalla, Hossam
- Abdel-Gawad, Ahmed Saad
- Abdelaal, Yara
- Abdelazim, Suzanne Aly
- Abdollahy Biroon, Fatemeh
- Abdullah, Sarah
- Aberdeen, Graham
- Abernathy, Troy
- Abigail Dennis
- Abimiku, Alash'le
- Aboulafia, Albert
- Abraham, Michael
- Abrams, Thomas
- Abularach, Silvia
- Abzug, Joshua
- Adali, Tulay
- Adams, Curtis
- Adams, Heather
- Adams, Rickey
- Adashek, Michael
- Adashek, Steven
- Adashi, Kristen
- Addison, Jason
- Addison, Odessa
- Adebajo, Sylvia
- Adebamowo, Clement
- Adegbulugbe, Henry
- Adiba, Afifa
- Adler, Jason
- Afshar, Elham
- Agarwal, Neil
- Agarwal, Ritu
- Agrawal, Jay
- Agueh, Modupe, (Agueh Mccracken, Modupe)
- Ahadi, Negin
- Ahmad, Fahim
- Ahmad, Ghasan
- Ahmad, Haroon
- Ahmad, Omar
- Ahmad, Sameer
- Ahmed, Ayahallah
- Ahmed, Hiba
- Ahmed, Zubair
- Ahodantin, James
- Ahuja, Sarina
- Aidoo, Megan
- Aiello, David
- Ajayi, Olayemi Oluwaseun
- Ajibola, Musa
- Ajide, Oluwakemi
- Akano, Emmanuel
- Akin, Barbara
- Akinkunmi, Lanre
- Akinmboni, Temitope Olufunlayo
- Akinsanya, Adefolake
- Akras, James
- Aktay, Atiye Nur
- Aktay, Recai
- Al-Ibrahim, Mohamed
- Al-Sabban, Abdulhameed
- Al-Samrrai, Eman
- Al-Talib, Khalid
- Alam, Marie Rose
- Alattar, Omar
- Alblaihed, Leen
- Albrecht, Eugene
- Albrecht, Jennifer
- Alen, Jessica
- Alexander, Janet
- Alger, Bradley
- Alger, Lindsay
- Ali, Afrah Abdul Wahid
- Ali, Farhan
- Ali, Mahwish
- Ali, Sophia
- Ali, Zabiullah
- Allaham, Haytham
- Allbritton, Jill
- Allen, John
- Allen, Thomas
- Alley, Dawn
- Almashat, Sammy
- Almeida, Nelson
- Alnababteh, Muhtadi
- Alon, Gad
- Alperovitz-Bichell, Kari
- Althaus, Janyne Edith
- Althuis, Michelle
- Alzarka, Bakri
- Alzubi, Mohammad
- Amadu, David
- Amara, Richard
- Ambaye, Nigus
- Ambinder, Daniel
- Amble, Arun
- Ambro, Bryan
- Ambrose Stout, Katharine
- Ambulos, Nicholas
- Ament, Seth
- Ames, Heather
- Amin, Akshay
- Amin, Idris
- Amin, Mohammed Nurul
- Amin, Pradip
- Amin, Vinisha
- Amini, Amin
- Amirahmadi, Roxana
- Amlani, Mohan
- Amoroso, Anthony
- Amr, Sania
- An, Max
- Anand, Aishwarya
- Ananthram, Manjula
- Ananyeva, Natalya
- Anastasiadis, Pavlos
- Anders, Megan
- Anderson Tull, Tangela
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, Douglas
- Anderson, Eric
- Anjum, Anam
- Ansah, Rosemary
- Ansari, Mohsin
- Antalis, Toni
- Antoniades, John
- Antonios, Lara
- Anu, Rita
- Aouchiche, Rachid
- Aparece, Tikee
- Apostolova, Elisaveta
- Appaswamy, Meera
- Appel, Lindsey
- Apple, Janice
- Applebaum, Yitz
- Applefeld, Mark
- Appleton, Cheryl
- Arango, Celso
- Arbuah-Aning, Rochelle
- Ardanuy, Jeremy
- Ardeshirylajimi, Abdolreza
- Argeles, Pablo
- Arjona, Sterling
- Arnott, Katherine
- Aronson, Rebecca
- Arrabal, Peter
- Arria, Amelia
- Arrison, Daniel
- Arul, Remya
- Arun, Anirudh
- Arya, Awadhesh
- Arzadon, Glenn
- Asadi, Mohammad
- Asare-Owusu, Bridget
- Ashley, Stephanie
- Ashraf, Nida
- Ashwal, Joseph
- Aslanabadi, Arash
- Assefa, Beza
- Atamas, Sergei
- Atanackovic, Djordje
- Athale, Janhavi
- Atlas, Robert
- Attar, Safuh
- Attman, Patricia
- Awad, Ola
- Awan, Omer
- Ayankunbi, Rachael
- Aygun, Mehtap
- Ayyala, Srinivas
- Azad, Abdu
- Azarbarzin, Shirin
- Azim, Shafquat
- Badawi, Deborah
- Badesch, Brittany
- Badjatia, Neeraj
- Badro, Bassim
- Badros, Ashraf
- Badrzadeh, Fariba
- Baek, Danielle
- Baer, Maria
- Baghdadi, Jonathan
- Bagheri, Sayna
- Baghi, Raziyeh
- Bahrami, Afsaneh
- Bahrani, Ashkan
- Baidoo, Nana
- Baig, Azam
- Bailey, Christopher
- Bailey, Jason
- Bakshi, Anshika
- Balaji, Kannan
- Balcer-Kubiczek, Elizabeth
- Baliban, Scott
- Ballin, Jeff
- Balumuka, Darius
- Banerjee, Aditi
- Banerjee, Anirban
- Banerjee, Monica
- Bang, Christine Ko
- Bannerman, Douglas
- Bansal, Sonia
- Bar, Eli
- Baranano, David
- Baribwira, Cyprien
- Barlow, Sam
- Barnes, Ashley
- Barnet, Beth
- Barone, Melissa
- Barr, Brian
- Barr, Nancy
- Barrett, James
- Barron, Kristin
- Barrueto, Fermin
- Barry, Eileen
- Barry, Kathryn Hughes
- Bartolac, Steven
- Baskakov, Ilia
- Basnet, Suresh
- Basquin, Denis
- Bassi, Ashwani
- Bassi, Sumit
- Basu, Sayon
- Bauer, Brent
- Bauer, Karen
- Baugher, William
- Baumgarten, Mona
- Bavoil, Patrik
- Beall, Stephanie
- Beamer, Brock
- Beason, Tiffany
- Bechtel, Roy
- Becker, Stewart
- Beckmann, Allison
- Beggiato, Sarah
- Behrens, Mary
- Beitelshees, Amber
- Belcher, Annabelle
- Bell, Tiffany
- Belleza, Walter
- Bellinger, Elizabeth
- Belot, Audrey
- Belyansky, Igor
- Belyayev, Leonid
- Benavides, David R.
- Benda, Rashmi Khosla
- Benitez, Roberto
- Benjamin, Marshall
- Bennett, Christina
- Bennett, Melanie
- Bentley, William
- Benton, Ashley
- Bentzen, Soren
- Berger, Ann
- Berger, Michael
- Berger, Zackary
- Bergman, Daniel
- Bergstrom, Curt
- Berhane, Tsion
- Berman, Brian
- Bernstein, Lori
- Bernstein, Steven
- Berry, Andrea A.
- Bettegowda, Chetan
- Bettwy, Cassandra
- Bever, Christopher
- Bhandari, Arun
- Bharadwaj, Shobana
- Bhat, Abid
- Bhati, Chandra
- Bhatnagar, Anuj
- Bhusal, Subarna
- Bianchet, Mario
- Bibollet, Hugo
- Bigman, Galya
- Biondo, Thomas
- Birenbaum, Howard
- Birnbaum, Jason
- Birukov, Konstantin
- Birukova, Anna
- Bisordi, Katharine
- Bisson, Sharen, (Bisson, Sharen Marie Bridge)
- Biswal, Nrusingh
- Biswas, Kousick
- Bivona, Louis
- Bizzell, Kimberlee
- Bjarnadottir, Margret Vilborg
- Black, Destiny
- Black, Maureen
- Blaine, Andrea
- Blanchard, May
- Blanchard, Melvin
- Blanchard, Samra
- Blanchard, Thomas
- Blanco, Jorge
- Blanpied, Thomas
- Blaustein, Mordecai
- Blazer, Ashira
- Blitzer, Miriam
- Bloch, Robert
- Block, Brian
- Blotny, Krystyna
- Blumberg, Neil
- Blumenthal, Jacob
- Bodanapally, Uttam
- Boehlke, Kelleen
- Boekeloo, Bradley
- Boer, Miriam
- Bohnenkamp, Jill
- Bohner, Brian
- Bolander, Claire
- Bolgiano, Edward
- Bollinger, Mary
- Bolstridge, Jeffrey
- Bolten, Shannon
- Bonatti, Hugo
- Bond, Jodi
- Bond, Michael
- Bontempo, Laura
- Bonyun, Marissa
- Boone, Karen
- Booth, Jayaum
- Booth, Mary Ann
- Borcar, Apurva
- Borda, Victor
- Bork, Jacqueline
- Born, Louis
- Borzekowski, Dina
- Boscak, Alexis
- Boswell, Kimberly
- Boughman, Joann
- Bourmaf, Mohammad
- Bowman, Peter
- Boyd, Malinda
- Boyer, George
- Boyle, Karen
- Boyman, Liron
- Brader, Alan
- Brady, Rachel
- Brager, Myles
- Braman, Randi
- Branch, Gregory
- Brandt, Harry
- Brandt, Joanna
- Brantner, Christine
- Bratton, Stephanie
- Braun, Robynne
- Braver, Elisa
- Breakey, Donald
- Bregman, Jana
- Bright, Kim
- Britt, Edward
- Broderick, Meaghan
- Brodie, Jeffrey
- Bromberg, Jonathan
- Brookman, Jason
- Brooks, Justin
- Brotman, Rebecca M.
- Brown, Clayton
- Brown, Desmond
- Brown, Eric
- Brown, James
- Brown, JaNya
- Brown, Jeffrey
- Brown, Jessica
- Brown, Kyle
- Brown, Paul
- Brown, Penny
- Brown, Rebecca
- Brown, Sarah
- Brown, Shereene
- Brown, Tania
- Browne, Brian
- Browne, Maria Creciun
- Bruce, Heather
- Bruce, Matthew
- Brull, Stanley
- Brumback, Robert
- Brundage, S.I.
- Bruno, Richard
- Bruno, Vincent
- Bryant, Joseph
- Bryl, Angela
- Bucak, Mevlut
- Bucci, Cynthia
- Buchanan, Laura
- Buchanan, Robert
- Buchwald, Andrea
- Buehler, Paul
- Buescher, Monica
- Buganu, Adelina
- Bui, Tu Thanh
- Bukhari, Khulood
- Bulatovic, Anamaria
- Buonaguro, Luigi
- Burd, Irina
- Burke, Allen
- Burnette, Jordan
- Butler, Kenneth
- Butler, Melinda
- Butt, Bilal
- Buzza, Marguerite
- Caccamese, John
- Caceres Noguera, Juan Alfredo
- Cagney, Julie
- Cahan, Mitchell Aaron
- Cain, Christian
- Cairo, Cristiana
- Calarco, Cali
- Calia, Frank
- Call, Sarah
- Callahan, Charles
- Callahan, Michele
- Calu, Donna
- Camacho Ortega, Sigrid
- Camargo Fernandez-Baca, Aldo
- Cammin, Jochen
- Campbell, James
- Campbell, John
- Candela, Philip
- Cannon, Dawn
- Cao, Chunzhang
- Cao, Xuefang
- Capo Quetglas, Antonio
- Carbonetti, Nicholas
- Cardoso, Joseph
- Cardozo, Carlos
- Carella, Beth
- Carey, Gregory
- Carmack, Anna
- Carneiro da Silva, Joana
- Carpenter, Jessica
- Carpenter, Ross
- Carpenter, William
- Carr, Diamond
- Carr, Elizabeth
- Carraccio, Carol
- Carreto-Binaghi, Laura
- Carrier, France
- Carter, Kayla
- Carter, Kennita
- Carter, Rebecca
- Carter-Pokras, Olivia
- Caruso, Arnaldo
- Caruso, Michael
- Casey, Susan Bleasdale
- Cassady, Steven
- Cassano, Victoria
- Castaneda, Edwin
- Castellano, James
- Caulfield, Amanda
- Cavanaugh, Daniel
- Cebotaru, Valeriu
- Celebi, Neziha
- Celi, Francesco
- Centeno, Jose
- Cerny, Jan
- Chadwick, Tara
- Chae, Songah
- Chahal, Diljon
- Chahal, Jagman Singh
- Chalise, Ananta
- Chamberlain, Catherine
- Chan, Caleb
- Chandia Cristi, America
- Chandra, Amitabh
- Chandra, Prakash
- Chandra, Preeti
- Chandra, Ramesh
- Chandra, Vedansh
- Chang, Joy
- Chang, Linda
- Chang, Louis
- Chang, Randy
- Chang, Wan-Tsu
- Chang, Yen-Pei
- Chang, Yonmee
- Chang, Yushi
- Chao, Amanda
- Chao, Wei
- Chard, Sarah
- Charina Reyes
- Charurat, Man
- Chase, Adrienne
- Chasm, Rose
- Chatree, Saimai
- Chatterjee, Aditi
- Chatterjee, Budhaditya
- Chatterjee, Som
- Chaturvedi, Seemant
- Chaudhary, Mirnal
- Chaves, Alicia
- Chawla, Kiranpreet
- Chawla, Monica
- Cheer, Joseph
- Cheloff, Gregory
- Chen, Chixiang
- Chen, Hairong
- Chen, Hegang
- Chen, Hongxia
- Chen, Jiayan
- Chen, Jie
- Chen, Joseph
- Chen, Kai
- Chen, Kevin
- Chen, Lei Jia
- Chen, Lina
- Chen, Qinghao
- Chen, Rong
- Chen, Shifeng
- Chen, Shuo
- Chen, Stephanie
- Chen, Wengen
- Chen, Wilbur
- Chenault, Kathryn
- Cheng, Amy
- Cheng, Kunrong
- Cheng, Yu-Ching
- Chenoweth, Joshua
- Cherian, Jacob
- Cherukumilli, Sumanth
- Cheston, Sally
- Cheung, Nora Ham-Ting
- Chew, Jane
- Chew, Kin Wah
- Chezar-Azerrad, Chava
- Chiappelli, Joshua
- Chieppa, Marcello
- Chilaka, Natalie
- Chin, Kenneth
- Chin, Thomas
- Chiu, William
- Cho, Eunsung
- Cho, Suhan
- Chodoff, Alaina
- Choi, Chang
- Choi, Hyunjin
- Choi, Youngshim
- Choo, Shelly
- Choudhry, Shabbir
- Chow, Robert, T
- Chozha Rathinam
- Christenson, Robert
- Chryssikos, Timothy
- Chu, Chengyan
- Chu, Eileen
- Chua, Joel
- Chung, C. Yvonne
- Chung, Hee Kyoung
- Chung, Susie
- Chung, Yau Huei
- Ciarkowski, Janet
- Ciccarelli, Karen
- Cina, Majid
- Ciner, Aaron
- Cinnamon, Katherine
- Ciryam, Prajwal
- Citron, Wendla
- Civin, Curt
- Claassen, Cassidy
- Clark, Adam
- Clark, Jaclyn
- Clark, Melissa
- Clark, Sarah
- Clauss, Jacqueline
- Cleary, Joseph
- Clemens, John
- Clemens, Jonathan
- Clemens, Thomas
- Cloak, Christine
- Cloeren, Marianne
- Closs, Brian
- Closson, Forrest T.
- Cobb, Megan
- Cockey, James
- Coffey, Kc
- Cohee, Lauren M
- Cohen, Alan
- Cohen, Miriam
- Cole, John
- Coleman, Patrick
- Colgan, Richard
- Collerius, Andrea
- Collins, Beverly
- Collins, Kim
- Collins, Mary Louise
- Colloca, Luana
- Connolly, Margaret Julia
- Connor, Andrew
- Connors, Elizabeth
- Connors, Kathleen
- Conroy, Susan
- Conroy, Vincent
- Constantine, Niel
- Conti, Bianca
- Conway De Macario, Everly
- Conway, Ashlee
- Conway, Janet
- Cook, Mary
- Cooper, Joanna
- Cootauco, Alice
- Corti, Paola
- Corwell, Brian
- Corwin, Amanda
- Costa Medeiros, Gustavo
- Cothran, Valerie
- Cott, Anisa
- Coughlan, Lynda
- Coupet, Dimitri
- Couture, Leah Anna
- Coyle, David Tyler
- Craig, Jessica
- Cramer, Nathan
- Crandall, Kenneth Matthew
- Crane, Hal
- Crawford, Geoffrey
- Crawford, Steven
- Cricks, Richelle
- Crino, Jude
- Crino, Peter
- Cristina Barbosa Feather
- Crocco, Todd
- Cross, Raymond
- Crowley, Helena
- Culbreth, Adam
- Cullen, Kevin
- Culpepper, William
- Cumming, M. Olivia
- Cunningham, Dana
- Cupka, Bryan
- Curtin, Bryan
- Cusack, Thomas
- Custer, Jason
- Czinn, Steven
- D'Adamo, Christopher
- D'Ambrosio, Brianna
- D'Arbela, Christine
- D'Orta, James
- D'Souza, Warren
- Dahal, Shishir
- Dahiya, Saurabh
- Dajani, Daoud
- Dakum, Patrick
- Dal Molin, Claudia
- Dallal, Cher
- Dalmasy-Frouin, Johannes
- Dalury, David
- Daly, Barry
- Dambaeva, Ariuna
- Damenti, Martina
- Dampare, Laurene
- Dan, Hancai
- Daniel, Emily
- Danielson, Christine
- Danna, Natalie
- Dante, Siddhartha
- Dara Farber
- Darvish, Mahtab
- Darwin, Peter
- Das, Ajit
- Das, Gyan
- Das, Maya
- Dasgupta, Souradip
- Dash, Paul
- DasSarma, Shiladitya
- Datta, Sujata
- Dattwyler, Matthew Peter
- Davalos, Julio
- Davick, Alan
- Davies, Erika
- Davis, Alon
- Davis, Beshaun
- Davis, Derik
- Davis, Esa
- Davis, Jeremy
- Davis, Natalie
- Davis, Stephen
- Dayes, Nathaniel
- De Albuquerque, Nathalia
- De Matos Manoel, Beatriz
- De, Tamasa
- Dea, Lyn
- deBorja, Christopher
- Deck, Steven
- Deepak, Janaki
- Del Deo, Vito
- Del Mauro, Gianpaolo
- Del Veliz, Samanta
- Delano, Michael
- Delanois, Ronald
- Delany, Rachel
- Delapenha, Andrew
- DeLucia, Vittoria
- DeMartino, Anthony
- Deming, Meagan
- DeMoss, Austin
- Deng, Wei
- Deng, Zhuoheng
- Dengler, Bradley
- Dennis, Elizabeth
- Desai, Andrea
- Desai, Sachin
- Desantis, Anthony
- Deshpande, Seema
- Desikan, Sarasijhaa
- Despres, Hannah
- Detrich, Terry
- Detterline, Alvin
- Deverka, Patricia
- Devine, Scott
- Devkota, Hari Raj
- Deza, Florence
- Dezman, Zachary
- Dhillon, Gagandeep
- Diao, Guoquig
- Diaz Calderon, Lina
- Diaz, Johana
- Diaz-Abad, Montserrat
- Dick, Ivy
- Dick-Biascoechea, Madeline
- Dickerson, Faith
- Dickfeld, Timm-Michael
- Dickstein, Rian
- Diedrich, Andre
- Dietrick, Daniel
- Dilip Kumar, Shilpa
- Dilsizian, Vasken
- DiMino, Mark
- Dittmar, Philip
- Divakaruni, Nisha
- Dixon, Lisa
- Dixon, Shannan
- Dobben, Elizabeth
- Dobs, Adrian S.
- Doctor, Allan
- Doddi, Seshagiri
- Dole, Yves-Richard
- Domanski, Michael
- Dona, Samuel
- Donahoo, Elizabeth
- Donenberg, Jennifer
- Dong, Yu
- Donohue, April, (Donohue-Grizzard, April)
- Donohue, Katelyn
- Doo, Florence Xini
- Dooley, Helen
- Dorgan, Joanne
- Dorsey, Carrie
- Dorsey, Nicolas
- Dorsey, Susan
- dosReis, Susan
- Doub, James
- Doucette, Lorraine
- Downing, Jessica
- Doyle, Courtney
- Drachenberg, Cinthia Beskow
- Drake, Wonder
- Drapalski, Amy
- Dreizin, David
- Drillings, Ian
- Driscoll, Amanda
- Driscoll, Marcia
- Drogula, Cynthia
- Drohat, Alexander
- Drossner, Michael
- Drostin, Christina
- Du, Shaojun (Jim)
- Duan, Jianli
- Dubbs, Sarah
- Dubin, Hinda
- Dubowitz, Howard
- Dudley, Sara
- Duffy, Richard
- Duggan, Jessie
- Duggirala, Amar
- Duh, Show-Hong
- Dulkerian, Susan
- Dumetz, Franck
- Duncan, George
- Dunham, Alexandra
- Dunn, Kelly
- Dunning Hotopp, Julie C.
- Dunning, Megan Elizabeth
- Duong, Vu
- Durairaj Pandian, Vishnuprabu
- Duru, Nadire
- Dutta, Sudhir
- Dutton, Richard
- Dwivedi, Ankit
- Dyalram, Donita
- Dyer, Typhanye
- Eaton, Katherine
- Eberhart, Charles
- Ebraheem, Adel
- Edelman, Robert
- Eden, Elizabeth Lane
- Eduardo Solano Gonzalez, PhD
- Edwards, Sarah
- Edwards, Vonetta
- Edwards, Willarda
- Efron, David
- Eglseder, W. Andrew
- Egyud, Matthew
- Ehrenreich, Mark
- Eisenberg, Howard
- Eisenman, David
- Ejaz, Abutaleb Ahsan
- Eke, Uzoamaka
- El Sayed, Mazen
- El-Kamary, Samer
- El-Metwally, Dina
- El-Sayed, Khalid
- El-Shinawi, Mohamed
- Elahi, Montasir
- Ellerkmann, R. Mark
- Elliott, Bethany
- Elliott, Esther
- Ellis, Julie
- Ellish, Nancy
- Elmer, Gregory
- Elpert, Lana
- Elsaid, Salaheldeen
- Elsasser, Theodore
- Eluchie, Tonye Ogechi
- Emmanuvel, Arputharaj
- Enelow, Thomas
- Engelstein, Joel
- Englum, Brian Robert
- Enomoto-Iwamoto, Motomi
- Ercan, Hasan
- Ernst, Robert
- Ernst, Thomas
- Erzurumlu, Reha
- Escuro, Katrina Cecilia Osin
- Esege, Ivara
- Eskandar, Marina
- Esmati, Elnaz
- Esparza Bracho, Jose
- Esposito, Emily
- Etezadi, Vahid
- Ettinger, Walter
- Euerle, Brian
- Evans, Joyce
- Evans-Wood, Allison
- Exantus Bernard, Gina
- Ezelle, Heather
- Faculty Profile Test
- Faden, Alan
- Fadon Padilla, Lucia
- Fahey, Jenifer
- Fahmi, Fahmi
- Falat, Cheyenne
- Falvey, Jason
- Fanaroff, Rachel
- Fang, Adam
- Fang, Beverly
- Fang, Shengyun
- Fang, Wei Han
- Farese, Ann
- Farley, John
- Farooq, Amina
- Farooq, Umer
- Farrior, Carmen
- Farvolden, Davis
- Fasano, Alessio
- Faw, Timothy
- Fay, Jonathan
- Feder, Ethan
- Feigelman, Susan
- Feinstein, Sharon
- Feldman, Ricardo
- Feng, Hanping
- Feng, Sheng
- Ferenc Livak
- Ferentz, Kevin
- Ferguson, Robert
- Ferrada, Marcela
- Ferraro, Luca
- Ferraz, Camila
- Ferre, Sergi
- Ferrer, Christina
- Ferris, Matthew
- Ferrucci, Luigi
- Fertig, Elana
- Fey, Gregory
- Fields, Abbie
- Fields, Julie
- Fiergang, Dean
- Filak, Kristopher
- Film, Roy
- Finigan-Carr, Nadine
- Finn, Aloke
- Finney, R. C. Stewart
- Fischell, Stefanie
- Fischer, Beverly
- Fischer, Kyle
- Fischer, Max
- Fischler, Samuel
- Fishbein, David
- Fisher, Evan
- Fisher, John
- Fisher, Michael
- Fishman, Marc
- Fishman, Paul
- Fiskum, Gary
- Fitzpatrick, James, L
- Fitzpatrick, Meagan
- Fix, Alan
- Flack, Tristan
- Flaherty, Marissa
- Flajnik, Martin
- Flammer, Kristin
- Flanagan, Constance
- Flanagan, Kevin John
- Flaster, Harry
- Fleisher, Albert
- Fleiter, Thorsten
- Fletke, Kyle
- Fleurimond, Christine
- Flint, Robert
- Floccare, Douglas
- Flores, Raymond
- Flowers, Adrienne EC
- Fokar, Ali
- Fonseca, Yudy
- Fontaine, Magali
- Forbes, Kristin L
- Forbess, Joseph
- Forbess, Lisa
- Forman, Joshua
- Forrester, Anique
- Forrester, Jenny
- Forrester, Terrence
- Foster, Cortney
- Fouche-Weber, LaRita
- Fox, Charles
- Fox, Kathleen
- France, Michael
- Francis, Martha
- Franco, Lucas
- Frankel, Neal
- Franklin, Renty
- Franklin, Thomas
- Franks, Teri
- Franzini, Luisa
- Fraser, Claire
- Frattali, Sarah
- Frayha, Neda
- Frazier, Aletta
- Fredrich, Sarah
- French, Linda
- Fricke, W. Florian
- Friedel, Samuel
- Friedman, Gary
- Friedman-Klabanoff, DeAnna
- Frieman, Matthew
- Fripp, Natelaine
- Frisch, Melissa
- Friske, Casey
- Fromowitz, Ariel
- Fu, De-Xue
- Fu, Song
- Fu, Yinghua
- Fuchs, Paul
- Fulton, Amy
- Fulton, Carmen
- Funk, Carly
- Furman, Andrew
- Furrs, Jonathan
- Furuno, Jon
- Fuscaldo, Joseph
- Fuselier, Michelle
- Gadalla, Shahinaz
- Gadhia, Dhruv
- Gaffney, Laura
- Gage, Mark
- Gagnier, James
- Gaines, Ariel
- Gaitens, Joanna
- Gajer, Pawel
- Galen, James
- Galey, Jessica
- Galindo, Javier
- Galkin, Andrey
- Gallicchio, Lisa
- Gallot, Alice
- Galvagno, Samuel
- Galvin, Jeffrey
- Gambert, Steven
- Gamez De Levy, Patricia
- Gandhi, Devang
- Gandhi, Dheeraj
- Gandotra, Sheetal
- Gandsas, Alejandro
- Ganesan, Rita
- Gao, Hongjuan
- Garcia-Bunuel, Martin
- Garg, Vivek
- Garrett-Ray, Stacy
- Garstka, Meghan Elizabeth
- Gartner, Suzanne
- Garzino-Demo, Alfredo
- Gaskin, Peter
- Gaskin, Richelle
- Gattu, Kanchana
- Gatz, J. David, (Gatz, John)
- Gautam, Ujwal
- Gaykalova, Daria
- Gayoso-Adam, Ella
- Gearhart, John
- Gebreyesus, Heran
- Gelfand, Kenneth
- Geng, Degui
- Gens, David
- George, Nicole
- Gerbino, Jeffrey
- Germanas, Juris
- Geroff, Adam
- Gerold, Kevin
- Gerzanich, Vladimir
- Gessner, Bradford
- Gharaibeh, Kamel
- Gheorghiu, Ileana
- Gheorghiu, Ioana
- Ghert, Michelle
- Ghneim, Mira
- Ghobakhlou, Fardin F
- Ghosh, Alip
- Ghoz, Hassan
- Gibson, Glen
- Giffin, Genevieve
- Gifford, Jeneen
- Giglio, Michelle
- Gill, Margo L.K.
- Gillespie, Joseph
- Gilliam, Bruce
- Gilotra, Mohit
- Gilpin, Adele
- Gingold, Daniel
- Gipson, Tanjala
- Girard, Antonia
- Giudice, Erin
- Gladstein, Jack
- Gladwin, Mark
- Glass, Burton
- Glasser, David
- Glazer-Semmel, Esta
- Glick, Danielle
- Glickman, Leslie
- Glovinsky, David
- Gnatt, Averell
- Goel, Nidhi
- Goel, Rinal
- Goel, Sanjay
- Goelet, Philip
- Goetzinger, Katherine
- Gold, James
- Gold, Robert
- Goldberg, Eric
- Goldberg, Nelson
- Goldberg, Richard
- Goldberg, Samuel
- Goldblum, Simeon
- Golding, Amit
- Golding, Corey
- Goldman, Howard
- Goldman, Howard H
- Goldman, Michael
- Goldner, Ronald
- Goldwaser, Eric Luria
- Goloubeva, Olga
- Gong, Da-Wei
- Gonzaga, Rosario
- Good, Karen
- Goode, Courtney
- Goodell, Maryellen
- Goodfellow, Molly Jo
- Goodman, Jay
- Goodman, Katherine
- Goodwin, Aijah
- Gopal, Arun
- Gordes, Karen
- Gordon, Charles
- Gordon, Helen
- Gorelick, David
- Gorman, Emily
- Gorman, Peter
- Gorn, Caroline
- Gossa, Weyinshet
- Gottdiener, John
- Gottlieb Sen, Danielle
- Gottlieb, Andrea
- Gottlieb, Stephen
- Gould, Todd
- Gourab, Krishnaj
- Gourdine, Michelle
- Gover, Tony
- Gowayed, Omar
- Grabow, Theodore
- Grace, George
- Graciano, E. Ana Lia
- Grant, Matthew John
- Grant, Michael
- Grasso, Michael
- Grattan, Lynn
- Gray, Vicki
- Grazioli, Alison
- Greeley, Karen
- Green, Kerry
- Greene, Carol
- Greenwald, Bruce
- Gregory, Shana
- Gregory, Thomas
- Greiser, Maura
- Grewal, Ashanpreet
- Grewal, Reetika
- Grier, William
- Griffith, Bartley
- Griffith, Kathleen
- Griggs, Mayra
- Grimes, Kathryn
- Grissom, Thomas
- Grossman, Glenn
- Grossman, John Charles
- Groves, Mari
- Gruber-Baldini, Ann
- Gruenebast, Janne
- Grumbine, F. Lawson
- Grzywinski, Matthew
- Gu, Jiajia
- Gu, Xinyu
- Guang, Wei
- Guardiani, Elizabeth
- Gucer, Patricia
- Guerrero, Mariana
- Guo, Bing
- Gupta, Anuj
- Gupta, Anuj Kumar
- Gupta, Ekta
- Gupta, Ishita
- Gupta, Saurabh
- Gupta, Shailvi
- Guralnik, Jack
- Gurmu, Samson
- Gutierrez, Camilo
- Guyther, Jennifer
- Gvozden, Andre
- Haake, Andrea
- Haase, Daniel Jennings
- Habashi, Nader
- Hachaambwa, Lottie
- Hackett, Adanna
- Hackman, Ann
- Haft, Howard
- Haft, Sunny
- Hagan, Matilda
- Hagberg, James
- Hager, Erin
- Hahn, Alexander
- Hamad, Gulakhshan
- Hamburger, Anne
- Hamburger, David
- Hamidi, Cyrus
- Hamilton-Powell, Billie
- Hamlyn, John
- Hammer, Alyssa
- Hammershaimb, Elizabeth Adrianne Duque
- Hamza, Iqbal
- Han, Albert
- Han, Dong
- Han, Joan
- Han, Zhe
- Haneef, Amatul-Akhir
- Hanes, Donna
- Hankey, Kim
- Hanna, Nader
- Hansen, Karen
- Hanson, Annette
- Hanson, Jarod
- Haque, Reyaz
- Hardesty, Daniel
- Harding, Joel
- Hardy, Nancy
- Hare, Stephanie
- Harfouch, Omar
- Harfouche, Melike
- Hariharan, Ashwini
- Harioudh, Munesh
- Haririan, Abdolreza
- Harman, Christopher
- Harms, Jamie
- Harraz, Maged
- Harris Wallace, Brandy
- Harris, Anthony
- Harrison, Daniel
- Harrison, Shannon Takala
- Harrison-Restelli, Catherine
- Harvey, Brandon
- Hasan
- Hasan, Ahmed A.
- Hasan, Syed
- Hasday, Jeffrey
- Hasin, Farah Syeda
- Hassan, Bashar
- Hassan, Md Mahadi
- Hassel, Bret
- Hatfield, Bradley
- Hatten, Kyle
- Hausner, Petr
- Hayes, John
- Hayes, Michael
- Hazen, Tracy
- He, Xin
- Heavner, Jason
- Hebert, Andrea
- Hegab Souquette, Aisha
- Hegarty, Kathleen Therese
- Hegde, Kavita
- Heil, Emily
- Heinbockel, Thomas
- Heisler, Alexander
- Heisler, Samantha
- Heller, Lawrence
- Heller, Todd
- Heltzel, Justin
- Hemady, Ramzi
- Hemani, Alnoor
- Hempen, Eric
- Henderson, Amanda
- Henderson, Fraser
- Henderson, Reney
- Hendrix, Cheralyn
- Henn, R. Frank
- Henneghan, Tedric
- Henry, Gavin
- Henry, Rebecca
- Henry, Sharon
- Hepburn, Brian
- Hepp, Cheryl
- Herb, Brian
- Herdt, Donald
- Heredia, Alonso
- Herrada, Pamela
- Herren, Josi
- Herring, Allison
- Herron, John
- Herskovits, Edward
- Hertzano, Ronna
- Herzenberg, John
- Hicks, Albert
- Hicks, Gregory
- Higgs, Amanda
- Hill, Russell
- Hill, Terri
- Hinduja, Anish
- Hines, Stella
- Hirsch, Jeffrey
- Hirshon, Jon Mark
- Hnoosh, Dima
- Ho, Simon
- Hobart, Donald
- Hochberg, Marc
- Hodzic, Vedrana
- Hofferth, Sandra
- Hoffman, Gloria
- Hoffman, Kathleen
- Hoffman, Teresa
- Hoffmann, Diane
- Hogans, Beth
- Hojabri, Mahsa
- Holden, Van Kim
- Hollander, Kimberly Naden
- Holliday, Lindsay
- Holliday, Tyler
- Hollidge, Melanie
- Holloway, Adrian
- Holm, Johanna
- Holmes, Katelyn
- Holsten, Steven
- Honeycutt, Noreen
- Hong, Charles
- Hong, Jack
- Hong, Jennifer
- Hong, Jung-Soo
- Hong-Zohlman, Susie
- Honig, Marc
- Hood, Robert
- Hoorfar, Hamid
- Hooten, Kristopher
- Hoover, Sharon
- Hope, Sandy
- Hopkins, Mark
- Hopkins-Luna, Angela
- Hopp, Jennifer
- Hopper, Kelly
- Horan, Teresa
- Hormozi, Darab
- Horn, David
- Horn, Linda
- Hornyak, Thomas
- Horton, Isaiah Mark
- Horwitz, Daniel
- Hoshyar, Reyhane, (Hooshyar, Reyhaneh)
- Hossain, Rydhwana
- Hosseini, Saman
- Hou, Zichao
- Hough, Zachary
- House, Hugh
- Hovermale, Lisa
- How, Remealle
- Howell, Amoreena E.
- Hoyt, Mary
- Hsu, Samuel
- Hu, Fu
- Hu, Junkai
- Hu, Kami M.
- Hu, Yinin
- Hua, Anke
- Huang, Audrey
- Huang, Chuan-Sheng
- Huang, Huang Chiao
- Huang, Nancy
- Huang, Shuo
- Huber, Scott
- Hudhud, Dania
- Hughes Driscoll, Colleen
- Huis in 't Veld, Maite
- Hung, Kimberly
- Hungerford, Laura
- Hunter, Daniel
- Huq, Muhammad
- Hurley, Kristen
- Hurt, Elaine
- Hurvitz, Julie Ann
- Hussain, Arif
- Hussey-Gardner, Brenda
- Huston, Stephanie
- Hutcheson, Kaycie
- Hutchinson, Barbara
- Ibrahim, Mohamed
- Iffland, Philip
- Iguchi, Mark
- Ihenatu, Chinwe
- Ikhane, Peter
- Ikheloa, Eseigboria
- Im, Dwight
- Im, Lily
- Imtiyaz, Zuha
- Ingari, John
- Inkellis, Elizabeth
- Inscore, Anjeli
- Ioffe, Olga
- Iqbal, Muddassar
- Isaiah, Amal
- Islam, Mohammad Sazzadul
- Islam, Nasita
- Israel, Benjamin
- Iwamoto, Kate
- Iwamoto, Masahiro
- Iyer, Shama
- Jablonover, Michael
- Jabra-Rizk, Mary Ann
- Jackson, Brian W.
- Jackson, Bryon Patrick
- Jackson, Eric
- Jackson, William
- Jacobson, Katherine Julia
- Jacoby, Aaron
- Jacques, Ariella Candace
- Jaeblon, Todd
- Jain, Rupal
- Jakhete, Neha
- James, Adam
- Janelle Cooper
- Jani, Shuchi
- Jani, Suni Niranjan
- Janice Sallitt
- Jankosky, Christopher
- Janney, Heather
- Janofsky, Jeffrey
- Janowski, Miroslaw
- Japp, Emily
- Jarrell, Bruce
- Jasani, Gregory
- Jassey, Alagie
- Jauregui, Julio
- Jeng, Linda
- Jensen, Allison
- Jeon, Hee-Young
- Jerome, Scott
- Jeudy, Jean
- Jewell, Christopher
- Jhou, Thomas
- Jia, Xiaofeng
- Jiang, Jicai
- Jiang, Jie
- Jiang, Li
- Jiang, Yixing
- Jilani, Danish
- Jimenez Restrepo, Alejandro
- Jin, Peter
- Jiwani, Shahanawaz
- Jo, Stephanie
- Jodarski, Colleen
- John, Preeti
- John, Thomas
- Johnson, Aaron
- Johnson, Diana
- Johnson, Harry
- Johnson, Jeffrey
- Johnson, Jennifer
- Johnson, Justin
- Johnson, Kahlil
- Johnson, Mary
- Johnson, Rachel
- Johnson, Wallace
- Johnstonbaugh, Hannah
- Jokhadar, Muhammad
- Jones, Aliya
- Jones, Glenn
- Jones, Kevin
- Jones, Laundette
- Jones, Niya
- Jones, Stephanie Elyse
- Jones-Beatty, Kimberly
- Jordan Parker, Gina
- Jordan-Randolph, Gayle
- Jose, Pedro
- Joseph, Kerith
- Joshi, Anupam
- Joshi, Manjari
- Jou, Katherine
- Joy, Abel
- Joy, Nino
- Juarez, Barbara
- Jufer Phipps, Rebecca
- Jules, Astride
- Jules-Chapman, Michele
- Jumare, Jibreel
- Jun, John Young
- Jung, Patrick Lynn
- Justicz, Natalie
- Kabir, Arif
- Kacmarek, Corinne
- Kaddourah, Osama
- Kader, Howard
- Kadri-Rodriguez, Sameer
- Kahn, Teri
- Kahntroff, Stephanie
- Kai, Marc
- Kakuska, Daniel
- Kalavagunta, Chaitanya
- Kalil, Emile Tonas
- Kalil, Graziela
- Kalil, Roberto
- Kalinich, John
- Kalishman, Jennifer
- Kallen, Michael
- Kalra, Kavita
- Kalvakolanu, Dhan V.
- Kamassai, Joseph
- Kamdi, Sandesh
- Kanani, Samir
- Kane, Kathleen Elizabeth
- Kang, Insung
- Kang, Sang Hoon
- Kani, Kimia Khalatbari
- Kankaria, Anil
- Kanold, Patrick
- Kantsevoy, Sergey
- Kanwar, Jyoti
- Kao, Joseph
- Kaper, James
- Kaplan, Kelby
- Kaplan, Tugba
- Kaplowitz, Jeremy
- Kapoor, Aarti
- Kapoor, Shiv
- Karamitros, Georgios
- Karbowski, Mariusz
- Karim, Syed
- Karimi, Maryam
- Karki, Pratap
- Karnes-Amzibel, Patricia
- Karri, Jay
- Karwowski, John
- Karzar, Ryan
- Kasu, Mary
- Kathari, Yamini Krishna
- Kattakuzhy, Sarah
- Katzel, Leslie
- Kaufman, Adam
- Kaur, Kiranjit
- Kaushik, Kartik
- Kausik, Sankar
- Kavic, Stephen
- Ke, Yunbo
- Keane, Thomas
- Keane, Virginia
- Kearney, Christopher
- Keegan, Achsah
- Keledjian, Kaspar
- Keller, Asaf
- Keller, Michael
- Kelly, Deanna
- Kelly, Michy
- Keluth Chavan, Venugopal Naik
- Kenaa, Blaine
- Keniston, Leslie Parker
- Kennedy, Alvin
- Kent, Anthony Phillip
- Kenzora, John
- Kerns, Timothy
- Keshtkarjahromi, Mitra
- Kester, Kent
- Keum, Dongil
- Kewalramani, Anupama
- Khachaturian, Henry
- Khadjevand, Mehraneh
- Khajavi, Marissa
- Khalsa, Jag
- Khambaty, Mariam
- Khan, Almazeb
- Khan, Aminur
- Khan, Amir
- Khan, Arshad
- Khan, Ayesha
- Khan, Haroon
- Khan, Kristin
- Khan, Mansoor
- Khan, Misbah
- Khan, Mohammad Afzal
- Khan, Muhammad
- Khan, Omar Iqbal
- Khan, Sara Atiq
- Khan, Sarah Hussain
- Khan, Shahab
- Khan, Ubaid
- Khan, Zulqarnain
- Khanam, Arshi
- Khanna, Niharika
- Khanna, Shiv
- Kharal, Sid
- Khatoon, Rehana
- Khazan, Tanya
- Kheirbek, Raya
- Khianey, Reena
- Khorjekar, Gauri
- Khorshidi, Fereshteh
- Khoshravesh, Sahar
- Khosla, Amit
- Khoujah, Danya
- Khushalani, Sunil
- Kidwai, Farook
- Kight, Katherine
- Kim, Ann
- Kim, Anthony J.
- Kim, David
- Kim, Grace
- Kim, Hong
- Kim, Hyeong Joong
- Kim, James
- Kim, Kevin
- Kim, Michael
- Kim, Min Jung
- Kim, Paul
- Kim, Raymond
- Kim, Seung Jun
- Kimberly Smith
- King, Brent
- King, Dawan
- King, Joshua David
- King, Roderick
- Kiser, Laurel
- Kithas, Andrew
- Kittner, Steven
- Klapka, Danielle
- Klapper, Mitchell
- Klaus, Suzanne
- Klein, Adam
- Klein, Kendall
- Klein, Travis
- Klepper, Bryan
- Kler, Aditya
- Kleykamp, Bethea
- Kligman, Mark
- Kline, Antonie
- Kline, Kathryn
- Klingaman, Elizabeth
- Klotz, Remi
- Klucher, Brianna
- Klune, John
- Knight, Nancy
- Knight, Stephanie
- Knoop, Caroline
- Knott, Cheryl
- Knox, Jerica
- Koch, Christina
- Kochunov, Peter
- Kocoglu, Mehmet
- Kodali, Bhavani Shankar
- Kodama, Joe
- Koh, Eugene
- Koh, Jin-Young
- Koka, Madhurima
- Kolakowski, Logan
- Koliatsos, Vassilis
- Koltz, Christopher
- Komarow, Hirsh
- Komrad, Mark
- Konadu, Elizabeth
- Kong, Byoungjae
- Kong, Dejun
- Konikkara, John Joseph
- Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini
- Koos, Robert
- Korenic, Stephanie
- Koroulakis, Antony
- Korrapati, Sathyasaikumar
- Kostrzewsky, Anna
- Kotloff, Karen
- Kottilil, Shyamasundaran (Shyam)
- Kotwal, Nidhi
- Kowalcyk, Megan
- Kowalski, Rebecca
- Kozar, Rosemary
- Kozlovsky, Bernard
- Krajewski, Thomas
- Krakowiecki, Wenceslas
- Kramer, Angela
- Kramer, Audra
- Krantz, Bryan
- Kratz, Sabrina
- Krause, Eric
- Krauss, Christopher
- Krejci, Kathleen
- Krey, Rebecca
- Kreyenbuhl, Julie
- Kriebs, Jan
- Kriel, Edwin
- Krishnamachary, Balaji
- Krishnan, Vijay
- Kristian, Tibor
- Krouss, Mona
- Krueger, Bruce
- Krum, L. Nicole
- Krumholz, Allan
- Krupnick, Alexander
- Ksendovsky, Alexander
- Kuehl, Sapna
- KuKuruga, Debra
- Kulaga, Stephanie
- Kulkarni, Shreyus
- Kumar, Amit
- Kumar, Manoj
- Kumari, Anshu
- Kunaprayoon, Dan
- Kundi, Rishi
- Kundra, Vikas
- Kunkel, August
- Kunnackal John, George
- Kuo, Catherine
- Kuppusamy, Priya
- Kurgansky, Dennis
- Kurtom, Khalid
- Kurtz, Sarah
- Kutzer, Dennis
- Kvarta, Mark
- Kwak, Gijung
- Kwatra, Shawn Gaurav
- Kwok, Young
- Kwon, Hyuk Joon
- Kwon, Min
- Ky, Jeanne
- Labib, Mohamed
- Lacap, Constance
- Lacey, James
- Lafargue, Audrey
- Lagos, Rosanna
- Lai, Hong
- Lai, Shenghan
- Lai, Ty
- Lakatta, Edward
- LaKind, Judy
- Lakowicz, Joseph
- Lal, Brajesh
- Lalonde, Gregory
- Lamaris, Grigorios
- Lamichhane, Narottam
- Lammers, Jennifer
- Lamos, Elizabeth
- Landless, Peter
- Lane, Barton F.
- Lane, Wendy
- Lang, Yankun
- Langbaum, Michael
- Langenberg, Patricia
- Langfitt, Mark
- Langhammer, Christopher
- Lankford, Allison
- Lanza, Marcel B.
- Lanzo, Joanne
- Lapidus, Rena
- Lara, Caroline
- LaRosa, Rachel
- Larson, Justine
- Lasio, Giovanni
- Lasso-Pirot, Anayansi
- Latham, Kerry
- Latinovic, Olga
- Latorre, Samantha
- Lattman, Eaton
- Lau, Christine
- Lauerman, Margaret
- Laufer, Miriam
- Laukaitis, Hanna
- Laurens, Matthew
- Lauring, Oanh
- Lauterbach, Margo
- Lauver, David
- Lavoie, Marie-Claude
- Lavoie, Melissa
- Law, Jennie
- Lawner, Benjamin
- Lazerow, Peggy
- Le, Thomas
- Lebron-Afanador, Ralph
- Lederer, W Jonathan
- Lee, Burton
- Lee, Daiheon
- Lee, Hangnoh Joseph
- Lee, Hwiyoung
- Lee, Jessica
- Lee, Jessica Karen
- Lee, Jin-Gu
- Lee, Mei-Ling
- Lee, Ronald
- Lee, Sara
- Lee, Sarah
- Lee, Seung
- Lee, Seung Chan
- Lee, Seung Tae
- Lee, Soyoung
- Lee, Sung-Woo
- Lee, Young Suk
- Leedom, Michael
- Leekha, Surbhi
- Lees, Andrew
- Lefeuvre, Jennifer
- LeFevre, Alexandra
- LeGates, Tara
- Legenzov, Eric
- Legesse, Teklu
- Lehman, Anthony
- Lei, Jun
- Lei, Zhuofan
- Leistikow, Nicole
- Lemkin, Daniel
- Lemme Dumit, Jose
- Lemmon, Eric
- Leong, Natalie
- Lepore, Michael
- Lerner, Michael
- Leung, Jocelyn
- Lever, Nancy
- Levin, Moran
- Levin, Philip
- Levin, Richard
- Levine, Andrea
- Levine, Myron
- Levitas, Michael
- Levitt, Alan
- Levy, Aaron
- Levy, Daniel
- Lewis, George
- Lewis, Joshua
- Lewis, Kerry
- Lewis, Russell
- Ley, Eric
- Li, Bo
- Li, Eric
- Li, Guang
- Li, Guangming
- Li, Ling
- Li, Yijia
- Li, Yiran
- Li, Yue
- Li, Yun
- Li, Yuxing
- Li, Zongpan
- Liang, Huajun
- Liang, Xiao
- Liang, Yajie
- Liberto, Joseph
- Lichenstein, Richard
- Liebman, Samuel
- Liggett, Stephen
- Ligon, Rhamin
- Lillehoj, Erik
- Lilly, Michael
- Lim, Joshua
- Limpuangthip, Andrea
- Lin, Frank
- Lin, Jiayuh
- Lin, Mary
- Lin, Yifei Sylvia
- Lindberg, Iris
- Linera Asencio, Alejandro
- Linzmeier, Jessica
- Lion, John
- Lipinski, Marta
- Littlewood, Alden
- Liu, Esther
- Liu, Hangfan
- Liu, Hanhan
- Liu, Hongjie
- Liu, Peiying
- Liu, Ruya
- Liu, Shuai
- Liu, Song
- Liu, Tracy
- Liu, Xiao
- Liu, Yan
- Livesey, Michael
- Livezey, Viveca
- Loane, David
- Lobo, Mary Kay
- Lock, Nicole
- Loewenstein, Richard
- Loftus, Matthew
- Lokhandwala, Parvez
- Lominadze, Zurabi
- Lomonico, M Paul
- Lonergan, Cheryl
- Longden, Thomas
- Lopez, Kerri
- LoPresti, Peter
- Loreck, David
- Lotana, Humphrey
- Louis J. Taylor
- Love, Raymond
- Lowder, Gerard
- Lowe, Henry I.C.
- Lowie, Bobbi-Jo Elisabeth
- Lowitt, Mark
- Lu, Wei
- Lubek, Joshua
- Lucksted, Alicia
- Ludwig, Steven
- Luethy, Paul
- Luetkens, Tim
- Luft, Andreas
- Lujan, Miguel
- Lukyanenko, Valeriy
- Lumpkins, Kimberly
- Luo, Shunqun
- Lushniak, Boris
- Lutz, Gabriel
- Lutz, Melissa
- Luzina, Irina
- Lvovs, Dmitrijs
- Lyke, Kirsten
- Ma, Bing
- Ma, Tianzhou
- Macario, Alberto
- Macatangay, Regina
- Macek, Mark
- MacFarlane, Michael
- Mackenzie, Colin
- Mackey, Megan
- Mackey, Richard
- Mackowiak, Philip
- MacVittie, Thomas
- Maddox, John
- Magaziner, Jay
- Magder, Laurence
- Maghimbi, Abubakar
- Magidson, Jessica
- Mahaley, Chinwe
- Maharajan, Nagarajan
- Maher, Daniel
- Maheshwari, Anurag
- Maheshwari, Mayank
- Mahgoub, Abdullahi
- Mahurkar, Anup
- Mair, Christine
- Majmundar, Shyam
- Makar, Tapas
- Makarava, Natallia
- Makhzoumi, Zaineb
- Maldarelli, Mary
- Malek, Rana
- Malik, Jibran
- Malik, Saad Ahmed
- Malinow, Andrew
- Malinowski, Amy
- Mallott, David
- Maloney, Kristin
- Malouf, Alan
- Maloy, James Daniel
- Maluf, Daniel
- Man, Lillian
- Mancera, Alex
- Mancini, David
- Mandrell, Timothy
- Mangalapudi, Amar Madhuri
- Maniu, Adina
- Mann, David
- Mann, Dean
- Mann, Priyanka
- Mannella, Carmen
- Mannem, Swetha
- Mannuel, Heather
- Manoochehri, Amir
- Manson, Paul
- Manson, Theodore
- Manza, Peter
- Marano, Christopher Mark
- Maranto, Anthony
- Marchand, Lucas
- Marchese, Luca
- Marchese, Victoria
- Marciniak, Ellen
- Marcozzi, David Edward
- Marcus, Emily
- Margolis, Frank
- Margolis, Leonid
- Marhefka, Alicia
- Mariano, Jennifer Megan
- Marinucci, Francesco
- Mark, Katrina
- Marks, Madeline
- Marmillion, Meghan
- Maron, Bradley
- Marshall, Jeffrey
- Marshall, Sandra
- Martin, Ashley Kyle
- Martin, David
- Martin, John
- Martin, Stuart
- Martinez, Joseph
- Martino Gomez, Maria
- Martz, Douglas
- Marur, Surendra
- Mas, Valeria
- Mason, Sherell
- Masri, Radi
- Massey, Howard
- Mastandrea, John
- Masur, Henry
- Mathew, Denny
- Mathews, Jared
- Mathur, Brian
- Mathur, Poonam
- Matteson, Donald
- Mattu, Amal
- Matz, Samuel
- Mauban, Joseph Ryan
- May, Conrad
- Mayer, Dirk
- Mayzel, Maria
- McArdle, Patrick
- McAvoy, Sarah Anne
- McCall, Dion
- McCambridge, Teri
- Mccann, Robert Sean
- McCanon, Alison
- McCarthy, Margaret
- McClam, Tamela
- McClure, Philip
- McClymont, Ursula
- McComiskey, Carmel
- McCoy, Christopher
- Mccoy, Rozalina
- McCunn, Maureen
- McCurdy, Michael
- McDiarmid, Melissa
- Mcdonagh, P. Reed
- Mcdougall, Lorissa
- McDuff, David
- McGowan-Branch, Vicki
- Mchugh, Kathleen
- Mcintire, Katherine
- McKenna, Mary
- McLean, Heather
- McLenithan, John
- McMillin, Charles
- McNamara, James
- McPhaul, Kathleen
- McPherson, Mary Lynn
- Means, Ronald
- Medina de Jesus, Alexandre
- Medoff, Deborah
- Medved, Leonid
- Meeks, Karlijn A. C.
- Mehlhaff, Krista Maree
- Mehndiratta, Prachi
- Mehra, Mandeep
- Mehra, Mandira
- Mehra, Ranee
- Mehta, Monica
- Mei, Zhongcheng
- Meier, Raphael P.
- Mekonen, Hayelom
- Melhem, Lina
- Melnyk, Nataliya
- Mendoza, Carolina
- Mendoza, James
- Meng, Fantao
- Menon, Rohit
- Merbs, Shannath
- Merchenthaler, Istvan
- Meredith, Sean
- Mergner, Wolfgang
- Merino-Juarez, Jose
- Merkle, Thomas
- Mesa Corrales, Hector
- Mesioye, Abisola
- Mettler, Bret
- Mezghanni, Rosangela
- Michael, Miriam
- Michel, Sarah
- Michetti, Christopher
- Michon, Francis
- Middleton, Angela
- Mijares, Lilia
- Mikdashi, Jamal
- Militello, Philip
- Miller, Carlen
- Miller, Christopher
- Miller, Edward
- Miller, Elie
- Miller, Gabriella
- Miller, Jonathan
- Miller, Moshe
- Miller, Ram
- Miller, Samantha
- Miller, Stanley
- Miller, Timothy
- Milletich, Patricia
- Millstein, Leah
- Milton, Donald
- Milzman, David
- Min, Myo
- Mir, Mahshid
- Mirarchi, Saverio
- Mirvis, Stuart
- Mishra, Mark
- Mistry, Dipti
- Mitchell, Amber
- Mitchell, Ashley
- Mitchell, Braxton
- Mixson, Archibald
- Moayedi, Siamak
- Mocci, Evelina
- Modiri, Arezoo
- Modly, Charlotte
- Moeller, Shaun
- Mohiuddin, Muhammad
- Moin, Imran
- Moinfar, Amir
- Molitoris, Jason Kyle
- Momeni, Bahador
- Mondal, Samhati
- Money, Mary
- Mong, Jessica
- Montasser, May
- Monteiro, Mervyn
- Montoya, Anthony
- Moon, Joanne
- Moore Shive, Gigi
- Moore, Cameron
- Moore, James
- Moore, Jane I. Siehl
- Moore, Rachel
- Moradmand, Hajar
- Morales, Robert
- Moresi, J. Margaret
- Morgan, Athol
- Morgan, Daniel
- Morganstein, Joshua
- Morris, Nicholas
- Morrissey, John
- Morrow, Courtenay
- Mossahebi, Sina
- Motta, Melissa
- Motter-Mast, Robin
- Moudgil, Kamal
- Mouratidis, Maria
- Moyer, Kelly
- Mudd, Janna
- Mueller, Jaclyn
- Mukherjee, Ratnakar
- Mukhopadhyay, Subhradip
- Mulasi, Ila
- Mulberg, Andrew
- Mull, Makenzy
- Muller-Ramirez, Claudio
- Mulligan, Terrence
- Mulliken, Brian
- Mullins, C Daniel
- Mullins, Kristin
- Mumtaz, Aisha
- Munawwar, Arshi
- Munger, Steven
- Munir, Kashif
- Munir, Wuqaas
- Murali, Neeraja
- Muriel-Gonzalez, Joaquin
- Murphy, Latasha
- Murphy, Tess
- Murray, Erin
- Murthi, Sarah
- Musisi, Stephen
- Mwaisela, Francis
- Myers, Bennett
- Myers, Drew
- Mysore, Manu
- Nace, Heather
- Nace, James
- Nagarsheth, Khanjan
- Nagle, Sheryl
- Nagm, Alhusain
- Nair, Prasanna
- Nakano, Karen
- Nakhoul, Marie
- Nandi, Sumon
- Nanjaiah, Hemalatha
- Naqvi, Nida
- Narayanan, Shivakumar
- Nascone, Jason
- Nasim, Faria
- Naslund, Michael
- Nasrin, Dilruba
- Natanson, Charles
- Nataro, James
- Nathan, Rachel
- Ndembi, Nicaise
- Ndungo, Esther
- Neale, Donna
- Negi, Shobhit
- Nelles, Meaghan
- Nelms, Justin
- Nelson, Joseph
- Nene, Vishvanath
- Neri, Michael
- Nesbitt, LaQuandra Sherese
- Neschis, David
- Netzer, Giora
- Neustein, Benjamin
- Neuwald, Andrew
- Neuzil, Daniel
- Newman, Naeem
- Newmier, Eugene
- Newstadt, Justin
- Newton, Paula
- Ng, Vincent
- Nguyen, Cydney
- Nguyen, Dung
- Nguyen, Thuy
- Nguyen, Triet
- Nguyen, Tu
- Nichelson, Erika
- Nichols, Elizabeth
- Nichols, Gracie
- Nichols, Stephen
- Niederhaus, Silke
- Niemiec, Teresa
- Nigam, Priya
- Nikhinson, Marina
- Nikita, Maria Eleni
- Ning, Yi
- Nirankari, Verinder
- Nisar, Saira
- Niyongere, Sandrine
- Njar, Vincent
- Njoku, Mary
- Nnabue, Thaddeus
- Noller, Kathleen
- Noorani, Robert
- Norrby, Erling
- Norris-Shortle, Carole
- Noto, Michael
- Nottage, Angelica
- Nowak Choi, Kamila Anna
- Nowak, Rebecca
- Ntiri, Shana
- Nunez Gonzalez, Joel
- Nurudeen, Suliat Mayowa
- Nusbaum, Jeffrey
- Nwandu, Anthea
- Nwaononiwu, Uchemadu
- Nwodim, Emeka
- Nyunt, Myaing
- O'Brien, Katherine
- O'Brien, Thomas
- O'Connell, Jeffrey
- O'Connor, Christine
- O'Connor, Erin
- O'Connor, Kyle
- O'Connor, Timothy
- O'Donnell, Christopher
- O'Donovan, Terrence
- O'Hara, Lyndsay
- O'Hara, Nathan Noel
- O'Malley, Bert
- O'Neill, Joseph
- O'Reilly, Geralyn
- O'Toole, Robert
- Oakes, Jonathan
- Oates, Tim
- Obasi, Chidi
- Obiefune, Michael Chibuzo
- Ochs, Michael
- Odonkor, Patrick
- Offurum, Ada
- Oglesby, Amanda
- Oh, Sangbo
- Oh, Sangjin
- Ohta, Yuko
- Oken, Harry
- Okike, Kanu
- Okolie, Francesca
- Okun, Marc
- Olivieri, Peter
- Oljira, Birhane
- Olmsted, William
- Olusakin, Jimmy
- Omosule, Ayodeji
- Onajobi, Oluwatobi
- Onder, Songul Celebi
- Onigbanjo, Mutiat
- Onyewu, Samuel
- Oreizi-Esfahani, Mohammad
- Orgel, Laurie
- Orr, Danielle
- Orr, Gary
- Ortega, Megan A. Connelly
- Ortiz, Jennifer
- Ortiz, Justin
- Ortmeyer, Heidi
- Orwig, Denise
- Osei-Boamah, Emmanuel
- Osgood, Greg
- Oshima, Yumiko
- Osinusi, Anuoluwapo
- Ossip, Diane
- Otieno, Beryl
- Otis Lawrence Stitt
- Otitoju, Foluke
- Otsuru, Satoru
- Otto, Elizabeth
- Ouattara, Amed
- Ouchari, Mouna
- Outeda Garcia, Patricia
- Oviedo, Enrique
- Owonikoko, Taofeek Kunle
- Owusu-Antwi, Kofi
- Ozair, Ahmad
- Ozelius, Katherine
- Ozment, Zoe
- Paad, David
- Paccione, Kristin
- Packer, Jonathan
- Padia, Janak
- Pagan Pares, Melissa
- Paine, Robert
- Pal, Saurabh
- Palacio, Danica
- Pallan, John
- Pallone, Michael Nicholas
- Palmer, Joseph
- Paluskievicz, Christina
- Pan, Judy
- Panagos, Katherine
- Panda, Aruna
- Pandey, Nikhil
- Panlilio, Louis
- Panzarella, Philip
- Papadimitriou, John
- Papaminas, Catherine
- Papanikos, Yani Konstantinos
- Parham, Brittany
- Parikh, Gunjan
- Parikh, Rikesh
- Parimi, Nehu
- Park, Hongju
- Parker, Donna
- Parker, Pamela
- Parker, Whitney
- Parmer, Lauren
- Paronich, Paul
- Parsirad, Mahdokht
- Parsons, Kendall
- Pasetti, Marcela
- Pass, Carolyn
- Patanaphan, Vinita
- Patchan, Kathleen
- Patel, Akshar
- Patel, Ami
- Patel, Ashka
- Patel, Devang
- Patel, Harsh
- Patel, Janki
- Patel, Jigar
- Patel, Lakir
- Patel, Mihir
- Patel, Pooja
- Patel, Sameer
- Patel, Shivani
- Patel, Shruti Suresh
- Patel, Smita
- Patel, Snehal
- Patel, Vipul
- Patel, Zil
- Patil, Seema
- Patterson, Tiffany
- Patton, Eileen
- Pauza, C. David
- Payne-Sturges, Devon
- Pearl, Jonathan
- Pearson, Courtney
- Pedra, Joao
- Peeke, Pamela
- Peeples, Amanda
- Peer, Jason
- Pei, Y. Veronica
- Pembroke, Thomas
- Penafiel, Jay
- Peng, Bo
- Peng, Denggao
- Pennant, Marjorie
- Pensy, Raymond
- Pereira, Edna F.R. (Albuquerque, Edna, FR)
- Pereira, Kevin
- Perencevich, Eli
- Pergakis, Melissa
- Perkins, Darren
- Perkins, Julia
- Perman, Jay
- Perraut, Michael
- Perrotti, Danilo
- Perry, James
- Peters, Robert
- Peters, Todd
- Petruccelli, Christopher
- Pfau, Richard
- Pfender, Rebecca
- Phalen, Peter
- Pham, Lily
- Phan, Thanh
- Phan, TramAnh
- Phelan, Michael
- Phillips, Elizabeth
- Phillips, Jay
- Phipps, Michael
- Piao, Wenji
- Pickard, Hanna
- Pidugu, Lakshmi Swarna
- Pielago, Jose Martin
- Pierre, Valerie
- Pierson, Matthew
- Pietris, Nicholas
- Pincus, Kathleen
- Pine-Twaddell, Elyse
- Pinet-Peralta, Luis Mauricio
- Pinzon Burgos, Eduar
- Piras, Crystal
- Plantholt, Stephen
- Plavner, Victor
- Plotkin, Amy
- Plotnick, Gary
- Plowe, Christopher
- Pocivavsek, Ana
- Podell, Jamie
- Poirier, Yannick
- Polito, Albert
- Polk, Timothy
- Pollak, Andrew
- Pollin, Toni
- Pollitt, Stephanie
- Polovich, Martha
- Polsky, M Brian
- Polster, Brian
- Pomerantz, Seymour
- Popescu, Saskia
- Popovic, Mikulas
- Porembka, David
- Porter, Neil
- Postolache, Teodor
- Potosky, Darryn
- Poudyal, Bhuwan
- Poulopoulos, Alexandros
- Powell, Carole
- Powell, Danielle
- Powell, Elizabeth
- Powell, Helen
- Powers , John
- Powers, Benjamin
- Pozharskiy, Edvin
- Pozniak, Tetiana
- Prabhakar, Deepak
- Pramanik, Sudeep
- Prantner, Daniel
- Prao, Leonie
- Prasad Gupta, Birendra
- Prasad, Joni
- Pravdo, Alisa
- Premuzic, Tihana
- Prescott, Susan
- Preslan, Mark
- Price, Justin
- Prior, Steven
- Pritchard, Jennifer
- Promnares, Kamoltip
- Pruitt, David
- Prybys, Katherine
- Puche, Adam
- Puffer, Ross
- Pujji, Sherry
- Pula, Thaddeus
- Pumplin, David
- Puranik, Puru
- Putnam, Nicole
- Pyda, Jordan
- Qato, Danya
- Qi, Dongfei
- Qi, Jianfei
- Qian, Feng
- Qiao, Guanda
- Qiu, Yun
- Quaglieri, Caroline
- Quaytman, Miles
- Quezada, Sandra
- Qui, Chunfang
- Quinn, Michael
- Quinteros-Waltemath, Oscar, (Quinteros Waltemath, Oscar)
- Rabin Blair, Lauren
- Rabin, Joseph
- Rabinowitz, Ronald
- RachBeisel, Jill
- Racherla, Vandana Rao
- Rada, Erin
- Radowsky, Jason
- Raghavan, Prashant
- Rahimi Darabad, Robabeh
- Rahimi, Yasaman
- Rahman, Mohammed
- Raisinghani, Rachna
- Rajagopalan, Sanjay
- Rajani, Amita
- Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Pamela
- Ramani, Gautam
- Ramani, Sivasubramanian
- Rami, Bimal
- Ramirez, Jason
- Ramos Alarcon, Lauren
- Ramprashad, Avinash
- Rana, Sajida
- Rana, Zaker
- Randall, Louis
- Rao, Chethan
- Rao, Gautam
- Rao, Samuel
- Rapaka, Rekha
- Rapoport, Aaron
- Rapoport, Morton
- Rasko, David
- Rasko, Yvonne
- Rassool, Feyruz
- Rassouli, Negin
- Rathbun, Alan
- Ratzki-Leewing, Alexandria
- Raufman, Jean-Pierre
- Ravel, Jacques
- Rawal, Nidhi
- Ray, Krishanu
- Rea, Jeffrey
- Reader, Jocelyn
- Reaves, Samantha
- Rebassa Palou, Joan Gabriel
- Rectanus, April
- Redden, Lisa
- Reddix, Irance
- Reddy, Sashank
- Redett, Richard
- Redfield, Robert
- Reece, E. Albert
- Reed, Robert
- Reese, Ryan
- Reeves, Gloria
- Reggia, James
- Regine, William
- Rehani, Chavi
- Rehman, Aliya
- Rehrig, Scott
- Reich, Stephen
- Reicher, Barry
- Reinblatt, Shauna Pencer
- Reitz, Marvin
- Rekant, Julie
- Ren, Boyang
- Ren, Lei
- Renaldo, Antonio
- Renninger, Christopher
- Renshaw, Chloe
- Reoli, Rachel
- Resnick, Barbara
- Resnik, Charles
- Retener, Norman
- Reynolds, H. Neal
- Rho, Silvia
- Rhodes, Chandler Sours
- Riazuddin, Saima
- Ribeiro, Marcelo Augusto
- Ricardo Pietrobon
- Rice, Brett
- Richa, D. Chimene
- Richard Taylor
- Richard, Howard
- Richard, Katharina
- Richards, Justin
- Richards, Richard
- Richardson, Catrina
- Richardson, Charles
- Richardson, Elizabeth
- Richardson, James
- Richardson, Joseph
- Richert, Mary
- Riddle, Ryan
- Ridelfi, Matteo
- Rider, Brookellen
- Riedel, David
- Rifai, Safiullah
- Ringwala, Aditi
- Riojas, Ramon
- Riseberg, David
- Rivera-Pratts, Carlos
- Rives Gray, Tyler
- Rizzo, Megan
- Roach, Robert
- Robbins, Nathaniel
- Roberds, Steven
- Robertson, Colin
- Robinett, Kathryn
- Robins, Marni
- Robins-Browne, Roy
- Robinson, Charles
- Robinson, Jaqueline
- Robinson, Kelli
- Robinson, Shawn
- Robinson, Shenandoah
- Robinson-Ector, Kaitlynn
- Robinson-Walton, Mava Briana
- Roche, Daniel J.
- Rochon, Elizabeth
- Rock, Peter
- Rocksmith, Eugenio
- Rodgers, Mary
- Rodrigo, Minna
- Rodrigues, Dario
- Rogers, Mark
- Rogers, Stephen Colin
- Roggio, Anthony
- Roghmann, Mary-Claire
- Romagnoli, Anna
- Romero, Erin
- Rooks, Yvette
- Roozitalab, Ashkan
- Roque, Dana
- Rorke, Ellen
- Rosales-Soto, Giovanni
- Rose, Jason
- Rose, Vivienne
- Rosenblatt, Lauren
- Rosenblatt, Paula
- Rosenshein, Neil
- Rosenstein, Andrew
- Rosenthal, Elana
- Rosenthal, Robert
- Roskes, Erik
- Rosner, Samuel
- Ross, Douglas
- Roulston, Sadie
- Rowe, Anthony
- Rowe, Wilma
- Rowland, Laura
- Rowland, Robert
- Roy, Anindo
- Royal, Walter
- Roychaudhuri, Robin
- Roys, Steven
- Rubenstein, Jonathan
- Rubin, Darrell
- Ruppe, Leah
- Rus, Horea
- Rus, Violeta
- Rushing, Emily
- Russell-Ofori, Erika
- Russman, Caryn
- Ryan, Alice
- Ryscavage, Patrick
- Ryu, Hyung
- Saba, Joanna
- Sabirzhanov, Boris
- Sacci, John
- Sachdeva, Ashutosh
- Sack, Paul
- Sadik, Mohammad
- Sadler, John
- Saeedi, Osamah
- Saenz Ayala, Sofia
- Safari, Zohreh
- Safeer, Richard
- Saharia, Kapil
- Sahdev, Pradip
- Sajadi, Mohammad
- Sakiani, Sasan
- Saleeb, Paul
- Saleh, Ibrahim
- Salehinia, Saeed
- Salemdawod, Abdallah
- Salenger, Rawn
- Salerno, Alexis
- Salimi, Shabnam
- Salimitari, Mehrdad
- Sally Adebamowo
- Salzberg, Daniel
- Sambat, Michael
- Samet, Ron
- Samokhin, Andriy
- Samorodin, Charles
- Sampaio, Daniela
- Sampleman, John
- Samsuzzaman, Samsuzzaman
- San Juan, Ronald
- Sanchez, Corazon
- Sandler, Lawrence
- Sandson, Neil
- Sangal, Aman
- Sankova, Susan
- Sansur, Charles
- Santoro, Eliana
- Sapkota, Amir
- Sapkota, Amy
- Sarkar, Chinmoy
- Sarkar, Rajabrata
- Sarkar, Saiyad
- Sarkar, Saumen
- Sarzynski, Sadia
- Satterlee, Shelley
- Saunders, Sharon
- Savarese, Anne
- Savin, Douglas
- Savitt, Joseph
- Sawant, Amit
- Saxena, Preeti
- Saxena, Sanjay
- Scalea, Thomas
- Scanlon, Karen
- Scarcelli, Giuliano
- Schaeffer, Cindy
- Scharf, Steven
- Schechet, Sidney
- Schechter, Matthew
- Schenerman, Mark
- Schenkel, Stephen
- Scherer, Roberta
- Schiffman, Jason
- Schimpff, Stephen
- Schlaffer, Kathryn
- Schleichert, Rachel
- Schloesser, Robert
- Schmaljohn, Alan
- Schmalzle, Sarah
- Schmidt, Jennifer
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schmitz, John
- Schneider, Martin
- Schocket, Lisa
- Schoenbaum, Geoffrey
- Schofield, Erin Elisabeth, (Schofield, Erin E.)
- Schon, Lew
- Schraeder, Richard
- Schrank, Gregory
- Schreiber, Jonathan
- Schreibman, David
- Schriml, Lynn
- Schroder, David
- Schulman, Emily
- Schulze, Andrea
- Schulze, Dan
- Schumacher, John
- Schwantes, Heather
- Schwarcz, Robert
- Schwartz, David
- Schwartz, Lori
- Schwartz, Rebecca
- Schwartz, Stacy
- Schwartzbauer, Gary
- Schweitzer, Eugene
- Sciadini, Marcus
- Scilla, Katherine
- Scilla, Ryan
- Scotland, Brianna
- Scott, Alison
- Scott, Casey
- Scott, Samantha
- See, Vincent
- Seidel, Ramona
- Seif, Karl
- Seifi, Farinaz
- Seliger, Stephen
- Semelrath, Kevin
- Semesky, Patrick
- Seneviratne, Chamindi
- Seo, Philip
- Serafini, Grace
- Serre, David
- Sethuraman, Girish
- Sethuraman, Kinjal
- Seto, Isabelle
- Setua, Saini
- Sevier, Linda
- Shadle, Matthew
- Shah, Manan
- Shah, Manish
- Shah, Monica
- Shah, Nirav
- Shah, Nishant
- Shah, Raza
- Shah, Sapan
- Shaham, Yavin
- Shakil, Huma
- Shakoor, Hasan
- Shakya, Anil
- Shalaby, Ismail
- Shanahan, Patrick
- Shang, Xiaoran
- Shanholtz, Carl
- Shardell, Michelle
- Sharfstein, Steven
- Sharifai, Nima
- Sharma, Poornima
- Sharma, Shalini
- Sharma, Shweta
- Sharma, Vijay
- Shaya, Fadia
- Shell, Donald
- Shelton, Larry
- Shen, Cynthia
- Shen, Jana
- Shen, Wei-Bin
- Shepard, Eric
- Shepard, Paul
- Shere-Wolfe, Kalpana
- Sheth, Kevin
- Shetty, Carol
- Shetty, Kirti
- Shi, Changyou
- Shih, David
- Shimkaveg, Megan
- Shinners, Daniel
- Shipley, Jason
- Shirey, Kari Ann
- Shiu, Brian
- Shkullaku, Melsjan
- Shochet, Morris
- Shorofsky, Stephen
- Shovestul, Bridget
- Shriver, Marey
- Shteyman, Michael
- Shu, Daniel
- Shukla, Hem
- Shukla, Vinay
- Shukrullah, Irfan
- Shuldiner, Alan
- Shulman, Lisa
- Siamashvili, Maka
- Siaton, Bernadette
- Sibel, Michael
- Siddique, Nusrat
- Siddiqui, Aazim
- Siddiqui, Humaira
- Siddiqui, Minhaj
- Siddiqui, Selma
- Sides, James
- Sidhu, Sukhwant
- Siebert, Stephen
- Siegel, Eliot
- Siegel, Neil
- Siegelbaum, Marc
- Sigman, David
- Sikazwe, Izukanji
- Silber, Molly
- Silva, Kathryn
- Silver, Dana
- Silver, Kristi
- Silverberg, Steven
- Silverman, David
- Silverman, Henry
- Silverman, Ronald
- Silvestri, Giovannino
- Sim, Hi Sup
- Simard, J Marc
- Simon, Liliana
- Simon, Raphael
- Simons, Timothy
- Sing, Emily
- Singh, Amit
- Singh, Apurva
- Singh, Avneesh Kumar
- Singh, Harvinder
- Singh, Nevil
- Singh, Suruchi
- Singman, Eric
- Sirleaf, Matiangai V. S.
- Sivaraman, Vadivelu
- Sivasailam, Sankari, (Sivasailam, Sankaravadivu)
- Sivashanmugan, Kundan
- Sjaarda, Raymond
- Skelton, Jacqueline
- Skerry, Ciaran
- Sklar, Geoffrey
- Skobelkina, Sofia
- Skolky, Rachel
- Skrenta, Allan
- Slack, Michael
- Slade, Eric
- Slattery, Joseph
- Slezak, Sheri
- Sliker, Clint
- Smedley, Angela
- Smith, Christopher
- Smith, Elana
- Smith, Gordon
- Smith, Jaclyn
- Smith, L. Leigh
- Smith, Nikisha
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Sarah
- Sniezek, Timothy
- Snow, Dorothy
- Snow, Grace
- Snyder, Greg
- Snyder, Jennifer
- So, Jennifer
- Sokal, Rebecca
- Solomon, Clifford
- Solomon, Jonathan
- Sommerkamp, Sarah
- Sommerville, Meredith
- Son, Jun Seok
- Song, Danny
- Song, James
- Sood, Aseem
- Soomro, M Hussain
- Sorensen, Erik
- Soriano, Cynthia
- Sorkin, John
- Soukhov, Elena
- Soulen, Jeffrey
- Southall, Nikkita
- Souweine, Edward
- Sow, Samba
- Spaderna, Max
- Spanakis, Ilias
- Spangler, Ryan
- Sparkes, Jill
- Spencer, Caresse
- Spencer, Lisa
- Spicyn, Natalie
- Spier, Scott
- Square, Amanda Rae
- Srinivasan, Rajagopal
- Srivastava, Mukta
- St. George, Diane Marie
- Staats, Paul
- Stack, Christopher
- Stafford, Kristen
- Stains, Joseph
- Staley, Claire
- Stamatos, Nicholas
- Stambach, Cynthia
- Stansbury, Lynn
- Staropoli, Catherine
- Starr, Joshua
- Stear, Marissa
- Stegman, Charles
- Stein, Deborah
- Stein, Rona
- Steinbach, Sally
- Steinberger, Eileen
- Steinle, Nanette
- Stengel, Karen
- Stennett, Christina
- Stephanos, Kathleen Margaret
- Stern, Barney
- Stewart, David
- Stewart, Shelby
- Stierer, Kevin
- Stiller, John
- Stine, O. Colin
- Stock, Eileen
- Stoebenau, Kirsten Michelle
- Stoica, Bogdan
- Stojanovic, Lora
- Stokes, Tyler
- Stone, Roger
- Stonestrom, Aaron
- Stookey, Alyssa
- Strauch, Eric
- Strauss, Erik
- Streeten, Elizabeth
- Strickland, Dudley
- Strissel, Pamela L.
- Strome, Scott
- Strong, Bethany
- Strovel, Erin
- Stryckman, Benoit
- Stuart, Bruce
- Stuart, Mary
- Stucke, Emily
- Studenski, Stephanie
- Stull, Jeffrey
- Su, Lishan
- Su, Yijun
- Suarez, Alexander
- Subhramanian, Sunitha
- Suk, Jung Soo
- Suman, Meenakshi
- Summers, Michael
- Sun, Wenji
- Sun, Yilun
- Sundaram, Magesh
- Sundararajan, Sripriya
- Sundberg, Eric
- Sunness, Janet
- Sunshine, Sarah
- Suntha, Mohan
- Suresh, Minnu
- Sutherland, Lesley
- Sutherland, Mark
- Sutherland, Ryan
- Swamy, Ramya
- Swanberg, Jennifer
- Sward, Douglas
- Sward, Honey
- Swart, William
- Swartz, Brenda
- Swift, Anna
- Swihart, Bruce
- Sydney, Sam
- Syed, Ehsan
- Syed, Sadiq
- Syed, Saif
- Symes, Dilwyn
- Sztein, Marcelo
- Tabatabai, Ali
- Tacket, Carol
- Taheriotaghsara, Seyedmojtaba
- Takami, Kenji
- Takamura, Karren
- Talaat, Sherine
- Tallon, Luke
- Talwar, Simita
- Tamez, Heather
- Tamminga, Carol
- Tanaka, Kunio
- Taneja, Ankita
- Tang, Cha-Min
- Tang, Lydia
- Tang, Weiqing
- Tapia, Milagritos
- Tarafder, Anik
- Tarekegn, Girmay
- Tate, Donna
- Tate-Richards, Marika
- Tatsuoka, Curtis
- Taubenslag, Kenneth
- Taylor, Bradley
- Taylor, Bruce
- Taylor, Gregory
- Taylor, Rodney
- Taylor, Simeon
- Teague, Heidi
- Tee, Sui-Seng
- Teeter, William
- Tekeste, Rebka
- Tella, Sneha
- Tellawi, Amanda
- Tellefsen, Christiane
- Tellerman, Kenneth
- Telles-Hernandez, Luis
- Teng, Da
- Tennant, Sharon
- Tepper, Vicki
- Teresa Diaz-Montes
- Terhune, Julia
- Terrin, Michael
- Terry, Tamara
- Terzi, Matthew
- Teshome, Getachew
- Testa, S. Marc
- Testlastname, Testfirstname
- Tettelin, Hervé
- Tewelde, Semhar
- Thangaraju, Kiruphagaran
- Thankan, Retheesh
- Theodore, Nicholas
- Theyagaraj, Melita
- Thirupadiripuliyur, Aswin
- Thole, Jason
- Thom, Kerri
- Thom, Stephen
- Thomas, Elizabeth
- Thompson, Amanda
- Thompson, Donald
- Thompson, John
- Thompson, Loren
- Thompson, Matthew
- Thompson, Rebecca
- Thompson, Richard
- Thompson, Scott
- Thompson, Stephen
- Thompson, Summer
- Thuluvath, Paul
- Tian, Xiao
- Tian, Xin
- Tigani, Lauren
- Timofte, Irina
- Tirada, Nikki
- Tirfe, Lensa
- Tisherman, Samuel
- Tiwary, Pratyush
- Tkaczuk, Katherine
- Tlasek-Wolfson, Mary
- To, Kathleen, (To, Kathleen Binh)
- Toapanta Yanchapaxi, Franklin
- Todd, Nevins
- Tokarsky, Gregory
- Tom, Sarah
- Tomar, Elizabeth
- Tonascia, James
- Tookhan, Krista Lynette
- Torres, Mercedes
- Torrie, Arissa
- Tortolani, P. Justin
- Toscano, Nicole
- Toshchakov, Vladimir
- Tosun, Cigdem
- Toth, Eric
- Toursavadkohi, Shahab
- Townsel, Courtney
- Tracy, Allison Merrow
- Tracy, LaRee
- Tran, Phuoc
- Tran, Quincy
- Trasybule, Nel
- Traub, Richard
- Travassos, Mark
- Traver, Edward Conan
- Treacy, Erin
- Trinidad, Lino Rafael Olaguer
- Tripathi, Kaushlendra
- Tripathi, Ravi
- Tripathi, Susmit
- Trivedi, Harsh
- Tropello, Steven
- Trotman, Bruce
- Trotta, Rossana
- Trudeau, Matthew
- Tsagmo, Jean Marc
- Tsiapali, Ekaterini
- Tsymbalyuk, Orest
- Tubaldi, Eleonora
- Tuchman, Lisa
- Tucker, Gretchen
- Tucker-Powell, Danita
- Tudino, M Eugene
- Tulapurkar, Mohan
- Tulis, Matthew
- Tully, Andrew
- Tunkle, Elizabeth
- Tunstall, Ariel
- Turan, Mehmet Ozhan
- Turan, Shifa
- Turner, Douglas
- Turner, Gauri
- Turner, Paul
- Turner, Shafonya
- Tuttle, Janet
- Twaddell, William
- Udekwu, Obi
- Ugarte, Richard
- Uhl, George
- Ukeh, Ifechi
- Ullah, Sarah
- Ulmer, Emily
- Unal, Imran
- Unger, Keith
- Urioste, Alejandra
- Urrunaga, Nathalie
- Ursitti, Jeanine
- Vaeth, John
- Vaghela, Vishal
- Vaidyanathan, Lakshmi
- Vaishnav, Birjoo Dilipkumar
- Vakharia, Kalpesh
- Vaks, Yakir
- Valadez-Meltzer, Adela
- Valceanu, Kelly
- van der Vaart, Andrew
- Van Hout, Cristopher
- Van Nederveen, Viktoria
- Van Remmen, Sarah
- Van Winkle, Matthew
- Van Zijl, P. Sean
- Van, Vitu
- Vanartsdalen, Jamie
- Vandenberge, John
- VanderMeulen, Jack, (VanderMeulen, Jacob)
- Varella, Louis
- Varma, Shambhu
- Varney, Kristen
- Vashist, Sudhir
- Vasta, Gerardo
- Vats, Kavita
- Vazzano, Anthony
- Vellanki, Paz
- Venniro, Marco
- Vento, Thomas
- Verceles, Avelino
- Verma, Anjali
- Vesely, Mark
- Vesselinov, Roumen
- Vieira, Daiana
- Villacin, Maria Karla
- Viscardi, Rose
- Viswanathan, Vedapurisan
- Vitale, Marco
- Vitolo, Michele
- Vogel, Bruce
- Vogel, Joshua
- Vogel, Stefanie
- Vogelius, Ivan
- von Coelln, Friedrich Rainer
- von Rosenvinge, Erik
- Voss, Matthew
- Voss, Oliver
- Vostal, Alexander
- Vucenik, Ivana
- Vyas, Gopal
- Vyfhuis, Melissa Ana Liriano
- Wachter, Sarah Lynn
- Waddell, Jaylyn
- Wade, James
- Wagner, Lee-Ann
- Wagoner, Gary
- Wahid, Rezwanul
- Wake, Laura
- Walczak, Piotr
- Waldstein, Shari
- Walker, L. Kyle
- Walker, Morgan
- Walker, Patrick
- Wallace, Colleen
- Wallace, Rachael
- Wallin, Mitchell
- Wallis, Lee
- Walter, Thomas
- Walton, Leslie
- Waltz, James
- Wandell, Harry
- Wang, J-Y
- Wang, Jennifer
- Wang, Jinghui
- Wang, Kenneth
- Wang, Libin
- Wang, Meng
- Wang, Shan
- Wang, Shengbing
- Wang, Wei
- Wang, Xincai
- Wang, Yan
- Wang, Yin
- Wang, Ze
- Wang, Zhulin
- Wang, Zihui
- Wanner, Jason
- Warburton, Gary
- Ward, Amanda
- Ward, Chris
- Warden-Jarrett, Ariel
- Warner, Sarah
- Warren, John
- Wartofsky, Leonard
- Wasserman, Bruce
- Watkins, Runa
- Watnick, Terry
- Watson, Margot
- Weaver, Leon
- Webb, Tonya
- Weber, David
- Weber, Sophia
- Weddington, Charles Maxwell
- Wehring, Heidi
- Wei, Chunyu
- Wei, Yuanyi
- Weidner, Joseph
- Weiner, Elaine
- Weiner, Shoshana
- Weinreich, Daniel
- Weinstein, Adam
- Weintraub, Eric
- Weir, Matthew
- Weir, Nicholas
- Weiss, Judah
- Weiss, Margaret
- Weiss, Robert
- Welling, Paul
- Wells, Chris L.
- Welsh, Christopher
- Welsh, Jean
- Welty, Ann
- Weltz, Adam
- Wen, Tong
- Wernick, Meredith
- Wertheimer, Debra
- Westlake, Kelly
- Weston, Stuart
- Whissel, Eugene
- Whitaker, Alexander
- Whitall, Jill
- White, Charles
- White, Lane
- White, Owen
- White, Robert
- White, Tristan
- Whitlatch, Hilary
- Whye, Depriest
- Wickwire, Emerson
- Widra, Patricia
- Wier, W. Gil
- Wijtenburg, S. Andrea
- Wilhelmy, Bradley
- Wilk, Christopher
- Wilken, Nicholas
- Wilkerson, Richard
- Wilkinson, Thomas
- Williams, Amanda
- Williams, Brittney
- Williams, Elizabeth Cox
- Williams, Michelle
- Williams, Mozella
- Williams, Richelle
- Williams, Sarah
- Wilson, Donald
- Wilson, Earl
- Wilson, Gerald
- Wilson, Sacoby
- Wiltjer, Rachel
- Windsor, T. Andrew
- Winkles, Jeffrey
- Winters, Michael
- Wiprovnick, Alicia
- Wiseman, James
- Wisner-Carlson, Robert
- Wisniewski, Emily Aiello
- Witek, Matthew
- Witte, Helen
- Witthaus, Michael
- Witting, Michael
- Wittmeyer, Richard
- Wolde-Rufael, Daniel
- Wolf, Jeffrey
- Wolfe, Irving
- Wolff, Steffen
- Wolfman-Charles, Jade
- Wolfsthal, Susan
- Wong, Shenq Huey
- Wong-You-Cheong, Jade
- Woo, Jenny
- Woo, Kenneth
- Wood, Colin
- Wood, Kristen Clift Rohrer
- Wood, Samuel
- Woodbury, Margaret
- Woodle, Carole Sztalryd
- Woods, Ashanti
- Woods, Julie
- Woodward, Matthew
- Woodward, Owen
- Woodworth, Graeme
- Wormuth, Jennifer
- Wozniak, Marcella
- Wright, Christian
- Wright, Joseph
- Wright, Megan
- Wright, Rebecca
- Wright, Thelma
- Wu Chuang, Alejandra
- Wu, Colin
- Wu, Feng
- Wu, Junfang
- Wu, Kevin
- Wu, Long
- Wu, Mei-Yi
- Wu, Zhongjun Jon
- Wulff, Andreas
- Wynes, Jacob
- Xiao, Lan
- Xiaoxuan Fan
- Xie, Guofeng
- Xie, Zane
- Xu, Alexander
- Xu, Claire
- Xu, Dali
- Xu, Fuhua
- Xu, Huichun
- Xu, Huijun
- Xu, Junliang
- Xu, Kai
- Xu, Qinzi
- Xu, Yi
- Yabut, Arturo Ramos
- Yacoub, Sherif
- Yadava, Nagendra
- Yaddanapudi, Sridhara
- Yahyavi, Noushin
- Yakovlev, Sergiy
- Yamashita, Takashi
- Yan, Wenjing
- Yang, Christine
- Yang, Peixin
- Yang, Robin
- Yang, Shiming
- Yang, Wenjie
- Yang, Xi
- Yang, Xiaomei
- Yang, Zejia
- Yao, Weiguang
- Yap, Laurel
- Yared, Jean
- Yasek, Dana Marie Lokitis
- Yazbek, Sandrine
- Ye, Ting Juan
- Yeasmin, Selina
- Yen, Michael
- Yerges-Armstrong, Laura
- Yi, Byong
- Yim, Douglas
- Yim, Gloria
- Yin, Andrew
- Ying, Zhekang
- Yoo, Choongsung
- Yoon, Yongdae
- York, Teresa
- Yorkoff, Benjamin
- Yost, Kyle
- Young, Justin
- Young, Michael
- Young, Rylee
- Younis, Rania
- Younus, Faheem
- Yousef, Bouhaitha
- Yu, Cedric
- Yu, Fengshan
- Yu, Liqing 'Justin'
- Yu, Min
- Yu, Ronald
- Yu, Tingxi
- Yuan, Xiaojing
- Yuan, Yifan
- Yuanyuan Liang
- Yun, Shumei
- Zahra, Rikhteharan Tehrani, (Rikhtegarantehrani, Zahra)
- Zaidi, Syed
- Zakhary, Mark
- Zalzman, Michal
- Zapata, David
- Zare, Zakieh
- Zarro, Michael
- Zeder, Katarina
- Zeng, Xinglin
- Zera-Yohannes, Seblu
- Zhan, Min
- Zhan, Steven
- Zhang, Baoshe
- Zhang, Chen-Ou
- Zhang, Chenchen
- Zhang, Grace
- Zhang, Jian-Min
- Zhang, Jie
- Zhang, Lei
- Zhang, Li
- Zhang, Li-Qun
- Zhang, Peixiang
- Zhang, Taiyu
- Zhang, Tianshu
- Zhang, Yinghua
- Zhang, Yuji
- Zhao, Guiling
- Zhao, Na
- Zhao, Richard
- Zhao, Yunpo
- Zheng, Amy
- Zhong, Yongwang
- Zhou, Elinor
- Zhou, Fuwen
- Zhou, Jinghao
- Zhu, Junyi
- Zhu, Linying
- Zhuo, Jiachen
- Zielke, Carol
- Zierden, Hannah
- Zigel, Carlos
- Zilliox, Lindsay
- Zimmer, Lauren
- Zimmerman, Sheryl
- Zimrin, Ann
- Zisman, Erin
- Zito, Julie
- Zohlman, Andrew
- Zou, Lin
- Zubair, Haseeb
- Zuckerman, Ilene
- Zurbuch, Cassandra
- Zuzarte, Edward
Search Alphabetically:
- Aarabi, Bizhan
- Aaron David Greenblatt, MD
- Aaronson, Scott
- Aasim, Alina
- Abbas, Hatoon
- Abbasi, Abdolrahim
- Abbott, Bernard
- Abdalla, Hossam
- Abdel-Gawad, Ahmed Saad
- Abdelaal, Yara
- Abdelazim, Suzanne Aly
- Abdollahy Biroon, Fatemeh
- Abdullah, Sarah
- Aberdeen, Graham
- Abernathy, Troy
- Abigail Dennis
- Abimiku, Alash'le
- Aboulafia, Albert
- Abraham, Michael
- Abrams, Thomas
- Abularach, Silvia
- Abzug, Joshua
- Adali, Tulay
- Adams, Curtis
- Adams, Heather
- Adams, Rickey
- Adashek, Michael
- Adashek, Steven
- Adashi, Kristen
- Addison, Jason
- Addison, Odessa
- Adebajo, Sylvia
- Adebamowo, Clement
- Adegbulugbe, Henry
- Adiba, Afifa
- Adler, Jason
- Afshar, Elham
- Agarwal, Neil
- Agarwal, Ritu
- Agrawal, Jay
- Agueh, Modupe, (Agueh Mccracken, Modupe)
- Ahadi, Negin
- Ahmad, Fahim
- Ahmad, Ghasan
- Ahmad, Haroon
- Ahmad, Omar
- Ahmad, Sameer
- Ahmed, Ayahallah
- Ahmed, Hiba
- Ahmed, Zubair
- Ahodantin, James
- Ahuja, Sarina
- Aidoo, Megan
- Aiello, David
- Ajayi, Olayemi Oluwaseun
- Ajibola, Musa
- Ajide, Oluwakemi
- Akano, Emmanuel
- Akin, Barbara
- Akinkunmi, Lanre
- Akinmboni, Temitope Olufunlayo
- Akinsanya, Adefolake
- Akras, James
- Aktay, Atiye Nur
- Aktay, Recai
- Al-Ibrahim, Mohamed
- Al-Sabban, Abdulhameed
- Al-Samrrai, Eman
- Al-Talib, Khalid
- Alam, Marie Rose
- Alattar, Omar
- Alblaihed, Leen
- Albrecht, Eugene
- Albrecht, Jennifer
- Alen, Jessica
- Alexander, Janet
- Alger, Bradley
- Alger, Lindsay
- Ali, Afrah Abdul Wahid
- Ali, Farhan
- Ali, Mahwish
- Ali, Sophia
- Ali, Zabiullah
- Allaham, Haytham
- Allbritton, Jill
- Allen, John
- Allen, Thomas
- Alley, Dawn
- Almashat, Sammy
- Almeida, Nelson
- Alnababteh, Muhtadi
- Alon, Gad
- Alperovitz-Bichell, Kari
- Althaus, Janyne Edith
- Althuis, Michelle
- Alzarka, Bakri
- Alzubi, Mohammad
- Amadu, David
- Amara, Richard
- Ambaye, Nigus
- Ambinder, Daniel
- Amble, Arun
- Ambro, Bryan
- Ambrose Stout, Katharine
- Ambulos, Nicholas
- Ament, Seth
- Ames, Heather
- Amin, Akshay
- Amin, Idris
- Amin, Mohammed Nurul
- Amin, Pradip
- Amin, Vinisha
- Amini, Amin
- Amirahmadi, Roxana
- Amlani, Mohan
- Amoroso, Anthony
- Amr, Sania
- An, Max
- Anand, Aishwarya
- Ananthram, Manjula
- Ananyeva, Natalya
- Anastasiadis, Pavlos
- Anders, Megan
- Anderson Tull, Tangela
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, Douglas
- Anderson, Eric
- Anjum, Anam
- Ansah, Rosemary
- Ansari, Mohsin
- Antalis, Toni
- Antoniades, John
- Antonios, Lara
- Anu, Rita
- Aouchiche, Rachid
- Aparece, Tikee
- Apostolova, Elisaveta
- Appaswamy, Meera
- Appel, Lindsey
- Apple, Janice
- Applebaum, Yitz
- Applefeld, Mark
- Appleton, Cheryl
- Arango, Celso
- Arbuah-Aning, Rochelle
- Ardanuy, Jeremy
- Ardeshirylajimi, Abdolreza
- Argeles, Pablo
- Arjona, Sterling
- Arnott, Katherine
- Aronson, Rebecca
- Arrabal, Peter
- Arria, Amelia
- Arrison, Daniel
- Arul, Remya
- Arun, Anirudh
- Arya, Awadhesh
- Arzadon, Glenn
- Asadi, Mohammad
- Asare-Owusu, Bridget
- Ashley, Stephanie
- Ashraf, Nida
- Ashwal, Joseph
- Aslanabadi, Arash
- Assefa, Beza
- Atamas, Sergei
- Atanackovic, Djordje
- Athale, Janhavi
- Atlas, Robert
- Attar, Safuh
- Attman, Patricia
- Awad, Ola
- Awan, Omer
- Ayankunbi, Rachael
- Aygun, Mehtap
- Ayyala, Srinivas
- Azad, Abdu
- Azarbarzin, Shirin
- Azim, Shafquat
- Badawi, Deborah
- Badesch, Brittany
- Badjatia, Neeraj
- Badro, Bassim
- Badros, Ashraf
- Badrzadeh, Fariba
- Baek, Danielle
- Baer, Maria
- Baghdadi, Jonathan
- Bagheri, Sayna
- Baghi, Raziyeh
- Bahrami, Afsaneh
- Bahrani, Ashkan
- Baidoo, Nana
- Baig, Azam
- Bailey, Christopher
- Bailey, Jason
- Bakshi, Anshika
- Balaji, Kannan
- Balcer-Kubiczek, Elizabeth
- Baliban, Scott
- Ballin, Jeff
- Balumuka, Darius
- Banerjee, Aditi
- Banerjee, Anirban
- Banerjee, Monica
- Bang, Christine Ko
- Bannerman, Douglas
- Bansal, Sonia
- Bar, Eli
- Baranano, David
- Baribwira, Cyprien
- Barlow, Sam
- Barnes, Ashley
- Barnet, Beth
- Barone, Melissa
- Barr, Brian
- Barr, Nancy
- Barrett, James
- Barron, Kristin
- Barrueto, Fermin
- Barry, Eileen
- Barry, Kathryn Hughes
- Bartolac, Steven
- Baskakov, Ilia
- Basnet, Suresh
- Basquin, Denis
- Bassi, Ashwani
- Bassi, Sumit
- Basu, Sayon
- Bauer, Brent
- Bauer, Karen
- Baugher, William
- Baumgarten, Mona
- Bavoil, Patrik
- Beall, Stephanie
- Beamer, Brock
- Beason, Tiffany
- Bechtel, Roy
- Becker, Stewart
- Beckmann, Allison
- Beggiato, Sarah
- Behrens, Mary
- Beitelshees, Amber
- Belcher, Annabelle
- Bell, Tiffany
- Belleza, Walter
- Bellinger, Elizabeth
- Belot, Audrey
- Belyansky, Igor
- Belyayev, Leonid
- Benavides, David R.
- Benda, Rashmi Khosla
- Benitez, Roberto
- Benjamin, Marshall
- Bennett, Christina
- Bennett, Melanie
- Bentley, William
- Benton, Ashley
- Bentzen, Soren
- Berger, Ann
- Berger, Michael
- Berger, Zackary
- Bergman, Daniel
- Bergstrom, Curt
- Berhane, Tsion
- Berman, Brian
- Bernstein, Lori
- Bernstein, Steven
- Berry, Andrea A.
- Bettegowda, Chetan
- Bettwy, Cassandra
- Bever, Christopher
- Bhandari, Arun
- Bharadwaj, Shobana
- Bhat, Abid
- Bhati, Chandra
- Bhatnagar, Anuj
- Bhusal, Subarna
- Bianchet, Mario
- Bibollet, Hugo
- Bigman, Galya
- Biondo, Thomas
- Birenbaum, Howard
- Birnbaum, Jason
- Birukov, Konstantin
- Birukova, Anna
- Bisordi, Katharine
- Bisson, Sharen, (Bisson, Sharen Marie Bridge)
- Biswal, Nrusingh
- Biswas, Kousick
- Bivona, Louis
- Bizzell, Kimberlee
- Bjarnadottir, Margret Vilborg
- Black, Destiny
- Black, Maureen
- Blaine, Andrea
- Blanchard, May
- Blanchard, Melvin
- Blanchard, Samra
- Blanchard, Thomas
- Blanco, Jorge
- Blanpied, Thomas
- Blaustein, Mordecai
- Blazer, Ashira
- Blitzer, Miriam
- Bloch, Robert
- Block, Brian
- Blotny, Krystyna
- Blumberg, Neil
- Blumenthal, Jacob
- Bodanapally, Uttam
- Boehlke, Kelleen
- Boekeloo, Bradley
- Boer, Miriam
- Bohnenkamp, Jill
- Bohner, Brian
- Bolander, Claire
- Bolgiano, Edward
- Bollinger, Mary
- Bolstridge, Jeffrey
- Bolten, Shannon
- Bonatti, Hugo
- Bond, Jodi
- Bond, Michael
- Bontempo, Laura
- Bonyun, Marissa
- Boone, Karen
- Booth, Jayaum
- Booth, Mary Ann
- Borcar, Apurva
- Borda, Victor
- Bork, Jacqueline
- Born, Louis
- Borzekowski, Dina
- Boscak, Alexis
- Boswell, Kimberly
- Boughman, Joann
- Bourmaf, Mohammad
- Bowman, Peter
- Boyd, Malinda
- Boyer, George
- Boyle, Karen
- Boyman, Liron
- Brader, Alan
- Brady, Rachel
- Brager, Myles
- Braman, Randi
- Branch, Gregory
- Brandt, Harry
- Brandt, Joanna
- Brantner, Christine
- Bratton, Stephanie
- Braun, Robynne
- Braver, Elisa
- Breakey, Donald
- Bregman, Jana
- Bright, Kim
- Britt, Edward
- Broderick, Meaghan
- Brodie, Jeffrey
- Bromberg, Jonathan
- Brookman, Jason
- Brooks, Justin
- Brotman, Rebecca M.
- Brown, Clayton
- Brown, Desmond
- Brown, Eric
- Brown, James
- Brown, JaNya
- Brown, Jeffrey
- Brown, Jessica
- Brown, Kyle
- Brown, Paul
- Brown, Penny
- Brown, Rebecca
- Brown, Sarah
- Brown, Shereene
- Brown, Tania
- Browne, Brian
- Browne, Maria Creciun
- Bruce, Heather
- Bruce, Matthew
- Brull, Stanley
- Brumback, Robert
- Brundage, S.I.
- Bruno, Richard
- Bruno, Vincent
- Bryant, Joseph
- Bryl, Angela
- Bucak, Mevlut
- Bucci, Cynthia
- Buchanan, Laura
- Buchanan, Robert
- Buchwald, Andrea
- Buehler, Paul
- Buescher, Monica
- Buganu, Adelina
- Bui, Tu Thanh
- Bukhari, Khulood
- Bulatovic, Anamaria
- Buonaguro, Luigi
- Burd, Irina
- Burke, Allen
- Burnette, Jordan
- Butler, Kenneth
- Butler, Melinda
- Butt, Bilal
- Buzza, Marguerite
- Caccamese, John
- Caceres Noguera, Juan Alfredo
- Cagney, Julie
- Cahan, Mitchell Aaron
- Cain, Christian
- Cairo, Cristiana
- Calarco, Cali
- Calia, Frank
- Call, Sarah
- Callahan, Charles
- Callahan, Michele
- Calu, Donna
- Camacho Ortega, Sigrid
- Camargo Fernandez-Baca, Aldo
- Cammin, Jochen
- Campbell, James
- Campbell, John
- Candela, Philip
- Cannon, Dawn
- Cao, Chunzhang
- Cao, Xuefang
- Capo Quetglas, Antonio
- Carbonetti, Nicholas
- Cardoso, Joseph
- Cardozo, Carlos
- Carella, Beth
- Carey, Gregory
- Carmack, Anna
- Carneiro da Silva, Joana
- Carpenter, Jessica
- Carpenter, Ross
- Carpenter, William
- Carr, Diamond
- Carr, Elizabeth
- Carraccio, Carol
- Carreto-Binaghi, Laura
- Carrier, France
- Carter, Kayla
- Carter, Kennita
- Carter, Rebecca
- Carter-Pokras, Olivia
- Caruso, Arnaldo
- Caruso, Michael
- Casey, Susan Bleasdale
- Cassady, Steven
- Cassano, Victoria
- Castaneda, Edwin
- Castellano, James
- Caulfield, Amanda
- Cavanaugh, Daniel
- Cebotaru, Valeriu
- Celebi, Neziha
- Celi, Francesco
- Centeno, Jose
- Cerny, Jan
- Chadwick, Tara
- Chae, Songah
- Chahal, Diljon
- Chahal, Jagman Singh
- Chalise, Ananta
- Chamberlain, Catherine
- Chan, Caleb
- Chandia Cristi, America
- Chandra, Amitabh
- Chandra, Prakash
- Chandra, Preeti
- Chandra, Ramesh
- Chandra, Vedansh
- Chang, Joy
- Chang, Linda
- Chang, Louis
- Chang, Randy
- Chang, Wan-Tsu
- Chang, Yen-Pei
- Chang, Yonmee
- Chang, Yushi
- Chao, Amanda
- Chao, Wei
- Chard, Sarah
- Charina Reyes
- Charurat, Man
- Chase, Adrienne
- Chasm, Rose
- Chatree, Saimai
- Chatterjee, Aditi
- Chatterjee, Budhaditya
- Chatterjee, Som
- Chaturvedi, Seemant
- Chaudhary, Mirnal
- Chaves, Alicia
- Chawla, Kiranpreet
- Chawla, Monica
- Cheer, Joseph
- Cheloff, Gregory
- Chen, Chixiang
- Chen, Hairong
- Chen, Hegang
- Chen, Hongxia
- Chen, Jiayan
- Chen, Jie
- Chen, Joseph
- Chen, Kai
- Chen, Kevin
- Chen, Lei Jia
- Chen, Lina
- Chen, Qinghao
- Chen, Rong
- Chen, Shifeng
- Chen, Shuo
- Chen, Stephanie
- Chen, Wengen
- Chen, Wilbur
- Chenault, Kathryn
- Cheng, Amy
- Cheng, Kunrong
- Cheng, Yu-Ching
- Chenoweth, Joshua
- Cherian, Jacob
- Cherukumilli, Sumanth
- Cheston, Sally
- Cheung, Nora Ham-Ting
- Chew, Jane
- Chew, Kin Wah
- Chezar-Azerrad, Chava
- Chiappelli, Joshua
- Chieppa, Marcello
- Chilaka, Natalie
- Chin, Kenneth
- Chin, Thomas
- Chiu, William
- Cho, Eunsung
- Cho, Suhan
- Chodoff, Alaina
- Choi, Chang
- Choi, Hyunjin
- Choi, Youngshim
- Choo, Shelly
- Choudhry, Shabbir
- Chow, Robert, T
- Chozha Rathinam
- Christenson, Robert
- Chryssikos, Timothy
- Chu, Chengyan
- Chu, Eileen
- Chua, Joel
- Chung, C. Yvonne
- Chung, Hee Kyoung
- Chung, Susie
- Chung, Yau Huei
- Ciarkowski, Janet
- Ciccarelli, Karen
- Cina, Majid
- Ciner, Aaron
- Cinnamon, Katherine
- Ciryam, Prajwal
- Citron, Wendla
- Civin, Curt
- Claassen, Cassidy
- Clark, Adam
- Clark, Jaclyn
- Clark, Melissa
- Clark, Sarah
- Clauss, Jacqueline
- Cleary, Joseph
- Clemens, John
- Clemens, Jonathan
- Clemens, Thomas
- Cloak, Christine
- Cloeren, Marianne
- Closs, Brian
- Closson, Forrest T.
- Cobb, Megan
- Cockey, James
- Coffey, Kc
- Cohee, Lauren M
- Cohen, Alan
- Cohen, Miriam
- Cole, John
- Coleman, Patrick
- Colgan, Richard
- Collerius, Andrea
- Collins, Beverly
- Collins, Kim
- Collins, Mary Louise
- Colloca, Luana
- Connolly, Margaret Julia
- Connor, Andrew
- Connors, Elizabeth
- Connors, Kathleen
- Conroy, Susan
- Conroy, Vincent
- Constantine, Niel
- Conti, Bianca
- Conway De Macario, Everly
- Conway, Ashlee
- Conway, Janet
- Cook, Mary
- Cooper, Joanna
- Cootauco, Alice
- Corti, Paola
- Corwell, Brian
- Corwin, Amanda
- Costa Medeiros, Gustavo
- Cothran, Valerie
- Cott, Anisa
- Coughlan, Lynda
- Coupet, Dimitri
- Couture, Leah Anna
- Coyle, David Tyler
- Craig, Jessica
- Cramer, Nathan
- Crandall, Kenneth Matthew
- Crane, Hal
- Crawford, Geoffrey
- Crawford, Steven
- Cricks, Richelle
- Crino, Jude
- Crino, Peter
- Cristina Barbosa Feather
- Crocco, Todd
- Cross, Raymond
- Crowley, Helena
- Culbreth, Adam
- Cullen, Kevin
- Culpepper, William
- Cumming, M. Olivia
- Cunningham, Dana
- Cupka, Bryan
- Curtin, Bryan
- Cusack, Thomas
- Custer, Jason
- Czinn, Steven
- D'Adamo, Christopher
- D'Ambrosio, Brianna
- D'Arbela, Christine
- D'Orta, James
- D'Souza, Warren
- Dahal, Shishir
- Dahiya, Saurabh
- Dajani, Daoud
- Dakum, Patrick
- Dal Molin, Claudia
- Dallal, Cher
- Dalmasy-Frouin, Johannes
- Dalury, David
- Daly, Barry
- Dambaeva, Ariuna
- Damenti, Martina
- Dampare, Laurene
- Dan, Hancai
- Daniel, Emily
- Danielson, Christine
- Danna, Natalie
- Dante, Siddhartha
- Dara Farber
- Darvish, Mahtab
- Darwin, Peter
- Das, Ajit
- Das, Gyan
- Das, Maya
- Dasgupta, Souradip
- Dash, Paul
- DasSarma, Shiladitya
- Datta, Sujata
- Dattwyler, Matthew Peter
- Davalos, Julio
- Davick, Alan
- Davies, Erika
- Davis, Alon
- Davis, Beshaun
- Davis, Derik
- Davis, Esa
- Davis, Jeremy
- Davis, Natalie
- Davis, Stephen
- Dayes, Nathaniel
- De Albuquerque, Nathalia
- De Matos Manoel, Beatriz
- De, Tamasa
- Dea, Lyn
- deBorja, Christopher
- Deck, Steven
- Deepak, Janaki
- Del Deo, Vito
- Del Mauro, Gianpaolo
- Del Veliz, Samanta
- Delano, Michael
- Delanois, Ronald
- Delany, Rachel
- Delapenha, Andrew
- DeLucia, Vittoria
- DeMartino, Anthony
- Deming, Meagan
- DeMoss, Austin
- Deng, Wei
- Deng, Zhuoheng
- Dengler, Bradley
- Dennis, Elizabeth
- Desai, Andrea
- Desai, Sachin
- Desantis, Anthony
- Deshpande, Seema
- Desikan, Sarasijhaa
- Despres, Hannah
- Detrich, Terry
- Detterline, Alvin
- Deverka, Patricia
- Devine, Scott
- Devkota, Hari Raj
- Deza, Florence
- Dezman, Zachary
- Dhillon, Gagandeep
- Diao, Guoquig
- Diaz Calderon, Lina
- Diaz, Johana
- Diaz-Abad, Montserrat
- Dick, Ivy
- Dick-Biascoechea, Madeline
- Dickerson, Faith
- Dickfeld, Timm-Michael
- Dickstein, Rian
- Diedrich, Andre
- Dietrick, Daniel
- Dilip Kumar, Shilpa
- Dilsizian, Vasken
- DiMino, Mark
- Dittmar, Philip
- Divakaruni, Nisha
- Dixon, Lisa
- Dixon, Shannan
- Dobben, Elizabeth
- Dobs, Adrian S.
- Doctor, Allan
- Doddi, Seshagiri
- Dole, Yves-Richard
- Domanski, Michael
- Dona, Samuel
- Donahoo, Elizabeth
- Donenberg, Jennifer
- Dong, Yu
- Donohue, April, (Donohue-Grizzard, April)
- Donohue, Katelyn
- Doo, Florence Xini
- Dooley, Helen
- Dorgan, Joanne
- Dorsey, Carrie
- Dorsey, Nicolas
- Dorsey, Susan
- dosReis, Susan
- Doub, James
- Doucette, Lorraine
- Downing, Jessica
- Doyle, Courtney
- Drachenberg, Cinthia Beskow
- Drake, Wonder
- Drapalski, Amy
- Dreizin, David
- Drillings, Ian
- Driscoll, Amanda
- Driscoll, Marcia
- Drogula, Cynthia
- Drohat, Alexander
- Drossner, Michael
- Drostin, Christina
- Du, Shaojun (Jim)
- Duan, Jianli
- Dubbs, Sarah
- Dubin, Hinda
- Dubowitz, Howard
- Dudley, Sara
- Duffy, Richard
- Duggan, Jessie
- Duggirala, Amar
- Duh, Show-Hong
- Dulkerian, Susan
- Dumetz, Franck
- Duncan, George
- Dunham, Alexandra
- Dunn, Kelly
- Dunning Hotopp, Julie C.
- Dunning, Megan Elizabeth
- Duong, Vu
- Durairaj Pandian, Vishnuprabu
- Duru, Nadire
- Dutta, Sudhir
- Dutton, Richard
- Dwivedi, Ankit
- Dyalram, Donita
- Dyer, Typhanye
- Eaton, Katherine
- Eberhart, Charles
- Ebraheem, Adel
- Edelman, Robert
- Eden, Elizabeth Lane
- Eduardo Solano Gonzalez, PhD
- Edwards, Sarah
- Edwards, Vonetta
- Edwards, Willarda
- Efron, David
- Eglseder, W. Andrew
- Egyud, Matthew
- Ehrenreich, Mark
- Eisenberg, Howard
- Eisenman, David
- Ejaz, Abutaleb Ahsan
- Eke, Uzoamaka
- El Sayed, Mazen
- El-Kamary, Samer
- El-Metwally, Dina
- El-Sayed, Khalid
- El-Shinawi, Mohamed
- Elahi, Montasir
- Ellerkmann, R. Mark
- Elliott, Bethany
- Elliott, Esther
- Ellis, Julie
- Ellish, Nancy
- Elmer, Gregory
- Elpert, Lana
- Elsaid, Salaheldeen
- Elsasser, Theodore
- Eluchie, Tonye Ogechi
- Emmanuvel, Arputharaj
- Enelow, Thomas
- Engelstein, Joel
- Englum, Brian Robert
- Enomoto-Iwamoto, Motomi
- Ercan, Hasan
- Ernst, Robert
- Ernst, Thomas
- Erzurumlu, Reha
- Escuro, Katrina Cecilia Osin
- Esege, Ivara
- Eskandar, Marina
- Esmati, Elnaz
- Esparza Bracho, Jose
- Esposito, Emily
- Etezadi, Vahid
- Ettinger, Walter
- Euerle, Brian
- Evans, Joyce
- Evans-Wood, Allison
- Exantus Bernard, Gina
- Ezelle, Heather
- Faculty Profile Test
- Faden, Alan
- Fadon Padilla, Lucia
- Fahey, Jenifer
- Fahmi, Fahmi
- Falat, Cheyenne
- Falvey, Jason
- Fanaroff, Rachel
- Fang, Adam
- Fang, Beverly
- Fang, Shengyun
- Fang, Wei Han
- Farese, Ann
- Farley, John
- Farooq, Amina
- Farooq, Umer
- Farrior, Carmen
- Farvolden, Davis
- Fasano, Alessio
- Faw, Timothy
- Fay, Jonathan
- Feder, Ethan
- Feigelman, Susan
- Feinstein, Sharon
- Feldman, Ricardo
- Feng, Hanping
- Feng, Sheng
- Ferenc Livak
- Ferentz, Kevin
- Ferguson, Robert
- Ferrada, Marcela
- Ferraro, Luca
- Ferraz, Camila
- Ferre, Sergi
- Ferrer, Christina
- Ferris, Matthew
- Ferrucci, Luigi
- Fertig, Elana
- Fey, Gregory
- Fields, Abbie
- Fields, Julie
- Fiergang, Dean
- Filak, Kristopher
- Film, Roy
- Finigan-Carr, Nadine
- Finn, Aloke
- Finney, R. C. Stewart
- Fischell, Stefanie
- Fischer, Beverly
- Fischer, Kyle
- Fischer, Max
- Fischler, Samuel
- Fishbein, David
- Fisher, Evan
- Fisher, John
- Fisher, Michael
- Fishman, Marc
- Fishman, Paul
- Fiskum, Gary
- Fitzpatrick, James, L
- Fitzpatrick, Meagan
- Fix, Alan
- Flack, Tristan
- Flaherty, Marissa
- Flajnik, Martin
- Flammer, Kristin
- Flanagan, Constance
- Flanagan, Kevin John
- Flaster, Harry
- Fleisher, Albert
- Fleiter, Thorsten
- Fletke, Kyle
- Fleurimond, Christine
- Flint, Robert
- Floccare, Douglas
- Flores, Raymond
- Flowers, Adrienne EC
- Fokar, Ali
- Fonseca, Yudy
- Fontaine, Magali
- Forbes, Kristin L
- Forbess, Joseph
- Forbess, Lisa
- Forman, Joshua
- Forrester, Anique
- Forrester, Jenny
- Forrester, Terrence
- Foster, Cortney
- Fouche-Weber, LaRita
- Fox, Charles
- Fox, Kathleen
- France, Michael
- Francis, Martha
- Franco, Lucas
- Frankel, Neal
- Franklin, Renty
- Franklin, Thomas
- Franks, Teri
- Franzini, Luisa
- Fraser, Claire
- Frattali, Sarah
- Frayha, Neda
- Frazier, Aletta
- Fredrich, Sarah
- French, Linda
- Fricke, W. Florian
- Friedel, Samuel
- Friedman, Gary
- Friedman-Klabanoff, DeAnna
- Frieman, Matthew
- Fripp, Natelaine
- Frisch, Melissa
- Friske, Casey
- Fromowitz, Ariel
- Fu, De-Xue
- Fu, Song
- Fu, Yinghua
- Fuchs, Paul
- Fulton, Amy
- Fulton, Carmen
- Funk, Carly
- Furman, Andrew
- Furrs, Jonathan
- Furuno, Jon
- Fuscaldo, Joseph
- Fuselier, Michelle
- Gadalla, Shahinaz
- Gadhia, Dhruv
- Gaffney, Laura
- Gage, Mark
- Gagnier, James
- Gaines, Ariel
- Gaitens, Joanna
- Gajer, Pawel
- Galen, James
- Galey, Jessica
- Galindo, Javier
- Galkin, Andrey
- Gallicchio, Lisa
- Gallot, Alice
- Galvagno, Samuel
- Galvin, Jeffrey
- Gambert, Steven
- Gamez De Levy, Patricia
- Gandhi, Devang
- Gandhi, Dheeraj
- Gandotra, Sheetal
- Gandsas, Alejandro
- Ganesan, Rita
- Gao, Hongjuan
- Garcia-Bunuel, Martin
- Garg, Vivek
- Garrett-Ray, Stacy
- Garstka, Meghan Elizabeth
- Gartner, Suzanne
- Garzino-Demo, Alfredo
- Gaskin, Peter
- Gaskin, Richelle
- Gattu, Kanchana
- Gatz, J. David, (Gatz, John)
- Gautam, Ujwal
- Gaykalova, Daria
- Gayoso-Adam, Ella
- Gearhart, John
- Gebreyesus, Heran
- Gelfand, Kenneth
- Geng, Degui
- Gens, David
- George, Nicole
- Gerbino, Jeffrey
- Germanas, Juris
- Geroff, Adam
- Gerold, Kevin
- Gerzanich, Vladimir
- Gessner, Bradford
- Gharaibeh, Kamel
- Gheorghiu, Ileana
- Gheorghiu, Ioana
- Ghert, Michelle
- Ghneim, Mira
- Ghobakhlou, Fardin F
- Ghosh, Alip
- Ghoz, Hassan
- Gibson, Glen
- Giffin, Genevieve
- Gifford, Jeneen
- Giglio, Michelle
- Gill, Margo L.K.
- Gillespie, Joseph
- Gilliam, Bruce
- Gilotra, Mohit
- Gilpin, Adele
- Gingold, Daniel
- Gipson, Tanjala
- Girard, Antonia
- Giudice, Erin
- Gladstein, Jack
- Gladwin, Mark
- Glass, Burton
- Glasser, David
- Glazer-Semmel, Esta
- Glick, Danielle
- Glickman, Leslie
- Glovinsky, David
- Gnatt, Averell
- Goel, Nidhi
- Goel, Rinal
- Goel, Sanjay
- Goelet, Philip
- Goetzinger, Katherine
- Gold, James
- Gold, Robert
- Goldberg, Eric
- Goldberg, Nelson
- Goldberg, Richard
- Goldberg, Samuel
- Goldblum, Simeon
- Golding, Amit
- Golding, Corey
- Goldman, Howard
- Goldman, Howard H
- Goldman, Michael
- Goldner, Ronald
- Goldwaser, Eric Luria
- Goloubeva, Olga
- Gong, Da-Wei
- Gonzaga, Rosario
- Good, Karen
- Goode, Courtney
- Goodell, Maryellen
- Goodfellow, Molly Jo
- Goodman, Jay
- Goodman, Katherine
- Goodwin, Aijah
- Gopal, Arun
- Gordes, Karen
- Gordon, Charles
- Gordon, Helen
- Gorelick, David
- Gorman, Emily
- Gorman, Peter
- Gorn, Caroline
- Gossa, Weyinshet
- Gottdiener, John
- Gottlieb Sen, Danielle
- Gottlieb, Andrea
- Gottlieb, Stephen
- Gould, Todd
- Gourab, Krishnaj
- Gourdine, Michelle
- Gover, Tony
- Gowayed, Omar
- Grabow, Theodore
- Grace, George
- Graciano, E. Ana Lia
- Grant, Matthew John
- Grant, Michael
- Grasso, Michael
- Grattan, Lynn
- Gray, Vicki
- Grazioli, Alison
- Greeley, Karen
- Green, Kerry
- Greene, Carol
- Greenwald, Bruce
- Gregory, Shana
- Gregory, Thomas
- Greiser, Maura
- Grewal, Ashanpreet
- Grewal, Reetika
- Grier, William
- Griffith, Bartley
- Griffith, Kathleen
- Griggs, Mayra
- Grimes, Kathryn
- Grissom, Thomas
- Grossman, Glenn
- Grossman, John Charles
- Groves, Mari
- Gruber-Baldini, Ann
- Gruenebast, Janne
- Grumbine, F. Lawson
- Grzywinski, Matthew
- Gu, Jiajia
- Gu, Xinyu
- Guang, Wei
- Guardiani, Elizabeth
- Gucer, Patricia
- Guerrero, Mariana
- Guo, Bing
- Gupta, Anuj
- Gupta, Anuj Kumar
- Gupta, Ekta
- Gupta, Ishita
- Gupta, Saurabh
- Gupta, Shailvi
- Guralnik, Jack
- Gurmu, Samson
- Gutierrez, Camilo
- Guyther, Jennifer
- Gvozden, Andre
- Haake, Andrea
- Haase, Daniel Jennings
- Habashi, Nader
- Hachaambwa, Lottie
- Hackett, Adanna
- Hackman, Ann
- Haft, Howard
- Haft, Sunny
- Hagan, Matilda
- Hagberg, James
- Hager, Erin
- Hahn, Alexander
- Hamad, Gulakhshan
- Hamburger, Anne
- Hamburger, David
- Hamidi, Cyrus
- Hamilton-Powell, Billie
- Hamlyn, John
- Hammer, Alyssa
- Hammershaimb, Elizabeth Adrianne Duque
- Hamza, Iqbal
- Han, Albert
- Han, Dong
- Han, Joan
- Han, Zhe
- Haneef, Amatul-Akhir
- Hanes, Donna
- Hankey, Kim
- Hanna, Nader
- Hansen, Karen
- Hanson, Annette
- Hanson, Jarod
- Haque, Reyaz
- Hardesty, Daniel
- Harding, Joel
- Hardy, Nancy
- Hare, Stephanie
- Harfouch, Omar
- Harfouche, Melike
- Hariharan, Ashwini
- Harioudh, Munesh
- Haririan, Abdolreza
- Harman, Christopher
- Harms, Jamie
- Harraz, Maged
- Harris Wallace, Brandy
- Harris, Anthony
- Harrison, Daniel
- Harrison, Shannon Takala
- Harrison-Restelli, Catherine
- Harvey, Brandon
- Hasan
- Hasan, Ahmed A.
- Hasan, Syed
- Hasday, Jeffrey
- Hasin, Farah Syeda
- Hassan, Bashar
- Hassan, Md Mahadi
- Hassel, Bret
- Hatfield, Bradley
- Hatten, Kyle
- Hausner, Petr
- Hayes, John
- Hayes, Michael
- Hazen, Tracy
- He, Xin
- Heavner, Jason
- Hebert, Andrea
- Hegab Souquette, Aisha
- Hegarty, Kathleen Therese
- Hegde, Kavita
- Heil, Emily
- Heinbockel, Thomas
- Heisler, Alexander
- Heisler, Samantha
- Heller, Lawrence
- Heller, Todd
- Heltzel, Justin
- Hemady, Ramzi
- Hemani, Alnoor
- Hempen, Eric
- Henderson, Amanda
- Henderson, Fraser
- Henderson, Reney
- Hendrix, Cheralyn
- Henn, R. Frank
- Henneghan, Tedric
- Henry, Gavin
- Henry, Rebecca
- Henry, Sharon
- Hepburn, Brian
- Hepp, Cheryl
- Herb, Brian
- Herdt, Donald
- Heredia, Alonso
- Herrada, Pamela
- Herren, Josi
- Herring, Allison
- Herron, John
- Herskovits, Edward
- Hertzano, Ronna
- Herzenberg, John
- Hicks, Albert
- Hicks, Gregory
- Higgs, Amanda
- Hill, Russell
- Hill, Terri
- Hinduja, Anish
- Hines, Stella
- Hirsch, Jeffrey
- Hirshon, Jon Mark
- Hnoosh, Dima
- Ho, Simon
- Hobart, Donald
- Hochberg, Marc
- Hodzic, Vedrana
- Hofferth, Sandra
- Hoffman, Gloria
- Hoffman, Kathleen
- Hoffman, Teresa
- Hoffmann, Diane
- Hogans, Beth
- Hojabri, Mahsa
- Holden, Van Kim
- Hollander, Kimberly Naden
- Holliday, Lindsay
- Holliday, Tyler
- Hollidge, Melanie
- Holloway, Adrian
- Holm, Johanna
- Holmes, Katelyn
- Holsten, Steven
- Honeycutt, Noreen
- Hong, Charles
- Hong, Jack
- Hong, Jennifer
- Hong, Jung-Soo
- Hong-Zohlman, Susie
- Honig, Marc
- Hood, Robert
- Hoorfar, Hamid
- Hooten, Kristopher
- Hoover, Sharon
- Hope, Sandy
- Hopkins, Mark
- Hopkins-Luna, Angela
- Hopp, Jennifer
- Hopper, Kelly
- Horan, Teresa
- Hormozi, Darab
- Horn, David
- Horn, Linda
- Hornyak, Thomas
- Horton, Isaiah Mark
- Horwitz, Daniel
- Hoshyar, Reyhane, (Hooshyar, Reyhaneh)
- Hossain, Rydhwana
- Hosseini, Saman
- Hou, Zichao
- Hough, Zachary
- House, Hugh
- Hovermale, Lisa
- How, Remealle
- Howell, Amoreena E.
- Hoyt, Mary
- Hsu, Samuel
- Hu, Fu
- Hu, Junkai
- Hu, Kami M.
- Hu, Yinin
- Hua, Anke
- Huang, Audrey
- Huang, Chuan-Sheng
- Huang, Huang Chiao
- Huang, Nancy
- Huang, Shuo
- Huber, Scott
- Hudhud, Dania
- Hughes Driscoll, Colleen
- Huis in 't Veld, Maite
- Hung, Kimberly
- Hungerford, Laura
- Hunter, Daniel
- Huq, Muhammad
- Hurley, Kristen
- Hurt, Elaine
- Hurvitz, Julie Ann
- Hussain, Arif
- Hussey-Gardner, Brenda
- Huston, Stephanie
- Hutcheson, Kaycie
- Hutchinson, Barbara
- Ibrahim, Mohamed
- Iffland, Philip
- Iguchi, Mark
- Ihenatu, Chinwe
- Ikhane, Peter
- Ikheloa, Eseigboria
- Im, Dwight
- Im, Lily
- Imtiyaz, Zuha
- Ingari, John
- Inkellis, Elizabeth
- Inscore, Anjeli
- Ioffe, Olga
- Iqbal, Muddassar
- Isaiah, Amal
- Islam, Mohammad Sazzadul
- Islam, Nasita
- Israel, Benjamin
- Iwamoto, Kate
- Iwamoto, Masahiro
- Iyer, Shama
- Jablonover, Michael
- Jabra-Rizk, Mary Ann
- Jackson, Brian W.
- Jackson, Bryon Patrick
- Jackson, Eric
- Jackson, William
- Jacobson, Katherine Julia
- Jacoby, Aaron
- Jacques, Ariella Candace
- Jaeblon, Todd
- Jain, Rupal
- Jakhete, Neha
- James, Adam
- Janelle Cooper
- Jani, Shuchi
- Jani, Suni Niranjan
- Janice Sallitt
- Jankosky, Christopher
- Janney, Heather
- Janofsky, Jeffrey
- Janowski, Miroslaw
- Japp, Emily
- Jarrell, Bruce
- Jasani, Gregory
- Jassey, Alagie
- Jauregui, Julio
- Jeng, Linda
- Jensen, Allison
- Jeon, Hee-Young
- Jerome, Scott
- Jeudy, Jean
- Jewell, Christopher
- Jhou, Thomas
- Jia, Xiaofeng
- Jiang, Jicai
- Jiang, Jie
- Jiang, Li
- Jiang, Yixing
- Jilani, Danish
- Jimenez Restrepo, Alejandro
- Jin, Peter
- Jiwani, Shahanawaz
- Jo, Stephanie
- Jodarski, Colleen
- John, Preeti
- John, Thomas
- Johnson, Aaron
- Johnson, Diana
- Johnson, Harry
- Johnson, Jeffrey
- Johnson, Jennifer
- Johnson, Justin
- Johnson, Kahlil
- Johnson, Mary
- Johnson, Rachel
- Johnson, Wallace
- Johnstonbaugh, Hannah
- Jokhadar, Muhammad
- Jones, Aliya
- Jones, Glenn
- Jones, Kevin
- Jones, Laundette
- Jones, Niya
- Jones, Stephanie Elyse
- Jones-Beatty, Kimberly
- Jordan Parker, Gina
- Jordan-Randolph, Gayle
- Jose, Pedro
- Joseph, Kerith
- Joshi, Anupam
- Joshi, Manjari
- Jou, Katherine
- Joy, Abel
- Joy, Nino
- Juarez, Barbara
- Jufer Phipps, Rebecca
- Jules, Astride
- Jules-Chapman, Michele
- Jumare, Jibreel
- Jun, John Young
- Jung, Patrick Lynn
- Justicz, Natalie
- Kabir, Arif
- Kacmarek, Corinne
- Kaddourah, Osama
- Kader, Howard
- Kadri-Rodriguez, Sameer
- Kahn, Teri
- Kahntroff, Stephanie
- Kai, Marc
- Kakuska, Daniel
- Kalavagunta, Chaitanya
- Kalil, Emile Tonas
- Kalil, Graziela
- Kalil, Roberto
- Kalinich, John
- Kalishman, Jennifer
- Kallen, Michael
- Kalra, Kavita
- Kalvakolanu, Dhan V.
- Kamassai, Joseph
- Kamdi, Sandesh
- Kanani, Samir
- Kane, Kathleen Elizabeth
- Kang, Insung
- Kang, Sang Hoon
- Kani, Kimia Khalatbari
- Kankaria, Anil
- Kanold, Patrick
- Kantsevoy, Sergey
- Kanwar, Jyoti
- Kao, Joseph
- Kaper, James
- Kaplan, Kelby
- Kaplan, Tugba
- Kaplowitz, Jeremy
- Kapoor, Aarti
- Kapoor, Shiv
- Karamitros, Georgios
- Karbowski, Mariusz
- Karim, Syed
- Karimi, Maryam
- Karki, Pratap
- Karnes-Amzibel, Patricia
- Karri, Jay
- Karwowski, John
- Karzar, Ryan
- Kasu, Mary
- Kathari, Yamini Krishna
- Kattakuzhy, Sarah
- Katzel, Leslie
- Kaufman, Adam
- Kaur, Kiranjit
- Kaushik, Kartik
- Kausik, Sankar
- Kavic, Stephen
- Ke, Yunbo
- Keane, Thomas
- Keane, Virginia
- Kearney, Christopher
- Keegan, Achsah
- Keledjian, Kaspar
- Keller, Asaf
- Keller, Michael
- Kelly, Deanna
- Kelly, Michy
- Keluth Chavan, Venugopal Naik
- Kenaa, Blaine
- Keniston, Leslie Parker
- Kennedy, Alvin
- Kent, Anthony Phillip
- Kenzora, John
- Kerns, Timothy
- Keshtkarjahromi, Mitra
- Kester, Kent
- Keum, Dongil
- Kewalramani, Anupama
- Khachaturian, Henry
- Khadjevand, Mehraneh
- Khajavi, Marissa
- Khalsa, Jag
- Khambaty, Mariam
- Khan, Almazeb
- Khan, Aminur
- Khan, Amir
- Khan, Arshad
- Khan, Ayesha
- Khan, Haroon
- Khan, Kristin
- Khan, Mansoor
- Khan, Misbah
- Khan, Mohammad Afzal
- Khan, Muhammad
- Khan, Omar Iqbal
- Khan, Sara Atiq
- Khan, Sarah Hussain
- Khan, Shahab
- Khan, Ubaid
- Khan, Zulqarnain
- Khanam, Arshi
- Khanna, Niharika
- Khanna, Shiv
- Kharal, Sid
- Khatoon, Rehana
- Khazan, Tanya
- Kheirbek, Raya
- Khianey, Reena
- Khorjekar, Gauri
- Khorshidi, Fereshteh
- Khoshravesh, Sahar
- Khosla, Amit
- Khoujah, Danya
- Khushalani, Sunil
- Kidwai, Farook
- Kight, Katherine
- Kim, Ann
- Kim, Anthony J.
- Kim, David
- Kim, Grace
- Kim, Hong
- Kim, Hyeong Joong
- Kim, James
- Kim, Kevin
- Kim, Michael
- Kim, Min Jung
- Kim, Paul
- Kim, Raymond
- Kim, Seung Jun
- Kimberly Smith
- King, Brent
- King, Dawan
- King, Joshua David
- King, Roderick
- Kiser, Laurel
- Kithas, Andrew
- Kittner, Steven
- Klapka, Danielle
- Klapper, Mitchell
- Klaus, Suzanne
- Klein, Adam
- Klein, Kendall
- Klein, Travis
- Klepper, Bryan
- Kler, Aditya
- Kleykamp, Bethea
- Kligman, Mark
- Kline, Antonie
- Kline, Kathryn
- Klingaman, Elizabeth
- Klotz, Remi
- Klucher, Brianna
- Klune, John
- Knight, Nancy
- Knight, Stephanie
- Knoop, Caroline
- Knott, Cheryl
- Knox, Jerica
- Koch, Christina
- Kochunov, Peter
- Kocoglu, Mehmet
- Kodali, Bhavani Shankar
- Kodama, Joe
- Koh, Eugene
- Koh, Jin-Young
- Koka, Madhurima
- Kolakowski, Logan
- Koliatsos, Vassilis
- Koltz, Christopher
- Komarow, Hirsh
- Komrad, Mark
- Konadu, Elizabeth
- Kong, Byoungjae
- Kong, Dejun
- Konikkara, John Joseph
- Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini
- Koos, Robert
- Korenic, Stephanie
- Koroulakis, Antony
- Korrapati, Sathyasaikumar
- Kostrzewsky, Anna
- Kotloff, Karen
- Kottilil, Shyamasundaran (Shyam)
- Kotwal, Nidhi
- Kowalcyk, Megan
- Kowalski, Rebecca
- Kozar, Rosemary
- Kozlovsky, Bernard
- Krajewski, Thomas
- Krakowiecki, Wenceslas
- Kramer, Angela
- Kramer, Audra
- Krantz, Bryan
- Kratz, Sabrina
- Krause, Eric
- Krauss, Christopher
- Krejci, Kathleen
- Krey, Rebecca
- Kreyenbuhl, Julie
- Kriebs, Jan
- Kriel, Edwin
- Krishnamachary, Balaji
- Krishnan, Vijay
- Kristian, Tibor
- Krouss, Mona
- Krueger, Bruce
- Krum, L. Nicole
- Krumholz, Allan
- Krupnick, Alexander
- Ksendovsky, Alexander
- Kuehl, Sapna
- KuKuruga, Debra
- Kulaga, Stephanie
- Kulkarni, Shreyus
- Kumar, Amit
- Kumar, Manoj
- Kumari, Anshu
- Kunaprayoon, Dan
- Kundi, Rishi
- Kundra, Vikas
- Kunkel, August
- Kunnackal John, George
- Kuo, Catherine
- Kuppusamy, Priya
- Kurgansky, Dennis
- Kurtom, Khalid
- Kurtz, Sarah
- Kutzer, Dennis
- Kvarta, Mark
- Kwak, Gijung
- Kwatra, Shawn Gaurav
- Kwok, Young
- Kwon, Hyuk Joon
- Kwon, Min
- Ky, Jeanne
- Labib, Mohamed
- Lacap, Constance
- Lacey, James
- Lafargue, Audrey
- Lagos, Rosanna
- Lai, Hong
- Lai, Shenghan
- Lai, Ty
- Lakatta, Edward
- LaKind, Judy
- Lakowicz, Joseph
- Lal, Brajesh
- Lalonde, Gregory
- Lamaris, Grigorios
- Lamichhane, Narottam
- Lammers, Jennifer
- Lamos, Elizabeth
- Landless, Peter
- Lane, Barton F.
- Lane, Wendy
- Lang, Yankun
- Langbaum, Michael
- Langenberg, Patricia
- Langfitt, Mark
- Langhammer, Christopher
- Lankford, Allison
- Lanza, Marcel B.
- Lanzo, Joanne
- Lapidus, Rena
- Lara, Caroline
- LaRosa, Rachel
- Larson, Justine
- Lasio, Giovanni
- Lasso-Pirot, Anayansi
- Latham, Kerry
- Latinovic, Olga
- Latorre, Samantha
- Lattman, Eaton
- Lau, Christine
- Lauerman, Margaret
- Laufer, Miriam
- Laukaitis, Hanna
- Laurens, Matthew
- Lauring, Oanh
- Lauterbach, Margo
- Lauver, David
- Lavoie, Marie-Claude
- Lavoie, Melissa
- Law, Jennie
- Lawner, Benjamin
- Lazerow, Peggy
- Le, Thomas
- Lebron-Afanador, Ralph
- Lederer, W Jonathan
- Lee, Burton
- Lee, Daiheon
- Lee, Hangnoh Joseph
- Lee, Hwiyoung
- Lee, Jessica
- Lee, Jessica Karen
- Lee, Jin-Gu
- Lee, Mei-Ling
- Lee, Ronald
- Lee, Sara
- Lee, Sarah
- Lee, Seung
- Lee, Seung Chan
- Lee, Seung Tae
- Lee, Soyoung
- Lee, Sung-Woo
- Lee, Young Suk
- Leedom, Michael
- Leekha, Surbhi
- Lees, Andrew
- Lefeuvre, Jennifer
- LeFevre, Alexandra
- LeGates, Tara
- Legenzov, Eric
- Legesse, Teklu
- Lehman, Anthony
- Lei, Jun
- Lei, Zhuofan
- Leistikow, Nicole
- Lemkin, Daniel
- Lemme Dumit, Jose
- Lemmon, Eric
- Leong, Natalie
- Lepore, Michael
- Lerner, Michael
- Leung, Jocelyn
- Lever, Nancy
- Levin, Moran
- Levin, Philip
- Levin, Richard
- Levine, Andrea
- Levine, Myron
- Levitas, Michael
- Levitt, Alan
- Levy, Aaron
- Levy, Daniel
- Lewis, George
- Lewis, Joshua
- Lewis, Kerry
- Lewis, Russell
- Ley, Eric
- Li, Bo
- Li, Eric
- Li, Guang
- Li, Guangming
- Li, Ling
- Li, Yijia
- Li, Yiran
- Li, Yue
- Li, Yun
- Li, Yuxing
- Li, Zongpan
- Liang, Huajun
- Liang, Xiao
- Liang, Yajie
- Liberto, Joseph
- Lichenstein, Richard
- Liebman, Samuel
- Liggett, Stephen
- Ligon, Rhamin
- Lillehoj, Erik
- Lilly, Michael
- Lim, Joshua
- Limpuangthip, Andrea
- Lin, Frank
- Lin, Jiayuh
- Lin, Mary
- Lin, Yifei Sylvia
- Lindberg, Iris
- Linera Asencio, Alejandro
- Linzmeier, Jessica
- Lion, John
- Lipinski, Marta
- Littlewood, Alden
- Liu, Esther
- Liu, Hangfan
- Liu, Hanhan
- Liu, Hongjie
- Liu, Peiying
- Liu, Ruya
- Liu, Shuai
- Liu, Song
- Liu, Tracy
- Liu, Xiao
- Liu, Yan
- Livesey, Michael
- Livezey, Viveca
- Loane, David
- Lobo, Mary Kay
- Lock, Nicole
- Loewenstein, Richard
- Loftus, Matthew
- Lokhandwala, Parvez
- Lominadze, Zurabi
- Lomonico, M Paul
- Lonergan, Cheryl
- Longden, Thomas
- Lopez, Kerri
- LoPresti, Peter
- Loreck, David
- Lotana, Humphrey
- Louis J. Taylor
- Love, Raymond
- Lowder, Gerard
- Lowe, Henry I.C.
- Lowie, Bobbi-Jo Elisabeth
- Lowitt, Mark
- Lu, Wei
- Lubek, Joshua
- Lucksted, Alicia
- Ludwig, Steven
- Luethy, Paul
- Luetkens, Tim
- Luft, Andreas
- Lujan, Miguel
- Lukyanenko, Valeriy
- Lumpkins, Kimberly
- Luo, Shunqun
- Lushniak, Boris
- Lutz, Gabriel
- Lutz, Melissa
- Luzina, Irina
- Lvovs, Dmitrijs
- Lyke, Kirsten
- Ma, Bing
- Ma, Tianzhou
- Macario, Alberto
- Macatangay, Regina
- Macek, Mark
- MacFarlane, Michael
- Mackenzie, Colin
- Mackey, Megan
- Mackey, Richard
- Mackowiak, Philip
- MacVittie, Thomas
- Maddox, John
- Magaziner, Jay
- Magder, Laurence
- Maghimbi, Abubakar
- Magidson, Jessica
- Mahaley, Chinwe
- Maharajan, Nagarajan
- Maher, Daniel
- Maheshwari, Anurag
- Maheshwari, Mayank
- Mahgoub, Abdullahi
- Mahurkar, Anup
- Mair, Christine
- Majmundar, Shyam
- Makar, Tapas
- Makarava, Natallia
- Makhzoumi, Zaineb
- Maldarelli, Mary
- Malek, Rana
- Malik, Jibran
- Malik, Saad Ahmed
- Malinow, Andrew
- Malinowski, Amy
- Mallott, David
- Maloney, Kristin
- Malouf, Alan
- Maloy, James Daniel
- Maluf, Daniel
- Man, Lillian
- Mancera, Alex
- Mancini, David
- Mandrell, Timothy
- Mangalapudi, Amar Madhuri
- Maniu, Adina
- Mann, David
- Mann, Dean
- Mann, Priyanka
- Mannella, Carmen
- Mannem, Swetha
- Mannuel, Heather
- Manoochehri, Amir
- Manson, Paul
- Manson, Theodore
- Manza, Peter
- Marano, Christopher Mark
- Maranto, Anthony
- Marchand, Lucas
- Marchese, Luca
- Marchese, Victoria
- Marciniak, Ellen
- Marcozzi, David Edward
- Marcus, Emily
- Margolis, Frank
- Margolis, Leonid
- Marhefka, Alicia
- Mariano, Jennifer Megan
- Marinucci, Francesco
- Mark, Katrina
- Marks, Madeline
- Marmillion, Meghan
- Maron, Bradley
- Marshall, Jeffrey
- Marshall, Sandra
- Martin, Ashley Kyle
- Martin, David
- Martin, John
- Martin, Stuart
- Martinez, Joseph
- Martino Gomez, Maria
- Martz, Douglas
- Marur, Surendra
- Mas, Valeria
- Mason, Sherell
- Masri, Radi
- Massey, Howard
- Mastandrea, John
- Masur, Henry
- Mathew, Denny
- Mathews, Jared
- Mathur, Brian
- Mathur, Poonam
- Matteson, Donald
- Mattu, Amal
- Matz, Samuel
- Mauban, Joseph Ryan
- May, Conrad
- Mayer, Dirk
- Mayzel, Maria
- McArdle, Patrick
- McAvoy, Sarah Anne
- McCall, Dion
- McCambridge, Teri
- Mccann, Robert Sean
- McCanon, Alison
- McCarthy, Margaret
- McClam, Tamela
- McClure, Philip
- McClymont, Ursula
- McComiskey, Carmel
- McCoy, Christopher
- Mccoy, Rozalina
- McCunn, Maureen
- McCurdy, Michael
- McDiarmid, Melissa
- Mcdonagh, P. Reed
- Mcdougall, Lorissa
- McDuff, David
- McGowan-Branch, Vicki
- Mchugh, Kathleen
- Mcintire, Katherine
- McKenna, Mary
- McLean, Heather
- McLenithan, John
- McMillin, Charles
- McNamara, James
- McPhaul, Kathleen
- McPherson, Mary Lynn
- Means, Ronald
- Medina de Jesus, Alexandre
- Medoff, Deborah
- Medved, Leonid
- Meeks, Karlijn A. C.
- Mehlhaff, Krista Maree
- Mehndiratta, Prachi
- Mehra, Mandeep
- Mehra, Mandira
- Mehra, Ranee
- Mehta, Monica
- Mei, Zhongcheng
- Meier, Raphael P.
- Mekonen, Hayelom
- Melhem, Lina
- Melnyk, Nataliya
- Mendoza, Carolina
- Mendoza, James
- Meng, Fantao
- Menon, Rohit
- Merbs, Shannath
- Merchenthaler, Istvan
- Meredith, Sean
- Mergner, Wolfgang
- Merino-Juarez, Jose
- Merkle, Thomas
- Mesa Corrales, Hector
- Mesioye, Abisola
- Mettler, Bret
- Mezghanni, Rosangela
- Michael, Miriam
- Michel, Sarah
- Michetti, Christopher
- Michon, Francis
- Middleton, Angela
- Mijares, Lilia
- Mikdashi, Jamal
- Militello, Philip
- Miller, Carlen
- Miller, Christopher
- Miller, Edward
- Miller, Elie
- Miller, Gabriella
- Miller, Jonathan
- Miller, Moshe
- Miller, Ram
- Miller, Samantha
- Miller, Stanley
- Miller, Timothy
- Milletich, Patricia
- Millstein, Leah
- Milton, Donald
- Milzman, David
- Min, Myo
- Mir, Mahshid
- Mirarchi, Saverio
- Mirvis, Stuart
- Mishra, Mark
- Mistry, Dipti
- Mitchell, Amber
- Mitchell, Ashley
- Mitchell, Braxton
- Mixson, Archibald
- Moayedi, Siamak
- Mocci, Evelina
- Modiri, Arezoo
- Modly, Charlotte
- Moeller, Shaun
- Mohiuddin, Muhammad
- Moin, Imran
- Moinfar, Amir
- Molitoris, Jason Kyle
- Momeni, Bahador
- Mondal, Samhati
- Money, Mary
- Mong, Jessica
- Montasser, May
- Monteiro, Mervyn
- Montoya, Anthony
- Moon, Joanne
- Moore Shive, Gigi
- Moore, Cameron
- Moore, James
- Moore, Jane I. Siehl
- Moore, Rachel
- Moradmand, Hajar
- Morales, Robert
- Moresi, J. Margaret
- Morgan, Athol
- Morgan, Daniel
- Morganstein, Joshua
- Morris, Nicholas
- Morrissey, John
- Morrow, Courtenay
- Mossahebi, Sina
- Motta, Melissa
- Motter-Mast, Robin
- Moudgil, Kamal
- Mouratidis, Maria
- Moyer, Kelly
- Mudd, Janna
- Mueller, Jaclyn
- Mukherjee, Ratnakar
- Mukhopadhyay, Subhradip
- Mulasi, Ila
- Mulberg, Andrew
- Mull, Makenzy
- Muller-Ramirez, Claudio
- Mulligan, Terrence
- Mulliken, Brian
- Mullins, C Daniel
- Mullins, Kristin
- Mumtaz, Aisha
- Munawwar, Arshi
- Munger, Steven
- Munir, Kashif
- Munir, Wuqaas
- Murali, Neeraja
- Muriel-Gonzalez, Joaquin
- Murphy, Latasha
- Murphy, Tess
- Murray, Erin
- Murthi, Sarah
- Musisi, Stephen
- Mwaisela, Francis
- Myers, Bennett
- Myers, Drew
- Mysore, Manu
- Nace, Heather
- Nace, James
- Nagarsheth, Khanjan
- Nagle, Sheryl
- Nagm, Alhusain
- Nair, Prasanna
- Nakano, Karen
- Nakhoul, Marie
- Nandi, Sumon
- Nanjaiah, Hemalatha
- Naqvi, Nida
- Narayanan, Shivakumar
- Nascone, Jason
- Nasim, Faria
- Naslund, Michael
- Nasrin, Dilruba
- Natanson, Charles
- Nataro, James
- Nathan, Rachel
- Ndembi, Nicaise
- Ndungo, Esther
- Neale, Donna
- Negi, Shobhit
- Nelles, Meaghan
- Nelms, Justin
- Nelson, Joseph
- Nene, Vishvanath
- Neri, Michael
- Nesbitt, LaQuandra Sherese
- Neschis, David
- Netzer, Giora
- Neustein, Benjamin
- Neuwald, Andrew
- Neuzil, Daniel
- Newman, Naeem
- Newmier, Eugene
- Newstadt, Justin
- Newton, Paula
- Ng, Vincent
- Nguyen, Cydney
- Nguyen, Dung
- Nguyen, Thuy
- Nguyen, Triet
- Nguyen, Tu
- Nichelson, Erika
- Nichols, Elizabeth
- Nichols, Gracie
- Nichols, Stephen
- Niederhaus, Silke
- Niemiec, Teresa
- Nigam, Priya
- Nikhinson, Marina
- Nikita, Maria Eleni
- Ning, Yi
- Nirankari, Verinder
- Nisar, Saira
- Niyongere, Sandrine
- Njar, Vincent
- Njoku, Mary
- Nnabue, Thaddeus
- Noller, Kathleen
- Noorani, Robert
- Norrby, Erling
- Norris-Shortle, Carole
- Noto, Michael
- Nottage, Angelica
- Nowak Choi, Kamila Anna
- Nowak, Rebecca
- Ntiri, Shana
- Nunez Gonzalez, Joel
- Nurudeen, Suliat Mayowa
- Nusbaum, Jeffrey
- Nwandu, Anthea
- Nwaononiwu, Uchemadu
- Nwodim, Emeka
- Nyunt, Myaing
- O'Brien, Katherine
- O'Brien, Thomas
- O'Connell, Jeffrey
- O'Connor, Christine
- O'Connor, Erin
- O'Connor, Kyle
- O'Connor, Timothy
- O'Donnell, Christopher
- O'Donovan, Terrence
- O'Hara, Lyndsay
- O'Hara, Nathan Noel
- O'Malley, Bert
- O'Neill, Joseph
- O'Reilly, Geralyn
- O'Toole, Robert
- Oakes, Jonathan
- Oates, Tim
- Obasi, Chidi
- Obiefune, Michael Chibuzo
- Ochs, Michael
- Odonkor, Patrick
- Offurum, Ada
- Oglesby, Amanda
- Oh, Sangbo
- Oh, Sangjin
- Ohta, Yuko
- Oken, Harry
- Okike, Kanu
- Okolie, Francesca
- Okun, Marc
- Olivieri, Peter
- Oljira, Birhane
- Olmsted, William
- Olusakin, Jimmy
- Omosule, Ayodeji
- Onajobi, Oluwatobi
- Onder, Songul Celebi
- Onigbanjo, Mutiat
- Onyewu, Samuel
- Oreizi-Esfahani, Mohammad
- Orgel, Laurie
- Orr, Danielle
- Orr, Gary
- Ortega, Megan A. Connelly
- Ortiz, Jennifer
- Ortiz, Justin
- Ortmeyer, Heidi
- Orwig, Denise
- Osei-Boamah, Emmanuel
- Osgood, Greg
- Oshima, Yumiko
- Osinusi, Anuoluwapo
- Ossip, Diane
- Otieno, Beryl
- Otis Lawrence Stitt
- Otitoju, Foluke
- Otsuru, Satoru
- Otto, Elizabeth
- Ouattara, Amed
- Ouchari, Mouna
- Outeda Garcia, Patricia
- Oviedo, Enrique
- Owonikoko, Taofeek Kunle
- Owusu-Antwi, Kofi
- Ozair, Ahmad
- Ozelius, Katherine
- Ozment, Zoe
- Paad, David
- Paccione, Kristin
- Packer, Jonathan
- Padia, Janak
- Pagan Pares, Melissa
- Paine, Robert
- Pal, Saurabh
- Palacio, Danica
- Pallan, John
- Pallone, Michael Nicholas
- Palmer, Joseph
- Paluskievicz, Christina
- Pan, Judy
- Panagos, Katherine
- Panda, Aruna
- Pandey, Nikhil
- Panlilio, Louis
- Panzarella, Philip
- Papadimitriou, John
- Papaminas, Catherine
- Papanikos, Yani Konstantinos
- Parham, Brittany
- Parikh, Gunjan
- Parikh, Rikesh
- Parimi, Nehu
- Park, Hongju
- Parker, Donna
- Parker, Pamela
- Parker, Whitney
- Parmer, Lauren
- Paronich, Paul
- Parsirad, Mahdokht
- Parsons, Kendall
- Pasetti, Marcela
- Pass, Carolyn
- Patanaphan, Vinita
- Patchan, Kathleen
- Patel, Akshar
- Patel, Ami
- Patel, Ashka
- Patel, Devang
- Patel, Harsh
- Patel, Janki
- Patel, Jigar
- Patel, Lakir
- Patel, Mihir
- Patel, Pooja
- Patel, Sameer
- Patel, Shivani
- Patel, Shruti Suresh
- Patel, Smita
- Patel, Snehal
- Patel, Vipul
- Patel, Zil
- Patil, Seema
- Patterson, Tiffany
- Patton, Eileen
- Pauza, C. David
- Payne-Sturges, Devon
- Pearl, Jonathan
- Pearson, Courtney
- Pedra, Joao
- Peeke, Pamela
- Peeples, Amanda
- Peer, Jason
- Pei, Y. Veronica
- Pembroke, Thomas
- Penafiel, Jay
- Peng, Bo
- Peng, Denggao
- Pennant, Marjorie
- Pensy, Raymond
- Pereira, Edna F.R. (Albuquerque, Edna, FR)
- Pereira, Kevin
- Perencevich, Eli
- Pergakis, Melissa
- Perkins, Darren
- Perkins, Julia
- Perman, Jay
- Perraut, Michael
- Perrotti, Danilo
- Perry, James
- Peters, Robert
- Peters, Todd
- Petruccelli, Christopher
- Pfau, Richard
- Pfender, Rebecca
- Phalen, Peter
- Pham, Lily
- Phan, Thanh
- Phan, TramAnh
- Phelan, Michael
- Phillips, Elizabeth
- Phillips, Jay
- Phipps, Michael
- Piao, Wenji
- Pickard, Hanna
- Pidugu, Lakshmi Swarna
- Pielago, Jose Martin
- Pierre, Valerie
- Pierson, Matthew
- Pietris, Nicholas
- Pincus, Kathleen
- Pine-Twaddell, Elyse
- Pinet-Peralta, Luis Mauricio
- Pinzon Burgos, Eduar
- Piras, Crystal
- Plantholt, Stephen
- Plavner, Victor
- Plotkin, Amy
- Plotnick, Gary
- Plowe, Christopher
- Pocivavsek, Ana
- Podell, Jamie
- Poirier, Yannick
- Polito, Albert
- Polk, Timothy
- Pollak, Andrew
- Pollin, Toni
- Pollitt, Stephanie
- Polovich, Martha
- Polsky, M Brian
- Polster, Brian
- Pomerantz, Seymour
- Popescu, Saskia
- Popovic, Mikulas
- Porembka, David
- Porter, Neil
- Postolache, Teodor
- Potosky, Darryn
- Poudyal, Bhuwan
- Poulopoulos, Alexandros
- Powell, Carole
- Powell, Danielle
- Powell, Elizabeth
- Powell, Helen
- Powers , John
- Powers, Benjamin
- Pozharskiy, Edvin
- Pozniak, Tetiana
- Prabhakar, Deepak
- Pramanik, Sudeep
- Prantner, Daniel
- Prao, Leonie
- Prasad Gupta, Birendra
- Prasad, Joni
- Pravdo, Alisa
- Premuzic, Tihana
- Prescott, Susan
- Preslan, Mark
- Price, Justin
- Prior, Steven
- Pritchard, Jennifer
- Promnares, Kamoltip
- Pruitt, David
- Prybys, Katherine
- Puche, Adam
- Puffer, Ross
- Pujji, Sherry
- Pula, Thaddeus
- Pumplin, David
- Puranik, Puru
- Putnam, Nicole
- Pyda, Jordan
- Qato, Danya
- Qi, Dongfei
- Qi, Jianfei
- Qian, Feng
- Qiao, Guanda
- Qiu, Yun
- Quaglieri, Caroline
- Quaytman, Miles
- Quezada, Sandra
- Qui, Chunfang
- Quinn, Michael
- Quinteros-Waltemath, Oscar, (Quinteros Waltemath, Oscar)
- Rabin Blair, Lauren
- Rabin, Joseph
- Rabinowitz, Ronald
- RachBeisel, Jill
- Racherla, Vandana Rao
- Rada, Erin
- Radowsky, Jason
- Raghavan, Prashant
- Rahimi Darabad, Robabeh
- Rahimi, Yasaman
- Rahman, Mohammed
- Raisinghani, Rachna
- Rajagopalan, Sanjay
- Rajani, Amita
- Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Pamela
- Ramani, Gautam
- Ramani, Sivasubramanian
- Rami, Bimal
- Ramirez, Jason
- Ramos Alarcon, Lauren
- Ramprashad, Avinash
- Rana, Sajida
- Rana, Zaker
- Randall, Louis
- Rao, Chethan
- Rao, Gautam
- Rao, Samuel
- Rapaka, Rekha
- Rapoport, Aaron
- Rapoport, Morton
- Rasko, David
- Rasko, Yvonne
- Rassool, Feyruz
- Rassouli, Negin
- Rathbun, Alan
- Ratzki-Leewing, Alexandria
- Raufman, Jean-Pierre
- Ravel, Jacques
- Rawal, Nidhi
- Ray, Krishanu
- Rea, Jeffrey
- Reader, Jocelyn
- Reaves, Samantha
- Rebassa Palou, Joan Gabriel
- Rectanus, April
- Redden, Lisa
- Reddix, Irance
- Reddy, Sashank
- Redett, Richard
- Redfield, Robert
- Reece, E. Albert
- Reed, Robert
- Reese, Ryan
- Reeves, Gloria
- Reggia, James
- Regine, William
- Rehani, Chavi
- Rehman, Aliya
- Rehrig, Scott
- Reich, Stephen
- Reicher, Barry
- Reinblatt, Shauna Pencer
- Reitz, Marvin
- Rekant, Julie
- Ren, Boyang
- Ren, Lei
- Renaldo, Antonio
- Renninger, Christopher
- Renshaw, Chloe
- Reoli, Rachel
- Resnick, Barbara
- Resnik, Charles
- Retener, Norman
- Reynolds, H. Neal
- Rho, Silvia
- Rhodes, Chandler Sours
- Riazuddin, Saima
- Ribeiro, Marcelo Augusto
- Ricardo Pietrobon
- Rice, Brett
- Richa, D. Chimene
- Richard Taylor
- Richard, Howard
- Richard, Katharina
- Richards, Justin
- Richards, Richard
- Richardson, Catrina
- Richardson, Charles
- Richardson, Elizabeth
- Richardson, James
- Richardson, Joseph
- Richert, Mary
- Riddle, Ryan
- Ridelfi, Matteo
- Rider, Brookellen
- Riedel, David
- Rifai, Safiullah
- Ringwala, Aditi
- Riojas, Ramon
- Riseberg, David
- Rivera-Pratts, Carlos
- Rives Gray, Tyler
- Rizzo, Megan
- Roach, Robert
- Robbins, Nathaniel
- Roberds, Steven
- Robertson, Colin
- Robinett, Kathryn
- Robins, Marni
- Robins-Browne, Roy
- Robinson, Charles
- Robinson, Jaqueline
- Robinson, Kelli
- Robinson, Shawn
- Robinson, Shenandoah
- Robinson-Ector, Kaitlynn
- Robinson-Walton, Mava Briana
- Roche, Daniel J.
- Rochon, Elizabeth
- Rock, Peter
- Rocksmith, Eugenio
- Rodgers, Mary
- Rodrigo, Minna
- Rodrigues, Dario
- Rogers, Mark
- Rogers, Stephen Colin
- Roggio, Anthony
- Roghmann, Mary-Claire
- Romagnoli, Anna
- Romero, Erin
- Rooks, Yvette
- Roozitalab, Ashkan
- Roque, Dana
- Rorke, Ellen
- Rosales-Soto, Giovanni
- Rose, Jason
- Rose, Vivienne
- Rosenblatt, Lauren
- Rosenblatt, Paula
- Rosenshein, Neil
- Rosenstein, Andrew
- Rosenthal, Elana
- Rosenthal, Robert
- Roskes, Erik
- Rosner, Samuel
- Ross, Douglas
- Roulston, Sadie
- Rowe, Anthony
- Rowe, Wilma
- Rowland, Laura
- Rowland, Robert
- Roy, Anindo
- Royal, Walter
- Roychaudhuri, Robin
- Roys, Steven
- Rubenstein, Jonathan
- Rubin, Darrell
- Ruppe, Leah
- Rus, Horea
- Rus, Violeta
- Rushing, Emily
- Russell-Ofori, Erika
- Russman, Caryn
- Ryan, Alice
- Ryscavage, Patrick
- Ryu, Hyung
- Saba, Joanna
- Sabirzhanov, Boris
- Sacci, John
- Sachdeva, Ashutosh
- Sack, Paul
- Sadik, Mohammad
- Sadler, John
- Saeedi, Osamah
- Saenz Ayala, Sofia
- Safari, Zohreh
- Safeer, Richard
- Saharia, Kapil
- Sahdev, Pradip
- Sajadi, Mohammad
- Sakiani, Sasan
- Saleeb, Paul
- Saleh, Ibrahim
- Salehinia, Saeed
- Salemdawod, Abdallah
- Salenger, Rawn
- Salerno, Alexis
- Salimi, Shabnam
- Salimitari, Mehrdad
- Sally Adebamowo
- Salzberg, Daniel
- Sambat, Michael
- Samet, Ron
- Samokhin, Andriy
- Samorodin, Charles
- Sampaio, Daniela
- Sampleman, John
- Samsuzzaman, Samsuzzaman
- San Juan, Ronald
- Sanchez, Corazon
- Sandler, Lawrence
- Sandson, Neil
- Sangal, Aman
- Sankova, Susan
- Sansur, Charles
- Santoro, Eliana
- Sapkota, Amir
- Sapkota, Amy
- Sarkar, Chinmoy
- Sarkar, Rajabrata
- Sarkar, Saiyad
- Sarkar, Saumen
- Sarzynski, Sadia
- Satterlee, Shelley
- Saunders, Sharon
- Savarese, Anne
- Savin, Douglas
- Savitt, Joseph
- Sawant, Amit
- Saxena, Preeti
- Saxena, Sanjay
- Scalea, Thomas
- Scanlon, Karen
- Scarcelli, Giuliano
- Schaeffer, Cindy
- Scharf, Steven
- Schechet, Sidney
- Schechter, Matthew
- Schenerman, Mark
- Schenkel, Stephen
- Scherer, Roberta
- Schiffman, Jason
- Schimpff, Stephen
- Schlaffer, Kathryn
- Schleichert, Rachel
- Schloesser, Robert
- Schmaljohn, Alan
- Schmalzle, Sarah
- Schmidt, Jennifer
- Schmidt, Peter
- Schmitz, John
- Schneider, Martin
- Schocket, Lisa
- Schoenbaum, Geoffrey
- Schofield, Erin Elisabeth, (Schofield, Erin E.)
- Schon, Lew
- Schraeder, Richard
- Schrank, Gregory
- Schreiber, Jonathan
- Schreibman, David
- Schriml, Lynn
- Schroder, David
- Schulman, Emily
- Schulze, Andrea
- Schulze, Dan
- Schumacher, John
- Schwantes, Heather
- Schwarcz, Robert
- Schwartz, David
- Schwartz, Lori
- Schwartz, Rebecca
- Schwartz, Stacy
- Schwartzbauer, Gary
- Schweitzer, Eugene
- Sciadini, Marcus
- Scilla, Katherine
- Scilla, Ryan
- Scotland, Brianna
- Scott, Alison
- Scott, Casey
- Scott, Samantha
- See, Vincent
- Seidel, Ramona
- Seif, Karl
- Seifi, Farinaz
- Seliger, Stephen
- Semelrath, Kevin
- Semesky, Patrick
- Seneviratne, Chamindi
- Seo, Philip
- Serafini, Grace
- Serre, David
- Sethuraman, Girish
- Sethuraman, Kinjal
- Seto, Isabelle
- Setua, Saini
- Sevier, Linda
- Shadle, Matthew
- Shah, Manan
- Shah, Manish
- Shah, Monica
- Shah, Nirav
- Shah, Nishant
- Shah, Raza
- Shah, Sapan
- Shaham, Yavin
- Shakil, Huma
- Shakoor, Hasan
- Shakya, Anil
- Shalaby, Ismail
- Shanahan, Patrick
- Shang, Xiaoran
- Shanholtz, Carl
- Shardell, Michelle
- Sharfstein, Steven
- Sharifai, Nima
- Sharma, Poornima
- Sharma, Shalini
- Sharma, Shweta
- Sharma, Vijay
- Shaya, Fadia
- Shell, Donald
- Shelton, Larry
- Shen, Cynthia
- Shen, Jana
- Shen, Wei-Bin
- Shepard, Eric
- Shepard, Paul
- Shere-Wolfe, Kalpana
- Sheth, Kevin
- Shetty, Carol
- Shetty, Kirti
- Shi, Changyou
- Shih, David
- Shimkaveg, Megan
- Shinners, Daniel
- Shipley, Jason
- Shirey, Kari Ann
- Shiu, Brian
- Shkullaku, Melsjan
- Shochet, Morris
- Shorofsky, Stephen
- Shovestul, Bridget
- Shriver, Marey
- Shteyman, Michael
- Shu, Daniel
- Shukla, Hem
- Shukla, Vinay
- Shukrullah, Irfan
- Shuldiner, Alan
- Shulman, Lisa
- Siamashvili, Maka
- Siaton, Bernadette
- Sibel, Michael
- Siddique, Nusrat
- Siddiqui, Aazim
- Siddiqui, Humaira
- Siddiqui, Minhaj
- Siddiqui, Selma
- Sides, James
- Sidhu, Sukhwant
- Siebert, Stephen
- Siegel, Eliot
- Siegel, Neil
- Siegelbaum, Marc
- Sigman, David
- Sikazwe, Izukanji
- Silber, Molly
- Silva, Kathryn
- Silver, Dana
- Silver, Kristi
- Silverberg, Steven
- Silverman, David
- Silverman, Henry
- Silverman, Ronald
- Silvestri, Giovannino
- Sim, Hi Sup
- Simard, J Marc
- Simon, Liliana
- Simon, Raphael
- Simons, Timothy
- Sing, Emily
- Singh, Amit
- Singh, Apurva
- Singh, Avneesh Kumar
- Singh, Harvinder
- Singh, Nevil
- Singh, Suruchi
- Singman, Eric
- Sirleaf, Matiangai V. S.
- Sivaraman, Vadivelu
- Sivasailam, Sankari, (Sivasailam, Sankaravadivu)
- Sivashanmugan, Kundan
- Sjaarda, Raymond
- Skelton, Jacqueline
- Skerry, Ciaran
- Sklar, Geoffrey
- Skobelkina, Sofia
- Skolky, Rachel
- Skrenta, Allan
- Slack, Michael
- Slade, Eric
- Slattery, Joseph
- Slezak, Sheri
- Sliker, Clint
- Smedley, Angela
- Smith, Christopher
- Smith, Elana
- Smith, Gordon
- Smith, Jaclyn
- Smith, L. Leigh
- Smith, Nikisha
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Sarah
- Sniezek, Timothy
- Snow, Dorothy
- Snow, Grace
- Snyder, Greg
- Snyder, Jennifer
- So, Jennifer
- Sokal, Rebecca
- Solomon, Clifford
- Solomon, Jonathan
- Sommerkamp, Sarah
- Sommerville, Meredith
- Son, Jun Seok
- Song, Danny
- Song, James
- Sood, Aseem
- Soomro, M Hussain
- Sorensen, Erik
- Soriano, Cynthia
- Sorkin, John
- Soukhov, Elena
- Soulen, Jeffrey
- Southall, Nikkita
- Souweine, Edward
- Sow, Samba
- Spaderna, Max
- Spanakis, Ilias
- Spangler, Ryan
- Sparkes, Jill
- Spencer, Caresse
- Spencer, Lisa
- Spicyn, Natalie
- Spier, Scott
- Square, Amanda Rae
- Srinivasan, Rajagopal
- Srivastava, Mukta
- St. George, Diane Marie
- Staats, Paul
- Stack, Christopher
- Stafford, Kristen
- Stains, Joseph
- Staley, Claire
- Stamatos, Nicholas
- Stambach, Cynthia
- Stansbury, Lynn
- Staropoli, Catherine
- Starr, Joshua
- Stear, Marissa
- Stegman, Charles
- Stein, Deborah
- Stein, Rona
- Steinbach, Sally
- Steinberger, Eileen
- Steinle, Nanette
- Stengel, Karen
- Stennett, Christina
- Stephanos, Kathleen Margaret
- Stern, Barney
- Stewart, David
- Stewart, Shelby
- Stierer, Kevin
- Stiller, John
- Stine, O. Colin
- Stock, Eileen
- Stoebenau, Kirsten Michelle
- Stoica, Bogdan
- Stojanovic, Lora
- Stokes, Tyler
- Stone, Roger
- Stonestrom, Aaron
- Stookey, Alyssa
- Strauch, Eric
- Strauss, Erik
- Streeten, Elizabeth
- Strickland, Dudley
- Strissel, Pamela L.
- Strome, Scott
- Strong, Bethany
- Strovel, Erin
- Stryckman, Benoit
- Stuart, Bruce
- Stuart, Mary
- Stucke, Emily
- Studenski, Stephanie
- Stull, Jeffrey
- Su, Lishan
- Su, Yijun
- Suarez, Alexander
- Subhramanian, Sunitha
- Suk, Jung Soo
- Suman, Meenakshi
- Summers, Michael
- Sun, Wenji
- Sun, Yilun
- Sundaram, Magesh
- Sundararajan, Sripriya
- Sundberg, Eric
- Sunness, Janet
- Sunshine, Sarah
- Suntha, Mohan
- Suresh, Minnu
- Sutherland, Lesley
- Sutherland, Mark
- Sutherland, Ryan
- Swamy, Ramya
- Swanberg, Jennifer
- Sward, Douglas
- Sward, Honey
- Swart, William
- Swartz, Brenda
- Swift, Anna
- Swihart, Bruce
- Sydney, Sam
- Syed, Ehsan
- Syed, Sadiq
- Syed, Saif
- Symes, Dilwyn
- Sztein, Marcelo
- Tabatabai, Ali
- Tacket, Carol
- Taheriotaghsara, Seyedmojtaba
- Takami, Kenji
- Takamura, Karren
- Talaat, Sherine
- Tallon, Luke
- Talwar, Simita
- Tamez, Heather
- Tamminga, Carol
- Tanaka, Kunio
- Taneja, Ankita
- Tang, Cha-Min
- Tang, Lydia
- Tang, Weiqing
- Tapia, Milagritos
- Tarafder, Anik
- Tarekegn, Girmay
- Tate, Donna
- Tate-Richards, Marika
- Tatsuoka, Curtis
- Taubenslag, Kenneth
- Taylor, Bradley
- Taylor, Bruce
- Taylor, Gregory
- Taylor, Rodney
- Taylor, Simeon
- Teague, Heidi
- Tee, Sui-Seng
- Teeter, William
- Tekeste, Rebka
- Tella, Sneha
- Tellawi, Amanda
- Tellefsen, Christiane
- Tellerman, Kenneth
- Telles-Hernandez, Luis
- Teng, Da
- Tennant, Sharon
- Tepper, Vicki
- Teresa Diaz-Montes
- Terhune, Julia
- Terrin, Michael
- Terry, Tamara
- Terzi, Matthew
- Teshome, Getachew
- Testa, S. Marc
- Testlastname, Testfirstname
- Tettelin, Hervé
- Tewelde, Semhar
- Thangaraju, Kiruphagaran
- Thankan, Retheesh
- Theodore, Nicholas
- Theyagaraj, Melita
- Thirupadiripuliyur, Aswin
- Thole, Jason
- Thom, Kerri
- Thom, Stephen
- Thomas, Elizabeth
- Thompson, Amanda
- Thompson, Donald
- Thompson, John
- Thompson, Loren
- Thompson, Matthew
- Thompson, Rebecca
- Thompson, Richard
- Thompson, Scott
- Thompson, Stephen
- Thompson, Summer
- Thuluvath, Paul
- Tian, Xiao
- Tian, Xin
- Tigani, Lauren
- Timofte, Irina
- Tirada, Nikki
- Tirfe, Lensa
- Tisherman, Samuel
- Tiwary, Pratyush
- Tkaczuk, Katherine
- Tlasek-Wolfson, Mary
- To, Kathleen, (To, Kathleen Binh)
- Toapanta Yanchapaxi, Franklin
- Todd, Nevins
- Tokarsky, Gregory
- Tom, Sarah
- Tomar, Elizabeth
- Tonascia, James
- Tookhan, Krista Lynette
- Torres, Mercedes
- Torrie, Arissa
- Tortolani, P. Justin
- Toscano, Nicole
- Toshchakov, Vladimir
- Tosun, Cigdem
- Toth, Eric
- Toursavadkohi, Shahab
- Townsel, Courtney
- Tracy, Allison Merrow
- Tracy, LaRee
- Tran, Phuoc
- Tran, Quincy
- Trasybule, Nel
- Traub, Richard
- Travassos, Mark
- Traver, Edward Conan
- Treacy, Erin
- Trinidad, Lino Rafael Olaguer
- Tripathi, Kaushlendra
- Tripathi, Ravi
- Tripathi, Susmit
- Trivedi, Harsh
- Tropello, Steven
- Trotman, Bruce
- Trotta, Rossana
- Trudeau, Matthew
- Tsagmo, Jean Marc
- Tsiapali, Ekaterini
- Tsymbalyuk, Orest
- Tubaldi, Eleonora
- Tuchman, Lisa
- Tucker, Gretchen
- Tucker-Powell, Danita
- Tudino, M Eugene
- Tulapurkar, Mohan
- Tulis, Matthew
- Tully, Andrew
- Tunkle, Elizabeth
- Tunstall, Ariel
- Turan, Mehmet Ozhan
- Turan, Shifa
- Turner, Douglas
- Turner, Gauri
- Turner, Paul
- Turner, Shafonya
- Tuttle, Janet
- Twaddell, William
- Udekwu, Obi
- Ugarte, Richard
- Uhl, George
- Ukeh, Ifechi
- Ullah, Sarah
- Ulmer, Emily
- Unal, Imran
- Unger, Keith
- Urioste, Alejandra
- Urrunaga, Nathalie
- Ursitti, Jeanine
- Vaeth, John
- Vaghela, Vishal
- Vaidyanathan, Lakshmi
- Vaishnav, Birjoo Dilipkumar
- Vakharia, Kalpesh
- Vaks, Yakir
- Valadez-Meltzer, Adela
- Valceanu, Kelly
- van der Vaart, Andrew
- Van Hout, Cristopher
- Van Nederveen, Viktoria
- Van Remmen, Sarah
- Van Winkle, Matthew
- Van Zijl, P. Sean
- Van, Vitu
- Vanartsdalen, Jamie
- Vandenberge, John
- VanderMeulen, Jack, (VanderMeulen, Jacob)
- Varella, Louis
- Varma, Shambhu
- Varney, Kristen
- Vashist, Sudhir
- Vasta, Gerardo
- Vats, Kavita
- Vazzano, Anthony
- Vellanki, Paz
- Venniro, Marco
- Vento, Thomas
- Verceles, Avelino
- Verma, Anjali
- Vesely, Mark
- Vesselinov, Roumen
- Vieira, Daiana
- Villacin, Maria Karla
- Viscardi, Rose
- Viswanathan, Vedapurisan
- Vitale, Marco
- Vitolo, Michele
- Vogel, Bruce
- Vogel, Joshua
- Vogel, Stefanie
- Vogelius, Ivan
- von Coelln, Friedrich Rainer
- von Rosenvinge, Erik
- Voss, Matthew
- Voss, Oliver
- Vostal, Alexander
- Vucenik, Ivana
- Vyas, Gopal
- Vyfhuis, Melissa Ana Liriano
- Wachter, Sarah Lynn
- Waddell, Jaylyn
- Wade, James
- Wagner, Lee-Ann
- Wagoner, Gary
- Wahid, Rezwanul
- Wake, Laura
- Walczak, Piotr
- Waldstein, Shari
- Walker, L. Kyle
- Walker, Morgan
- Walker, Patrick
- Wallace, Colleen
- Wallace, Rachael
- Wallin, Mitchell
- Wallis, Lee
- Walter, Thomas
- Walton, Leslie
- Waltz, James
- Wandell, Harry
- Wang, J-Y
- Wang, Jennifer
- Wang, Jinghui
- Wang, Kenneth
- Wang, Libin
- Wang, Meng
- Wang, Shan
- Wang, Shengbing
- Wang, Wei
- Wang, Xincai
- Wang, Yan
- Wang, Yin
- Wang, Ze
- Wang, Zhulin
- Wang, Zihui
- Wanner, Jason
- Warburton, Gary
- Ward, Amanda
- Ward, Chris
- Warden-Jarrett, Ariel
- Warner, Sarah
- Warren, John
- Wartofsky, Leonard
- Wasserman, Bruce
- Watkins, Runa
- Watnick, Terry
- Watson, Margot
- Weaver, Leon
- Webb, Tonya
- Weber, David
- Weber, Sophia
- Weddington, Charles Maxwell
- Wehring, Heidi
- Wei, Chunyu
- Wei, Yuanyi
- Weidner, Joseph
- Weiner, Elaine
- Weiner, Shoshana
- Weinreich, Daniel
- Weinstein, Adam
- Weintraub, Eric
- Weir, Matthew
- Weir, Nicholas
- Weiss, Judah
- Weiss, Margaret
- Weiss, Robert
- Welling, Paul
- Wells, Chris L.
- Welsh, Christopher
- Welsh, Jean
- Welty, Ann
- Weltz, Adam
- Wen, Tong
- Wernick, Meredith
- Wertheimer, Debra
- Westlake, Kelly
- Weston, Stuart
- Whissel, Eugene
- Whitaker, Alexander
- Whitall, Jill
- White, Charles
- White, Lane
- White, Owen
- White, Robert
- White, Tristan
- Whitlatch, Hilary
- Whye, Depriest
- Wickwire, Emerson
- Widra, Patricia
- Wier, W. Gil
- Wijtenburg, S. Andrea
- Wilhelmy, Bradley
- Wilk, Christopher
- Wilken, Nicholas
- Wilkerson, Richard
- Wilkinson, Thomas
- Williams, Amanda
- Williams, Brittney
- Williams, Elizabeth Cox
- Williams, Michelle
- Williams, Mozella
- Williams, Richelle
- Williams, Sarah
- Wilson, Donald
- Wilson, Earl
- Wilson, Gerald
- Wilson, Sacoby
- Wiltjer, Rachel
- Windsor, T. Andrew
- Winkles, Jeffrey
- Winters, Michael
- Wiprovnick, Alicia
- Wiseman, James
- Wisner-Carlson, Robert
- Wisniewski, Emily Aiello
- Witek, Matthew
- Witte, Helen
- Witthaus, Michael
- Witting, Michael
- Wittmeyer, Richard
- Wolde-Rufael, Daniel
- Wolf, Jeffrey
- Wolfe, Irving
- Wolff, Steffen
- Wolfman-Charles, Jade
- Wolfsthal, Susan
- Wong, Shenq Huey
- Wong-You-Cheong, Jade
- Woo, Jenny
- Woo, Kenneth
- Wood, Colin
- Wood, Kristen Clift Rohrer
- Wood, Samuel
- Woodbury, Margaret
- Woodle, Carole Sztalryd
- Woods, Ashanti
- Woods, Julie
- Woodward, Matthew
- Woodward, Owen
- Woodworth, Graeme
- Wormuth, Jennifer
- Wozniak, Marcella
- Wright, Christian
- Wright, Joseph
- Wright, Megan
- Wright, Rebecca
- Wright, Thelma
- Wu Chuang, Alejandra
- Wu, Colin
- Wu, Feng
- Wu, Junfang
- Wu, Kevin
- Wu, Long
- Wu, Mei-Yi
- Wu, Zhongjun Jon
- Wulff, Andreas
- Wynes, Jacob
- Xiao, Lan
- Xiaoxuan Fan
- Xie, Guofeng
- Xie, Zane
- Xu, Alexander
- Xu, Claire
- Xu, Dali
- Xu, Fuhua
- Xu, Huichun
- Xu, Huijun
- Xu, Junliang
- Xu, Kai
- Xu, Qinzi
- Xu, Yi
- Yabut, Arturo Ramos
- Yacoub, Sherif
- Yadava, Nagendra
- Yaddanapudi, Sridhara
- Yahyavi, Noushin
- Yakovlev, Sergiy
- Yamashita, Takashi
- Yan, Wenjing
- Yang, Christine
- Yang, Peixin
- Yang, Robin
- Yang, Shiming
- Yang, Wenjie
- Yang, Xi
- Yang, Xiaomei
- Yang, Zejia
- Yao, Weiguang
- Yap, Laurel
- Yared, Jean
- Yasek, Dana Marie Lokitis
- Yazbek, Sandrine
- Ye, Ting Juan
- Yeasmin, Selina
- Yen, Michael
- Yerges-Armstrong, Laura
- Yi, Byong
- Yim, Douglas
- Yim, Gloria
- Yin, Andrew
- Ying, Zhekang
- Yoo, Choongsung
- Yoon, Yongdae
- York, Teresa
- Yorkoff, Benjamin
- Yost, Kyle
- Young, Justin
- Young, Michael
- Young, Rylee
- Younis, Rania
- Younus, Faheem
- Yousef, Bouhaitha
- Yu, Cedric
- Yu, Fengshan
- Yu, Liqing 'Justin'
- Yu, Min
- Yu, Ronald
- Yu, Tingxi
- Yuan, Xiaojing
- Yuan, Yifan
- Yuanyuan Liang
- Yun, Shumei
- Zahra, Rikhteharan Tehrani, (Rikhtegarantehrani, Zahra)
- Zaidi, Syed
- Zakhary, Mark
- Zalzman, Michal
- Zapata, David
- Zare, Zakieh
- Zarro, Michael
- Zeder, Katarina
- Zeng, Xinglin
- Zera-Yohannes, Seblu
- Zhan, Min
- Zhan, Steven
- Zhang, Baoshe
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- Zhang, Chenchen
- Zhang, Grace
- Zhang, Jian-Min
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- Zhang, Lei
- Zhang, Li
- Zhang, Li-Qun
- Zhang, Peixiang
- Zhang, Taiyu
- Zhang, Tianshu
- Zhang, Yinghua
- Zhang, Yuji
- Zhao, Guiling
- Zhao, Na
- Zhao, Richard
- Zhao, Yunpo
- Zheng, Amy
- Zhong, Yongwang
- Zhou, Elinor
- Zhou, Fuwen
- Zhou, Jinghao
- Zhu, Junyi
- Zhu, Linying
- Zhuo, Jiachen
- Zielke, Carol
- Zierden, Hannah
- Zigel, Carlos
- Zilliox, Lindsay
- Zimmer, Lauren
- Zimmerman, Sheryl
- Zimrin, Ann
- Zisman, Erin
- Zito, Julie
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Search by Keyword:
- Dunning Hotopp, Julie
lateral gene transfer, horizontal gene transfer, genomics, human somatic genome, Wolbachia, Drosophila ananassae, filarial nematodes, Neisseria meningitidis, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Rickettisales, Anaplasmataceae
- Dixon, Lisa
- Floccare, Douglas
HEMS, air medical transport, emergency medical services, prehospital care, emergency airway management, RSI, hemorrhagic shock, traumatic brain injury, trauma systems, EMS systems, injury prevention.
- Gattu, Kanchana
- Slobogean, Gerard
Malunion, nonunion, orthopaedic trauma, fractures, orthopaedic traumatology, pelvis surgery, acetabulum surgery, posttraumatic shoulder and elbow reconstruction.
- Summers, Michael
- Zimmerman, Sheryl
- Balcer-Kubiczek, Elizabeth
Radiation carcinogenesis, biological effects of neutrons and protons, health hazards of non-ionizing radiations, low dose/low dose-rate of radiation physics and biology, biologically and pharmacologically augmented radiation therapy.
- Doub, James
Bacteriophage therapy; Periprosthetic joint infections; Musculoskeletal infections; Vascular graft infections; Neurosurgical infections; Surgical infections
- Tepper, Vicki
- Cothran, Valerie
- White, Owen
Genomic, transcriptomic, multi-omic, data management, metadata, standards, ontologies, cloud systems.
- Carneiro da Silva, Joana
Parasites: Plasmodium, Cryptosporidium, Babesia, Theileria;
-omics: comparative genomics, transcriptomics, single cell transcriptomics
Vaccinology: genomics of vaccine design and vaccine efficacy
- Tellerman, Kenneth
- Hovermale, Lisa
- Thompson, Richard
fluorescence, biosensor, fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence polarization, FRET, zinc, copper, hydroxyapatite, retina, sub-RPE deposits, drusen, fiber optics, sensors, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, age-related macular degeneration
- Fisher, Michael
- Duru, Nadire
- King, Dawan
- Al-Talib, Khalid
- Castellano, James
- Wier, Withrow Gil
- Wade, James
- Fishman, Paul
Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, neurodegenerative disease, deep brain stimulation, DBS, focused ultrasound, FUS, blood-brain barrier, botulinum toxin, tetanus toxin, stem cells, magnetic targeting
- Hasday, Jeffrey
ARDS, ILD, IPF, interstitial lung disease, asthma, heat shock protein, p38 MAP kinase, endothelial, epithelial, cytokine, thermoregulation
- Schriml, Lynn
Human Disease Knowledge Representation, Biomedical Ontologies, Genomic Metadata Standards, Epidemiology, Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Big Data, Microbiome, Metagenome
- MacVittie, Thomas
Radiation effects, acute radiation syndrome, delayed effects of acute radiation exposure, large animal models, medical management, medical countermeasures, FDA animal rule
- Conway, Janet
- Levine, Myron
Salmonella Typhi, S. Paratyphi A, non-typhoidal Salmonella serovars, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella, Haemophilus influenzae, live oral vaccines, vaccine development, conjugate vaccines, clinical trials, pathogenesis, human immune response.
- Wanner, Jason
- Hanes, Donna
- Slezak, Sheri
- Thompson, John
- Nirankari, Verinder
- Tettelin, Herve
Bacterial pathogens, comparative genomics, functional genomics, RNA-seq, Tn-seq, bioinformatics.
- Scherer, Roberta
- Kutzer, Dennis
- Sidhu, Sukhwant
- Jones, Aliya
- Han, Albert
- Malouf, Alan
- Greenblatt, Aaron David
primary care, addiction, substance use disorders, opioid use disorders, reverse colocation, family medicine, smoking cessation
- Magder, Laurence
Biostatistics, Epidemiologic Methods, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Analysis of Misclassified Data, Modeling Transmission Probabilities, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Dalmasy-Frouin, Johannes
Correctional Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. Sports Psychiatry.
- Galen, James
Attenuated bacterial vaccines, live oral vaccines, malaria, SARS, plague, anthrax, tetanus, enteric fever, enteric disease, plasmid-based expression systems, Clostridium difficile, Acinetobacter baumannii.
- Jones, Kevin
- Wong-You-Cheong, Jade
- Mayer, Dirk
magnetic resonance imaging, metabolism, cancer, liver disease, traumatic brain injury
- Thom, Stephen
Microparticles, Hyperbaric gas physiology, beta-2 integrins, vasculogenic stem cells
- O'Connor, Timothy
Human Evolutionary Genetics, Computational Biology, Genotype/Phenotype Architecture, Genetic Epidemiology, Latin American Genetics
- Goldblum, Simeon
sialic acid, sialidases, neuraminidases, NEU1, sialylotransferases, lung, endothelium, epithelium, sepsis, acute lung injury
- Singh, Harvinder
- Badro, Bassim
- Hankey, Kim
radiation injury, medical countermeasures, animal models, cellular immunotherapy, immunogenetics, dendritic cells, NK cells, thymopoiesis, GxP
- Wright, Christian
- Modly, Charlotte
- Siegel, Neil
Clinical Informatics
- He, Xin
- Dallal, Cher
- Nguyen, Thuy
- Wang, J-Y
Gut Mucosal Regeneration; Gut Barrier Function; Mucosal Injury and Repair; RNA-Binding Proteins; Noncoding RNAs; Polyamines
- Giglio, Michelle
genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, microbiome, annotation, ontology, training, outreach, K-12 outreach
- Argeles, Pablo
Minimally invasive surgery. Obstetrics. EPIC
- Lomonico, M Paul
- Davis, Natalie
Neonatology, Car Seat Tolerance Screen, Intermittent Hypoxia
- Aygun, Mehtap
- Pozharskiy, Edvin
Protein crystallography, cryoelectron microscopy, structure based drug design, biomolecular recognition
- Strauss, Erik
Blood Conservation
Antifibrinolytic Therapy and Pharmacokinetics
Cardiac Xenotransplantation
Translational Research for Mitral Valve Repair
- Dorgan, Joanne
Epidemiology, breast cancer, hormones, diet, lifecourse, etiology, survivorship
- Guardiani, Elizabeth
Airway stenosis, preventing complications of intubation, movement disorders affecting voice
- Detterline, Alvin
- Davalos, Julio
- Xu, Huichun
Genetic Epidemiology, Stroke, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases,GWAS(genome wide association study), transcriptome, epigenetics,DNA methylation, Pathway Analysis
- Fontaine, Magali
Blood Transfusion, Cellular therapy, Immunology
- Mathur, Brian
Systems neuroscience
- Ying, Zhekang
Air pollution, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Imflammation
- Taylor, Simeon
Diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, insulin action, insulin resistance, pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, SGLT2 inhibitors, metreleptin
- Weiss, Margaret
- Weiss, Robert
- Okike, Kanu
- Tran, Quincy
neurological injuries, interhospital transfer, transferred critically ill patients
- Naslund, Michael
benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer
- Kim, Hong
naloxone, opioid use disorder, antidotal therapy of poisoned patients, ECMO
- Bright, Kim
- Krantz, Bryan
- Salimi, Shabnam
Biomarkers of Chronic diseases, aging, system biology, genetic epidemiology
- Dulkerian, Susan
multi-center clinical studies regarding infectious diseases pertinent to the newborn and associated morbidities such as chronic lung disease; newborn resuscitation and simulation training; issues related to neonatal transport
- Mishra, Mark
- Cupka, Bryan
Electromyography, Nerve Conduction Studies, General Neurology
- Detrich, Terry
- Kahntroff, Stephanie
- Dan, Hancai
Prostate Cancer, Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC), Head & Neck Squamous Cell Cancer (HNSCC), Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), Cisplatin Resistance, EGFR Inhibitor Resistance, Metastasis, Cancer Biology, IKK/NF-κB Pathway, PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway, Kinase Inhibitors, Mouse Models, Knockout Mouse Models, Patient-Derived Cell Culture, Patient-Derived Xenograft Models
- Jeng, Linda Jo Bone
Clinical Molecular Genetics, Clinical Genetics, Genetics, Genomics, Pharmacogenetics, Pharmacogenomics, New Test Development, Test Validation, Translational Research, Implementation Science
- Makhzoumi, Zaineb
Non-melanoma skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients, tumor management in the immunosuppressed, Mohs Micrographic Surgery
- Neuzil, Daniel
- Qi, Jianfei
transcriptional gene regulation, epigenetics, signaling transduction, histone demethylase, ubiquitin ligase, androgen receptor, c-Myc, prostate cancer, castration-resistant prostate cancer, DNA damage response
- Seidel, Ramona
- Bever, Christopher
- Carter, Rebecca
general pediatrics, preventative health care, community outreach and engagement, lactation support, social justice, medical education, children with special health care needs
- Adams, Heather
- Alexander, Janet
pediatric ophthalmology, genetics, cataract, glaucoma, strabismus, diplopia, retinopathy, oculoplastics, ROP
- Rajagopalan, Sanjay
- Bromberg, Jonathan
Transplantation, Immunology, Tolerance, Migration, Microbiota
- Hoffman, Gloria
- Ambro, Bryan
- Lasso-Pirot, Anayansi
Chronic Lung Disease
- Rosenblatt, Paula
Breast Cancer
Breast Evaluation and Treatment
- Fey, Gregory
- John, Preeti
Healthcare Ethics, End of Life Care, Palliative Medicine, Tele-Critical Care
- Krajewski, Thomas
- Awad, Ola
Neurodegeneration, GBA1 mutations, Parkinson's disease, Induced-pluripotent stem cells, autophagy, lysosomal biogenesis, transcription factor EB (TFEB), mTOR kinase.
- Polk, Timothy
- Evans-Wood, Allison
- Knight, Nancy
Radiation therapy, radioimmunotherapy, proton therapy, imaging informatics, medical ethics, nuclear medicine, history of medicine and science.
- Feinstein, Sharon
- Johnson, Jeffrey
- Franklin, Thomas
- Rapoport, Aaron
Cancer, Vaccine, Myeloma
- Jabra-Rizk, Mary Ann
- Blanchard, Samra
celiac disease, integrative gastroenterlogy
- Griffith, Bartley
Cardiac Xenotransplantation
Artificial organ transplantation
Artificial heart and artificial lung development
Systems for pediatric heart and lung support
- Nasrin, Dilruba
Diarrhea, Pneumonia, Malnutrition, Antibiotic resistance
- Rassool, Feyruz
DNA damage and repair of DNA double strand breaks, genomic instability, targeting DNA repair abnormalities, STING-dependent interferon and inflammasome signaling, Epigenetic reprograming with DNA methyltrasferase inhibitors (DNMTis), induction of BRCAness, transcriptional activation of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), sensitization to poly ADP-ribose polymerase inhibitors (PARPis), Mitochondrial dysfunction.
- Yorkoff, Benjamin
- French, Linda
physical therapy, burns
- Netzer, Giora
Family morbidity in the ICU setting, post-intensive care syndrome, organizational factors in critical care.
- Forrester, Jenny
physical therapy
- Kattakuzhy, Sarah
Hepatitis C, Opioid Use Disorder, Implementation Science
- Gandhi, Devang
- Jufer Phipps, Rebecca
- Grossman, Glenn
- Badros, Ashraf
- Osgood, Greg
- Czinn, Steven
Mucosal Immunology, H.pylori Infection, Gut Microbiome
- O'Connell, Jeffrey
Developing, implementing and applying methods to analyze genomic data in large pedigree and population data
- Reich, Stephen
Parkinson's disease; Progressive supranuclear palsy; multi system atrophy; corticobasal syndrome; parkinsonian syndromes; Movement Disorders; Dystonia; Tremor; Gait Disorders; Dizziness; General Neurology; Bell's Palsy; History of Neurology
- Dixon, Shannan
- Alperovitz-Bichell, Kari
- Aarabi, Bizhan
Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury
- Dickfeld, Timm-Michael
Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), cardiac imaging, sudden cardiac death, pacemaker and defibrillator placement, device extraction, atrial fibrillation/tachycardia ablation, ventricular tachycardia ablation, PVC (premature ventricular contraction) ablation, new technologies
- Morales, Robert
neuroradiology, head and neck imaging, head and neck cancer
- Rock, Peter
- Schocket, Lisa
retina, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal vascular occlusion, cataract complications, macular hole, retinal detachment, epiretinal membrane
- Brown, Penny
Specializing in general obstetrics and gynecology. Treating routine and complex obstetric and gynecologic conditions. Providing outstanding medical care for a woman's reproductive and gynecologic health.
- Zhuo, Jiachen
Magnetic resonance imaging, MR pulse sequences, Neuroimaging, Traumatic Brain Injury, MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
- Ulmer, Emily
- Magaziner, Jay
Epidemiology of Aging, Causes and Consequences of Hip Fracture, Methods for Studying Older Populations
- Johnson, Harry
Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopic Surgery/Pelvoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, Urinary Incontinence, Urogynecology
- Brown, Clayton
Analysis of longitudinal and other clustered data, clinical trials, missing data, factor analysis, mental illness.
- Katzel, Leslie
- Blumberg, Neil
- Rabinowitz, Ronald
Hospital associated infections, nosocomial infections
Infectious related to Trauma
Infection Control
- Buchanan, Robert
Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia; Neuroanatomical Basis of the Psychopathology of Schizophrenia and Related Disorders
- Sadler, John
- Scalea, Thomas
Emergency Medicine, Shock Trauma, Trauma Surgery, Spinal Cord Injury, Shock, Critical Care
- Lemkin, Daniel
- El-Metwally, Dina
- Hobart, Donald
- Amin, Akshay
- Robinett, Kathryn
Severe Asthma, Bitter Taste Receptors, Medical Education, Admissions, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
- Shorofsky, Stephen
My research interests include mechanisms of defibrillation, new technology for the diagnosis and management of arrhythmias, new antiarrhythmic medications, diaphragmatic pacing for central sleep apnea, imaging modalities in combination with ablation for the management of ventricular tachycardia, and management and treatment of atrialfibrillation.
- Kelly, Deanna
Schizophrenia research, antipsychotic medication, women, gluten, clozapine, inflammation, clinical trials.
- Sambat, Michael
- Steinle, Nanette
Nutrition, diabetes and obesity
- Popovic, Mikulas
- Flajnik, Martin
- Richardson, Charles
- Rao, Gautam
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian low malignant potential tumors
Cyclooxygenase pathway
- Mwaisela, Francis
- Ryscavage, Patrick
HIV, health care transition, adolescents and young adults, immunocompromised hosts
- Wang, Libin
general cardiology, dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, echocardiography, genetics of cardiovascular diseases
- Unger, Keith
- Pauza, C. David
- Riseberg, David
- Tlasek-Wolfson, Mary
- Lipinski, Marta
Autophagy, Lysosomes, Neuroinflammation, Lipid Metabolism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Neurodegenerative Disease, Brain Aging
- Adams, Rickey
- Chaves, Alicia Heather
echocardiography, single ventricle congenital heart defects, fetal cardiology
- Niemiec, Teresa
- Hasan, S. Ashfaq
Computer-aided navigation, elbow surgery outcomes, rotator cuff healing, rotator cuff repair techniques, shoulder replacement surgery
- Hughes Driscoll, Colleen
quality improvement, patient safety, interoperability, health information technology
- Srivastava, Mukta
left atrial appendage ligation
hybrid coronary revascularization
optic coherence tomography
- Grasso, Michael
Biomedical Informatics, Clinical Informatics, Consumer Health Informatics, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Predictive Modeling, Clinical Decision Support, Chronic Disease Management, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Safety and Quality, Pain Management, Opioid Abuse
- Chandra, Preeti
Glomerular diseases
- Kline, Antonie
- Kochunov, Peter
Genetics. MRI. Schizophrenia.
- Sabirzhanov, Boris
Brain trauma, neuronal cell death, apoptosis
- Chen, Shuo
Big Data, machine learning, clinical trial design/analysis, network/graph statistics, multi-omics, neuroimaging statistics (MRI, EEG, fMRI, MRS, and DTI data), genomics and proteomics, Bayesian modeling, spatiotemporal models, and optimization.
- Chen, Jie
- Sapkota, Amir
- Wilson, Sacoby
- Gnatt, Averell
- Porter, Neil
Muscular Dystrophy, Neuromusclar disorders
- Roskes, Erik
- Harvey, Brandon
- Vashist, Sudhir
Pediatric Arrhythmia (SVT, VT, Bradycardia, Heart Block etc.), Fetal Arrhythmia, Arrhythmia in Adults with CHD, Channelopathy (Long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome etc.), Cardiomyopathy (HCM, DCM etc.), Sudden Cardiac Death in Young, Pediatric Pacemakers , Pediatric Defibrillators, Syncope, POTS, SVT and Catheter ablation
- Goloubeva, Olga
Clinical trial design, population-based databases, bio-statistics
- Saharia, Kapil
Infectious outcomes in transplant recipients, mycobacterial infections, HIV, clinical trials
- Sikazwe, Izukanji
- Osinusi, Anuoluwapo
- Abrams, Thomas
Learning and memory, synaptic plasticity, neuromodulation, ionic currents, transcriptomics, cell signaling, protein kinase C, adenylyl cyclase, modeling of neuromodulatory signaling pathways
- Chua, Joel
Dengue antiviral development and immunopathogenesis, HIV vaccine clinical trials; Viral hepatitis antiviral development, and SARS-CoV-2 antiviral development.
- Zaidi, Syed
- Panzarella, Philip
- Hong, Jack
Cooperative group clinical trials (NRG: RTOG, GOG, NSABP)
Intramural clinical trials (Greeenbaum Cancer Center)
- Gaskin, Peter
Dr. Gaskin specializes in general cardiology, interventional cardiology, hypercholesterolemia, education and pulmonary hypertension.
- Baig, Azam
- Dutta, Sudhir
- Flammer, Kristin
- Benjamin, Marshall
- Hepburn, Brian
- Bollinger, Mary
Dr. Bollinger's research interests include inner city asthma, and impact of food allergy on children and families. Her clinical specialties include asthma, food allergy, primary immunodeficiency, latex allergy, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis
- von Rosenvinge, Erik
Clostridioides difficile, gastrointestinal microbiome, fecal microbiota transplantation, colorectal cancer
- Patil, Seema
Inflammatory bowel disease,
Crohn's disease,
Ulcerative colitis
- Gipson, Tanjala
- Margolis, Frank
Chemosensory, olfaction, gene regulation,
- Eberhart, Charles
- Farley, John
- Kao, Joseph
Molecular probes, cellular physiology, neurophysiology, erythrocyte biology, optical microscopy, fluorescence, caged molecules, spin probes, magnetic imaging modalities, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
- Toapanta Yanchapaxi, Franklin
Vaccine, immunology, microbiology, translational research, immune response, conjugated vaccines, therapeutic agents, enteric pathogens, B cell response, T cell response, salmonella, shigella.
- Langfitt, Mark
- Schmaljohn, Alan
- Barrett, James
- Biondo, Thomas
- Shuldiner, Alan
Genetics of Age-Related Diseases, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Order Amish, APOC3 Null Mutation, CYP2C19 Variant, Personalized Medicine, Precision Medicine, Pharmacogenetics
- Witting, Michael
gastrointestinal hemorrhage, nasogastric aspiration, hypovolemia, hypercapnia, domestic violence, melatonin, orthostatic vital signs, peripheral catheterization, central venous catheterization, ultrasonography
- Davis, Stephen
Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Exercise, Inflammation
- Levin, Richard
- Thompson, Loren
fetus, heart, mitochondria, hypoxia, placenta, cardiovascular programming
- Shell, Donald
- Norris-Shortle, Carole
Attachment, Mindfulness, Fussy Baby Network, FAN (Facilitated Attuned iNteraction), NCAST, Trauma, Homelessness, Young Children, Grief, Photographic Baby Life Books, Family Engagement
- Malek, Rana
- Rorke, Ellen
AP-1, keratinocyte, epidermis, keratoderma, ichthyosis
- Wijtenburg, S. Andrea
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, schizophrenia, aging, glutamate
- Lowder, Gerard
- Horn, David
- Preslan, Mark
- McComiskey, Carmel
- Barry, Eileen
Enteric bacterial pathogens, Shigella, pathogenic E. coli, Francisella tularensis, biodefense, diarrheal disease, intracellular pathogens, bacterial-host interactions, macrophage models, enteroid, in vitro organ culture (IVOC).
- Krueger, Bruce
Autism, intellectual disability, brain development, valproic acid (VPA), gene-environment interactions, genomics, next-generation RNAseq, Down syndrome
- Elmer, Gregory
Trauma, Depression, Habenula, PTSD, Addiction, Psychopharmacology
- Gaitens, Joanna
Metals, biological monitoring, embedded fragments, medical surveillance, registries, occupational health
- Stuart, Mary
- Okun, Marc
- Singh, Nevil
T cell activation & differentiation, Immunological tolerance, Immunological Memory, Neuroimmunology, Adaptive immunity to infections, Dendritic cell activation, IL-12 family cytokines, Tumor Immunology, Cancer Immunology
- Crane, Hal
- Dalury, David
- Dubbs, Sarah
Emergency Medicine, Medical Education, hematologic and oncologic emergencies, obstetric and gynecologic emergencies
- Elpert, Lana
- Wertheimer, Debra
- Fulton, Carmen
- Gold, Robert
- Konikkara, John Joseph
- Taylor, Gregory
- Schroder, David
- Ettinger, Walter
- Lauerman, Margaret Hedgecock
- Boughman, Joann
- Salenger, Rawn
- Dreizin, David
Blunt and penetrating torso trauma, Cervical spine trauma, Pelvic trauma, Quantitative imaging and volumetric analysis, Probabilistic modeling
- Lakowicz, Joseph
Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Radiative Decay Engineering, Plasmon-controlled fluorescence
- Deverka, Patricia
- Koos, Robert
- Cohen, Miriam
- Nair, Prasanna
- Zielke, Carol
- Raufman, Jean-Pierre
- Lerner, Michael
- Chang, Louis
Neurosurgery, minimally invasive spine surgery, spine surgery
- RachBeisel, Jill
Adult Psychiatry, Integrated Care, Serious and Persistent Mental Illness, Substance Use Disorders, Women's Mental Health
- Kotloff, Karen
Infectious disease, vaccines, clinical trials, diarrheal diseases, group A streptococcus, Shigella, influenza, infant mortality, GEMS, CHAMPS, VIDA, VTEU, azithromycin, child survival.
- Stewart, David
- Toursavadkohi, Shahab
- Windsor, T. Andrew
Emergency ultrasound, echocardiography, diagnostic imaging, education, opioid addiction, patient safety
- Nichols, Elizabeth
- Motta, Melissa
Neurointensive care, Stroke, Health Services Research, Patient Reported Outcomes Research, Patient and Family Centered Care.
- Boswell, Kimberly
- Perry, James
- Shipley, Jason
physical therapy, orthopedic, sports medicine
- Wang, Meng
- Millstein, Leah
Resident Education, Transitions of Care, Pediatric Illnesses in Adults
- Beitelshees, Amber
pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease
- Blanchard, May
Fibroids/leiomyomata, residency education, medical education, family planning
- Connors, Kathleen
child traumatic stress, family therapy, infant mental health, early childhood, implementation, children's mental health, breakthrough series collaborative
- Zhang, Jian-Min
- Blanchard, Thomas
Immunology, mucosal immunology, lymphocytes, Helicobacter pylori, microbiota, inflammation, vaccines, epithelium, cancer, tumor suppressor genes, three dimensional epithelial organoids.
- Kim, Anthony
- Mikdashi, Jamal
- Reed, Robert
Dr. Reed's specialties include general pulmonary medicine, COPD, advanced lung disease, pulmonary embolism, and lung transplantation.
- Rider, Brookellen
- Arzadon, Glenn
- Nwandu, Anthea
Maternal and Infant HIV Care Outcomes ,Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT ) ,HIV/TB, Medical Education , Implementation Science , Quality Improvement
- Pereira, Kevin Damien
Pediatric sleep apnea, Infant nasal obstruction, Stridor, Otitis media, Pediatric sinusitis, Congenital neck masses.
- Njar, Vincent
Medicinal Chemistry, oncopharmacology, anti-cancer drug discovery and development, small-molecule design and synthesis, cancers (breast, prostate, pancrease, skin), steroidal compounds, retinoidal compounds, steroid and retinoid-mimetics, pharmacokinetics, anti-tumor xenograft studies, inhibitors of CYP26, CYP17 and CYP19 (aromatase), AR antagonists, AR/AR-Vs degraders, Mnk1/2 degraders, inhibitors of oncogenic protein translation, Mnk1/2, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F/ eukaryotic initiation factor 4E, inhibitors of tumor growth and metastasis, mechanisms of action of anti-cancer agents.
- McClellan, Frank
- Barr, Nancy
- O'Connor, Christine
- Franks, Teri
- Amoroso, Anthony
- Muriel-Gonzalez, Joaquin
- Nichols, Stephen
- Driscoll, Marcia
melanoma, pregnancy, pregnancy-associated melanoma, hormones, estrogen receptor
- Jordan-Randolph, Gayle
- Khanna, Shiv
- Shah, Monica
Cardiovascular clinical trials, heart failure clinical research, hiv-related heart, lung and blood disease
- Maghimbi, Abubakar
- Feng, Hanping
Clostridium difficile, VHH, immunotherapy, toxins, antibody, vaccine development, animal models, toxemia, pathogenesis, inflammation
- Wahid, Rezwanul
Vaccine, immunology, infectious disease, T and B cell immunity, translational research.
- Nowak, Rebecca
HIV, high-risk human papillomavirus, molecular epidemiology, implementation of anal cancer prevention
- Schumacher, John
- Conroy, Susan
- Candela, Philip
- Goldberg, Richard
Summary of Key Research Interests: Serious Mental Illness; Services Research; Medical Co-Morbidity; Quality of Care; Behavioral Health Interventions; Implementation Science; Consumer-led Services.
- Dorsey, Susan
- Medina de Jesus, Alexandre
Electrophysiology, Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorders, development, neuroscience, brain, visual cortex, vision, transcription factors, neuronal plasticity,
- Deepak, Janaki
From a clinical standpoint her focus on interest is in assessment of smoking related health and prevention of smoking related lung disease including lung cancer . She is the Director of the University of Maryland Tobacco Health Practice (UMMC THP) and the codirector of the Lung cancer screening program . In addition she has been the director of the Baltimore VA Lung Mass clinic and is now the director of the VA Lung cancer Screening Program.
- Clemens, Jonathan
- Patel, Devang
Medical education, HIV, Infectious Diseases, Global Health, ICU infections
- Kuppusamy, Priya
- Bulatovic, Annamaria
- Milton, Donald
- Pearl, Jonathan
- Welsh, Jean
- Greeley, Karen
physical therapy, gait, pediatric
- Weidner, Joseph
- Streeten, Elizabeth Anne
Osteoporosis Pseudoglioma Syndrome, Personalized Medicine, Monogenic endocrine disorders, Clinical Genetics
- Gerzanich, Volodymyr
Dr. Gerzanich’s areas of interest include ion channels and cerebrovascular pathophysiology of nicotine, cocaine and ischemia.
- Whye, Depriest
Resident and faculty development
- Horn, Linda
balance, vestibular, neurology, geriatrics, fall prevention
- Vogel, Bruce
- Zurbuch, Cassandra
physical therapy, neurology, orthopedics
- Chandra, Ramesh
addiction, depression, optogenetics, striatum, nucleus accumbens, neuron subtypes, epigenetics
- Galvagno, Samuel
aeromedical critical care, helicopter emergency medical services, critical care medicine, prehospital emergency care, patient safety, intensive care medicine, trauma resuscitation
- Butler, Melinda
- Law, Jennie
- Sandson, Neil
- Munger, Steven
- Moinfar, Amir
- Chiappelli, Joshua
White matter plasticity, Bioenergetics, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Diffusion tensor imaging, Phenomenology of psychotic symptoms
- Knight, Stephanie
Adult psychiatry, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, community psychiatry, population health, emergency psychiatry, medical student teaching, resident education, academic psychiatry
- McArdle, Patrick
Causal Inference; Data Science; Genetic Epidemiology;
- Morrissey, John
- Stamatos, Nicholas
Clinical infectious diseases, immunocompromised hosts, glycoimmunology, neuropilins, semaphorins
- Xie, Guofeng
Esophageal motility disorders; GERD; Colon cancer
- Means, Ronald
- Bontempo, Laura Jean
Clinicopathologic Case Conference
Atrial fibrillation
Otolaryngology emergencies
- Lasio, Giovanni
CT reconstruction algorithms
Metal artifact reduction techniques in CT
Image quality in fan-beam and cone-beam CT images
CT sinogram processing
X-ray based maging in radiation therapy
Small animal irradiation dosimetry
- Fleisher, Albert
- Jia, Xiaofeng
Stem cell therapy; Peripheral nerve injury and regeneration; Brain recovery after cardiac arrest; Metabolic glycoengineering; Brain monitoring and therapeutic hypothermia; Spinal cord injury; Bone regeneration
- Jensen, Allison
- Kalavagunta, Chaitanya
Radiation Oncology, Physics, Radiation Therapy,
- Schwartz, David
service excellence, faculty physician-patient communication, physician builder program, patient safety and risk mitigation, undergraduate and graduate education
- Esparza Bracho, Jose
- Caccamese, John
- Hirsch, Jeffrey
Image-based 3D printing.
- Brotman, Rebecca
infectious diseases, genomics, public health research, human microbiome, urogenital health, vaginal microbiome in susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections, STIs, bacterial vaginosis, BV
- Golding, Amit
- Koh, Eugene
Disorders of the cervical spine, disorders of the lumbar spine, minimally invasive spinal techniques, reconstruction of the traumatically injured spine
- Braman, Randi
- Edwards, Sarah
Early childhood mental health, infant mental health, integrated pediatric care, delirium, interprofessional education and collaboration, training, teaching residents and fellows, trauma, telepsychiatry, evidence-based therapies.
- Welty, Ann
physical therapy
- Fleurimond, Christine
- Fink, Jeffrey
- Rami, Bimal
Cervical and Lumbar spine surgery specializing in minimally invasive spine surgery, spinal arthroplasty and new technologies and techniques. Robot assisted surgery is a current area of interest
- Bruno, Vincent
Fungal Pathogenesis, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Transcriptomics, Genomics
- Goelet, Philip
- Stoica, Bogdan
- Loane, David
Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuroinflammation, Microglia, Neuroprotection, Neurorepair, Chronic Neurodegeneration
- Mackenzie, Colin
- Rooks, Yvette
- Deshpande, Seema
- Urrunaga, Nathalie
Cirrhosis, Liver Transplantation, Portal hypertension, Acute liver failure, Polycystic liver disease, Outcomes in liver disease.
- Tucker-Powell, Danita
- Terrin, Michael
Clinical Trials; Pulmonary Disease; Cardiovascular Epidemiology; Data Coordinating Centers
- Ehrenreich, Mark
Psychiatric education, consultation-liaison psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychiatric care of the medically ill
- Matteson, Donald
- Eisenberg, Howard
Brain Tumors, Acoustic Neuromas, Epilepsy and Movement Disorders, Skull Base Surgery, Non-Invasive Surgery, Focus-Guided Ultrasound
- Hanson, Annette
- Todd, Nevins
Interstitial lung disease (ILD), pulmonary fibrosis, respiratory physiology
- Flores, Raymond
Dr Flores is a senior consultant in rheumatology. His clinical interests include inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory muscle disease, spondyloarthropathies, microcrystalline disease and vasculitis.
- Spier, Scott
- Grace, George
- Lowitt, Mark
- Browne, Brian
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Cardiology/Chest Pain Evaluation, Information Systems/Health Surveillance, Cancer Screening, Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack, Dermatology
- Boone, Karen
- Mukherjee, Ratnakar
- Cao, Chunzhang
integrin CD11b/CD18 signaling, macrophages, neutrophils, NETS, atherosclerosis mouse model, multiple sclerosis mouse model
- Ross, Douglas
- Krumholz, Allan
First seizure evaluation and management, driving and epilepsy, seizures following cardiac arrest, nonconvulsive status epilepticus, psychogenic seizures, neurosarcoidosis, evoked potential clinical applications.
- Pollak, Andrew
Orthopaedic surgery, orthopaedic traumatology
- Shanholtz, Carl
Dr. Shanholtz has been involved in numerous multicenter clinical trials in critically ill medical patients with acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and critically ill oncology patients.
He has collaborated with colleagues at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine on ventilatory strategies in acute lung injury (ARDSnet) and is collaborating with Surgical Critical Care in creating a multidisciplinary critical care research, education, and clinical service. Another interest has been in medical informatics and the development of computerized physician documentation for the School of Medicine.
- Hemani, Alnoor
- Butler, Kenneth
Airway Management, Emergency Medicine
- Cerny, Jan
- Pomerantz, Seymour
- Gheorghiu, Ileana
- Darwin, Peter
- Carraccio, Carol
- Kim, Raymond
POEM, NOTES, ESD, Endoscopic suturing, ESG
- Brown, James
- Film, Roy
Non-pharmaceutical pain management, conservative orthopedic management, opioid crisis, epidemiology
- Lindberg, Iris
neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, protein chaperones, proteostais, ALS
- Amin, Pradip
Dr. Amin's research efforts are mainly focused on prostate cancer and brachytherapy applications in various tumor sites. Further refinement of interstitial thermotherapy in conjunction with interstitial brachytherapy is also another research endeavor.
- Kurgansky, Dennis
- Lee, Young Suk
- Schenkel, Stephen
Patient safety, vascular access in the Emergency Department, Emergency Department administration, education, morbidity and mortality conference
- Kearney, Christopher
- Attar, Safuh
- Pramanik, Sudeep
- Badawi, Deborah
- Resnik, Charles
Imaging of musculoskeletal trauma, Imaging of arthritis, Residency program administration
- DiMino, Mark
- Dickstein, Rian
- Papaminas, Catherine
- Schulze, Dan
Histocompatibility, sodium calcium exchange, Fc receptors, Natural Killer cells, biosensors
- Miller, Stanley
- Mallott, David
- Thuluvath, Paul
- Rubenstein, Jonathan
- O'Hara, Lyndsay
Hospital epidemiology and infection control, epidemiologic methods in infectious diseases, transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms, emerging pathogens, health of healthcare workers, global health
- Kantsevoy, Sergey
- Hu, Fu
- Van Zijl, P. Sean
- Weiner, Shoshana Jo
general internal medicine
- Khan, Aminur
- Sharma, Poornima
- Duncan, George
- Miller, Edward
- Lewis, Russell
- Maheshwari, Anurag
Gastroenterologist, Hepatitis C, hepatic encephalopathy, portal hypertension, liver transplantation outcomes, and hyponatremia, hepatology
- Dietrick, Daniel
- Ryan, Alice
Obesity, Aging, Exercise Rehabilitation, Nutrition
- Alger, Bradley
- Johnson, Mary
traumatic brain injury, retinal ischemia, central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), diabetic retinopathy, nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), vigabatrin toxicity, electroretinogram (ERG), visual evoked potential (VEP), pattern ERG (PERG)
- Drossner, Michael
Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, and Interventional Cardiology
- Nene, Vishvanath
- Lee, Seung
CRPS, Using application technology to medical practice
- Euerle, Brian
emergency ultrasound, point-of-care ultrasound, echocardiography
- Chen, Lei Jia
- Plantholt, Stephen
- Henn, R. Frank
Arthroscopic surgery;
Autologous chondrocyte implantation;
Cartilage restoration and transplantation;
Joint replacement;
Knee injuries;
Knee ligament, cartilage, and meniscus surgery
Knee surgery
Ligament reconstruction of the knee
Ligament repair and reconstruction
Meniscus repair
Meniscus surgery of the knee
Meniscus transplant
Shoulder injuries
Sports medicine
Tendon repair and reconstruction
- Hepp, Cheryl
Hospitalist medicine
Intermediate care
Palliative care
- Rabin, Joseph
- Diaz-Abad, Montserrat
Sleep-disordered breathing; chronic respiratory failure; sleep medicine; weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation; non-invasive ventilation in chronic respiratory failure and neuromuscular disease; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Hardesty, Daniel
- Lilly, Michael
- Sward, Douglas
- Das, Ajit
- Pruitt, David
Effective treatments for children, adolescents and their families. . Workforce development; consultation to schools, primary care, and rural underserved psychiatric populations Clinical Speciality • Consultation,evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents and their families • Organizing and financing systems of care for children and adolescents
- Wilson, Donald
- Mijares, Lilia
Clinical Microbiology, Microbiome, Skin microflora, MALDITOF, Laboratory clinical scientists, Molecular Diagnostics, parasitology, mycology, virology
- Christenson, Robert
Clinical Trials, Core Laboratory, Cardiac Troponin, Biomarkers, Evidence Based Medicine, Measurements, Cardiovascular Disease, Laboratory Director
- Banerjee, Aditi
Unfolded protein response, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Antioxidant, Reactive Oxygen species, Tumor Suppressor Gene, Oncogene, hypoxia, Signal Transduction, Apoptosis, chemotherapy, colon spheroids, patient-derived organoids.
- San Juan, Ronald
Graduate Medical Education, Computers and Multimedia in Medical Training, Med/Peds, Pediatric Urgent Care
- Tewelde, Semhar
- Sachdeva, Ashutosh
Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction for symptomatic patients with severe Emphysema/COPD.
- Forrester, Anique
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Cultural Shift, Psycho-Oncology, Women's Mental Health
- Woodworth, Graeme
Brain tumors, Pituitary tumors, Vestibular Schwannoma/Acoustic Neuroma, Spinal tumors, Chiari malformation, Adult hydrocephalus, MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound, Awake brain surgery, Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy
- O'Toole, Robert
Fracture, orthopaedic trauma surgery, issues affecting orthopaedic trauma, techniques to reduce complications (particularly infection) of high-energy trauma, major extremity trauma, biomechanics, compartment syndrome, damage control orthopaedics, management of the mangled limb, pelvic fracture, acetabular fracture, biomechanics
- Hachaambwa, Lottie
HIV, Tuberculosis
- Britt, E. James
Bronchoscopy education and training, Diagnostic bronchoscopy, Interstitial lung disease, COPD. Clinical trials of therapeutic agents for COPD, ILD and MAI.
- Patel, Sameer
- Wisner-Carlson, Robert
- Richa, D. Chimene
Treating patients is a top priority, but education is a passion, so Dr. Richa is always looking for new ways to teach residents and medical students the ins and outs of Ophthalmology.
- Hemady, Ramzi
Cataract, corneal transplant, DSEK, pterygium, uveitis, ocular immunology, immunosuppression corneal ulcer, keratitis, ocular infections
- Jou, Katherine
- Kakuska, Daniel
- Liggett, Stephen
- Aberdeen, Graham
Fetal/Perinatal Endocrinology, Placental Development, Fetal Development
- Zera-Yohannes, Seblu
- Chung, Hee Kyoung
- Mezghanni, Rosangela
Human translational immunology, immunity, immunological studies, host immune response, adaptive immune response, cellular control, gastrointestinal infection, enteric pathogen, E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella, T cells, 3-D organotypic model.
- Welsh, Christopher
Addiction; Telemedicine; Problem Gambling
- Herzenberg, John
- Steinberger, Eileen
- Heller, Lawrence
- Castaneda, Edwin
- Cockey, James
- Shkullaku, Rita
- Saeedi, Osamah
Glaucoma, Ocular Blood Flow, Ophthalmic Imaging, Health Services Research, Genetics
- Kankaria, Anil
- Badjatia, Neeraj
targeted temperature management, machine learning, nutrition and metabolism, inflammation, traumatic brain injury
- Zhan, Min
Biostatistics, survival analysis, longitudinal studies, applications of statistical methods in clinical research, patient safety, biomarker studies, population-based health surveys, health services research in chronic kidney disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.
- Huber, Scott
- Stegman, Charles
- Shakil, Huma
- Peeke, Pamela
- Scilla, Ryan
Medical education, faculty development, simulation, hospital medicine, high reliability
- Haque, Reyaz Ul
- Orwig, Denise
- Tang, Cha-Min
- Adams, Curtis
Person-centered care
Systems-based practice
- Pedra, Joao
Tick-borne diseases; Arthropod Immunology; Skin Immunology; Immunometabolism; Neuroimmunology
- Lumpkins, Kimberly
hernia, hydrocele, undescended testis
- Valadez-Meltzer, Adela
- Rosenshein, Neil
- Vyas, Gopal
- Lever, Nancy
School Mental Health, Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems, Quality, Sustainability, Workforce Development, Trauma-Informed Care, Dropout Prevention, Family Engagement, Workforce Development
- Geroff, Adam
redident education, clinical forensic medicine
- Daly, Barry
Forensic Radiology; Transplant Imaging; Advanced Cancer Imaging
- Beamer, Brock
Aging; Body Composition; Rehabilitation; Biology of Aging;
- Lyke, Kirsten
Malaria vaccines, malaria immunology, Schistosomiasis, Ebola, Dengue, Zika.
- Arrison, Daniel
- Siegelbaum, Marc
- Baumgarten, Mona
Epidemiology of aging, Design of epidemiologic studies
- Caruso, Arnaldo
- Kausik, Sankar
- Abbott, Bernard
- Fripp, Natelaine
- Sack, Paul
- Powers, John
- McLenithan, John
- McLean, Heather
- Odonkor, Patrick
- Miller, Christopher
Psychotherapy, Psychiatric Emergency Services, Residency Education
- Pincus, Kathleen
- Johnson, Wallace
- Merchenthaler, Istvan
Estrogen therapy, menopause, hot flushes, neuroprotection, neurodegeneration, PACAP38, infertility, animal models
- Simard, J. Marc
- Yap, Laurel
- Oviedo, Enrique
- Al-Samrrai, Eman
- Parikh, Gunjan
High Reliability, Safety, Quality, Patient Experience, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury, Translational Neuroscience, Multimodality Monitoring, Neuroimaging, Triage and Interhospital transfer of Neuroscience Patients
- Wagner, Lee-Ann
- Stambach, Cynthia
- Jose, Pedro
- Mannuel, Heather
prostate, bladder, renal, testicular and penile cancers as well as palliative care and survivorship
- Carter, Kennita
- Kabir, Arif
- Albrecht, Jennifer
Traumatic brain injury, psychiatric disturbances, older adults, health services research, administrative claims analysis, pharmacoepidemiology, epidemiological methods, Pepper Center
- Caruso, Michael
Physical Therapy/Orthopedic/Back Pain
- Ahadi, Negin
- Owusu-Antwi, Kofi
- Mulasi, Ila
- Chieppa, Marcello
- Choudhry, Shabbir
Internal Medicine, General Medicine, Internists
- Albrecht, Eugene
Pregnancy, Placental vascularization, Fetus, Development, Programming
- Komrad, Mark
- Mouratidis, Maria
- Iguchi, Mark
- Roy, Anindo
Rehabilitation, Robotics, Recovery, Motor Control, Stroke, Biomechanics
- Sharfstein, Steven
- Silver, Kristi
Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, general endocrine disorders
- Udekwu, Obi
- Schmidt, Peter
- Civin, Curt
Stem Cell Biology, Hematopoiesis, Regenerative Medicine, Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, Gene Therapy, Hematology, Cancer, Leukemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, CD34
- Harman, Christopher
- O'Donovan, Terrence
- Ohta, Yuko
Molecular Biology, Comparative Immunology, Immunogenetics, Bioinformatics,
Gene Annotation, Comparative Genomics, Genome evolution, Cell Biology, pharmaceutical science, cancer chemotherapy
- Inscore, Anjeli
cognitive, aging, dementia, functional status
- Shere-Wolfe, Kalpana
Integrative Medicine modalities in Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome ( Chronic Lyme Disease)
Integrative Medicine modalities in HIV infected patients
- Snyder, Greg
Immunology, Structural biology, Microbiology, Cancer, Molecular Biophysics
- Lagos, Rosanna
- Shaya, Fadia
- Patterson, Brittany Renee
School Based Mental Health Services, Trauma, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Evidence Based Assessment and Intervention
- Hopkins, Mark
physical therapy, prosthetics, orthotics
- Cheston, Sally
Breast Cancer
- Friedman, Gary
- Hong, Jung-Soo
- Friedel, Samuel
Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cataract surgery, glaucoma.
- Manson, Theodore
Acetabular fracture management
Direct anterior hip replacement
Hip fracture treatment
Hip socket fracture treatment
Joint replacement
Joint replacement after previous fracture
Knee replacement
Partial knee replacement
Total joint replacement
- Zigel, Carlos
- Custer, Jason
Expert and team cognition in complex patients Medical communication and data utilization Medical education related to Practice-Based Learning, Quality improvement, and Systems-based practice. Patient Safety. Diagnostic Error and diagnostic process.
- Wallis, Lee
- Roggio, Anthony
Telehealth, Emergency Department and Hospital Administration, Quality Assurance, Opioids and Addiction, Physician Wellness, Patient Satisfaction, Medical Student and Resident Education, and Insurance/Reimbursement
- Mann, Dean
- Conroy, Vincent
Efficacy of orthopedic physical therapy evaluation and interventions on patient outcomes with focus on supporting anatomical rationale; Functional Electrical Stimulation; and Student-provided service to under-served populations.
- Bannerman, Douglas
- Chen, Shifeng
NTCP, IMRT/VMAT, SRS/SBRT, treatment planning system, radiation safety and quality, HDR, and thermal therapy
- Glazer-Semmel, Esta
familiy, and child and adolescent therapy
forensic evaluation and expert testimony
child maltreatment and family violence
- Anders, Megan
patient safety, performance improvement, quality improvement, critical care, and perioperative outcomes
- Syed, Saif
- Simon, Liliana
Pediatric Intensive Care
Breastfeeding Medicine
- Kocoglu, Mehmet
Diagnosis and treatment of plasma cell dyscrasias which include diseases such as multiple myeloma, AL amyloidosis, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, POEMS syndrome
- Baek, Danielle
graduate medical education, population health, resident wellness, transitions of care.
- Kim, Min Jung
Hematopoiesis, Erythropoiesis, Leukemia, microRNA, Cell signaling
- Yerges-Armstrong, Laura
- Skrenta, Allan
- Mark, Katrina
substance use in pregnancy, smoking cessation, marijuana
- Wilkerson, Richard
Sickle Cell Disease, Angioedema, Pneumonia, Congestive Heart Failure, Naloxone, Opioid Addiction
- Pidugu, Lakshmi Swarna Mukhi
- Bernstein, Steven
Optic nerve, stroke stem cells
- Adashi, Kristen
- Taylor, Bruce
- Im, Lily
Glaucoma, MIGS, Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, Cataract
- Baer, Maria
Leukemia, drug resistance, cell signaling
- Stains, Joseph
Osteoblast, Osteocyte, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Bone, Intercellular Communication, Gap Junction, Connexin 43, Signal Transduction, Protein Kinase C, ERK, Runx2, Osterix, Musculoskeletal Biology, Osteoarthritis, Cytoskeleton, Mechanotransduction, Intermediate Filaments, Microtubules, CaMKII, Sclerostin.
- Duong, Vu
- Jackson, William
Picornavirus, Poliovirus, Rhinovirus, Coxsackievirus, Enterovirus D-68, PV, HRV, CVB3, EVD-68, Autophagy, Secretion, Trafficking
- Jiang, Yixing
- Lee, Seung Tae
- Drohat, Alexander
DNA Repair, Epigenetics and DNA methylation, Enzymology, NMR, Structural Biology, SUMO modification
- Saleeb, Paul
Diagnosis and treatment of mycobacterial infections, HIV care and treatment, medical education in resource-limited settings
- Sigman, David
- Gottdiener, John Simon
- Njoku, Mary
- Belcher, Annabelle
Opioid Use Disorder, Substance Use Disorders, Methadone Treatment, Individual Differences, Susceptibility and Resilience to SUD, Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Treatment, Telemedicine for OUD, Addiction
- Mixson, Archibald
- Seneviratne, Chamindi
Addiction genomics, pharmacogenetics, biomarkers, Alcoholism, Substance use disorders, addiction phase-1 trials
- Newton, Paula
Pediatric Endocrinology, diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, precocious puberty, short stature, pituitary abnormalities, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Turner syndrome.
- Leung, Jocelyn
Neonatal kidney disease, neonatal outcomes
- Gajer, Pawel
bioinformatics, bacterial vaginosis, preterm delivery
- Sapkota, Amy
- Hagberg, James
- Turner, Paul
- Hofferth, Sandra
- Arria, Amelia
- Masur, Henry
- Knott, Cheryl
- Green, Kerry
- Gupta, Anuj
Aortic Stenosis
Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty
Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Grumbine, F. Lawson
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Blepharoplasty, Ptosis, Entropion/Ectropion, Orbital Fracture, Tear Duct Surgery, Anophthalmic Socket, Blind Painful Eye
- Liu, Hongjie
- Hatfield, Bradley
- Chandra, Amitabh
Critical Care Ultrasound
Emergency Echocardiography
Emergency Department Operations and Administration
- Lee, Mei-Ling
- Boekeloo, Bradley
- Edelman, Robert
Clinical trials, vaccines, biologicals, infectious diseases, vector-borne infections, dengue, malaria, Lyme, Chikungunya, bioterror agents, botulinum toxin and smallpox, diarrheal pathogens, hepatitis B, respiratory pathogens, pneumococcus, respiratory syncytial virus, pertussis, influenza, and immunosenescence.
- Hagan, Matilda
- Zhang, Baoshe
Image-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy and Informatics in Radiation Therapy
- Cebotaru, Valeriu
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a hereditary disorder that affects 1:500 to 1:1000 people and is characterized by fluid-filled cysts that arise from renal tubules. ADPKD results from mutations in either the PKD1 or PKD2 gene, which encode the gene products polycystin 1 (PC1) and polycystin 2 (PC2), respectively. Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) expression and activity are increased in Pkd1 mutant renal epithelial cells suggesting that it may play a role in cyst formation. We are studying role of PC1, PC2 and HDAC6 in cyst formation in ADPKD.
- Wang, Kenneth
- Slack, Michael
Congenital Interventions, Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Intravascular Stents, Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Replacement, Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair, PFO Closure, Septal Defect Closure, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care, Coronary Fistula Closure, Celiac Artery Stenosis.
- Fischer, Kyle
- Keller, Asaf
sensory perception, chronic pain, descending pain modulation, drug abuse, substance use in pregnancy
- Rahman, Mohammed Sayeedur
Microbiology, Bacteriology, Rickettsia, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Transcriptome, Protein Secretion pathways, Secretome, Interactome, Virulence, Pathogenesis, Arthropods, Ticks, Fleas, Body Lice, Epidemic Typhus, Murine Typhus, Spotted Fever and Transitional Group rickettsiae
- Suntha, Mohan
head, neck, head and neck, esophagus, esophageal, oropharyngeal, thoracic
- Lu, Wei
- Kramer, Angela
physical therapy, strength and conditioning
- Hamburger, David
- Cheng, Kunrong
- Brumback, Robert
- Fitzpatrick, James
- Spangler, Ryan Michael
- Teague, Heidi
Hospice and palliative care, geriatrics, wellness, addiction medicine and education
- Tisherman, Samuel
hemorrhagic shock, cardiac arrest, therapeutic hypothermia, education, surgical skill, simulation
- Frattali, Sarah
- Siebert, Stephen
- Citron, Wendla
CNS malignancies, Head and neck cancer, Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Gastrointestinal cancer, Genitourinary cancer, Gynecologic cancer, Lymphoma, Sarcoma, 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, Image Guided Radiation Therapy, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, Proton Therapy
- Sklar, Geoffrey
- Woodward, Owen
Uric Acid, Urate, Gout, Kidney, Renal Physiology, Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Chen, Rong
Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Neuroimaging, Biomedical Data Analysis, Translational Medicine, Clinical Research
- St. George, Diane Marie
Epidemiology education, Health disparities, Youth
- Gray, Vicki
Stroke, aging, asymptomatic carotid stenosis, postural control, balance, falls, exercise interventions, electromyography
- Brull, Stanley
- Ciarkowski, Janet
- Oh, Sangjin
- Wickwire, Emerson
Sleep, sleep medicine, sleep health economics, technology, telehealth
- Modiri, Arezoo
- Groves, Mari
Spinal Deformity, Spinal Oncology, Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors, Chiari Malformations, Myelomeningocele, Spasticity and Epilepsy
- Jackson, Eric
AT/RT (atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor), pediatric brain tumors, hydrocephalus, chiari malformation
- Finn, Aloke
Atherosclerosis, macrophages, drug-eluting stents, peripheral arterial disease, valvular heart disease
- Dennis, Elizabeth
Community Health, Nutrition, Disease Prevention, Dietary Intake, Weight Management Strategies, Lifestyle Interventions
- Sawant, Amit
Small animal IGRT, precision radiotherapy, motion management, stereotactic body radiotherapy, SBRT
- Fricke, W. Florian
- Baranano, David Eduardo
- Hurt, Elaine
- Livezey, Viveca
- Negi, Shobhit
- Weber, David
Calcium-signaling, tumor suppression & cancer biology, structural biology
- Langenberg, Patricia
- Mergner, Wolfgang
- Nace, Heather
- Hill, Terri
- Loreck, David
Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Geriatric Psychiatry
- Maloney, Kristin
personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics, monogenic diabetes, genetic counseling, adult genetics, variant interpretation
- Neuwald, Andrew
Protein sequence and structural analysis, Bayesian statistics, Computational Biology
- Ravel, Jacques
- Tabatabai, Ali
ARDS outcome research, focusing on VV ECMO rescue therapy
- Yang, Xi
- Smith, Gordon
- Luzina, Irina
Inflammation, Fibrosis, Scleroderma, Systemic Sclerosis, SSc, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, IPF, Interstitial Lung Disease, ILD, Cytokines, Chemokines, Cell surface molecules, Lung, Pulmonary, Fibroblasts, T lymphocytes, Macrophages, Animal Models
- Prybys, Katherine
Medical Toxicology, Adverse Drug Interactions, polypharmacy, Inhalant Abuse
- Attman, Patricia
- Kriebs, Jan
- Pasetti, Marcela
Immunology, vaccines, immune responses, neonatal immunity, maternal-infant immunization, vaccine development, mucosal immunology, adjuvant, vaccine delivery systems.
- Grewal, Ashanpreet
- Holm, Johanna
- Koliatsos, Vassilis
- Vakharia, Kalpesh
Head and Neck Reconstruction, Free Flaps, Facial Paralysis, 3D-Printing, Computer Technology, Facial Trauma, Rhinoplasty, Skin Cancer Reconstruction
- Qian, Feng
Polycystic kidney disease, polycystin, cyst formation, ciliary trafficking, cis-autoproteolysis, G-protein coupled protein proteolysis site (GPS)
- Tom, Sarah
- Niederhaus, Silke
kidney transplant
pancreas transplant
dialysis access
- Watnick, Terry
- Quaytman, Miles
- Goldberg, Eric Mathew
- Mong, Jessica
Sleep, Sleep circuity, Sex differences, Estradiol, Median Preoptic Nucleus, Women's Health, Insomnia, Arousal
- Rice, Brett
physical therapy, orthopedic manual therapy, sports rehabilitation
- Miller, Timothy
Pipeline embolization device, mechanical thrombectomy acute ischemic stroke, neuro-interventional radiology
- Culpepper, William
epidemiology, multiple sclerosis, health services research, comorbidity
- Fang, Wei Han
Body Imaging, Colonography
- Herskovits, Edward
Neuroradiology, Informatics, Machine Learning, Data Mining
- Goel, Sanjay
- Tracy, LaRee
- Reicher, Barry
- Cheloff, Gregory
- Bettegowda, Chetan
- Prantner, Daniel
Macrophages, Innate Immunology, Toll-like Receptors, Signal Transduction, Interferons, Sepsis
- Kurtom, Khalid
- Harris Wallace, Brandy
- Ma, Bing
Multi-‘Omics’, Big data, Genomics, Microbiome, Metagenomics, Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, Metatranscriptomics, single-cell RNA-seq, Microbe-Host Interaction, live biotherapeutics, Biomarker discovery, Data mining, GI Health, Systems Biology
- Ernst, Robert
- Ferre, Sergi
- Zimrin, Ann
- Carter-Pokras, Olivia
- Addison, Odessa
myosteatosis, muscles, mobility, function, hip abductors, aging, physical therapy, balance, and falls
- Honeycutt, Noreen
- Chawla, Kiranpreet
global health, family planning, cervical cancer screening
- Outeda, Patricia
- Newmier, Eugene
- Abzug, Joshua
Pediatric fractures, pediatric orthopaedics, pediatric upper extremity
- Booth, Jayaum
Oral vaccine, Ty21a, mucosal immunology, T cells, S. Typhi, tissue resident memory T cells, MAIT cells
- Lamos, Elizabeth
- Lebron-Afanador, Ralph
- Vaghela, Vishal
- Perencevich, Eli
- Hong-Zohlman, Susie
Cardiovascular Imaging (cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, echocardiography, cardiac computed tomography, nuclear cardiology)
Pericardial Disease
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Cardiovascular Disease in Women
- Claassen, Cassidy
HIV, global health, Africa, community-based interventions, key populations, international medical education
- Kligman, Mark
- Fischer, Beverly
- Fishman, Marc
- Taylor, Rodney
Head and Neck Surgical Oncology, Rhinology and Sinus disease, Endocrine Surgery (thyroid and parathyroid), Sleep apnea, Robotic Surgery
- Nelms, Justin
- Mair, Christine
- Pollin, Toni
Genetics, genomics, diabetes, genetic counseling, genetic epidemiology, type 2 diabetes, MODY, monogenic diabetes, apoC-III, Amish, pharmacogenetics, gene/environment interaction
- Gvozden, Andre
- Rasko, Yvonne
- D'Arbela, Christine
- Vitale, Marco
- Zohlman, Andrew
- Watkins, Runa
Celiac Disease, nutrition
- Whissel, Eugene
- Xiao, Lan
- Siaton, Bernadette
rheumatology, clinical education, curriculum development, transition to residency
- Sarkar, Rajabrata
Blood vessel growth, blood vessel development, vascular surgery
- Lobo, Mary Kay
Addiction, depression, stereotypy, striatum, nucleus accumbens, neuron subtypes, circuits, gene expression, transcription, epigenetics
- Soulen, Jeffrey
- Forman, Joshua
- Pine, Elyse
- Harrison-Restelli, Catherine
- Flanagan, Constance
- Buchanan, Laura
- Hornyak, Thomas
Melanocyte stem cell differentiation and fate determination as well as melanoma epigenetics
- Burke, Allen
Atherosclerosis, sudden death, cardiomyopathy, carcinoma of the lung, malignant mesothelioma.
- Haase, Daniel
Critical care, ultrasound, echocardiography, resuscitation
- Seliger, Stephen
Chronic Kidney Disease
Physical Function
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Cardiac Biomarkers
- Royal, Walter
- Tulis, Matthew
- Taylor, Bradley
- Lanzo, Joanne
- Gheorghiu, Ioana
- Hussey-Gardner, Brenda
Developmental evaluations of infants and toddlers, developmental outcomes of infants born prematurely, early intervention, fostering development of infants and toddlers, parenting
- O'Brien, Thomas
- Mann, David
- Mesioye, Abisola
- Neschis, David
- Gillespie, Joseph
Evolutionary Biology, Rickettsiology, Rickettsia, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, Metabolomics, Structural Biology, Lateral Gene Transfer, Type IV Secretion Systems, Secretome, Pathogenesis, Genome Sequencing, Arthropods, Ticks, Fleas, Body Lice, Epidemic Typhus, Murine Typhus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Transitional Group rickettsiae, Wolbachia
- Thompson, Stephen
Pediatric Neurology and Neuro-Oncology
- Kristian, Tibor
neurodegeneartion, mitochondrial dynamics, bioenergetics, transgenic models, NAD catabolism
- Lucksted, Alicia
Stigmatization, Internalized Stigma, Mental Health Recovery, Psychosocial Interventions
- Gifford, Jeneen
telemedicine; tele-ICU; clinical decision-support
- Gopal, Arun
Image guided radiation therapy, deformable image registration, portal dosimetry
- Chew, Jane
- Polsky, M Brian
- Wartofsky, Leonard
- Keledjian, Kaspar
- Smedley, Angela
- Bennett, Melanie
serious mental illness, substance use disorders, community functioning, negative symptoms
- Jones, Laundette
Community & Population Health, Participatory Health Research, Mammary gland carcinogenesis, Adipose tissue biology, Breast Cancer Survivorship, Health Disparities, Environmental Health Sciences
- Ludwig, Steven
- Charurat, Man
Implementation Science. HIV, Mother-to-infant transmission of HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy Program, Key Population, Surveillance and Surveys, Microbiome, HIV Adolescent, Health Systems Strengthening, PMTCT
- Sommerkamp, Sarah
Emergency Ultrasound and Ob/Gyn Emergencies
- Anastasiadis, Pavlos
- Brady, Rachel
- Shaham, Yavin
- Good, Karen
- Turan, Ozhan Mehmet
Fetal therapy, Abnormal placentation, Preterm delivery, Morbidly adherent placental disease, Complex obstetric surgery
- Tropello, Steven
- Piao, Wenji
Regulatory T cell lymphatic migration, and the lymphotoxin beta receptor (LTbR) signaling in endothelial cells (EC).
- Reeves, Gloria
child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatric psychopharmacology, family-centered research, obesity research, antipsychotic treatment, metabolic side effects, clinical high risk psychosis
- Cheer, Joseph
Cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, dopamine, motivation, addiction, depression, schizophrenia, Huntington's Disease, voltammetry, electrophysiology, optogenetics, chemogenetics, calcium imaging
- Richard, Howard
- Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini
cytoskeleton, signaling, skeletal and cardiac muscle (patho)physiology, breast cancer
- Amin, Mohammed
Carbohydrate chemistry, polysaccharide conjugate vaccine, bio-conjugation, glycan isolation, characterization and modification, chemical and enzymatic synthesis of glycopeptides and glycoproteins, glycopeptides epitope for HIV antibodies, glycobiology.
- Hassel, Bret
Rnase-L, type-1 interferon, mRNA turnover, innate immunity, tumor suppressor
- Song, Danny
- Das, Maya
- Gearhart, John
- Gold, James
schizophrenia, attention, working memory, motivation, negative symptoms
- Macek, Mark
- Chen, Joseph
diagnostic radiology, general radiology, cardiopulmonary or cardiothoracic imaging, pediatric radiology, radiography (CR), computed tomography (CT), ultrasonography or ultrasound (US), artificial intelligence (AI), imaging informatics
- Twaddell, William
Surgical and medical liver pathology, including transplantation pathology
Lumenal gastrointestinal pathology
- O'Neill, Joseph
- Lederer, W. Jonathan
Calcium Signaling, Calcium Sparks, Calcium-Dependent Arrhythmogenesis, Excitation-Contraction (EC) Coupling, Sodium Calcium Exchange Mechanisms, , X-ROS Signaling, , Cardiac Hypertrophy, Heart Failure, Cardiac Myocytes, Cardiac Mitochondria, Cardiac Cellular Physiology, Computational Biology, Super-Resolution Imaging, Confocal Imaging
- Romero, Erin
- Chang, Randy
Child Trauma/Maltreatment
Psychological Assessments
- Ntiri, Shana
Cancer control, early detection, cancer screening, primary care-based screening, screen-detectable cancers, cancer health disparities, minority health, community engagement
- Waldstein, Shari
- Davis, Derik
Shoulder Dysfunction, Upper Extremity Dysfunction, Skeletal Muscle Quality, Aging, Mobility, Intramuscular Fatty Infiltration, Shoulder, Musculoskeletal Tumors, Trauma, Sports, MRI, CT, X-ray, Rotator Cuff Tear, Pain, Arthritis, Health-Related Quality of Life, Clinical History
- Polster, Brian
mitochondria, mitochondrial fission, bioenergetics, oxygen, respiration, Seahorse, reactive oxygen species, superoxide, apoptosis, cytochrome c, AIF, Bax, Bcl-2, Drp1, calpain, neurons, glutamate excitotoxicity, nitric oxide, astrocytes, microglia, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, traumatic brain injury, neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, idebenone, mdivi-1
- Morgan, Daniel
- Fahey, Jenifer
Postpartum health; fetal heart rate monitoring, simulation, shoulder dystocia, group prenatal care
- Marmillion, Meghan
- Leekha, Surbhi
healthcare associated infections, infection prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, surveillance, risk adjustment, Clostridium difficile
- Padia, Janak
- Ugarte, Richard
Kidney transplantation, Nephrology
- Sorkin, John
Diabetes, Obesity, Longevity, Longitudinal Change in risk factors, Biostatistics, Informatics
- Younus, Faheem
- Mauban, Joseph Ryan
- Potosky, Darryn
- Ellis, Julie
- Satterlee, Shelley
- Johnson, Diana
- Brodie, Jeffrey
- Afshar, Elham
- Rosenstein, Andrew
- Rowe, Wilma
- Ossip, Diane
- Chen, Hegang
- Komarow, Hirsh
- See, Vincent
atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, ablation, left atrial appendage occlusion, lead extraction, inherited arrhythmias, epicardial ablation, biomarkers, cardiac fibrosis
- Isaiah, Amal
sleep disordered breathing; statistical modeling; machine learning; brain development
- Conti, Bianca
Transesophageal Echocardiography
- Galey, Jessica
- Olmsted, William
- Solomon, Clifford
- Fleiter, Thorsten
Advanced Computed Tomography, Multi-Energy Computed Tomography, 3D imaging, Virtual Endoscopy, Computed Tomography based implants and surgical guides, Smart implants, Computational Flow Dynamics, Targeting contrast media, 4D ultrasound, Realtime intra-operative 3D imaging,
- Cullen, Kevin Joseph
Head and Neck Cancer, Bone and Soft Tissue Oncology, Head and Neck Oncology, Hematology/Oncology, Sarcoma
- Hirshon, Jon
Acute care, emergency care, emergency medical services, health systems, research ethics
- Moore, James
- Bharadwaj, Shobana
- dosReis, Susan
- Redett, Richard
- Bassi, Ashwani
- Macario, Alberto
- Ioffe, Olga
surgical pathology, breast pathology, gynecologic pathology
- Ferrucci, Luigi
- Blumenthal, Jacob
Geriatrics, Function, Metabolism, Safety
- Conway De Macario, Everly
- Qiu, Yun
- Stiller, John
- Abimiku, Alash'le
HIV Virus, HIV subtypes, HIV drug resistance, HIV prevention, Mother-to-infant transmission of HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy Program, TB, Multidrug-resistant TB, Laboratory System Strengthening, Laboratory Accreditation, Biobanking, Microbiome, Health Systems Strengthening, Outbreaks and Surveillance
- Richard, Katharina
Oncology, Pre-clinical, In Vivo Models, Innate Immunity, Macrophages, TLR4, Metabolism, Catanionic Surfactant Nanoparticles, Vaccines, Francisella tularensis
- York, Teresa
Leukemia, lymphoma, solid tumors, blood disorders and cancer survivorship
- Calu, Donna
Reward, learning, motivation, attention, decision-making, addiction, obesity, individual differences, amygdala, insular cortex, striatum, dopamine, in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics, chemogenetics, fiber photometry, dopamine sensing
- Mackey, Megan
physical therapy
- Noorani, Robert
- Chiu, William
Neuroendocrine Function in Sepsis,
Neuroimmunomodulation in Circulatory Shock,
Mitochondrial Injury in Shock
- Ballin, Jeff
- Schwarcz, Robert
Cognition, Excitotoxicity, Glutamate, Kynurenic acid, Neurodegenerative diseases, Neuroprotection, Quinolinic acid, Schizophrenia, Tryptophan
- Ahmad, Sameer
- Ambrose Stout, Katharine
physical therapy, brain injury, neurology, vestibular, tele-rehab
- Heil, Emily
- Sliker, Clint
Emergency Radiology, Trauma, Vascular Injuries, CT, CTA
- Hardy, Nancy
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Blood and Marrow Transplantation (BMT)
- Bernstein, Lori
- Johnson, J. Kristie
Microbiology, Immunology, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA, resistant mobile genetic elements in gram negatives including extended spectrum β-lactamases and plasmid mediated AMP-C β-lactamases
- Bellinger, Elizabeth
physical therapy, orthopedics, manual therapy, chronic pain
- Clayborne, Elizabeth
Health Policy, Ethics, End of Life Care, ED Operations, Health Disparities, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Joshi, Manjari
Major Research Interests include: Prevention of infection in surgical settings; Establishing incidence, diagnosis and prevention of infections in orthopedic trauma
- Kenzora, John
Acute reconstructive trauma, bunions, foot and ankle surgery, fractures of the hip, nerve injuries, osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis
- Fouche-Weber, LaRita
- Vitolo, Michele
- Jerome, Scott
Nuclear Cardiology, Computed Tomography, Cardiac PET, Sports Cardiology, Preventative Cardiology, General Cardiology, Intersocietal Accreditation Commission, Electronic Medical Records
- Woodle, Carole Sztalryd
Obesity, diabetes, metabolic complications of obesity, adipose tissue, fatty liver, lipid metabolism, lipid droplet
- Regine, William
Pancreas/Gastrointestinal Cancers, Central Nervous System Malignancies, Brain Metastases/Tumors, Head and Neck Cancers, Sarcomas, Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Proton Treatment.
- McCarthy, Margaret
Neuroendocrinology, postnatal brain development, steroid hormone action, sex differences, epigenetics, neuroinflammation, neonatal hypoxia ischemia, behavior, neurohypophyseal hormones, endocannabinoids, amino acid transmitters, postnatal neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, astrocytes, microglia and mast cells.
- Adebamowo, Clement
Cancer epidemiology, Genomics epidemiology, Nutrition epidemiology, NCD research, Research ethics
- Ambulos, Nicholas
Core Facility, Shared Service, Genomics, Molecular Genetics, Sequencing, Gene Expression, Genotyping, Core Management, Pharmacogenomics, Assay Development
- Montasser, May
genetic epidemiology , statistical genetics, GWAS, WGS, WES, phenotype-genotype association, epigenetic, pharmacogenetics
- Atlas, Robert
- Hoover, Sharon
School Mental Health, Primary Care-Behavioral Health Integration, Trauma
- Roque, Dana
class III beta tubulin, clear cell carcinoma, paclitaxel resistance, novel therapeutic targets, microtubule-stabilizing agents, HuR, microtentacles
- Quezada, Sandra
academic medicine, gastroenterology, hematology, diversity, inclusion, crohn's, colitis
- Lion, John
- Tudino, M Eugene
- Akin, Barbara
- Nakano, Karen
- Crawford, Geoffrey
- Shen, Wei-Bin
neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, epigenetic regulation, cellular signaling, Stem cell differentiation, neurodegenerative diseases,
- Haririan, Abdolreza
antibody-mediated graft injury in kidney transplantation, BK nephropathy, non-traditional risk factors for poor transplant outcomes, pancreas allograft rejection and optimization of immunosuppression, renal and transplant medicine, antibody-mediated rejection, Acthar, glomerulopathy.
- Manson, Paul
- Weir, Matthew
- Aboulafia, Albert
- Gens, David
- Fischer, Max
- Hatten, Kyle
TORS, Robotic, Head & Neck Surgery, Microvascular Reconstruction, Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
- Jankosky, Christopher
- Merino, Jose
Stroke, Acute stroke management, MRI
- Morris, Nicholas
Multimodality Monitoring, Medical Simulation, Assessment, Pain and Patient-Centered Outcomes after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Brain-Heart Connection, Disparities in Emergency Neurology Care Delivery, Triage
- Kottilil, Shyamasundaran
Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV infection, T cell exhaustion
- Wolde-Rufael, Daniel
infectious disease, AIDS, HIV
- Onigbanjo, Mutiat
- Dakum, Patrick
Implementation Science Research, HIV, MDR TB and non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
- Feldman, Ricardo
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for disease modeling, drug discovery and regenerative medicine; lysosomal storage diseases; Gaucher disease; Parkinson's disease; neuronal development; dopaminergic development; neurodegeneration; Wnt pathway; GSK3β; β-catenin; glucocerebrosidase; sphingolipids; mTOR; TFEB; enzyme replacement therapy (ERT); substrate reduction therapy (SRT), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC); osteoblasts; bone disease; macrophages; hematopoietic development.
- Moayedi, Siamak
Difficult intravenous access Emergency cardiac pacing Invasive emergency medicine procedures Hyperbaric medicine
- Keegan, Achsah
cytokines, signal transduction, IL-4, IL-13, receptors, STAT6, macrophages, allergy, asthma
- Slade, Eric
Econometric methods, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis, mental health financing
- Fix, Alan
- Winters, Michael
emergency medicine, critical care, intensive care, resuscitation, shock, sepsis, post-arrest, cardiac arrest
- Blotny, Krystyna
- Medved, Leonid
Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, Plasma Proteins Structure and Interaction, Fibrinogen, Fibrin, Fibrin(ogen) Receptors, Fibrin-Dependent Inflammation.
- Miller, Ram
- Antalis, Toni
thrombosis, ovarian cancer, fibrinolysis, coagulation, membrane serine protease, protease-activated receptor, PAR
- Goodell, Maryellen
- Khan, Misbah
- Bolgiano, Edward
Tick borne illnesses; Military Medicine
- Im, Dwight
- Plowe, Christopher
Malaria Drug Resistance, Malaria Genomic and Molecular Epidemiology, HIV-Malaria Interactions, Malaria Drug and Vaccine Efficacy
- Zhang, Li
Cardiovascular diseases, Autoimmunity, inflammation, stem cells, macrophages, integrin, cell adhesion
- Zhang, Yinghua
- Colloca, Luana
- Hoffman, Kathleen
- Henry, Gavin
- Fitzpatrick, Meagan
Infectious disease modeling; Transmission modeling; Dynamic modeling; Vaccine impact; Cost-effectiveness analysis; Medical decision-making; Pharmacoeconomics; Global health; One Health; Maternal vaccination; Neonatal vaccination; Rabies; Pertussis; Rotavirus; Influenza; Zika; Ebola; COVID-19; SARS-CoV2
- Kaplowitz, Jeremy
- Villacin, Maria Karla
- Boyman, Liron
Calcium Signaling, Calcium Sparks, Calcium-Dependent Arrhythmogenesis, Excitation-Contraction (EC) Coupling, Sodium Calcium Exchange Mechanisms, Cardiac Hypertrophy, Heart Failure, Cardiac Myocytes, Cardiac Mitochondria, Cardiac Cellular Physiology, Computational Biology, Super-Resolution Imaging, Confocal Imaging
- Hsu, Samuel
Emergency Ultrasound
- Puche, Adam
Olfactory, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, imaging
- Wallin, Mitchell
Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroepidemiology, Global Health, Neuroinfections, Telemedicine
- Sjaarda, Raymond
- Kreyenbuhl, Julie
serious mental illness; health services research; pharmacoepidemiology
- Sow, Samba Ousmane
- Roys, Steven
MRI, Functional and metabolic imaging and image processing, Medical Robotics
- Mukhopadhyay, Subhradip
- Sevier, Linda
- Chen, Stephanie
epilepsy, seizure disorders, epilepsy surgery, epilepsy and imaging
- Stewart, Shelby
Robotic Surgery, Lung Cancer, Lung Nodules, Mediastinal Tumors , Esophageal Disease (Benign), Chest Wall Deformities, Malignant Pleural effusions, Pneumothorax, Esophageal Cancer, Thymic Cancer, Thymoma
- Chao, Wei
Sepsis, trauma, ischemic myocardial infarction, organ injury, innate immunity, biomarkers, microRNA, bioinformatics, machine learning.
- Zou, Lin
Innate Immunity, extracellular RNA, Acute lung injury, Toll-like receptors, Sepsis, Trauma.
- Etezadi, Vahid
- Ward, Christopher
- Robins-Browne, Roy
- Mason, Sherell
- Gonzaga, Rosario
- Shirey, Kari Ann
Innate Immunity, Macrophage, Macrophage differentiation, Alternatively activated macrophage (AAM or M2), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Influenza, Toll-like Receptors (TLRs), Acute Lung Injurey (ALI),secondary bacterial infection
- Mulberg, Andrew
- Boyd, Malinda
- Ryu, Hyung
- Corwell, Brian Niall
Sports Medicine, Concussions, Athletic Health and Performance
- Roghmann, Mary-Claire
Antibiotic resistance, Staphylococcus aureus, Cross transmission, Acquisition, Diabetic Foot Infections, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Prevention, Human microbiome, Clinical research, Molecular epidemiology
- Deza, Florence
- Buonaguro, Luigi
- Torres, Mercedes
Emergent Infectious Diseases, Emergency Department Administration, Medically Underserved
- Gould, Todd
Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Antidepressant Pharmacology, Ketamine, Hydroxynorketamine, Lithium
- Hinduja, Anish
- Weinstein, Adam
- Chung, Yau Huei
- Ligon, Rhamin
- Brown, Jessica
Health behavior change, sleep, midlife mental health, survey methodology, health disparities
- Alon, Gad
Research: FES, neuromodulation, Stroke, locomotion training, Peripheral vascular disease
Clinical: therapeutic technologies
- Ramani, Gautam
- Chasm, Rose
- Chang, Joy
emergency psychiatry, addiction, buprenorphine, Suboxone, substance abuse, psychiatry, mental health, behavioral health, sports psychiatry, sickle cell
- Silverman, Ronald
- Schloesser, Robert
- Tacket, Carol
- Cheng, Yu-Ching
- Pula, Thaddeus
- Lewis, George
HIV Vaccine Development, Immunology, Structural Biology, Non-human Primates
- Cairo, Cristiana
Human immunology, γδ lymphocytes, Neonatal immunity, Malaria, HIV, Infectious diseases, Fetal-maternal interface.
- Melhem, Lina
Diabetes, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, parathyroid, calcium
- McDuff, David
Addiction Psychiatry
Trauma Psychiatry
Sports Psychiatry
Performance Medicine
- Guerrero, Mariana
Radiation Therapy,
Clinical Medical Physics,
Radiobiological Modelling,
Multi-Criteria Optimization,
Portal Dosimetry.
- Allen, Thomas
- Berry, Andrea
Malaria, clinical vaccine trials, immunology.
- Travassos, Mark
cerebral malaria, severe malaria, immunity, genomic epidemiology, immunoepidemiology, pathogenesis, microarray
- Sethuraman, Girish
- Westlake, Kelly
Rehabilitation, Balance, Falls, Motor Learning, Cognition, Neuroimaging, fMRI, Aging, Stroke, Parkinson's, Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Closson, Forrest
Child Sexual Abuse
- Oglesby-Sherrouse, Amanda
iron, bacterial pathogenesis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gene regulation
- Resnick, Barbara
- Stuart, Bruce
- Sunness, Janet
- Guralnik, Jack
epidemiology, aging, gerontology, disability, functional status, physical activity
- Hazen, Tracy
E. coli, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, genomics, evolution, antibiotic resistance, microbial surveillance
- Althuis, Michelle
- Money, Mary
- Bahrani, Ashkan
- Rasko, David
- Mulliken, Brian
- Sethuraman, Kinjal
Hyperbaric Medicine
Women in Medicine
Gender Medicine
- Kiser, Laurel
trauma, family, poverty
- Zalzman, Michal
Stem cells, Embryonic stem cells, ESCs, Induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs, Multipotent stem cells, MSCs, Telomere, Cancer stem cells, CSCs, Parkinson's disease, Stroke, Conductive hearing loss, Bone reconstruction, 3D Printing, DeepFeeze-3D printing, Tissue-reconstruction, Regenerative-medicine, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, Bioengineering, Tissue engineering
- Forrester, Terrence
- Munir, Kashif
Thyroid disease; Pituitary disease; Adrenal hypertension; Insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction
- Pfau, Richard
- Vento, Thomas
- Hamidi, Cyrus
- Rus, Violeta
autoimmunity, systemic lupus erythematosus, immunomodulation
- Gelfand, Kenneth
- Dubowitz, Howard
pediatrics, child protection, child abuse and neglect, child welfare, prevention
- Tennant, Sharon
Molecular biology, microbiology, bacterial pathogens, bacterial pathogenesis, invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella, vaccine introduction, vaccine development, PCR, global health, and diagnostic assay development.
- Viscardi, Rose
Ureaplasma neonatal infections, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, innate immunity
- Moudgil, Kamal
Immunology, Autoimmunity, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Immune Regulation, Heat-shock Proteins, Antigen Processing and Presentation, Natural products, Herbal Medicine
- Yang, Zejia
- Sydney, Sam
- Sarkar, Saiyad
- Thom, Kerri
Infection Prevention, Infectious Disease Transmission, Antimicrobial Resistance, Epidemiology, Clinical Research
- Sivaraman, Vadivelu
- Kalvakolanu, Dhan
Tumor suppressors, cytokines, apoptosis, autophagy, transcriptional regulation, immune response
- Baribwira, Cyprien
- Jablonover, Michael
- Sarkar, Chinmoy
Traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, neuroprotection, aging, peroxisome, lysosome, lipid, autophagy
- Khanna, Niharika
- Pennant, Marjorie
Clinical specialty- Thyroid disorders , gestational diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- Rosenthal, Robert
Cardiac Arrest; Stroke; Traumatic Brain Injury; Hyperoxia; Hypobaria
- Ortmeyer, Heidi
companion animal, human-animal interaction, heart rate variability, physical activity, older Veterans, skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase, skeletal muscle glycogen synthase, mitochondrial enzyme activities, insulin resistance, insulin action
- Marchese, Victoria
pediatric physical therapy, pediatric oncology, cancer survivorship, rehabilitation science, pediatric hematology, physical therapy and rehabilitation science education
- Dick, Ivy
- Tapia, Milagritos
Mali, pediatric, epidemiology, meningococcal A, meningitis, influenza, Ebola, Ebolavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae, meningococcus, GBS, COVID-19, vaccines, vaccine trials, infectious diseases.
- Militello, Philip
- Perman, Jay
gastrointestinal physiology, pediatrics
- Yen, Michael
- Gorman, Peter
Neurologic Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury, Exercise and Robotic Rehabilitation.
- Levy, Daniel
- Yim, Gloria
- Williams, Richelle
- Vesely, Mark
Mitral Regurgitation
Mitral Stenosis
Structural Heart Disease
Coronary Artery Disease
Personalized Medicine
- Warren, John
- Collins, Kim
- Fulton, Amy
Tumor biology; biology of metastasis; inflammatory mediators; cyclooxygenase; chemokines; prostaglandins
- Baugher, William
- Birenbaum, Howard
- Hamburger, Anne
- Braver, Elisa
- Kriel, Edwin
- Klapper, Mitchell
- Savarese, Anne
- Evans, Joyce
- Keane, Virginia
- Zhang, Yuji
Translational Bioinformatics, Network Medicine, Systems Biology, Next Generation Sequencing, Systems Pharmocogenomics, Non Coding RNA mechanisms
- Rathbun, Alan
- Hormozi, Darab
- Henry, Sharon
- Jules-Chapman, Michele
- Wu, Feng
Septic shock, hemorrhage shock, acute lung injury, vascular leakage, endothelial barrier dysfunction, stress fibers, antioxidants, syndecan-1, fibrinogen, miR-19b,
- Wynes, Jacob
Orthopaedics, podiatry, podiatric surgery, foot and ankle, reconstruction, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Charcot Marie Tooth syndrome, Charcot arthropathy, sprained ankle, flatfoot, bunion, hammertoe, deformity correction, tendon transfer, ankle arthroscopy, metatarsal lengthening.
- Schenerman, Mark
- Zhao, Richard
HIV/AIDS, Zika Virus, host pathogen, fission yeast, model system, molecular pathology, transitional genomics, precision medicine
- Murthi, Sarah
- Teshome, Getachew
- Gambert, Steven
Dr. Gambert has focused his research efforts on Endocrine Aspects of Aging including aspects of thyroid and neuropeptide function in response to stress/nutrition; successful aging; atypical presentation of illness in the elderly; health care services for the elderly; trauma care in the elderly; and medical education.
- Boscak, Alexis
trauma, emergency, radiology education, mass casualty / disaster, forensic imaging
- Lichenstein, Richard
Injury Prevention, Teen Driving, Child Death, Disaster Preparedness, Pediatric Prehospital Medicine, Quality improvement, Patient safety, Brain injury, Influenza
- Reitz, Marvin
- Martino-Gomez, Maria
Breastfeeding, Baby Friendly
- Calia, Frank
- Campbell, James
Vaccines, vaccine development, pediatrics, infectious diseases, epidemiology, vaccine-preventable diseases, clinical trials, Neisseria meningitidis, Bacillus anthracis, seasonal influenza, pandemic influenza, Haemophilus influenzae type b, smallpox, Streptococcus pneumoniae, HIV, SARS-CoV-2
- Pensy, Raymond
Compression neuropathy in upper extremity trauma, fixation techniques, fractures of the distal radius, scaphoid fractures
- Lapidus, Rena
Cancer Drug Development, Translational Research, Pre-clinical,In Vivo Studies for Cancer, Support of clinical trials Phase I/II
- Pass, Carolyn
- Chen, Lina
Research Interest:
Orthopedic Trauma
Fracture Healing
Orthopedic Hardware
- Wilson, Gerald
Gene expression, RNA turnover, RNA-binding proteins, fluorescence spectroscopy, tumor progression, inflammatory mediators, lipoprotein receptors, high throughput drug screening, assay development
- Fu, De-Xue
- Staropoli, Catherine
- Staats, Paul
Cytopathology; Gynecologic Pathology; Breast Pathology
- Sansur, Charles
• Spine Outcome Studies
• Spinal Deformity
• Scoliosis
• Spine Trauma
• Spinal Oncology
- Mackowiak, Philip
- Cloeren, Marianne
Disability, workers’ compensation, motivational interviewing, vocational rehabilitation, disability risk factors, perceived injustice, pain catastrophizing, opioids, work, occupation, physician communication, return-to-work, online education, e-learning, instructional design.
- Fuselier, Michelle
- Li, Yun
- Hayes, John
- Takala Harrison, Shannon
malaria, genomics, molecular epidemiology, population genetics
- White, Charles
Lung cancer screening
Radiation dose reduction
Pulmonary embolism imaging
Cardiac CT and MR imaging
- Hayes, Michael
- Ng, Vincent
Advanced radiation treatment, Advanced sarcoma, Bone cancer, Cartilage biology, Chondrosarcoma, Complex hip reconstruction, GRID radiation therapy,
High-risk sarcoma, Immunotherapy, Proton beams, Soft-tissue sarcoma, Total joint replacement
- Spanakis, Ilias
Inpatient Management of Diabetes, Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Devices.
- Munir, Wuqaas
Research interests include corneal and anterior segment imaging, corneal transplantation, DMEK, DSEK, eye banking, cataract surgery, and resident education.
- Levin, Moran
Retinopathy of Prematurity, Strabismus, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Cataracts, Diplopia, Double Vision
- Faden, Alan
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Neuroinflammation, Central Nervous System Injury, Neuroprotection, Cell Death and Recovery, Spinal Cord Injury, Neuroimmunology, Transcriptions, Epigenetics.
- Macatangay, Regina Ann
Sickle cell disease
Pediatric Hematology
Pediatric Oncology
- Chen, Wengen
PET/CT, atherosclerosis, infection
- Sheth, Kevin
- Lacap, Constance
Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety
- Jarrell, Bruce
- Aiello, David
- Lewis, Joshua
Complex Disease Genetics, Pharmacogenomics, Personalized Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease
- Lane, Barton
Liver disease; Liver transplant imaging
- Frieman, Matthew
Coronavirus, MERS, SARS, Influenza, Pathogenesis, anti-viral, therapeutics, diabetes, DPP4, lung, COVID19
- Viswanathan, Vedapurisan
- Dal Molin, Claudia
- Ali, Zabiullah
- Barry, Kathryn Hughes
cancer epidemiology, molecular epidemiology, biomarkers of cancer risk and prognosis, genetic susceptibility, gene-environment interactions, epigenetic markers, DNA methylation, prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), occupational and environmental risk factors for cancer, pesticides, cancer disparities, quality of life
- Erzurumlu, Reha
Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying axon-target interactions in mammalian sensory pathways. Molecular mechanisms of sensory axon elongation and arborization. Activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections. NMDA receptor-mediated development and patterning of sensory maps. Recent research focuses on the development and plasticity of the cerebral cortex and somatosensory pathways. We use molecular biology, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, imaging, neuroanatomy and behavioral techniques to understand mechanisms underlying development of topographic maps, neural patterning, plasticity and neonatal injury-induced alterations in the trigeminal system.
- Laurens, Matthew
Malaria, typhoid, vaccines, antimalarial immunity, HIV-malaria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Malawi.
- Alley, Dawn
- Wilson, Earl
- Retener, Norman
Hospitalist Medicine, Intermediate Care, Simulation, Education
- Gallicchio, Lisa
- Lamichhane, Narottam
Molecular and Quantitative Imaging, Nanotechnology in Radiation Therapy, Quality Assurance, Treatment Planning
- Buzza, Marguerite
- Terzi, Matthew
Laboratory Animal Medicine, Dystonia, Ataxia, Rocker, Tottering, Behavioral Observation, Gonadal Hormone Manipulation, Anesthesia, CRI, Continuous Rate Infusion, Bolus Dosing, Mouse Models
- Harms, Jamie
- Dittmar, Philip
Hospital Medicine, Education, Simulation
- Zilliox, Lindsay
neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, clinical neurophysiology, electromyography, autonomic nervous system testing
- Foster, Cortney
Firearm injuries in pediatrics, Outcomes in pediatric critical care, Respiratory Failure, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Kader, Howard
Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Mucosal Inflammatory Disorders. Children.
- Webb, Tonya
cancer immunology, cancer immunotherapy, CD1d-mediated NKT cell activation
ELISA, flow cytometry, Western blotting, qPCR, lipidomics, proteomics
spheroids, artificial antigen presenting cells
- Jessie, Elliot
- Simon, Raphael
Vaccine, glycoconjugate, bacteria, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, polysaccharide, flagellin.
- Zhong, Yongwang
- Shalaby, Ismail
- Sztein, Marcelo
Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi, Shigella, Plasmodium falciparum, malaria, Francisella tularensis, tularemia, Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Dengue, Ebola, H. pylori, microbiome, mucosal immunity, T cytotoxic cells, T helper cells, mucosal associated invariant T cells (MAIT), innate immunity, macrophages, controlled human infection models, non-human primates.
- Zhao, Guiling
Physiology, Calcium Signaling, Microcirculation, Blood flow control, Arterial smooth muscle cell, Ventricular Myocyte, Endothelial Cell, Cerebral Artery, Coronary Artery, Electrophysiology, Super Resolution Imaging, Confocal Imaging, Patch Clamp, Pressurized artery, Capillary, Pericyte, Electro-Metabolic Signaling
- Williams, Brittney
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Associated Coagulopathy
Sepsis Induced Coagulopathy
- Monteiro, Mervyn
Neurodegenerative diseases, ALS, FTD, Alzheimer's disease, protein misfolding, ubiquilin, proteasome, autophagy
- Delano, Michael
- Cinnamon, Katherine
- Drapalski, Amy
- Chang, Yen-Pei Christy
Molecular and genetic bases of complex disorders such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia,
regulatory elements (non-protein coding) in the human genome, gene regulation, bioinformatics tools for function prediction, faculty development, and graduate school education.
- Weiner, Elaine
Pharmacologic and Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia
Smoking Cessation in Schizophrenia
- Rizzo, Megan
- LaKind, Judy
exposure science, biomonitoring, systematic review, risk assessment
- Tang, Lydia
Hepatitis B therapeutics, hepatitis B long term outcomes, HIV/hepatitis C coinfection
- Sciadini, Marcus
Complex articular fractures, malunion, nonunion, orthopaedic traumatology, osteomyelitis, pelvis and acetabulum surgery, posttraumatic reconstruction, surgical simulation
- Ingari, John
- Tkaczuk, Katherine
* Breast Cancer, stage 1-4
* Clinical Trials in early and advanced breast cancer, Phase 1-3
*Circulating Tumor Cells
* GP-88
* Drug Response Indicator Test
- Schiffman, Jason
- Lal, Brajesh
- Devine, Scott
Human genome; genetic variation; mobile genetic elements; cancer genomics
- Bauer, Karen
- Hutchinson, Barbara
- Barr, Brian
Cardio-Oncology, Valvular Heart Disease, Echocardiography, Heart Failure
- Franklin, Renty
- Bizzell, Kimberlee
Patient Blood Management; Clinical Pathway Development
- Traub, Richard
- Sajadi, Mohammad
HIV-1 Humoral Immunity;
HIV-1 Elite Controllers
- Khambaty, Mariam
- Chen, Wilbur
Infectious diseases, vaccinology, clinical trials, enteric pathogens, ETEC, influenza, meningitis, shigella, bioterrorism, human challenge model, and VTEU.
- Davick, Alan
- Biswas, Kousick
- Strategic planning in key functional areas for planning and execution of Clinical Trial Management processes for VA CSP;
- Administration and Management of Multisite Clinical Trials Coordinating Center;
- Planning, Design and Conduct of Phase II/III, Multi-site Clinical Trials;
- Statistical Analysis, Data Management and safety management for clinical studies;
- Use of electronic medical records (EMR) for site selection, effect size calculation and safety reporting
- Strategic planning in security and storage of research data for VA’s Office of research and development
- Toth, Eric
therapeutic development, X-ray crystallography, neurodegeneration, DNA repair
- Timofte, Irina
Lung Transplantation, Interstitial Lung Disease, Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary Fibrosis, COPD
- Kalra, Kavita
- Rocksmith, Eugenio
- Rea, Jeffrey
Critical Care, Resuscitation
- Gilliam, Bruce
HIV, Antiretroviral Treatment, Vaccines, Infectious Diseases
- Mitchell, Braxton
genetic epidemiology, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Amish, genetics
- Richards, Richard
- Stern, Barney
Stroke, stroke in the young, intracranial atherosclerosis
Sarcoidosis, Neurosarcoidosis
- Lillehoj, Erik
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Helicobacter pylori, Mucins, MUC1, Sialidase/Neuraminidase, NEU1
- Yi, Byong
Radiation Oncology Physics, Tumor Tracking
- Snyder, Jennifer
Vaccine development and testing, emerging infectious diseases, biodefense, immunoprophylactic strategies, enteric diseases, bacterial and protozoal pathogens, mucosal immunity, enteric vaccines, microbiota, human and animal models.
- Hicks, Gregory
- Phipps, Michael
Cerebrovascular Disease,Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Health Services Research, Medical Informatics,
Outcomes, Quality of Care
- Robinson, Charles
HIV, Integrated Care, Factitious Disorder
- Love, Raymond
- Winkles, Jeffrey
- Schmidt, Jennifer
- Gandhi, Dheeraj
Flow diversion for Brain aneurysms; Endosaccular (coiling) treatment of brain aneurysms; Ischemic Stroke and Mechanical Thrombectomy; Dural arteriovenous fistula; MRI guided Focused Ultrasound treatments for Essential tremors, Parkinson's disease and Neuropathic pain
- Shardell, Michelle
Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Gerontology, Aging Research, Geroscience, Microbiome
- Trudeau, Matthew
- Carey, Gregory
Lymphoma, apoptosis, B cell receptor, reactive oxygen species, signal transduction, cancer cell biology, cytokine, resistance, autophagy, RedOx biology
- Lane, Wendy
Child maltreatment, Child abuse, Child neglect, health disparities, birth outcomes, maternal and child health
- Zito, Julie
- Strickland, Dudley
Lipoprotein receptors, vascular disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, aneurysms, Alzheimer's disease
- Kwok, Young
- Hopp, Jennifer
Clinical Neurophysiology
Epilepsy and Depression
Critical Care EEG
- Schoenbaum, Geoffrey
- Martinez, Joseph
Gastrointestinal emergencies
Medical student education
Communication in healthcare
- Drogula, Cynthia
- Trotman, Bruce
- Kwon, Min Seong
- Blanpied, Thomas
Synaptic transmission, neural plasticity, neuronal cell biology, optical physiology, spatial proteomics, neurophysiology, live-cell confocal imaging, super-resolution imaging, DNA PAINT, single-molecule tracking.
- Luft, Andreas
- Perkins, Darren
Macrophage, lipopolysaccharide, LPS, type I Interferon, Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs), Salmonella
- Cina, Majid
- Ananyeva, Natalya
- Shah, Manish
- Bucci, Cynthia
- Ansari, Mohsin
- Dick-Biascoechea, Madeline
Correction of Genital Fistulas and Defecatory Dysfunction, Evaluation and Minimally Invasive Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary and Fecal Incontinence, Sacral Neurostimulator
- Mehra, Mandeep
- Elliott, Esther
- Weaver, Leon
- Xu, Kai
Heart Failure, Kidney Failure, Thrombosis, Diabetes, Immunotherapy
- Fahmi, Fahmi
- Silverman, Henry
Research Ethics • Medical Ethics • Global Training Programs • Ethics Consultations
- Schleichert, Rachel
- Aaronson, Scott
- Holloway, Adrian
global health, cardiac critical care, and outcomes in respiratory failure
- Ferentz, Kevin
- McClymont, Ursula
- Bloch, Robert
- Zuckerman, Ilene
- Brandt, Joanna
- Heinbockel, Thomas
Neuroscience, cellular and network mechanisms of brain function studied with electrophysiological, optical, anatomical, and pharmacological methods; neural signaling and synaptic transmission; drug discovery & development
- Packer, Jonathan
ACL tears; Arthroscopic surgery; Cartilage restoration and transplantation; Glenoid labrum repair; Knee injuries; Knee ligament, cartilage, and meniscus surgery; ligament repair and reconstruction; Meniscus repair; Meniscus transplant; Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP); Shoulder injuries; Shoulder Instability; Sports medicine; Tendon repair and reconstruction
- El-Kamary, Samer
General Pediatrics, Drug Safety, Global Health, Epidemiology, Bioethics, Vaccinology
- Morgan, Athol
- Phelan, Michael
- Gilpin, Adele
- Ahmed, Zubair
Genetic disorders of Ear and Eye, hearing loss, Usher syndrome, Retinitis pigmentosa, hearing restoration, gene therapy, Otitis media genetics, Inner ear development, Mechanotransduction, Calcium role in hearing and vision, Noise induced hearing loss, Genome editing
- Offurum, Ada
- Ihenatu, Chinwe
- Crino, Peter
Epilepsy, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Brain Development, Translational Neuroscience, mTOR, focal cortical dysplasia, tuberous sclerosis complex
- Savitt, Joseph
Parkinson disease, Progressive supranuclear palsy, Multiple system atrophy, Corticobasal Syndrome, Cerebellar ataxia, Essential tremor, Restless legs syndrome, Dystonia, Chorea, Deep Brain Stimulation, Botulinum toxin, Chemodenervation, Sialorrhea, Hemifacial spasm.
- Trivedi, Harsh
- Turner, Douglas
- Levitas, Michael
- Wolf, Jeffrey
Head and Neck Oncology, Head and Neck Tumors, Rhinology, Sleep apnea
Medical Device Design, Tumor immunology
- Bowman, Peter
orthopaedics, manual therapy, lower back pain, acute intervention, non-operative care, post-operative care, blood flow restriction therapy, teaching, education
- Poli, Guido
- Jewell, Christopher
Vaccine design and immunotherapy, biomaterial interactions with the immune system, autoimmunity, polyelectrolyte multilayers, nanotechnology, polymer and lipid-based drug carriers
- Honig, Marc
- Ferguson, Robert
- Wolfsthal, Susan
Graduate medical education, Medical student education, Faculty development
- von Coelln, Friedrich Rainer
Parkinson's disease, Parkinson disease, PSP, MSA, CBS/CBD, dystonia, ataxia, tics, chorea, involuntary movements, genetics, gait analysis, big data, data visualization.
- Khosla, Amit
- Li, Ling
- Goel, Nidhi
Quality Improvement, Patient Safety, Hospitalist
- Bohnenkamp, Jill
School mental health, clinical child psychology, school psychology, mental health-education integration, mental health in pediatric primary care
- Stein, Rona
- Riazuddin, Saima
Hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, brain disorders, intellectual disability, molecular genetics, cell biology.
- Cole, John
Stroke Prevention, Stroke Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Disease, Vascular Biology
- Dilsizian, Vasken
Clinical Specialty:
Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Nuclear Medicine
- Wilkinson, Thomas
- Hungerford, Laura
- Woods, Ashanti
- Gladstein, Jack
Pediatric Headache
Chronic Daily Headache
- Bansal, Sonia
Schizophrenia, Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Attention and Perception, Sensorimotor Systems
- Shulman, Lisa
Clinical Practice Special Interests:
Management of Parkinson disease and parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, chorea, tics, myoclonus, gait disorders, tardive dyskinesia, dementia, memory disorders and Botulinum toxin injections for movement disorders, the effects of movement and memory disorders on daily function and quality of life,
exercise interventions, gait problems, self-management, self-efficacy, caregiver strain,
outcomes research, data visualization and health disparities,Parkinson's Research - Biomarkers, Informatics and Outcomes Visualization
- Habashi, Nader
acute respiratory failure, ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome, APRV, airway pressure release ventilation, critical care medicine
- Akinkunmi, Lanre
- Orr, Gary
- Lee, Sung-Woo
- Weintraub, Eric
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Emergency Department
Integrated care
- D'Souza, Warren
radiation treatment plan optimization; combinatorial optimization; multi-modality imaging; machine learning; treatment outcomes
- Campbell, John
- Levitt, Alan
- Mackey, Richard
- Blitzer, Miriam
Biochemical and metabolic genetic disorders; medical genetics and genomics education and training
- Gottlieb, Stephen
Cardiorenal syndrome,
Cardiac Amyloidosis,
Heart Failure
- Nataro, James
- Gong, Da-Wei
- Marshall, Sandra
- Wozniak, Marcella
Ischemic stroke, Stroke Treatment, Stroke Prevention, MELAS
- Clark, Sarah
psychoneuroimmunology, T cells, stress, behavior, hippocampus, neurogenesis
- Khazan, Tanya
- Henneghan, Tedric
- Boyle, Karen
- Iyer, Shama
- McNamara, James
- Gordon, Charles
- Lehman, Anthony
Mental Health, Schizophrenia, Major Affective Disorders, Substance Abuse
- Southall, Nikkita
- Benitez, Roberto
Valvular Heart Disease
Mitral Valve
- Goldberg, Nelson
- Richardson, James
- Goodman, Jay
- Spencer, Lisa
Centering Pregnancy, HIV/AIDS affected pregnancies
- Penafiel, Jay
- Lonergan, Cheryl
- Ouattara, Amed
malaria, vaccine, diversity-coverage, population genetics
- Reece, E. Albert
Pregnancy, Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis
- Palmer, Joseph
physical therapy, orthopedics
- Siddiqui, Minhaj
Prostate cancer, Bladder cancer, Testicular cancer, Kidney cancer, Adrenal cancer, Robotic Surgery, Prostate focal therapy, Diet and cancer, Urologic oncology, Minimally invasive urologic surgery, MRI Fusion guided prostate biopsy, Magnetic resonance imaging,
- Richardson, E. Jane
Schizophrenia, severe mental illness, first-episode psychosis, coordinated specialty care, assertive community treatment, psychopharmacology, community psychiatry, Clinical informatics, neuroscience education
- Crowley, Helena
- Whitlatch, Hilary
Metabolic bone disease, parathyroid disease, adrenal disease, thyroid disease, insulin resistance.
- Goldner, Ronald
- Sandler, Lawrence
- Masri, Radi
- Norrby, Erling
- Guang, Wei
- Kozar, Rosemary
hemorrhagic shock, syndecan-1, endothelial dysfunction, injured elderly
- Thompson, Scott
- Dorsey, Carrie
- Pritchard, Jennifer
Epilepsy, Neurology, Seizure Disorder, EEG Monitoring, ICU EEG, Epilepsy Surgery, Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures
- Stafford, Kristen
infectious diseases; HIV and aging; non-AIDS defining cancers, women's health; HIV associated non-AIDS conditions; Global Health
- Applefeld, Mark
- Waddell, Jaylyn
Conditioned eyeblink reflex, startle reflex, hypoxia ischemia, neonate, sex differences
- Zhang, Tianshu
- Crawford, Steven
- Marciniak, Ellen
medical education, curriculum development, simulation, sarcoidosis, interstitial lung disease. critical care medicine
- Hurley, Kristen
- Baliban, Scott
- McDiarmid, Melissa
Occupational medicine, clinical toxicology, healthcare hazards, global workers' health, exposure assessment
- Greenwald, Bruce
Esophageal cancer
Esophageal adenocarcinoma
Barrett's esophagus
- Shih, David
- Wolfe, Irving
- Phillips, Jay
- Gruber-Baldini, Ann
Epidemiology of Aging, Adult Psychological Development, Cognitive Functioning and Aging (normal aging, delirium, and dementia), Hip Fracture Recovery and Rehabilitation, Parkinson’s Disease, Patient-reported Outcomes, Functional Outcomes and Health-Related Quality of Life, HIV and Aging
- Fiergang, Dean
- Kukuruga, Debra
- Snow, Dorothy
- Randall, Louis
- Reggia, James
- Strauch, Eric
- Kester, Kent
Malaria vaccine development, nosocomial infections, antimicrobial resistance, global health policy, and translational sciences
- Schreiber, Jonathan
- Fishbein, David
- Samet, Ron
- Souweine, Edward
- Kaper, James
Microbiology, Immunology, Bacterial Vaccines, Enteric Pathogenesis, Bacterial Genetics, Intestinal Colonization
- Al-Ibrahim, Mohamed
- Kewalramani, Anupama
Eosinophilic esophagitis, IgE-mediated food allergy, asthma
- Varma, Shambhu
- White, Robert
- Goldman, Howard
research and/or clinical keywords: mental health policy research and behavioral health services research
- Oken, Harry
- Glasser, David
- Fang, Beverly
- Addison, Jason
- Fasano, Alessio
- Gucer, Patricia
Safe lifting, MSDs, survey research
- Lauterbach, Margo
- Bond, Jodi
- Kahn, Teri
- Rapoport, Morton
- Silvestri, Giovannino
Hematology Malignancies, Acute Myeloid Leukemia FLT3-ITD, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Ph+ALL, Tumor Microenvironment, FACS 10 colors, MicroRNAs, Non-long coding RNAs, Signal Transduction, Mouse and Humanized Mouse models, Clinical Trials.
- Collins, Mary Louise
- Ruppe, Leah
HIV and Pregnancy
Physiologic childbirth
- Testa, S. Marc
- Antoniades, John
- Yang, Shiming
- Orgel, Laurie
- Kundi, Rishi
- McCambridge, Teri
- Watson, Margot
- Mattu, Amal
- Hackman, Ann
Schizophrenia, First episode, Underserved, Homelessness
- Tomar, Elizabeth
- Gartner, Suzanne
- Kapoor, Shiv
- Silverberg, Steven
- Robinson, Shawn
Heart failure, Cardiomyopathy, Pharmacogenomics
- Fang, Shengyun
Proteostasis, UBA1 activity enhancers, RNF5 inhibitor and degrader, drug discovery, ubiquitination, ERAD, unfolded protein response, ER-phagy, VEXAS syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy, α-1-antitrypsin deficiency-associated liver disease, obesity-related cancer, aging, and age-related diseases.
- Silver, Dana
- Vazzano, Anthony
- Grissom, Thomas
Airway management, Critical care air transport, Trauma anesthesiology, Simulation-based education
- Raghavan, Prashant
Head and Neck Imaging, Epilepsy, Neonatal Imaging
- Guyther, Jennifer
Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics
- Dickerson, Faith
- Safeer, Richard
- Sundararajan, Sripriya
Neonatal red blood cell transfusion, newborn hypothermia reduction in the delivery room and at NICU admission, delayed cord clamping and study of intestinal microbiome and intestinal barrier function in very low birth weight infants
- Joy, Abel
Associate Chief of Medicine
Director of Hospitalist Services
Quality improvement
Logistics in medicine
Patient Safety
- Wells, Christine
rehabilitation of critical ill adults, rehabilitation for patients being supported by ventricular assist devices and extracorporeal membranous oxygenators, effects of early rehabilitation and early mobility on functional recovery
- Vasta, Gerardo
Glycobiology, Glycoimmunology, Lectin, Galectin, F-Lectin, Glycan Receptor, Molecular Recognition, Protein Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Transcriptomics, Genomics, Recombinant Expression, Innate Immunity, Inflammatory Signaling Pathways, Epithelial Cells, Hemocyte, Macrophage, Leukocyte, Protozoan Parasite, Virus, PRR, PAMP, MAMP, Intracellular Signaling, Galectin Inhibitor
- Schimpff, Stephen
- Heredia, Alonso
HIV, drug resistance, host pathways, CCR5, CDK9
- DasSarma, Shiladitya
extremophiles, haloarchaea, microbial genomics, purple membrane, gas vesicle nanoparticles, vaccines and therapeutics, climate change
- Gaffney, Laura
- Carbonetti, Nicholas
Bordetella, pertussis, respiratory infection, host response, lung inflammation, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling, pendrin, adult and neonatal mouse models, interferons, IL-12
- Brown, Jeffrey
- Yared, Jean
Blood and bone marrow transplantation, CAR-T therapy, stem cell transplantation, Autologous stem cell transplantation, Allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Hematological malignancies, Lymphoma, Leukemia, Graft-versus-host disease, GVHD, maintenance treatment after transplantation.
- Du, Shaojun
Genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, muscle, bone and adipocyte cell differentiation, molecular chaperones and protein stability, zebrafish models, gene transfer and genome editing.
- Perrotti, Danilo
- Bond, Michael
Orthopaedic Emergencies, Technology, Education, Faculty Development
- Wagoner, Gary
- Theyagaraj, Melita
Amputee rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation,
- Pallan, John
- Germanas, Juris
- Chard, Sarah
- Ray, Krishanu
Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Super-resolution Imaging, Two-photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, HIV Envelope, Fc gamma receptor, SARS-CoV-2, DNA Packaging Motor, Plasmonics
- Finney, R. C. Stewart
- Chang, Wan-Tsu
neurological emergencies, neuro-resuscitation, medical education, interprofessional education, simulation
- Mullins, C. Daniel
- Pietris, Nicholas
Clinical and research focus are in the area of congenital heart disease and acquired pediatric cardiovascular disease
- Blanco, Jorge
- Khushalani, Sunil
- Vucenik, Ivana
Diet, Nutrition, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Treatment
- Strovel, Erin
Biochemical and metabolic genetic disorders; newborn screening; quality of genetic testing; medical genetics and genomics education
- Tigani, Lauren
physical therapy
pelvic health
pelvic floor
pelvic floor physical therapy
acute care physical therapy
- Goldberg, Samuel
- Matz, Samuel
- Eglseder, W. Andrew
Hand surgery, orthopaedic traumatology, upper extremity reconstruction
- D'Orta, James
- Varney, Kristen
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Drug design, Structural Biology
- Schweitzer, Eugene
- Brown, Tania
Physical Therapy/Brain Injury/Neurology
- Greene, Carol
Inborn errors of metabolism (biochemical genetics);
Newborn screening
Clinical genetics;
Quality in genetic testing;
Access to genetic services
- Martin, Stuart
cancer, breast cancer, metastasis, bioengineering, confocal microscopy
- Higgs, Amanda
Prenatal genetic counseling for advanced maternal age, teratogen exposure, abnormal screening results, fetal ultrasound abnormalities, family history concerns, termination of pregnancy for fetal indication, teleconsultation
- Eisenman, David
Pulsatile tinnitus, sigmoid sinus diverticulum and dehiscence (sigmoid sinus wall anomalies), ossicular chain reconstruction, conductive hearing loss, 3D-printing, acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma), stapedectomy and otosclerosis, cochlear implants, cholesteatoma, tympanic membrane perforation.
- Furuno, Jon
- Bechtel, Roy
physical therapy
- Laufer, Miriam
Malaria, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Global Health, Pregnancy, Maternal-Child Health, HIV Co-infection, School age children, Public Health.
- Waltz, James
schizophrenia, reinforcement learning, avolition, anhedonia, psychosis, dopamine
- Garcia-Bunuel, Martin
- Shanahan, Patrick
- Nikhinson, Marina
- Sides, James
- Patel, Ami
Hypertension, cardiorenal syndrome, chronic kidney disease, continuous renal replacement therapy
- Kavic, Stephen
- Constantine, Niel
Experimental and Clinical Immunology
Retroviruses HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-I/II
Prion Diseases
Auto-immune diseases
- Graciano, E. Ana Lia
Cardiac Intensive Care, Non-Conventional Ventilatory Techniques, Extracorporeal Life Support, Pulmonary Critical Care
- Cricks, Richelle
Childbirth, Centering, Family Counseling, Family Planning Services, Gynecological Examination, Natural Childbirth, Adolescent Pregnancy Care, Prenatal Care and Counseling
- Vogel, Stefanie
macrophages, lipopolysaccharide, Toll-like receptors (TLRs), macrophage differentiation, signaling pathways, interferons, cytokines, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Francisella tularensis, vaccines, dextran sodium sulfate
- Harris, Anthony
antibiotic resistance, hospital epidemiology, risk adjustment.
- Landless, Peter
- Bavoil, Patrik
Microbial pathogenesis, Type III secretion, antigenic variation, biomathematical modelling, comparative genomics, Ecopathogenomics, Chlamydia
- Salzberg, Daniel
- Patton, Eileen
- Margolis, Leonid
- Kittner, Steven
Stroke, Cerebrovascular Disease, Young Adults, Epidemiology, Genetics
- Puranik, Puru
- Boyer, George
- Tulapurkar, Mohan
G protein coupled receptors, Acute Lung Injury, HSF1, Heat shock proteins, Epithelial Mesenchymal transitions, Mitochondria, Lung vascular permeability
- Janofsky, Jeffrey
- Toshchakov, Vladimir
Cell signaling. Toll-like receptors. TIR domains.
- LeFevre, Alexandra
neuropathology, neurology, developmental disorders, SUID, Autism, Epilepsy, Huntington's Disease, Dementia, Parkinson's Disease, lewy Body Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Down Syndrome, Multiple Systems Atrophy, ALS
- Kapoor, Aarti
- Nascone, Jason
Hip preservation
Limb deformity
Orthopaedic traumatology
Pelvic and acetabulum surgery
Posttraumatic reconstruction
- Hood, Robert
Special Interests: Echocardiography, Electrophysiology
- Samorodin, Charles
- Zarro, Michael
sports physical therapy, running injuries, post-concussion syndrome, ACL injuries, throwing injuries, hip/groin injuries, bone stress injuries, tendinopathy, dry needling, blood flow restriction training, load management, mechanotherapy, sports analytics, sports biomechanics
- Arango, Celso
- Gorelick, David
addiction, substance use disorders, cocaine, cannabis, withdrawal, pharmacological treatment
- Wood, Colin
- Clemens, John
- Baskakov, Ilia
neurodegenerative diseases, prion diseases, neuroinflammation, reactive astrocytes, reactive microglia, Alzheimer's disease
- Cunningham, Dana
- Klepper, Bryan
- Silva, Kathryn
medical education, residency, hospitalist, patient safety, quality improvement
- Collins, Beverly
- Nikita, Maria Eleni
Pediatric thyroid cancer, Diabetes, General endocrinology (short stature, disorders of puberty, thyroid disorders), Disorders of bone metabolism, Disorders of sex development, Transgender health
- Goetzinger, Katherine
High risk obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, fetal anomalies, fetal growth restriction, adverse pregnancy outcome, placental dysfunction, three-dimensional ultrasound, graduate medical education
- Jeudy, Jean
Thoracic CT, MR, Radiography; 3D Lung Volumetry; Cardiac CT and Cardiac MRI; Valvular Heart Disease; Ischemic & Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy; Heart Failure; 3D Printing; Informatics; Quantitative Imaging; Global Health; Medical Education
- Danielson, Christine
physical therapy, orthopedic, sports medicine
- Martz, Douglas
- Hussain, Arif
Prostate Cancer, Genitourinary Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Testicular Cancer
- Harrison, Daniel
Multiple Sclerosis, MRI, Neuroimaging, Clinical Trials
- Bergstrom, Curt
- Awan, Omer
Musculoskeletal Tumors, Trauma, Radiology Education, Quality Improvement, Imaging Informatics
- Shah, Nirav
Acute Lung Injury, ARDS, Sepsis, Medical Education, Thermobiology, Hypothermia
- Patel, Jigar
- Joy, Nino
- Turan, Shifa
First trimester fetal echocardiography, Three and four dimensional fetal echocardiography, Fetal Imaging
- Nwodim, Emeka
- Siamashvili, Maka
Type 1 diabetes, GABA, exercise, hypoglycemia, xanax, fluoxetine
- Motter-Mast, Robin
- Lowe, Henry I.C.
- Behrens, Mary
- Celi, Francesco
- Voss, Matthew
- Koka, Madhurima
Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Benign hematology
- Coyle, David Tyler
- Lacey, James
- Chandra, Prakash
- Rogers, Mark
Motor Control and Biomechanics, Balance, Mobility, and Falls, Rehabilitation Assessments and Interventions, Aging Clinical Populations
- Becker, Stewart
GammaPod, radiosurgery
- Gilotra, Mohit
Orthopaedic surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery, rotator cuff repair, reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
- Rodgers, Mary
rehabilitation science, biomechanics, physical therapy, technology for health, physical activity
- Edwards, Willarda
- Esege, Ivara
- Hoffman, Teresa
- Ursitti, Jeanine
membrane cytoskeleton, microtubules, spectrin, blood cells, skeletal muscle, aging, muscular dystrophy, cardiovascular disease
- Yang, Peixin
Diabetic embryopathy, pregestational diabetes, neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, embryonic vasculopathy, exosome, ferroptosis, obesity, placenta, Alzheimer's disease, SARS-CoV-2 infection, DNA/RNA methylation
- Chow, Robert Tao-Ping
medical education
- Schaeffer, Cindy
Juvenile justice, child welfare, conduct problems, externalizing behavior problems, family therapy, Multisystemic Therapy (MST), alternatives to suspensions, school mental health
- Wehring, Heidi
Schizophrenia, Tobacco Craving, Smoking Cessation, Pediatric Psychopharmacology
- Riedel, David James
- Xu, Huijun
Treatment planning optimization, Uncertainty management, Brachytherapy, electron dosimetry
- Giudice, Erin
Graduate Medical Education,
Professional Development,
Evidence-based Medicine,
General Inpatient Pediatrics
- Frisch, Melissa
- Gourdine, Michelle
- Borzekowski, Dina
- Heller, Todd
- Boer, Miriam
- Farvolden, Davis
- Mitchell, Amber
- Momeni, Bahador
- Gorman, Emily
- Verceles, Avelino
Dr. Verceles' primary research interests include investigating the role of physical rehabilitation and nutritional optimization in improving outcomes of older survivors of critical illness.
- Swartz, Brenda
- Yu, Cedric
Medical physics, radiation safety, education, technology research and development.
- Enelow, Thomas
- Hamlyn, John
Ouabain, Calcium Metabolism, Vascular Function, Brain, Hypertension, Heart Failure, Kidney Failure
- Skerry, Ciaran
Microbiology, Immunology, Bordetella, bordetella pertussis, host-pathogen, host-directed, sphingosine-1-phosphate, peptidoglycan, peptidoglycan recognition protein,
- Buescher, Monica
- Li, Guang
Board certified by American Board of Radiology in Diagnostic Medical Physics; Image Quality Control
- Fox, Kathleen
- Hausner, Petr
Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology
- Saunders, Sharon
- Sanchez, Corazon
- Rosenthal, Elana
- Lin, Jiayuh
IL-6, GP130, STAT3, PARP, CDK4/6
- Alger, Lindsay
- Wright, Thelma
- Schwartzbauer, Gary
Cerebral edema; traumatic brain injury; TBI; spinal cord injury; SCI; cerebral malaria
- Parker, Donna
Medical Education, Primary Care, Women in Medicine
- Natanson, Charles
- Brandt, Harry
- Carrier, France
Melanoma, gastric cancer, low dose radiation, histone deacetylase inhibitors
- Lakatta, Edward
- Pfender, Rebecca
Midwifery, labor and birth, breastfeeding, global health, alternative therapies
- Peters, Robert
arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), permanent pacemaker, antiarrhythmic drugs
- Schmalzle, Sarah
HIV primary care, HIV prevention, HIV in older adults, infections in people who inject drugs, medical education, antimicrobial stewardship, penicillin allergy testing
- Goldman, Michael
- Feather, Cristina Barbosa
- Serre, David
Genomics, Plasmodium vivax, malaria, Anopheles
- Reyes, Charina
developmental disabilities, autism, transition to adulthood
- Taylor, Richard
- Dennis, Abigail
- Smith, Kimberly
- Fan, Xiaoxuan
Flow Cytometry, Cell Sorting
- Rathinam, Chozha
Stem Cells, Dendritic cells, Inflammation, Autoimmunity, Neuroinflammation, & HIV-induced hematopathology and immunodeficiencies.
- Stitt, Otis Lawrence
- Braun, Robynne
Stroke, rehabilitation, upper extremity, motor control, kinematics
- Ament, Seth
Bipolar disorder; schizophrenia; genetics; genomics; systems biology; stem cells; neuron; brain; behavior, mood disorders, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, Huntington's disease, neuroinflammation, hearing loss
- Janaitis, Austin
Prenatal genetic counseling for advanced maternal age, teratogen exposure, abnormal screening results, fetal ultrasound abnormalities, family history concerns, termination of pregnancy for fetal indication, teleconsultation
- Farber, Dara
- Livak, Ferenc
- Liang, Yuanyuan
Design and Analysis of Repeated Measures Data; Construction of Optimal Designs; Meta-Analysis for Systematic Reviews; Risk Prediction Models with Special Application to Cancer and Population Health Research
- Cooper, Janelle
- Diaz-Montes, Teresa
- Pietrobon, Ricardo
- Adebamowo, Sally
Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung cancer, Clinical Trials, Cardio-Oncology, Nutritional Epidemiology, Genetic Epidemiology, Polygenic Risk Scores
- Sallitt, Janice
physical therapy, Parkinson's, neurological
- Bork, Jacqueline
Antimicrobial Stewardship, Immunocompromised Host
- Patanaphan, Vinita
Radiation treatment, genitourinary cancers, brachytherapy, breast cancer, prostate cancer.
- Reinblatt, Shauna Pencer
Child Psychiatry, Pediatric Collaborative and Integrated Mental Health Care, Child Psychiatry Access Program,
Pediatric Binge Eating Disorder, Pediatric Eating Disorders, Pediatric Obesity, Pediatric Psychopharmacology, Pediatric Psychotropic Side Effects, Pediatric Antipsychotic Medications, Peer Review, DJS, Clinical High Risk Psychosis, Telepsychiatry, Journal Club Teaching
- Barrueto, Fermin
- Williams, Michelle
- Tirada, Nikki
- Dooley, Helen
Immunology, evolution, antibodies, sharks
- Poirier, Yannick
kilovoltage x-ray dosimetry, CBCT imaging dose, experimental dosimetry, FLASH, Ultra-high dose rate, scintillator dosimetry, radiochromic films
- Kalil, Emile Tonas
physical therapy, burn care
- Wong, Shenq Huey
Glucokinase, biosensor, mouse model, islet, metabolism, imaging.
- Wu, Long
- Alam, Marie Rose
- Yu, Tingxi
- Wolfman-Charles, Jade
- Peeples, Amanda
- Griffith, Kathleen
- Muller-Ramirez, Claudio
- Ananthram, Manjula
Heart Failure, Pulmonary Hypertension, Women’s Health and Echocardiography
- Ghosh, Alip
- Howell, Amoreena
Maternal-Child Health, Inpatient Medicine, Procedures, Resident Education
- Poulopoulos, Alexandros
cortical development; synaptogenesis; cell adhesion; mTOR; Neuroligin; epilepsy; autism; schizophrenia, neurodegeneration, CRISPR; in utero electroporation
- Ke, Yunbo
acute lung injury, endothelial barrier function, signal transduction, G proteins, protein kinases, cytoskeleton, actomyosin, focal adhesion, microtubule, genetically modified mice, LPS, trauma, inflammation, cytokines
- Birukova, Anna
My general research interest is cytoskeletal mechanisms regulating lung endothelial permeability and inflammation and approaches to attenuate acute lung injury and improve lung recovery.
- Dwivedi, Ankit
Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium, Babesia, Evolution, Population genetics, Genomics
- Birukov, Konstantin
acute lung injury, sepsis, secondary lung injury, lung microbiome, lung aging, endothelial permeability, inflammation, innate immunity, cell junctions, cytoskeleton, cell motility and mechanotransduction, cell-cell interactions, signal transduction, biosensors, lipid mediators, oxidized phospholipids, DAMPs, prostaglandins
- Pick, Carly
physical therapy, neurocare, cardiac, orthopedic, neonatal, trauma, pediatric
- Yasek, Dana Marie Lokitis
physical therapy, neuromuscular rehabilitation, brain injury, stroke
- Grant, Michael
- Berhane, Tsion
- Akras, James
- Weston, Stuart
Coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, influenza, antiviral drugs, host factors.
- O'Connor, Erin
Neuroimaging, Neuroradiology, Neurovirology, HIV infection, Stroke
- Jackson, Brian
- Skolky, Rachel
Physical Therapy Clinical Education, Inpatient Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Neurology
- Kratz, Sabrina
Hyperbarics, currently on staff working part-time in the Shock Trauma Hyperbaric chamber
- Enomoto-Iwamoto, Motomi
cartilage, growth plate, tendon, articular cartilage, cartilage tumor, tendon injury, mesenchymal stem/progenitors, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling
- Anderson, Eric
- Marcus, Emily
- Narayanan, Shivakumar
Substance use disorder, HIV, hepatitis C, parenteral antimicrobial therapy
- Karki, Pratap
protein biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology. Currently, endothelial and epithelial cell injury, lung injury and inflammation, apoptosis biochemistry and signaling, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases
- Iwamoto, Masahiro
skeletal development, cartilage, arthritis, retinoid, endochondral ossification, heterotopic ossification, trauma, musculoskeletal injury, micro surgery, mouse genetics, ets-related transcription factor
- Bisordi, Katharine
genetic counseling, oncology genetics, pediatric genetics, adult genetics, pediatric hematology oncology genetics, telegenetics
- Wu, Zhongjun Jon
Development of Artificial Organs: Ventricular Assist Devices, Blood Pumps, Artificial Lungs, Respiratory Assist Devices, Computational Modeling and Design Optimization of Blood Contacting Medical Devices, Blood Flow, Flow Visualization, Blood Damage, Cell Mechanics, Cardiac Biomechanics, Hemodynamics, Biological Responses to Artificial Organs in Human and Animals, Animal Models for Cardiovascular/Lung Diseases and Development of New Treatment Technologies, Stem Cell Therapies for Heart and Lung Diseases
- Shteyman, Michael
- Vogel, Joshua
physical therapy
- Robinson, Shenandoah
epilepsy, cerebral palsy, pain, perinatal brain injury, neurorepair
- Cohen, Alan
brain tumors, minimally invasive neurosurgery,congenital disorders of the nervous systems
- Plotnick, Gary
- Swanberg, Jennifer
- Lawner, Benjamin
- Hu (Windsor), Kami
Critical care, Ultrasound, Medical Education
- Gao, Hongjuan
Drosophila, Hematopoiesis, allergic, asthma, macrophage
- Ndungo, Esther
- Khanam, Arshi
Liver Diseases, Viral hepatitis, Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure, Immunology
- Salehinia, Saeed
- Ndembi, Nicaise
- Benavides, David Roger
Clinical Neuroscience, Neuroimmunology, Neuroinflammatory and Demyelinating Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), Transverse Myelitis (TM), Autoimmune Encephalitis (AE), Neuronal Plasticity, Signal Transduction
- Cloak, Christine
- Li, Yue
Dr. YUE LI had been studying Ca2+ -induce-Ca2+-release (CICR) mechanism in cardiac muscle, phospholamban (PLB) phosphorylation in sinoatrial node cell (SANC) and intestinal immune regulation for years. She is an expertise in the area of physiology, molecular and cellular biology as well as immunology. After she joined Dr. Anna Birukova and Dr. Konstantin Birukov’s lab, she is concentrated in the study of molecular mechanisms in the regulation of lung endothelial barrier function and is trying to find novel barrier-protective and anti-inflammatory drugs in acute lung injury.
- Li, Yuxing
HIV-1, neutralizing antibody, B cell, Ebola virus, vaccine, immunotherapeutics, structural biology
- Zhang, Chen-Ou
Our laboratory discovered a novel antiproliferative factor (APF) glycopeptide that is made specifically by bladder epithelial cells from IC/PBS patients and whose biological activity is detectable in urine from approximately 95% of IC/PBS patients. APF induces changes in expression of certain epithelial cell proteins, decreases tight junction formation, increases paracellular permeability, and profoundly inhibits the proliferation of normal bladder epithelial cells in vitro; these same changes have been confirmed in cells grown from IC/PBS patient biopsies as compared to normal controls, suggesting that APF may contribute to the pathogenesis of IC/PBS. Inhibition of APF activity or production may therefore be useful for the development of therapies for this disorder.
- Zhang, Li-Qun
Rehabilitation Robotics, Neurorehabilitation, Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Ultrasound, Medical Device
- Wang, Shengbing
Proteomics, protein posttranslational modification, birth defect
- Barone, Melissa
- Porembka, David
Echocardiography, Transesophageal Echocardiography, Critical Care Medicine, Conductance Catheter, Ventricular Performance, Brain Resuscitation, Cardiac effects from brain injury, shock, sepsis and cardiac effects, Infectious Disease & emerging disease, Ebola, Disaster management
- Keum, Dongil
- Klingaman, Elizabeth
- Deck, Steven
- Yakovlev, Sergiy
Fibrinogen, Fibrin, VLDL receptor, Endothelial cells, Leukocyte transmigration, Inflammation
- Jun, John Young
- Zhou, Fuwen
HCN and TRP channels, neural excitation in healthy animals and animal models of human diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy); olfactory bulb; cortex; local and centrifugal circuits; short-term plasticity; in vivo and in vitro neural electrophysiology; neuroanatomy with fiber photometry and multiphoton imaging
- Amr, Sania
- Keniston, Leslie Parker
- Gessner, Bradford
- Mannella, Carmen
Electron microscopy, electron tomography, mitochondria, cristae, bioenergetics, membrane remodeling, ion channels, VDAC
- Scott, Casey
- Mohiuddin, Muhammad
Cardiac xenotransplantation, immunosuppressive therapy, surgical procedures in large and small animal models, B cell immunology, immunomodulation, bone marrow transplantation
- Semesky, Patrick
Genetic Counseling, Education
- Jaeblon, Todd
Complex fractures, lower extremities, pelvis, acetabulum, nonunion
- Singh, Avneesh Kumar
- Iffland, Philip
Cortical malformations, epilepsy, GATORopathies, mTORopathies, hemimegalencephaly, focal cortical dysplasia, PMSE, KPTN
- Fonseca, Yudy Astrid
Critical care in low resource settings, critical illness in low resource settings, global health, brain death
- King, Brent
- Yabut, Arturo Ramos
- Allen, John
Primary care, medical student wellness, resiliency. medical education
- Silverman, David
- Mossahebi, Sina
Radiation Therapy, Quality Assurance, Treatment Planning, Proton Therapy
- Donohue, Katelyn
medical education, mentoring, curriculum development
- Silber, Molly
- Xu, Claire
Hospitalist Medicine, Quality Improvement, Teaching
- Leistikow, Nicole
- Dattwyler, Matthew Peter
Emergency/Trauma Radiology
- Rada, Erin
Plastic surgery, pediatric plastic surgery, craniofacial surgery, craniosynostosis, cleft care, skin cancer, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck surgery, cosmetic surgery, nonoperative facial rejuventation
- Leedom, Michael
Emergency Medicine
- Chang, Linda
The ongoing research in Linda Chang's laboratory focuses on the application of several advanced neuroimaging techniques (including morphometry, diffusion tensor imaging, blood oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD)-functional MRI, cerebrovascular reactivity, and MR spectroscopy) to study elderly individuals with brain disorders (including people with HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, or substance use disorders) and in adolescent brain development. She also applied multiple MRI techniques to evaluate brain injury associated with long-COVID symptoms. Her new research direction focuses on using animal models to evaluate MRI-guided-focused ultrasound (FUS)-mediated blood brain barrier opening for improve delivery of gene therapy and ultralong-acting antiretroviral medications to eradicate the CNS HIV reservoirs, as well as the delivery of monoclonal antibodies to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, she is using MRI-guided FUS to modulate brain function associated with drug-seeking behaviors for substance use disorders.
- Spaderna, Max
Substance use disorders, severe and persistent mental illness, social determinants of health.
- Khorjekar, Gauri
- Crandall, Kenneth Matthew
Spine Tumors, Spinal Cord Tumors, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Spinal Oncology, Deformity, Scoliosis, Degenerative Disease, Spine Trauma, Brain Trauma, Brain Tumors.
- Ernst, Thomas
MRI, MR Spectroscopy, MR Physics, Prospective Motion Correction, Brain Development, Pediatric MRI, Drug Abuse, HIV Brain Injury
- Gingold, Daniel
Academic and Research Interests include: Social Emergency Medicine, Public health, epidemiology, health services, health policy, mobile integrated health, environmental health
- Mathur, Poonam
HIV infection, Hepatitis C, HIV and HCV-related comorbidities
- Ajayi, Olayemi Oluwaseun
- Hossain, Rydhwana
Medical Education, Thoracic CT, MR, Radiography; Cardiac CT and Cardiac MRI; Valvular Heart Disease; Ischemic & Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy; Heart Failure; Global Health
- Luethy, Paul
Microbiology; Molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases; Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of infectious diseases; Laboratory and hospital utility of clinical microbiology diagnostics
- Powell, Helen Louise
Statistical methods, analysis, regression, public health, data management, Bayesian methods, spatial correlation, spatial misalignment, confounding.
- Hebert, Andrea
Invasive fungal sinusitis
Cerebrospinal fluid leaks
Chronic rhinosinusitis
- Latham, Kerry
- Mirvis, Stuart
- Galkin, Andrey
- Simons, Timothy
- Shimkaveg, Megan
- Jani, Shuchi
- Bini, Carlen
- Thompson, Matthew
- Gutierrez, Camilo
epilepsy, seizure disorders, epilepsy surgery, health disparities in epilepsy, education in epilepsy
- Prior, Steven
- Karwowski, John
- Scilla, Katherine Ann
Thoracic Oncology, Lung cancer
- Xu, Dali
- Tate, Donna
- Ahmed, Hiba
- Martin, David Alexander
- Friedman-Klabanoff, DeAnna
Malaria, malaria vaccine development, humoral immunity, SARS-CoV-2 serology, clinical vaccine trials, peptide microarray, human challenge studies, controlled human infection
- Levy, Aaron
confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, DNA-PAINT, synapse organization, neuronal cell biology, molecular biology, NMDA receptors, parvalbumin interneuron, nanostructure
- Yan, Wenjing
- To, Kathleen
- Ortiz, Justin
pneumonia, influenza, pandemic preparedness and response, vaccines, global health
- Gover, Tony
- Diedrich, Andre
- Jacoby, Aaron
- Levin, Philip
- Langbaum, Michael
- Square, Amanda Rae
- Shiu, Brian
- Callahan, Michele Elizabeth
- Sorensen, Erik
- Cao, Xuefang
Cancer immunology and immunotherapy, transplantation immunology, T cell biology, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT), graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
- Legenzov, Eric
- Nyunt, Myaing
- Akinmboni, Temitope Olufunlayo
- Voss, Oliver
Monocytes, Macrophages, Inflammasome, Apoptosis, Autophagy, Caspases, TLR signaling, Rickettsia infection and other infectious diseases
- Bryl, Angela
physical therapy
- Musisi, Stephen
- Huq, Muhammad
- Rushing, Emily
- Pravdo, Alisa
orthopaedics, manual therapy, lower back pain, acute intervention, non-operative care, post-operative care, blood flow restriction therapy
- Nichelson, Erika
- Anderson Tull, Tangela
- Stryckman, Benoit
Health economics and outcomes research; policy analysis and program evaluation; hospital and managed care performance.
- Diaz, Johana
- Mahaley, Chinwe
- Onajobi, Oluwatobi
- Lewis, Kerry
- Duffy, Richard
- Studenski, Stephanie
- Otsuru, Satoru
Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Osteoblasts, Chondrocytes, Bone Marrow, Cell Therapy, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Tissue Regeneration
- Nagarsheth, Khanjan
- Joseph, Kerith
- Cagney, Julie
physical therapy
- Paad, David
- Dobs, Adrian
- Frayha, Neda
- Cho, Eunsung
- Lemme Dumit, Jose
- Solomon, Jonathan
- Ghneim, Mira
Acute Care and Emergency Surgery, Shock Trauma, Acute Care Surgery, Emergency General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, ACES
- Gayoso-Adam, Ella
- Heisler, Samantha
- Kang, Sang Hoon
- Rawal, Nidhi
- Vesselinov, Roumen
Statistics, Econometrics, Data Mining, Forecasting
- VanderMeulen, Jack
- Jacobson, Katherine Julia
Mother-baby, low risk obstetrical care, well-child care, preventive care, chronic disease
- Liu, Yan
- Wang, Yin
- Koch, Christina
graduate medical education, curriculum development, patient safety
- Liu, Esther
- Osei-Boamah, Emmanuel
- Aparece, Tikee
- Roche, Daniel J.
Human laboratory models of addiction, behavioral pharmacology, clinical trials, medication development
- Solano, Edward
- Parmer, Lauren
- Qato, Danya
- O'Hara, Nathan
health economics; patient preferences; socioeconomic impacts; orthopaedic trauma; global health; clinical trials
- Strissel, Pamela
- Sivasailam, Sankari
- Schraeder, Richard
- Crocco, Todd
- Whitall, Jill
- House, Hugh
- France, Michael Timothy
- Grossman, John Charles
physical therapy
- Bianchet, Mario
- Nesbitt, LaQuandra Sherese
- Chenoweth, Joshua
- Gourab, Krishnaj
- Israel, Benjamin
- Min, Myo
- Song, James
- Woo, Kenneth
- Perraut, Michael
- Ashwal, Joseph
- Plavner, Victor
- Pembroke, Thomas
- Makarava, Natallia
Prions, neurodegenerative diseases, neuroinflammation
- Ames, Heather
Neuroscience, medical history, psychiatry.
- Marano, Christopher
Geriatric psychiatry, dementia, neurocognitive disorders, late-life depression, Alzheimer's disease, insulin resistance, electroconvulsive therapy, integrated behavioral health, residency education
- Murali, Neeraja
- Schofield, Erin Elisabeth
- Hong, Charles
General Cardiology
Cardiovascular Genetics
Chemical Biology
Drug Discovery
- Gordon, Helen
- Rodrigues, Dario
Radiofrequency/microwave hyperthermia, hyperthermia treatment planning, microwave radiometry, multiphysics mathematical modeling, thermoregulation of blood perfusion, magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia, MR-guided thermal therapies
- Inkellis, Elizabeth
- Wang, Wei
- Cooper, Joanna
- Adashek, Steven
- Mudd, Janna
- Kallen, Michael
Sarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome
- Danna, Natalie
ankle arthritis, ankle replacement, ankle fractures, ankle trauma, ankle deformities, Achilles rupture, sports injuries of the foot and ankle.
- Niyongere, Sandrine
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
- May, Conrad
- Grant, Matthew John
LGBTQ Healthcare, Adolescent HIV, Prevention of Maternal-to-child Tranmission of HIV, Medical Education
- Driscoll, Amanda Jenne
- Rapaka, Rekha
- Schlaffer, Kathryn
- Fletke, Kyle
- Dudley, Sara
- Kunnackal John, George
general gastroenterology, hereditary polyposis syndromes, lynch syndrome, bowel preparation, colon cancer screening, gastrointestinal dysmotility
- Cobb, Megan Jennifer
- Gatz, J. David
Spinal Cord Injury, Renal Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Quality, Patient Safety, Opioid Overdose, Opioid Intoxication
- Patel, Zil
- Salerno, Alexis
- Reddy, Sashank
- Johnson, Rachel
- Hodzic, Vedrana
- Skelton, Jacqueline
- Stull, Jeffrey
- Iwamoto, Kate
- Kodali, Bhavani Shankar
- Alzarka, Bakri
Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology.
- Molitoris, Jason
Prostate cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancers, Lymphoma, Brachytherapy, Hyperthermia
- Kerns, Timothy
- Jones, Stephanie Elyse
- Ali, Afrah Abdul Wahid
- Arul, Remya
- Farrior, Carmen
- Collerius, Andrea
- Escuro, Katrina Cecilia Osin
child and adolescent psychiatry, acute care psychiatry, pediatric psychopharmacology, trauma-informed care, DJS
- Le, Thomas
- Cain, Christian
- Beason, Tiffany
trauma, trauma-informed care, healing-centered systems; culturally responsive practices; school mental health; community engagement; adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); psychosis; mood disorders
- Calarco, Cali
- Hare, Stephanie
schizophrenia, hallucinations, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
- Chahal, Diljon
- Domanski, Michael
- Khan, Sarah Hussain
- Schrank, Gregory
- Mondal, Samhati
- Schwartz, Stacy
Quality improvement in primary care
- Agueh, Modupe
- Allbritton, Jill
- Lee, Jessica Karen
pain management, emergency contraception, contraceptive counseling
- Wachter, Sarah Lynn
- Yao, Weiguang
Proton dose calculation, proton range-based registration, proton range deviation, cone beam CT reconstruction, scatter correction
- Yost, Kyle
- Sakiani, Sasan
Transplant Hepatology,
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD),
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH),
Viral Hepatitis,
Hepatitis C,
Hepatitis B,
Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease.
- Pocivavsek, Ana
- Henderson, Reney Anthony
- Kotwal, Nidhi
- Johnson, Aaron Joseph
- Holden, Van Kim
Lung cancer, airway obstruction, pleural disease, airway stents, medical education
- Barron, Kristin
physical therapy
- Forbes, Kristin L.
ICU, acute care, cardiac, neurocare, trauma, surgical, transplant.
- Chahal, Jagman Singh
Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes and Hypertension
- Desai, Andrea
periviable birth, perinatal ethics, complex contraception, pregnancy termination, options counseling, physician wellness, maternal mortality, severe maternal morbidity (SMM), maternal diabetes
- Arya, Awadhesh
- Jakhete, Neha
- Dong, Yu
Neuropsychiatry, Parkinson’s disease, geriatric psychiatry, dementia care, psycho-oncology
- Nurudeen, Suliat Mayowa
- Alden, Meaghan
- Hurvitz, Julie Ann
Contraception, recurrent pregnancy loss, family planning, complex obstetrics
- Jiang, Jie
- Celebi, Neziha
Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney transplant, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome
- Leong, Natalie
ligament, tendon, cartilage, knee, shoulder, sports medicine, tissue engineering, ACL, regenerative medicine, stem cells
- Sood, Aseem
- Woo, Jenny
- Kalil, Roberto
- Kalil, Graziela
- Manoochehri, Amir
- Bisson, Sharen
- Amin, Idris
Musculoskeletal medicine, Ultrasound Injections, Diagnostic Ultrasound, Sports Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Orthobiologics, Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain, Tendinitis, Tendon Pain, Muscle Pain, Sports Injuries, Non-operative management
- Chang, Yonmee
- Rectanus, April
Evidenced-based trauma treatment, counselor training and education, child maltreatment
- Gautam, Ujwal
Comparing Outcomes between Induction Immunosuppressive Therapies in Simultaneous Liver/Kidney
Transplantation. American Transplant Congress. June 2018. Status: Published
Rhabdomyolysis and Acute Kidney Injury in Mycoplasma Pneumonia: A Case Report
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 2016; 1030A: PUB551. Publication Status: Published
Renal Allograft Transfer Index (ATI) and Translational Index (TLI): Potential Predictive Tools for
Measuring Quality of Perioperative and Long Term Medical Management of Kidney Recipients. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2012 Apr; 59(4): B23. Publication Status: Published
Impact of Induction Immunosuppression Strategies in Simultaneous Liver/Kidney Transplantation.
Transplantation. 2020 Feb; 104 (2): 395-403
- Hollander, Kimberly Naden
- Shetty, Kirti
Hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis, hepatitis C, non alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Langhammer, Christopher
- Tee, Sui-Seng
Metabolism, Hyperpolarized, Magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Cancer, Gene reporter, Biochemistry, Fructose, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, NAFLD, steatosis, NASH, steatohepatitis, Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, liver cancer, ketohexokinase, fructokinase
- Zakhary, Mark
Proton Radiotherapy, Multimodality Imaging, Deep Tissue Thermal Therapy, Treatment Planning
- Henderson, Amanda
- Jani, Suni Niranjan
- Mangalapudi, Amar Madhuri
- Rhodes, Chandler Sours
- Shukrullah, Irfan
- Morganstein, Joshua
- Bentley, William
- Stierer, Kevin
- Syed, Sadiq
- Desikan, Sarasijhaa
Carotid artery stenosis, Aortic aneurysms, Dialysis access, Peripheral arterial disease, Venous disease, Vascular trauma
- Prasad, Joni
lrp1, protein biochemistry, lipoprotein receptor, hemostasis, S. aureus, infection, fibrinogen
- Shriver, Marey
Professional Development, Career Development, Grant Writing, Grant Proposals, Summary Statements, Research Question Development, Early Project Development, Scientific Writing, Individual Consultations
- Lattman, Eaton
- Gupta, Shailvi
- Aouchiche, Rachid
- Golding, Corey
- Chaturvedi, Seemant
stroke, transient ischemic attack, carotid stenosis
- Richardson, Joseph
- Liang, Xiao
- Mehra, Ranee
Targeted Therapies
- Bang, Christine Ko
- Adler, Jason
- Joshi, Anupam
- Peters, Todd
- Yamashita, Takashi
- McAvoy, Sarah Anne
Gynecologic radiation, Breast cancer, GammaPod, Proton therapy, Brachytherapy, Women’s Health
- Donohue, April
- Merkle, Thomas
- Trinidad, Lino Rafael Olaguer
- Pinet-Peralta, Luis Mauricio
Health services and policy, patient safety, quality of care, and emergency & disaster medicine
- Yu, Liqing Justin
lipid metabolism and transport, nafld, cardiovascular disease
- Schwartz, Lori
- Connors, Elizabeth
- Siddique, Nusrat
- Crino, Jude
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ultrasound, Multiple Gestation, Patient Safety
- Promnares, Kamoltip
- Peer, Jason
- Williams, Elizabeth Cox
- Phalen, Peter
Community mental health, psychosis, suicidality
- Koltz, Christopher
- Chamberlain, Catherine
- Longden, Thomas
brain blood flow, neurovascular coupling, functional hyperemia, smooth muscle, endothelium, pericytes, astrocytes, neurons, ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, ependymal cells, choroid plexus, plasticity, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, electrophysiology, optogenetics, multiphoton imaging
- Cramer, Nathan
nociception, pain perception, stress
- Pearson, Courtney
- King, Joshua David
- Hasan, S. Saif
Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Infectious Viruses, Inter-Organelle Trafficking, Membrane Proteins, Protein Secretion, Structural Biology, Vesicular Trafficking, Viral Structures, X-Ray Crystallography
- Kheirbek, Raya
Chronic Illness,
Oldest Old,
End of Life,
Narrative Medicine.
- Appaswamy, Meera
- Cheung, Nora Ham-Ting
- Vogelius, Ivan
- Wright, Rebecca
- Wright, Joseph
Evidence-based Best Practice, ebpc, advocacy and policy development, evidence-informed policy and clinical practice guideline development, child health issues, equity, disparities and social justice
- Ortega, Megan A. Connelly
Physical Therapy Clinical Education, Doctor of Physical Therapy Education, Outpatient Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Neurology, Vestibular, Oncology
- Biswal, Nrusingh
Clinical safety, workflow and efficiency improvement during proton therapy, Molecular Imaging for studying tumor microenvironment, Image-guided proton therapy, Therapeutic response assessment, Imaging and treatment of tumor Hypoxia, Tumor Hyperthermia.
- Wallace, Rachael
- Wang, Ze
Arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI, signal processing, image reconstruction, machine learning, lesion-symptom mapping, brain entropy mapping
- McCann, Robert
Malaria, Anopheles, mosquito, vector control, vector ecology and behavior, parasite transmission, landscape ecology, GIS, landscape genetics, weather, climate.
- Goodman, Katherine
Generative AI, natural language processing, clinical algorithms, antimicrobial resistance, Gram-negatives, machine learning, predictive analytics, claims data
- Munawwar, Arshi
- Kumar, Manoj
Neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease, dopamine neurons, microglia, pluripotent stem cells, mitochondria, lysosome, alpha synuclein, gene editing
- Jackson, Bryon Patrick
Whole Blood, Massive Transfusion, Patient Blood Management
- Karbowski, Mariusz
mitochondrial membrane dynamics, impact of ubiquitin and proteasome-dependent control of mitochondria
- Rogers, Stephen Colin
Red blood cells, nitric oxide, s-nitrosothiols, SNO, SNO proteins, hemoglobin, diabetes, sepsis, sickle cell, blood storage, anemia
- Doctor, Allan
pediatric critical care medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, red blood cell-based signaling, blood substitute, resuscitation, nitric oxide, metabolomics, translational transfusion medicine
- Jiang, Li
- Hasan, Ahmed A.
- Chatterjee, Som
Staphylococcus aureus
- Gadhia, Dhruv
- Rives Gray, Tyler
- Shah, Nishant
- Liu, Hanhan
- Rowland, Robert
blood flow restriction, dry needling, diagnostic ultrasound, nutrition, human performance, strength & conditioning, sports physical therapy, load management
- Lee, Jin-Gu
Protein Quality Control, Protein trafficking, Ubiquitination, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cellular Signalling
- Han, Zhe
Drosophila, Human Disease Models, heart, kidney, blood, muscle, metabolic diseases, nephrocyte, congenital heart disease, leukemia, nephrotic syndrome, genetic kidney diseases, drug screen, APOL1 nephropathy, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, viral protein host interaction
- Bar, Eli
- Divakaruni, Nisha
- Del Deo, Vito
- Ahmad, Haroon
Glioblastoma, Glioma, Immunotherapy, meningioma, checkpoint inhibitor, Car-T, Oligodendroglioma, Astrocytoma, CNS Lymphoma, Metastases, Pilocytic astrocytoma, pleomorphic xanthrocytoma, High Grade Glioma, Low Grade Glioma, Radiation Therapy, Proton
- Shen, Cynthia
- Levine, Andrea
ARDS, COVID-19, Post-COViD Conditions, Post-ICU Syndrome (PICS), ECMO
- Kane, Kathleen
Autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, non-pharmacological pain management, transition from adolescence to adulthood
- Roberds, Steven
- Tian, Xin
- Tsymbalyuk, Orest
- Kim, Hyeong Joong
Clinical and Research Interest:
1. Point-of-Care Ultrasound
2. End-of-life Care in the ICU
- Legesse, Teklu
Genitourinary pathology, Cytopathology
- Mehndiratta, Prachi
Stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Gender disparities, Stroke in young.
- Fang, Adam
- Flanagan, Kevin
- Jain, Rupal
- Neri, Michael
Medical Student Education, Residency Wellness
- Racherla, Vandana Rao
- Pandey, Nikhil
- Shang, Xiaoran
- Brown, P. Leon
Addiction, Depression, Dopamine, Electrophysiology, Habenula, Motivation
- Reaves, Samantha
School mental health, quality improvement, teaming, training, measurement development, evaluation
- Devkota, Hari Raj
- Aktay, Atiye Nur
- Stookey, Alyssa
- Khan, Mansoor
- Malik, Saad Ahmed
- Malinowski, Amy
Prenatal genetic counseling, genetic testing, carrier screening, family history, prenatal care, abnormal screen, abnormal ultrasound
- Lominadze, Zurabi
Cirrhosis, liver transplant, alcoholic liver disease, viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver cancer
- Warden-Jarrett, Ariel
- McCall, Dion
- Ferris, Matthew
General Radiation Oncology, External Beam Radiation, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy, 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Proton Therapy, High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (skin), Oligometastatic Disease
- Ho, Simon
physiology, control of breathing, blood flow, muscle oxygenation, diaphragm function, ultrasound imaging, exercise ventilatory response, inspiratory muscle training
- Culbreth, Adam
Negative Symptoms, Schizophrenia, Effort-Cost Decision-Making, Reinforcement-Learning
- Thomas, Elizabeth
- Durairaj Pandian, Vishnuprabu
- Tripathi, Ravi
- Duggan, Jessie
- Lee, Jessica
Transitional care, pediatric illnesses in adult patients, resiliency, burnout, wellness, transgender medicine
- Clark, Jaclyn
- Harfouche, Melike
Injury Prevention, Gun Violence, Hemorrhage Control, Pancreatitis
- Marchand, Lucas
- Huis in 't Veld, Maite
- Pei, Y. Veronica
- So, Jennifer
COPD, OSA, Overlap Syndrome, Sleep in End Stage Lung Disease
- Khoujah, Danya
- Latorre, Samantha
women's mental health, reproductive psychiatry, collaborative care, HIV
- Brookman, Jason
- Mulligan, Terrence
- Zhang, Lei
- Basnet, Suresh
- Ning, Yi
Cytogenetic diagnoses of hematological malignancies and genetic disorders
- Semelrath, Kevin
- Janowski, Miroslaw
Neurointervention, Brain, MRI, PET, Stem Cells, Radiolabeling, Neurology, Endovascular, Intra-arterial
- Kaushik, Kartik
- Li, Bo
- Breakey, Donald
Hospitalist Medicine, Graduate Medical Education, Medical Student Education
- Liu, Song
- Nathan, Rachel
Advanced care planning, serious illness communication, symptom management
- Meredith, Sean James
arthroscopic surgery, hip arthroscopy, acetabular labral repair, hip labral repair, hip labral reconstruction, femoroacetabular impingement, hip microinstability, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, quaricep tendon ACL reconstruction, cartilage repair, cartilage restoration, meniscus repair, meniscus transplantation, osteotomy, ligament repair, ligament reconstruction, patellar dislocation, sports medicine, return to sport, partial knee replacement, total knee replacement, total shoulder replacement, reverse total shoulder replacement, glenoid labral repair, shoulder labral repair, rotator cuff repair, superior capsular reconstruction, platelet-rich plasma, clinical outcomes
- Stock, Eileen
- Zhu, Junyi
Drosophila, Heart, Kidney, Congenital heart disease, Nephrotic syndrome, Genetic kidney diseases
- Englum, Brian Robert
Complex congenital anomalies, pediatric surgical oncology, pediatric colorectal surgery, pediatric thoracic surgery, minimally invasive surgery, health services research, comparative effectiveness research, big data analysis
- Welling, Paul
- Jeon, Hee-Young
- Lanza, Marcel
Muscle activation, muscle structure, physical function, balance, falls, exercise intervention, aging, stroke.
- LeGates, Tara
reward, learning, depression, neuronal circuits, circadian
- Sommerville, Meredith
- Patel, Snehal
- Farese, Ann
Hematopoietic growth factors and in vivo effects of high dose irradiation exposure and the treatment of the acute radiation syndrome for major organ systems, i.e., hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, lung, heart and kidney.
- Quinn, Michael
- Hanson, Jarod
- Eden, Elizabeth
- Limpuangthip, Andrea
- Maranto, Anthony
- Mistry, Dipti
- Treacy, Erin
- Lushniak, Boris
- Khan, Omar Iqbal
- Stone, Roger
- Abraham, Michael
- Baghdadi, Jonathan
diagnostic stewardship, sepsis and sepsis bundles, Clostridoides difficile infection, infection prevention, quality improvement
- Terhune, Julia
Peritoneal surface malignancies
Tumor Immunology
Regional cancer therapies
- Buehler, Paul
- Cavanaugh, Daniel
- Schulze, Andrea
- Witek, Matthew
minimizing the toxicities of cancer treatment while maintaining and improving cure rates, NCCN, ASTRO, ASCO, NRG, SCOUT, head cancer, skin cancer, proton therapy, photon therapy, Head and Neck Cancer, thoracic Cancer
- Walczak, Piotr
Stem Cells, Molecular Imaging, MRI, Neurointervention, Brain, Neurology, Intra-arterial
- Wu, Colin
- El-Shinawi, Mohamed
- Nandi, Sumon
knee replacement, hip replacement, knee arthroscopy
- Lau, Christine
Regadenoson in Human Lung Transplantation, lung cancer screening, transtracheal oxygen, scoop catheter, photodynamic therapy, endoscopic bronchial ultrasound, ebus, thoracic surgery
- Yang, Christine
Pediatric hospital medicine, pediatric hospitalist, resident education, mentorship, wellness
- Dole, Yves-Richard
- Ezelle, Heather
- Hope, Sandy
- Smith, Elana
Medical Education, Neuroradiology, Emergency Radiology, Trauma Radiology
- Oates, Tim
- Kim, Seung Jun
- Adali, Tulay
- Thangaraju, Kiruphagaran
- Shen, Jana
- Aktay, Recai
Multimodality Oncologic Imaging (neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis), Cross-sectional cardiovascular imaging, PET-CT and general nuclear medicine, Emergency teleradiology
- Merbs, Shannath
- Loftus, Matthew
- Vellanki, Paz
- Flaherty, Marissa
severe mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, community mental health, medical student education, medical student wellness, psychiatry resident education
- Cleary, Joseph
Pediatrics, neuropsychology, cognition assessment, neurocognitive assessment, academic assessment, brain-behavior relationships, school psychology, acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities.
- Jiang, Jicai
- Coffey, KC
diagnostic stewardship, antimicrobial stewardship, Clostridoides difficile infection, infection prevention, hospital epidemiology
- Alblaihed, Leen
- Dash, Paul
- Choi, Youngshim
- Hariharan, Ashwini
- Gurmu, Samson
- Finigan-Carr, Nadine
- Shukla, Hem
Pancreatic cancer, tumor microenvironment, chemo and radiation resistance.
- Beall, Stephanie
- Kunaprayoon, Dan
- Lai, Shenghan
- Lee, Hangnoh Joseph
Precision Disease Modeling, Aneuploidy, Copy Number Variation, Gene Network Inference, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Comparative Genomics, Drosophila melanogaster, Human Disease Models
- Liang, Yajie Kevin
Intravital long-term single-cell tracking; Multiphoton microscopy; Fluorescent probe; Calcium imaging; neural stem cells;
- Moore, Rachel
General pediatric cardiology, congenital heart disease, cardiovascular genetics.
- Pumplin, David
- Pielago, Jose Martin
- Khachaturian, Henry
- Testlastname, Testfirstname
- Davies, Erika
- Krey, Rebecca
- Cardoso, Joseph
physical therapy
- Eke, Uzoamaka
Medical Education, Antimicrobial Stewardship, MRSA infections and Endocarditis, HIV/AIDS and Aging, HIV and HCV co-infection.
- Hoffmann, Diane
- Ercan, Hasan
- Johnson, Kahlil
- Sutherland, Lesley
- Rose, Vivienne
- Krupnick, Alexander
- Lei, Zhuofan
- Setua, Saini
- Diaz Calderon, Lina
- Bauer, Brent
- Curtin, Bryan
- Brundage, S.I.
- Amadu, David
- Gupta, Anuj Kumar
- Meier, Raphael
Liver transplantation, Kidney transplantation, Pancreas and islet cell transplantation, Mesenchymal stem cells
- Doucette, Lorraine
Interdisciplinary teaching and healthcare, clinical chemistry, clinical hematology, diversity in changing populations, student success
2022-2024 PI of CDC Collaborative Agreement "Enhancing US Clinical Laboratory Workforce Capacity"
- Hong, Jennifer
- Lemmon, Eric
- Garg, Vivek
Mitochondrial biology, calcium and redox signaling, cardiovascular physiology, muscle physiology, ion channels, transporters, membrane biophysics, electrophysiology, confocal imaging, metabolic disorders (Heart failure).
- Hammershaimb, Elizabeth A
Vaccine clinical trials in children and adults; vaccines against biothreat agents, emerging infections, and malaria; vaccine hesitancy and acceptance; pediatric infectious diseases; antimicrobial stewardship
- Lai, Hong
- Michael, Miriam
- Mei, Zhongcheng
Lung Transplantation; Eosinophils; Transplant Immunology; CD8+ T Cells; CD4+ T cells; Immune Regulation; Myeloid Cells; Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS); Graft Acceptance; Tolerance Maintenance; Lung Resection.
- Maluf, Daniel
- Mas, Valeria
- Chen, Hongxia
- Taneja, Ankita
- Okolie, Francesca
- Centeno, Jose Antonio
- Keshtkarjahromi, Mitra
Depression, Psychosis, ECT, TMS
- Cassady, Steven
- Xu, Junliang
- Agarwal, Ritu
- Ardanuy, Jeremy
- Grazioli, Alison
- Pollitt, Stephanie
- Marks, Madeline
Posttraumatic stress, acute stress, trauma, anxiety, clinical psychology, health psychology, education, collaborative care, proactive consultation, restorative justice
- Agarwal, Neil
- Atanackovic, Djordje
- Moyer, Kelly
- Luetkens, Tim
Cellular immunotherapies, protein engineering
- Cherian, Jacob
- Gordes, Karen
- Cammin, Jochen
radiation therapy, brachytherapy, hyperthermia, motion management, quality assurance, image-guided radiation therapy, adaptive radiation therapy, multi-energy computed tomography,
- Powell, Elizabeth
emergency medicine, cardiac surgery icu, critical care resuscitation unit, shock trauma
- Zhao, Yunpo
- Krishnan, Vijay
Pediatric Radiology
- Banerjee, Anirban
- Esposito, Emily
- Dorsey, Nicolas
- Maddox, John
- Kenaa, Blaine
ILD, VAP, diagnostic stewardship, patient safety, QI, TeleICU
- Tortolani, P. Justin
- Slattery, Joseph
- Sutherland, Mark
- Lankford, Allison
Critical care obstetrics, cardiomyopathy in pregnancy, sepsis in pregnancy, maternal morbidity, maternal mortality, placenta accreta spectrum disorders, extracorporeal membranes oxygenation in pregnancy.
- Podell, Jamie
Neurocritical care, traumatic brain injury, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, autonomic dysfunction, neuroimaging, physiologic modeling, neuromodulation
- Ksendzovsky, Alexander
- Nace, James
- Davis, Alon
- Carpenter, Ross
- Branch, Gregory
- Friedman, Jana
- Strong, Bethany
- Hempen, Eric
- Falvey, Jason
Rehabilitation epidemiology, rehabilitation health services research, home health care, disability, older adults
- Saxena, Preeti
- Saxena, Sanjay
- Sniezek, Timothy
- Rao, Samuel
- Bassi, Sumit
- Ciccarelli, Karen
- Bruno, Richard
- Bui, Tu Thanh
- Gaykalova, Daria
Mouth squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck cancer, HPV, genomics, cancer epigenetics, chromatin, gene expression, transcription regulation, alternative splicing, epigenetic therapeutics, immune regulation in cancer, immune regulation of tumor development, data integration, genome-wide analysis
- Efron, David
Abdominal, Hernia, Gastrointestinal, wound healing, Trauma, interpersonal violence, outcomes disparities,
- Kharal, Sid
- Birnbaum, Jason
- Shinners, Daniel
- Patel, Mihir
Obesity Medicine, Social determinants of health, South Asian health, plant based eating, lifestyle medicine; motivational interviewing
- Ellish, Nancy
- Haft, Sunny
- Brown, Rebecca
Surgical Education Research, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis), Benign and Malignant Anorectal Disease
- Toscano, Nicole
- Wang, Yan
- Shakoor, Hasan
- Tamminga, Carol
- McPherson, Mary Lynn
- Jokhadar, Muhammad
- Sim, Hi Sup
- Teeter, William
Machine Learning
- Fox, Charles
Resuscitation, Trauma, Endovascular, Vascular Surgery
- Hu, Yinin
cancer, comparative effectiveness, cost effectiveness, patient-reported utilities, decision-analysis, quality-adjusted life-years, quality of life, cumulative sum, learning curve, utilization trends
- Olusakin, Jimmy
- Moeller, Shaun
- Coughlan, Lynda
Adenoviral vectors, vaccines, influenza virus, therapeutic antibodies, RSV, coronavirus, universal vaccines, immunology
- Milzman, David
- Li, Guangming
HIV-1, plasmacytoid dendritic cells, Immunopathology, immunotherapy, humanized mice, CAR-T
- Ahodantin, James
Virology, Immunology, Immunotherapy, humanized mice, Liver diseases
- Tellefsen, Christiane
- Liberto, Joseph
- Han, Dong
- Rana, Zaker
Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Prostate cancer, Brachytherapy, Central Nervous System Malignancies, Breast Cancer
- Kuo, Catherine
- Mastandrea, John
- Yazbek, Sandrine
Advanced Imaging, Functional MRI, Tractography
- Su, Lishan
Immunology, virology, immunotherapy, humanized mice, CAR-T
- Dubin, Hinda Fink
- Lujan, Miguel
Endocannabinoids, Dopamine, Fiber photometry, Systems neuroscience, Sex differences, Drug self-administration.
- Vieira, Daiana
- Tarekegn, Girmay
- Sunshine, Sarah
Ocular Graft vs Host Disease, Dry Eye Disease, Ocular Surface Disease, Cornea, Cataract Surgery, Keratoplasty/Corneal Transplant (DSAEK, DMEK, PKP, ALK)
- Atamas, Sergei
- O'Malley, Bert
- Duh, Show-Hong
- Soriano, Cynthia
- Santoro, Eliana
- Weir, Nicholas
- Heisler, Alexander
- Orr, Danielle
- Ringwala, Aditi
Keywords: Addiction Medicine, Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Harm Reduction
- Cott, Anisa
- Abbasi, Abdolrahim
- Karnes-Amzibel, Patricia
- Bonjiorno Martins, Mariana
- Amin, Vinisha
- Mettler, Bret
- Chatterjee, Aditi
- Holliday, Lindsay
- Lai, Ty
Physical medicine, rehabilitation, musculoskeletal disorders, neuropathic pain, gait dysfunction.
- Gottlieb Sen, Danielle
- Filak, Kristopher
- Sahdev, Pradip
- Kim, Kevin
interventional radiology, interventional oncology, image-guided therapies
- Moore, Jane I. Siehl
- Symes, Dilwyn
- Prabhakar, Deepak
- Singh, Amit
- Plotkin, Amy
- Abularach, Silvia
- Ferraro, Luca
- Prescott, Susan
- Naqvi, Nida
- Scott, Alison
dentistry, microbial pathogenesis, dynamic lipid response during inflammation
- Jassey, Alagie
- Dumetz, Franck
Parasites, RNA biology (structure and base modifications), sequencing
- Singh, Suruchi
- Caceres Noguera, Juan Alfredo
- Taj, Faria
Early Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging with Endobronchial ultrasound, Therapeutic Bronchoscopy, Pleural Disorders, Robotic Bronchoscopy
- Eaton, Katherine
- Kelly, Michy
- Beggiato, Sarah
- Renninger, Christopher
- Venniro, Marco
Translation, Animal models, Substance Use Disorders, Social Reward, Amygdala, Decision Making
- Kumari, Anshu
- Esmati, Elnaz
- Wandell, Harry
- Weinreich, Daniel
- Yang, Wenjie
- Grewal, Reetika
- Blanchard, Melvin
- Delanois, Ronald
- Bhandari, Arun
- Bennett, Christina
- White, Lane
Physical Therapy
- Ren, Lei
Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), AI, Deep learning, digital tomosynthesis, dose reduction, CBCT, scatter correction, 4D imaging, prior information, motion modeling, biomechanical modeling, deformable image registration, image synthesis, image reconstruction, image augmentation, radiomics, clinical decision making, digital phantom generation.
- Kramer, Audra
- Frankel, Neal
- Callahan, Charles
- Dyer, Typhanye
- Franzini, Luisa
- Payne-Sturges, Devon
- Wolff, Steffen
Motor skill learning, Learning and Memory, Basal Ganglia, Motor Cortex, Thalamus
- Tamez, Heather
- Tokarsky, Gregory
- Karimi, Maryam
- Elahi, Montasir
Alzheimer's disease, Tauopathy, Diabetes, Protein, Protein aggregation
- Moore, Cameron
- Srinivasan, Rajagopal
- Zhou, Jinghao
Medical Physics, Image Analysis, Computational Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Bailey, Christopher
- Imtiyaz, Zuha
- Schechet, Sidney
- Fuscaldo, Joseph
- Olivieri, Peter
- Kartal, Elizabeth
midwifery, natural childbirth, wellness, stress reduction, birth control counseling and initiation, global health, yoga/meditation
- Apple, Janice
- Zhou, Elinor
- Van Hout, Cristopher
- Ali, Mahwish
- Kozlovsky, Bernard
- Gadalla, Shahinaz
- Safari, Zohreh
- Desai, Sachin
- Fisher, John
- Buchwald, Andrea
- Fokar, Ali
- Tsiapali, Ekaterini
- Bailey, Jason
Serology, Seroepidemiology, Data Science, Molecular Epidemiology, Microarray, Public Health, Infant and Maternal Health, Monitoring and Evaluation, Biosurveillance, Sample Registration Systems, CRVS
- Qiao, Guanda
- Goodfellow, Molly Jo
- Sundberg, Eric
- Schon, Lew
- Cannon, Dawn
- Mancini, David
General adult psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychiatric interfaces, psychiatric pre-transplant evaluations
- Herring, Allison
- Kvarta, Mark
psychiatry, stress, treatment-resistant depression, neuroimaging, brain MRI, neurogenetics, anhedonia, novel antidepressants, brain and behavior
- Garrett-Ray, Stacy
- Herrada, Pamela
- Liu, Peiying
neonatal physiological MRI; neonatal brain perfusion and metabolism; hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; cerebrovascular reactivity
- Glick, Danielle
sleep in the workplace, impulse oscillometry, pulmonary function, obstructive sleep apnea
- Otto, Elizabeth
- Mendoza, James
- Lee, Ronald
- Carmack, Anna
- Deming, Meagan
Coronavirus, Influenza, vaccine, therapeutics, SARS, SARS-CoV-2, CoVID19, clinical vaccine trials, human challenge studies, controlled human infection
- Kathari, Yamini Krishna
- Khan, Zulqarnain
- Pan, Judy
- Stengel, Karen
- Verma, Anjali
- Taylor, Louis
virology, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, RNAseq, transcriptomics, genomics, metagenomics, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics
- Rus, Horea
- Williams, Sarah
- Myers, Bennett
- Carpenter, Jessica
Pediatric stroke, perinatal stroke, sickle cell vasculopathy, neurocritical care, neuromonitoring, neuroimaging, continuous EEG, epilepsy, encephalitis.
- Son, Junseok
Exercise Physiology, Obesity, Epigenetics, Fetal/Perinatal Physiology, Placental development, Adipocytes/myocytes, Stem (progenitor) cell differentiation
- Macfarlane, Michael
Optimization & Treatment Planning, IGRT, Adaptive Radiation Therapy
- Shah, Manan
- El-Sayed, Khalid
- Raisinghani, Rachna
- Saba, Joanna
- Wasserman, Bruce
mri, carotid artery, atherosclerotic disease
- Black, Maureen
Global child development, nurturing care, health disparities, nutrition and child development, undernutrition, stunting, failure-to-thrive, overweight, obesity, food insecurity, early child development, parenting interventions, micronutrient supplementation and brain development.
- Price, Justin
Advanced care planning, serious illness communication, symptom management
- Lavoie, Marie-Claude
HIV prevention and treatment services, implementation science, epidemiological methods, global health, health services research, program/policy evaluation.
- Brown, Kyle Alexander
Synaptic plasticity, Hippocampus, Major Depressive Disorder, Ketamine, Hydroxynorketamine
- Liu, Xiao
- Magidson, Jessica
- Lees, Andrew
- Miller, Elie
- Dante, Siddhartha
ECMO, Resuscitation, ECPR, Pediatric Transport
- Sward, Honey
- Amble, Arun
- Lee, Hwiyoung
- Bhatnagar, Anuj
- Hendrix, Cheralyn
- Hill, Russell
- Walker, Patrick
- Asadi, Mohammad
Heart failure, Cardiomyopathies, Cardiogenic shock, Invasive hemodynamics, Heart transplantation, Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVAD), Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS), Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO)
- Labib, Mohamed
Skull Base Surgery, Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery, Cerebrovascular Surgery, Complex Aneurysms, Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM), Cerebral Revascularization
- Ciner, Aaron
- Ullah, Sarah
- Snow, Grace
- Chan, Caleb
- Williams, Mozella
- Nusbaum, Jeffrey
- Blaustein, Mordecai
- Liang, Huajun
- Hicks, Albert
- Chen, Chixiang
Statistical Method: Data/Information Integration; Causal inference and machine learning; Trajectory analysis; Federated learning; Cell Type Deconvolution; single cell data analysis. Biomedical Studies: Clinical studies in neuroscience; Biological Aging; Alzheimer's disease; Post-fracture recovery; Single-cell transcriptomics.
- Goodwin, Aijah
Cultural responsiveness
Mental health help-seeking
Adolescent mental health
Internalizing disorders
School mental health
- Justicz, Natalie Susan
- Ortiz, Jennifer
- Singman, Eric
- Schulman, Emily
- Pergakis, Melissa
Education research, simulation research, large hemispheric infarct, physiologic modeling
- Putnam, Nicole
microbiology, immunology, infectious disease, host-pathogen interactions, public health, clinical microbiology, clinical diagnostics, emerging infectious diseases
- Littlewood, Alden
Adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, inpatient psychiatry, partial hospitalization, crisis stabilization, risk assessment and management, serious mental illness, dual diagnosis management. Schizophrenia, first-episode psychosis, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, depression, anxiety, medical education.
- Herdt, Donald
- Fields, Julie
serious mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, acute psychiatric care, community mental health
- Ramprashad, Avinash
Addiction psychiatry, substance use disorders, medications for opioid use disorder, adult psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, telemedicine/tele-addictions
- Uhl, George
Neurology, Neuropharmacology, Complex genetics, Molecular neurobiology, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Pain, Restless Leg Syndrome, Addiction, Drug development
- Feder, Ethan
- Flack, Tristan
- Kalinich, John
- Kamassai, Joseph
- Ferraz, Camila
- Kodama, Joe
- Borda, Victor
- Kanwar, Jyoti
Inpatient Treatment Programs (Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder), Acute psychiatric care and PHP/IOP, Crisis Stabilization, Risk Assessment & Management, Dual Diagnosis (mental health & addiction), Severe Mental Illness (SMI) Treatment, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment, First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Treatment
- Reese, Ryan
- Fredrich, Sarah
Autoimmune encephalitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroimmunology, Autoimmune Neurology, Neuromyelitis Optica, Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Associate Diseases, Sarcoidosis, Paraneoplastic Encephalitis, Demyelinating Diseases, Transverse Myelitis
- Girard, Antonia
Early childhood mental health, infant mental health, autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, developmental evaluations
- Garstka, Meghan Elizabeth
breast cancer, breast surgical oncology, clinical outcomes, patient-reported outcomes, cost-effectiveness, health equity
- Taubenslag, Kenneth
- Bhati, Chandra
- Rosenblatt, Lauren
- Falat, Cheyenne
- Kim, Ann
- Palacio, Danica
- Sharma, Shweta
- Scharf, Steven
- Japp, Emily
- Bhat, Abid
Microparticles, Hyperbaric gas physiology, Neuropathology, Glymphatics
- Nguyen, Dung
- Brown, Eric
- El Sayed, Mazen
Emergency medicine, Emergency Medical Services, EMS priority conditions, Trauma systems, Out of hospital cardiac arrest, Disaster preparedness and response.
- Michon, Francis
- Gottlieb, Andrea
- Delany, Rachel
- Banerjee, Monica
- Drillings, Ian
- Premuzic, Tihana
- Wittmeyer, Richard
- Henry, Rebecca
- Kundra, Vikas
- Reader, Jocelyn
- Witte, Helen
- Patel, Janki
- Morrow, Courtenay
- Booth, Mary Ann
- Nnabue, Thaddeus
- Shkullaku, Melsjan
Board certified interventional cardiologist with clinical focus on structural cardiology.
Structural Cardiology sub-fellow ship training.
Board certified cardiologist.
Additional board certification in echocardiography and internal medicine
- Mandrell, Timothy
- Bryant, Joseph
- Walker, L. Kyle
- Azim, Shafquat
Transplantation research, kidney transplantation, single-cell RNA sequencing, operational tolerance, cell-free biomarkers, CRISPR-Cas9 mediated-knockout/methylation/demethylation, DNA methylation
- Thankan, Retheesh
- Barlow, Samuel
- Fischler, Samuel
- Bonyun, Marissa
- Sokal, Rebecca
- Kalishman, Jennifer
- Huston, Stephanie
- Berger, Zackary
- Dayes, Nathanael
- Mirarchi, Saverio
- Chew, Kin Wah
- Sibel, Michael
- Wiprovnick, Alicia
Substance use disorders, harm reduction, posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma, trauma-informed care, acceptance and commitment therapy, third wave cognitive behavioral therapy
- Romagnoli, Anna
- Man, Lillian
- Melnyk, Nataliya
- Tella, Sneha
- Lauver, David
- Ebraheem, Adel
Corneal and retinal diseases
- Stein, Deborah
Traumatic Brain Injury, Hemorrhagic Shock, Biomechanics of Injury
- Mathew, Denny
- Chen, Jiayan
- Flint, Robert
Emergency department operations/administration,
Risk management,
Patient safety,
Trauma and injury prevention, student education, community emergency medicine, mentor
- Herron, John
- Tran, Phuoc
Radiosensitizers; Genetically engineered mouse models of disease; Epithelial Plasticity (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition); oligometastasis
- Steinbach, Sally
midwifery, reproductive health
- Panda, Aruna
Epidemiology, Veterinary Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Vaccine Development
- Coupet, Dimitri
- Michel, Sarah
- Applebaum, Yitz
- Tubaldi, Eleonora
- Deng, Wei
- Mehra, Mandira
- Jimenez Restrepo, Alejandro
- Nichols, Gracie
- Thompson, Amanda
- Martin, John
- Elsaid, Salaheldeen
- Donahoo, Elizabeth
- Almashat, Sammy
Occupational medicine, employee health, exposure assessment, longitudinal health surveillance, construction workplace hazards, clinical toxicology, armed conflict and civilian health
- Zubair, Haseeb
Operational Tolerance, ischemia-reperfusion injury, disease pathogenesis, donor quality, cholangiocyte injury, cold-static perfusion,
Molecular pathogenesis, tumor-stromal interaction, chemoresistance, hepatocellular carcinoma, interventions for cancer prevention
single-cell/nuclei RNA sequencing, immunology, DNA methylation, epigenetics, genomics, non-invasive biomarkers, health disparity,
- Young, Michael
- Delapenha, Andrew
Transitions of Care, Population Health, Healthcare Access, Health Disparities, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Edwards, Vonetta
Host-pathogen interactions, Vaginal microbiome, Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Cervical-vaginal models, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Female reproductive tract, Reproductive hormones
- Stack, Christopher
- Geng, Degui
- Latinovic, Olga
HIV-1 Entry Inhibition In Vivo
- Pagan Pares, Melissa
- Agrawal, Jay
- Fisher, Evan
- Polovich, Martha
- Chodoff, Alaina
- Nanjaiah, Hemalatha
- Wisniewski, Emily
- Van, Vitu
- Staley, Claire
- Shah, Raza
- Medoff, Deborah
- Trotta, Rossana
- Torrie, Arissa
- Younis, Rania
- Dahal, Shishir
- Glass, Burton
- Sadik, Mohammad
- Montoya, Anthony
- Larson, Justine
- Furman, Andrew
- Marinucci, Francesco
- Soomro, M Hussain
- Ky, Jeanne
- Scanlon, Karen
Immune ontogeny, respiratory infection, pediatric infection, pulmonary hypertension, Bordetella pertussis, pulmonary immunology
- King, Roderick
- Bettwy, Cassandra
Blood Flow Restriction (BFR), Original Strength (OS), Pelvic Health (PH1), Hand Therapy (CHS), Dry Needling (CMTPT), Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS).
- Gagnier, James
- Adiba, Afifa
- Jasani, Gregory
- Reddix, Irance
- Brantner, Christine
- Kannan, Balaji
- Schreibman, David
- Lafargue, Audrey
- Yahyavi, Noushin
- Gage, Mark
- Tirfe, Lensa
- Hager, Erin
- Marur, Surendra
- Butt, Bilal
Large Hemispheric strokes, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Fellow/Resident/Medical Student teaching
- Kanold, Patrick
- Jiwani, Shahanawaz
- Garzino-Demo, Alfredo
- Duggirala, Amar
- Stephanos, Kathleen Margaret
- Tookhan, Krista Lynette
- Hoorfar, Hamid
- Stokes, Tyler
genetic counseling, oncology genetics, anti-racism in training, diversity in genetics
- Jo, Stephanie
musculoskeletal radiology, osteoarthritis, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, develop prediction model for arthroplasty outcome based on MRI, develop chondrocyte cell line model for drug screening
- Yang, Robin
- Chen, Kai
- Grier, William
Lung Cancer Screening, Pulmonary Nodules, Lung Health, Tobacco Cessation, Medical Education
- Ikheloa, Eseigboria
- Jordan Parker, Gina
- Kim, Grace
- Krejci, Kathleen
- Riddle, Ryan
Osteoblast, Adipocyte, Wnt Signaling, Sclerostin, Fatty Acid Metabolism, musculoskeletal biology, integrative physiology.
- Johnstonbaugh, Hannah
Genetic counseling, testing, family history concerns, prenatal care
- Roulston, Sadie
- Khajavi, Marissa
- Parimi, Nehu
Metabolic Bone Disorders, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, and Pituitary diseases
- Khan, Mohammad Afzal
Transplantation, Immune tolerance, Regulatory T cells, Complement cascade.
- Hnoosh, Dima
- McCunn, Maureen
- LoPresti, Peter
- Clemens, Thomas
- Robinson-Walton, Mava Briana
- Dahiya, Saurabh
- Nguyen, Tu
- Pozniak, Tetiana
- Goldwaser, Eric Luria
- Dyalram, Donita
- Bjarnadottir, Margret Vilborg
- Barnet, Beth
- Nagle, Sheryl
- Robinson, Kelli
- Saenz Ayala, Sofia
- Sharifai, Nima
- Fay, Jonathan
Membrane protein, structure, structural biology, cryo-EM, GPCR
- Islam, Mohammad
Cancer Biology, Infectious disease, Molecular Biology, Neural tube defects, Congenital heart defects
- Duan, Jianli
- Jules, Astride
- Yadava, Nagendra
- Smith, L. Leigh
Outbreak Investigations, Public Health, Infectious Diseases, Nursing Facilities, Infection Control
- Connor, Andrew
- Browne, Maria Creciun
- DeMartino, Anthony
nitric oxide, carbon monoxide poisoning, hemoproteins, thiols, reaction kinetics, bioinorganic chemistry
- How, Remealle
- Lutz, Gabriel
LGBTQIA, SGM, BIPOC, health care equity, palliative care
- Ibrahim, Mohamed
transplant, kidney, pancreas, wound healing, nephrology, biosensing, biosensors, biomarkers, oxygen sensing
- Liu, Ruya
metabolism, heart failure, cardiovascular diseases, cardiomyocyte, proliferation
- Kaplan, Kelby
Cultural humility, curriculum, team-based learning, tendinopathy, orthopedic physical therapy
- Rochon, Elizabeth
- Pham, Lily
Primary brain tumor, glioma, glioblastoma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, primary CNS lymphoma, meningioma, rare brain tumors
- Gladwin, Mark
sickle cell disease, pulmonary hypertension, nitrite, carbon monoxide
- Harfouch, Omar
HIV/AIDS, LGBT Health, sexual health, gender affirming care, anal cancer screening
- McClam, Tamela
Geriatrics, ECT, Medical Complications with Mood Disorders, Dementia, Geriatric Psychiatry Education
- Lalonde, Gregory
- Kithas, Andrew
- Seo, Philip
- Vostal, Alexander Charles
- Hahn, Alexander
- Woodbury, Margaret
Psychiatry, child psychiatry, antipsychotic review, pediatric consultation liaison psychiatry, medical student education
- Amara, Richard
Atrial Fibrillation, Epicardial Adipose, Premature Ventricular Contraction
- Renshaw, Chloe
- James, Adam
- Suarez, Alexander
- McGowan-Branch, Vicki
- McHugh, Kathleen
- Khorshidi, Fereshteh
- McDougall, Lorissa Ingsay
- Gupta, Birendra
- Khan, Amir
- Lang, Yankun
- Knox, Jerica
Trauma, trauma-informed schools, culturally responsive teaching, school mental health, teacher professional development, readiness for DEI training, educational inequities, child and adolescent mental health
- Laukaitis-Yousey, Hanna
- Ajibola, Musa
- Stucke, Emily
- Kumar, Amit
- Anderson, Douglas
- Kundan, Sivashanmugan
Single-molecule spectroscopy; Fluorescence spectroscopy; Nanoendoscopy; Plasmonic; SERS
- Taheriotaghsara, Seyedmojtaba
- Salemdawod, Abdallah
- Belleza, Walter
- Nakhoul, Marie
Integrative medicine, holistic medicine, art therapy, well woman, minimally invasive surgery
- Traver, Edward Conan
Infections in people who inject drugs, Infectious Diseases, HIV, medical education.
- Zapata, David
- Ciryam, Prajwal
traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, delayed cerebral ischemia, neuroimmunology, transcriptomics, proteomics
- Hopper, Kelly
- Xu, Fuhua
ovarian follicular development, ovulation, luteal angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, ovarian cancer biology, ovarian cancer early detection
- Khan, Sara Atiq
- Sampaio, Daniela
Acute care, inpatient psychiatry, psychotherapy, Dialectical behavioral therapy, trauma-related disorders
- Van Remmen, Sarah R.C.
Emergency psychiatry, crisis evaluation, social determinants of health, community psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, SMI
- Albuquerque, Edna
Nicotinic receptors, organophosphorus, pesticides, animal models, seizures
- Karri, Jay
neuromodulation, chronic pain, public health
- Harraz, Maged
Addiction, Antidepressant Pharmacology, Autophagy, Dopamine Transporter, Cocaine Receptor, Virus-Host Interaction, SARS-CoV-2
- Weiss, Judah Eli
- Hamza, Iqbal
Anemia; Heme; Iron; Porphyria; Leishmania; Parasites
- Mysore, Manu
- Mathews, Jared
- Onder, Songul Celebi
behcet's Disease, Vasculitis, chronic kidney disease, obesity, dialysis, reproductive endocrinology, hypertension, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and glomerulonephritis.
- Patel, Harsh
- Ramirez, Jason
- Varella, Louis
- Chaudhary, Mirnal
Vascular Surgery, Limb Salvage, Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Parker, Whitney
- Maloy, James Daniel
- Pierre, Valerie
- Rose, Jason
drug development
carbon monoxide poisoning
acute lung injury
mechanical ventilation
medical toxicology
inhalational lung injury
data science
artificial intelligence (AI)
machine learning
medical devices
- O'Donnell, Christopher
physiology, obstructive sleep apnea, Sleep apnea, Cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease,
- Ferrer, Christina
cancer metastasis, pancreatic cancer, metastasis-initiating cells, dissemination, pancreatic cancer metastasis
- Lamaris, Grigorios
- Kaufman, Adam
- Belot, Audrey
- Krishnamachary, Balaji
- Wang, Zihui
- Wei, Yuanyi
- Yuan, Xiaojing
- Trasybule, Nel
- Aasim, Alina
- Carter, Kayla
- Cho, Suhan
- Oshima, Yumiko
- Shepard, Paul
- Kent, Anthony Phillip
- Spicyn, Natalie
HIV, PrEP, OUD, carceral health
- Craig, Jessica
- Rajani, Amita
- Li, Yiran
- DeLucia, Vittoria
- Kaur, Kiranjit
- Mail, Jennifer
- Martin, Ashley Kyle
- Nowak Choi, Kamila Anna
General Radiation Oncology, External Beam Radiation, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Proton Therapy, High Dose Rate Brachytherapy, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Endometrial cancer, Lung cancer
- Takamura, Karren
- Moin, Imran
- Chilaka, Natalie
- McClure, Philip
- Tracy, Allison Merrow
- Wood, Kristen Clift Rohrer
genetic counseling, cascade screening, familial hypercholesterolemia, long QT syndrome, public health genetics, neurogenetics, psychosocial
- Jumare, Jibreel
- Lei, Jun
Maternal inflammation, maternal infection, placental immunology, fetal brain injury
- Lokhandwala, Parvez
Transfusion Innovation, Clinical Trials, Inventory Management
- Chung, C. Yvonne
- Zuzarte, Edward
- Unal, Imran
- Burd, Irina
Maternal Fetal Medicine. fetal neurosonology, fetal echocardiography, fetal programming, immune fetal programming, neuroimmune fetal programming, exposure to intrauterine inflammation and infection
- Radowsky, Jason
- Bruce, Heather
- Jones-Beatty, Kimberly
postpartum care, maternal morbidity & mortality, health disparities
- Daniel, Emily
- Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Pamela
psychosis, early identification and intervention, disparities in care
- Stoebenau, Kirsten Michelle
- Suman, Meenakshi
- Mendoza, Carolina
- Lepore, Michael
Long-term care, Dementia, Quality measurement, Health policy
- Tripathi, Kaushlendra
- Russell-Ofori, Erika
- Xu, Qinzi
- Thole, Jason
- Badrzadeh, Fariba
- Chatterjee, Budhaditya
- Pal, Saurabh
- Khan, Muhammad
- Stine, O. Colin
- Azarbarzin, Shirin
- Sacci, John
- Weddington, Charles Maxwell
- Jung, Patrick Lynn
- Juarez, Barbara
Cellular excitability, ion channels, dopamine, substance-use disorder, opioids, stress, neural circuits, CRISPR/Cas9
- Loewenstein, Richard
- Corti, Paola
globins, nitric oxide, nitrite, zebrafish, embryonic development, cardiac regeneration
- Hassan, Md Mahadi
Natural Product Chemistry, Physical Pharmaceutics, Drug delivery, Bacteriophage Biology,
Histochemistry, Congenital Birth Defects.
- Hassan, Bashar
- Ren, Boyang
- Wulff, Andreas
- Dezman, Zachary
- Aslanabadi, Arash
- Benda, Rashmi Khosla
- Wu, Mei-Yi
Epigenetics, Chromatin remodeling protein, Breast cancer, Prostate Cancer, Kidney development, Neurodegeneration
- Chin, Thomas
- Woods, Julie
- Chae, Songah
- Marcozzi, David Edward
- Lauring, Oanh
- Dea, Lyn
- Rivera-Pratts, Carlos
- Skobelkina, Sofia
- Liu, Hangfan
- Hung, Kimberly
ASD, ADHD, Anxiety, Learning Disability, Intellectual Disability, Developmental Delay
- Yang, Xiaomei
- Del Mauro, Gianpaolo
- Khatoon, Rehana
- Yu, Min
Circulating tumor cells, Cancer metastasis, Brain metastasis, Breast cancer, Liquid Biopsy
- Parsirad, Mahdokht
- Drake, Wonder
interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, sarcoidosis pathogenesis
- Althaus, Janyne Edith
Maternal Fetal Medicine, Maternal Ilness, Medical Ethics, Decision-Making, Autoimmune Disorders
- Pickard, Hanna
- Sirleaf, Matiangai V. S.
- Ghert, Michelle
randomized controlled trials,orthopaedic oncology, musculoskeletal tumors, surgery, sarcoma, skeletal metastases
- Hertzano, Ronna
- Hasin, Farah Syeda
- Arjona, Sterling
- Akinsanya, Adefolake
- Kight, Katherine
- Zhang, Grace
- Klotz, Remi
- Camacho Ortega, Sigrid
- Krauss, Christopher
- Nagm, Alhusain
- Carr, Elisabeth
- Neale, Donna
Hypertensive disorders, diabetes, cervical insufficiency, complex congenital heart disease during pregnancy
- Del Veliz, Samanta
- Kleykamp, Bethea AnnaLouise
addiction, tobacco, nicotine, opioids, aging, older adults, systematic review, evidence-based medicine
- Fields, Abbie
- Herb, Brian
- Asare-Owusu, Bridget
- Carreto-Binaghi, Laura
- Rosales-Soto, Giovanni
- Kong, Dejun
- Gill, Margo L.K.
- Gregory, Shana
- Kamdi, Sandesh
- Miller, Moshe
- Dajani, Daoud
- Gruenebast, Janne
- Zhang, Peixiang
genetics, pharmacogenomics, biology of sex differences, cardiovascular disease
- Clark, Adam
- Sangal, Aman
- Luo, Shunqun
- Maron, Bradley
- Abdel-Gawad, Ahmed Saad
- Moresi, J. Margaret
- Bivona, Louis
- Janney, Heather
- Huang, Audrey
science communications, science writing, marketing
- Pallone, Michael Nicholas
- Lukyanenko, Valeriy
- Wang, Jinghui
- Chawla, Monica
- Conway, Ashlee
- Sharma, Vijay
- Ajide, Oluwakemi
- Nwaononiwu, Uchemadu
- Kacmarek, Corinne
- Samokhin, Andriy
- Carella, Beth
- Hines, Stella
- Rana, Sajida
- Korrapati, Sathyasaikumar
Kynurenine Pathway Metabolism, Neurodegeneration, Schizophrenia, Cognition
- Lim, Joshua
- Almeida, Nelson
- Islam, Nasita
- Gamez de Levy, Patricia
- Iyer, Ramaswamy
Clinical Molecular Genetics, Genomics, Molecular Diagnostics, Inherited Disease Diagnostics, Oncology diagnostics. Pharmacogenomics
- Zimmer, Lauren
- Hough, Zachary
- Maharajan, Nagarajan
Stem cell aging, Longevity, Regenerative medicine, Neural tube defects, Congenital heart defects
- Jhou, Thomas
- Tosun, Cigdem
- Wang, Shan
- Mehta, Monica
- Mehlhaff, Krista Maree
Patient safety and quality of care, perinatal palliative care, maternal morbidity and mortality, simulation training, teamwork
- Anand, Aishwarya
- Amini, Amin
- Fadon Padilla, Lucia
- Ouchari, Mouna
- Li, Yijia
- Pinzon Burgos, Eduar
- Antonios, Lara
- Arun, Anirudh
- Brown, Desmond
- Cheng, Amy
- Menon, Rohit
- Lee, Sarah
- Lowie, Bobbi-Jo Elisabeth
- John, Thomas
- Miller, Gabriella
- Patel, Pooja
- Patel, Shruti Suresh
Nutrition, gastric aspirates, human milk fortifiers, PEEP, BPD
- Rassouli, Negin
- Sun, Wenji
- Wood, Samuel
- Wiltjer, Rachel
- Watkins, Meagan
- Doo, Florence Xini
abdominal imaging, artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs), deep learning, informatics, business, entrepreneurship, innovation, population health, sustainability, climate change
- Newstadt, Justin
- Galindo, Javier
- Abdullah, Sarah
- Smith, Richard
- Theodore, Nicholas
- Al-Sabban, Abdulhameed
- Ashley, Stephanie
genetic counseling, genetics, precision medicine, population genomics, patient-centered care
- Noto, Michael
- Chang, Yushi
- Davis, Esa Matius
family medicine, maternal health
- Kulaga, Stephanie
Psychosis; schizophrenia; severe mental illness; first-episode psychosis; inflammation; trauma-informed care
- Turner, Shafonya
- Zierden, Hannah
- Gharaibeh, Kamel
- Warburton, Gary
- Lubek, Joshua
- Sundaram, Magesh
- Kani, Kimia Khalatbari
- Yousef, Bouhaitha
general pediatrics, pediatric hospitalist medicine, preventative health care, medical education, patient safety and quality improvement
- Powers, Benjamin
Gastrointestinal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, small bowel cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, peritoneal disease, cancer care delivery, surgical quality.
- Hooten, Kristopher
- Cherukumilli, Sumanth
- Lin, Mary
- Sing, Emily
- Smith, Sarah
Physical Therapy Clinical Education, Geriatrics, Limb Loss
- Liu, Tracy
Keywords: Addiction medicine, Substance use disorders, Family medicine, Primary care.
- Chryssikos, Timothy
- Ward, Amanda
- Dasgupta, Souradip
- Patterson, Tiffany
- Shi, Changyou
- Carr, Diamond
- Chu, Chengyan
- Widra, Patricia
- Walton, Leslie
- Camargo Fernandez-Baca, Aldo
- Das, Gyan
- Adashek, Michael
- Puffer, Ross
- Nelson, Joseph
- Broderick, Meaghan
- Rosner, Samuel
Lung cancer, Immune checkpoint blockade, neoadjuvant, KRAS-mutant NSCLC
- Couture, Leah Anna
- Haft, Howard
- Hegde, Kavita
- Siddiqui, Humaira
- Lee, Burton
- McCoy, Christopher
- Kline, Kathryn
lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma, cytopenias, thrombosis
- Jauregui, Julio
Spine, Scoliosis, minimally invasive spine,
- Witthaus, Michael
- Vaks, Yakir
- Chandra, Vedansh
- McCoy, Rozalina
Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, obesity, comparative effectiveness and safety, patient-centered outcomes research, target trial emulation, community paramedicine, health equity, cost of care, population health, health policy, shared decision making
- Yuan, Yifan
- Wilken, Nicholas
- Sharma, Shalini
- Richards, Justin
- Zhang, Chenchen
Interventional pulmonology;
Lung cancer;
Pulmonary nodule;
Central Airway obstruction;
Bronchoscopic management of COPD;
Pleural disease.
- Popescu, Saskia
Global health security, biosecurity, pandemic preparedness, infection prevention, hospital biopreparedness, infectious disease epidemiology, global health policy, infection prevention and control, disease surveillance
- Krause, Eric
- Michetti, Christopher
- Seif, Karl
Diabetes in pregnancy, obesity in pregnancy, preterm labor, cervical insufficiency, infectious diseases in pregnancy
- Poudyal, Bhuwan
- Cook, Mary
- Abernathy, Troy
- Grattan, Lynn
- Schneider, Martin
- Yim, Douglas
- Egyud, Matthew
- Connolly, Margaret Julia
Asthma, Population Health, Healthcare Disparities, Preventative Medicine
- Corwin, Amanda
- Fu, Song
- Kidwai, Farook
- Boehlke, Kelleen
- Exantus Bernard, Gina
- Yun, Shumei
- Dengler, Bradley
- Redden, Lisa
- Tekeste, Rebka
- Kulkarni, Shreyus
- Holliday, Tyler
- Dunham, Alexandra
- Dunning, Megan Elizabeth
Antimicrobial stewardship, global health, rural health
- Lazerow, Peggy
- Grimes, Kathryn
- Davis, Beshaun
- Wiseman, James
Cerebral venous thrombosis, abdominal core health, deep venous thrombosis in pregnancy, bladder trauma, abdominal reconstruction, resident education, POCUS
- Hojabri, Mahsa
- Rekant, Julie
Biomechanics, mobility, physical function, aging, physical therapy, bioengineering, balance, falls, obesity, physical activity, wearable sensors, accelerometry, Actigraphy, gait mechanics
- Kwak, Gijung
Non-viral drug delivery, polymeric nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, brain/lung/eye drug delivery, pDNA/mRNA/RNAi based therapy, cancer gene therapy.
- Kong, Byoungjae
- Lee, Daiheon
- Kunkel, August
- Koh, Jin-Young
- Ozment, Zoe Michaela
- Townsel, Courtney
maternal fetal medicine, substance abuse disorder in pregnancy, placental biology
- Panagos, Katherine
- Moon, Joanne
- Whitaker, Alexander
- Nguyen, Cydney
- Rho, Silvia
- Murray, Erin
- Oljira, Birhane
- Rehrig, Scott
- Weltz, Adam
- Brader, Alan
- Kim, Paul
- Nigam, Priya
- Harding, Joel
- Gupta, Saurabh
Aortic Disease, Complex Open and Endovascular Aortic Surgery, Graft Infections
- Hogans, Beth
- Fanaroff, Rachel
Pulmonary pathology, thoracic pathology, mesothelioma, cytopathology
- Patel, Lakir
- Gibson, Glen
- Belyayev, Leonid
- Suk, Jung Soo
biological barriers to systemic and localized therapeutic delivery (e.g., blood-brain barrier, airway mucus, extracellular matrix, vitreous, etc.) and development and preclinical validation of nanotechnology-based platforms capable of overcoming those barriers; cancer immunotherapy
- Smith, Nikisha
- Roach, Robert Merritt
- Cohee, Lauren M
- Karim, Syed
- Gandsas, Alex
- Klune, John
- Schwartz, Rebecca
- Wallace, Colleen
- Patel, Akshar
- Caulfield, Amanda
- Subhramanian, Sunitha
- Ye, Ting Juan
- Vandenberge, John
- Xu, Yi
- Klein, Adam
- Arbuah-Aning, Rochelle
- Khianey, Reena
- Chadwick, Tara
- Ramos Alarcon, Lauren
- Maniu, Adina
- Lin, Frank
- Fischell, Stefanie
- Huang, Shuo
- Siddiqui, Selma
- Ejaz, Abutaleb Ahsan
- Makar, TM
- Tellawi, Amanda
- Klapka, Danielle
- Perkins, Julia
- Appel, Lindsey
- Pujji, Sharanjit
schizophrenia spectrum, transdiagnostic research and practice, reward processing, uncertainty, health behaviors
- Wright, Megan
- Ozelius, Katherine
Genetic counseling, cancer genetics, provider communication, genetic education
- Yeasmin, Selina
- Rubin, Darrell
- Obiefune, Michael Chibuzo
- Shah, Sapan
- Newman, Naeem
- Ellerkmann, R. Mark
- Hopkins-Luna, Angela
- Stear, Marissa
- Appleton, Cheryl
- Hamad, Gulakhshan
- Downing, Jessica
- Rao, Chethan
Pediatric epilepsy, health equity, infantile spasms, genetic epilepsy
- Pyda, Jordan
- Dhillon, Gagandeep
- O'Reilly, Geralyn
Fetal ultrasound, fetal echocardiogram, amniocentesis, medical complications in pregnancy such as diabetes and hypertension, resident mentor, lecturer to promote the medical profession to local schools and universities.
- Heavner, Jason
- DeBorja, Christopher
- Starr, Joshua
- Jacques, Ariella Candace
- Qiu, Chunfang
- Hosseini, Saman
- Eskandar, Marina
- Costa Medeiros, Gustavo
Mood disorders, major depression, bipolar depression, treatment-resistant depression, precision medicine
- Williams, Amanda
- Gupta, Ishita
- Mitchell, Ashley
- Dona, Samuel
- Bruce, Matthew
- Kurtz, Sarah
- Huang, Nancy
- Richardson, Catrina
- Borcar, Apurva
- Khan, Ayesha
- Otieno, Beryl
- Burnette, Jordan
- Griggs, Mayra
- Parsons, Kendall
- Murphy, Latasha
- Cootauco, Alice
- Hegab Souquette, Aisha
- Soukhov, Elena
prenatal care, intrapartum and postpartum care, endometriosis, PCOS, recurrent pregnancy loss
- Farooq, Amina
- Francis, Martha
- Bhusal, Subarna
- Khoshravesh, Sahar
Preterm birth, Maternal inflammation, maternal infection, placental immunology
- Robbins, Nathaniel
- Keluth Chavan, Venugopal Naik
- Eluchie, Tonye Ogechi
- Ayyala, Srinivas
- Iqbal, Muddassar
- Paccione, Kristin
- Chung, Susie
- Gorn, Caroline
- Wormuth, Jennifer
- Onyewu, Samuel
- Doyle, Courtney
- Belyansky, Igor
- Mocci, Evelina
- Lammers, Jennifer
- Petruccelli, Christopher
- Tiwary, Pratyush
- Tuttle, Janet
- Scarcelli, Giuliano
- Khan, Ubaid
- Vaidyanathan, Lakshmi
- Brooks, Justin
- Zeder, Katarina
- Stojanovic, Lora
- Vyfhuis, Melissa Ana Liriano
- Tallon, Luke
- Lefeuvre, Jennifer
- Neustein, Benjamin
- Ramani, Sivasubramanian
- Elsasser, Theodore
- Mullins, Kristin
- Massey, Howard
- Fu, Yinghua
- Saleh, Ibrahim
- Anjum, Anam
- Coleman, Patrick
- Dutton, Richard
- Azad, Abdu
- Thompson, Donald
- Deng, Zhuoheng
- Roozitalab, Ashkan
Virology, Host-pathogen interaction, Molecular pathology, Transitional genomics, Virology, NGS
- Reoli, Rachel
- Kang, Insung
- Holsten, Steven
Acute Care Surgery, Emergency General Surgery, ACES, Surgical Critical Care, Shock Trauma
- Ahmad, Omar
- Owonikoko, Taofeek Kunle
preclinical experimental therapeutics, biomarker discovery and translation of promising laboratory findings into clinical trials
- Schmitz, John
- Akano, Emmanuel
- Jones, Niya
- Brown, Sarah
- Ahuja, Sarina
- Bolander, Claire
- Marhefka, Alicia
- Farooq, Umer
- Shochet, Morris
- Konadu, Elizabeth
- Tanaka, Kunio
Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Embryopathy, Congenital Birth Defects, Fetal echocardiography, Fetal Imaging, Obstetric Surgery
- Brown, Shereene
- Khan, Shahab
- Gowayed, Omar
- Ferrada, Marcela
vexas, relapsing polychondritis, rheumatology, clinical immunology, somatic mutations in UBA1
- Chen, Qinghao
- Kennedy, Alvin
- Engelstein, Joel
- Pierson, Matthew
- Cumming, M. Olivia
- Swift, Anna
- Amlani, Mohan
- Sankova, Susan
- Gossa, Weyinshet
- Gerbino, Jeffrey
- Abdalla, Hossam
- Malik, Jibran
- Ikhane, Peter
- Jin, Peter
- Shelton, Larry
- Han, Joan
- O'Brien, Katherine
- Vanartsdalen, Jamie
- Beckmann, Allison
- Blazer, Ashira
Systemic lupus erythematosus, African ancestry, Genetics, Functional Genomics, Health equity
- Kai, Marc
- Gerold, Kevin
- Ali, Sophia
- Vats, Kavita
- Samsuzzaman, Samsuzzaman
- Swamy, Ramya
- Sparkes, Jill
- Furrs, Jonathan
- Elliott, Bethany
- Moore Shive, Gigi
- Schwantes, Heather
- Damenti, Martina
- Blaine, Andrea
- Mayzel, Maria
- Linzmeier, Jessica
- Choo, Shelly
- Khalsa, Jag
- Li, Zongpan
- Dilip Kumar, Shilpa
- Abbas, Hatoon
- Abdelaal, Yara
- Abdelazim, Suzanne Aly
Minimally invasive surgery, robotic surgery, pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, twins, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic pain, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, urinary incontinence, infertility, irregular menstrual periods, abnormal uterine bleeding, cervical cancer screening, menopause
- Abdollahy Biroon, Fatemeh
- Adebajo, Sylvia
- Adegbulugbe, Henry
- Ahmad, Fahim
- Ahmad, Ghasan
- Ahmed, Ayahallah
- Aidoo, Megan
- Alattar, Omar
- Ali, Farhan
- Allaham, Haytham
Dr. Allaham research interest focuses on the challenges and advancements in managing valve heart disease patients undergoing complex coronary interventions, particularly in cases of double valve disease and intricate percutaneous procedures. This area of study is critical as it addresses the complexities involved in treating patients with dual valve conditions, where traditional surgical options may present significant risks or limited effectiveness. His work aims to explore and enhance percutaneous techniques, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and mitral valve repair/replacement, to improve patient outcomes and procedural safety. By investigating novel approaches, optimizing patient selection criteria, and advancing imaging and device technologies, he seek to refine these interventions and ensure they offer long-term benefits for patients with complex coronary and valve disease.
- Alnababteh, Muhtadi
- Alzubi, Mohammad
- Ambaye, Nigus
- Ambinder, Daniel
- Amirahmadi, Roxana
- An, Max
- Anderson, David
- Ansah, Rosemary
- Anu, Rita
- Arnott, Katherine
- Aronson, Rebecca
- Arrabal, Peter
- Ashraf, Nida
Immunocompromised Host, Mycobacterial Infections, Endemic Mycoses, LVAD Infections, Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Assefa, Beza
- Athale, Janhavi
- Ayankunbi, Rachael
- Badesch, Brittany
- Bagheri, Sayna
- Baghi, Raziyeh
- Bahrami, Afsaneh
- Baidoo, Nana
- Bakshi, Anshika
- Balumuka, Darius
- Barnes, Ashley
- Bartolac, Steven
- Baskerville, Mark
- Baskerville, Mark
- Basquin, Denis
- Basu, Sayon
- Bell, Tiffany
- Benton, Ashley
- Bentzen, Soren
- Berger, Ann
- Berger, Michael
Achilles tendon injuries, lateral ankle instability, wound care, limb preservation
- Bergman, Daniel
- Berman, Brian
- Bibollet, Hugo
- Bigman, Galya
- Black, Destiny
- Block, Brian
- Bodanapally, Uttam
- Bohner, Brian
- Bolstridge, Jeffrey
- Bolten, Shannon
- Bonatti, Hugo
- Born, Louis
- Bourmaf, Mohammad
- Brager, Myles
- Bratton, Stephanie
- Brown, JaNya
- Bucak, Mevlut
- Buganu, Adelina
- Bukhari, Khulood
- Cahan, Mitchell Aaron
- Call, Sarah
- Capo Quetglas, Antonio
- Cardozo, Carlos
- Carpenter, William
- Casey, Susan Bleasdale
- Cassano, Victoria
- Chalise, Ananta
range verification, in-vivo dosimetry
- Chandia Cristi, America
- Chao, Amanda
- Chase, Adrienne
- Chatree, Saimai
- Chen, Hairong
- Chen, Kevin
- Chenault, Kathryn
- Chezar-Azerrad, Chava
- Choi, Chang
- Choi, Hyunjin
- Chu, Eileen
- Clark, Melissa
- Clauss, Jacqueline
risk, resilience, neuroimaging, clinical high-risk for psychosis, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, clinical outcomes, trajectories, development, adolescence
- Closs, Brian
- Colgan, Richard
- Cross, Raymond
- Cusack, Thomas
- D'Adamo, Christopher
- D'Ambrosio, Brianna
Genetic counseling, prenatal, preconception, family history
- Dambaeva, Ariuna
- Dampare, Laurene
- Darvish, Mahtab
- Datta, Sujata
- Davis, Jeremy
- De Albuquerque, Nathalia
- De Matos Manoel, Beatriz
- De, Tamasa
- Desantis, Anthony
- Despres, Hannah
- Diao, Guoquig
- Dobben, Elizabeth
- Doddi, Seshagiri
- Drachenberg, Cinthia Beskow
- Drostin, Christina
- Dunn, Kelly
Addiction, Buprenorphine, Medication, Methadone, Opioids, Opioid use disorder, Psychopharmacology, Substance use disorder, Treatment, Kahlert Institute for Addiction Medicine, University of Maryland
- Emmanuvel, Arputharaj
- Faw, Timothy
Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, CNS Injury, Neuroplasticity, White Matter Plasticity, Myelin Plasticity, Rehabilitation, Motor Learning, Locomotor Recovery
- Feigelman, Susan
- Feng, Sheng
- Fertig, Elana
- Fiskum, Gary
pathophysiology of both ischemic and traumatic brain injury, relationships between injury to the brain and multiple organ failure
- Flaster, Harry
- Flowers, Adrienne EC
- Forbess, Joseph
- Forbess, Lisa
- Franco, Lucas
- Fraser, Claire
Human Gut Microbiota, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Microbial Forensics
- Frazier, Aletta
- Friske, Casey
- Fromowitz, Ariel
Blood and Marrow Transplantation (BMT), Stem Cell Transplantation, Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation, Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, CAR-T Therapy, Hematologic Malignancies, Leukemia, Lymphoma
- Fuchs, Paul
- Gaines, Ariel
- Gallot, Alice
- Galvin, Jeffrey
- Gandotra, Sheetal
- Gaskin, Richelle
- Gebreyesus, Heran
- George, Nicole
- Ghoz, Hassan
- Giffin, Genevieve
physiologic birth, health at every size, anti-fat bias, trauma informed care
- Glickman, Leslie
- Glovinsky, David
- Goel, Rinal
- Goode, Courtney
Optometry, ophthalmology, low vision, routine eye examination, contact lens, glaucoma, vision screenings, diabetic eye examination, dry eye, hypertensive retinopathy
- Grabow, Theodore
- Gregory, Thomas
- Greiser, Maura
- Grzywinski, Matthew
- Gu, Jiajia
- Gu, Xinyu
- Guo, Bing
- Gupta, Ekta
Research Interests: Novel Methods of Colon Cancer Screening and Clinical Outcome-Based Research
Dr. Gupta's research focuses on advancing the detection and management of colon cancer through innovative screening methods and clinical outcome-based studies. Colon cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, making early detection and personalized treatment approaches essential for improving patient outcomes. Through these initiatives, she aims to contribute to the global effort in combating colon cancer by transforming how we detect, treat, and monitor the disease.
- Haake, Andrea
- Hackett, Adanna
- Hamilton-Powell, Billie
- Hammer, Alyssa
- Haneef, Amatul-Akhir
- Hansen, Karen
- Harioudh, Munesh
- Hegarty, Kathleen Therese
- Heltzel, Justin
- Henderson, Fraser
- Herren, Josi
interventional radiology, interventional oncology, portal hypertension and immunology
- Hochberg, Marc
Dr. Hochberg’s research focused on the clinical epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. He was Principal Investigator (PI) of the Baltimore Clinical Center for the Osteoarthritis Initiative and the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures. He also was Co-PI of the Baltimore Hip Studies and Co-Director of the Pilot and Exploratory Studies Core of the University of Maryland Claude Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. His research was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Hollidge, Melanie
- Holmes, Katelyn
perinatal mental health, premenstrual mood disorders/PMDD, preconception planning, trauma-informed care, integrative health
- Horan, Teresa
- Horton, Isaiah Mark
- Horwitz, Daniel
- Hou, Zichao
- Hoyt, Mary
- Hu, Junkai
- Hua, Anke
- Huang, Chuan-Sheng
- Huang, Huang Chiao
- Hudhud, Dania
- Hunter, Daniel
- Hutcheson, Kaycie
Fertility, Midwifery, Nutrition, Menstrual Cycle
- Jilani, Danish
- Jodarski, Colleen
genomics, monogenic diabetes, gene curation, variant interpretation, KCNMA1-linked channelopathy, genetic counseling
- Johnson, Justin
- Jones, Glenn
- Kaddourah, Osama
- Kadri-Rodriguez, Sameer
- Kanani, Samir
- Kaplan, Tugba
Asthma, COPD, Lung Cancer, Health Outcomes of Marijuana Use, and the impacts of electronic nicotine delivery systems on respiratory health, Health Disparities
- Karamitros, Georgios
- Karzar, Ryan
- Kasu, Mary
- Keane, Thomas
- Keller, Michael
Lung Transplantation, Mechanical Ventilation, Acute Cellular Rejection, Antibody-Mediated Rejection, Donor-derived Cell-free DNA, Baseline Lung Allograft Dysfunction, Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction
- Khadjevand, Mehraneh
- Khan, Almazeb
- Khan, Arshad
- Khan, Haroon
- Khan, Kristin
- Kim, David
- Kim, James
- Kim, Michael
Prostate cancer, Gastrointestinal cancers, Sarcoma, brachytherapy, medical education, radioembolization,
- Klaus, Suzanne
- Klein, Kendall
- Klein, Travis
- Kler, Aditya
- Klucher, Brianna
- Knoop, Caroline
- Kolakowski, Logan
- Korenic, Stephanie
- Koroulakis, Antony
- Kostrzewsky, Anna
- Kowalcyk, Megan
- Kowalski, Rebecca
- Krakowiecki, Wenceslas
- Krouss, Mona
- Krum, L. Nicole
- Kuehl, Sapna
- Kwatra, Shawn Gaurav
skin of color research, chronic inflammatory skin disease, atopic dermatitis, prurigo nodularis, chronic pruritus of unknown origin
- Kwon, Hyuk Joon
- Lara, Caroline
- LaRosa, Rachel
- Lavoie, Melissa
Forensic psychiatry, Medical student education, Community psychiatry, Harm reduction, Smoking cessation
- Lee, Sara
- Lee, Seung Chan
- Lee, Soyoung
- Ley, Eric
- Li, Eric
- Liebman, Samuel
- Lin, Yifei Sylvia
- Linera Asencio, Alejandro
- Liu, Shuai
- Livesey, Michael
- Lock, Nicole
Neonatology, medical education, neonatal resuscitation, developmental outcomes, remote patient monitoring, clinical leadership
- Lopez, Kerri
- Lotana, Humphrey
- Lutz, Melissa
Food insecurity, social drivers of health, clinic-community partnerships, primary care
- Lvovs, Dmitrijs
- Ma, Tianzhou
- Maher, Daniel
- Maheshwari, Mayank
- Mahgoub, Abdullahi
- Mahurkar, Anup
- Majmundar, Shyam
- Maldarelli, Mary
- Malinow, Andrew
Obstetric Anesthesia
- Mancera, Alex
- Mann, Priyanka
- Mannem, Swetha
- Manza, Peter
Addiction, Brain imaging, Brain stimulation therapy, Clinical trials, Dopamine, Ketamine
- Marchese, Luca
- Mariano, Jennifer Megan
- Marshall, Jeffrey
- McCanon, Alison
- McCurdy, Michael
- McDonagh, P. Reed
Brachytherapy, Gynecologic cancer, Breast cancer, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Hematologic Cancer, Nanoparticles, Hyperthermia, Molecular Imaging
- McIntire, Katherine
- McKenna, Mary
- McMillin, Charles
- McPhaul, Kathleen
- Meeks, Karlijn
Epidemiology, Genomics, Epigenetics, Mendelian Randomization, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, Adipokines, Global Health, Health Disparities, Sub-Saharan Africa, Migrants.
- Mekonen, Hayelom
- Meng, Fantao
- Mesa Corrales, Hector
Head and neck, hematopathology, cytopathology, thymus, gastrointestinal and genitourinary pathology
- Middleton, Angela
- Miller, Jonathan
- Miller, Samantha
- Milletich, Patricia
- Mir, Mahshid
- Moradmand, Hajar
- Mueller, Jaclyn
- Mull, Makenzy
- Mumtaz, Aisha
- Murphy, Tess
- Myers, Drew
emergency psychiatry, crisis evaluation, women's mental health, reproductive psychiatry
- Nguyen, Triet
- Nisar, Saira
- Noller, Kathleen
- Nottage, Angelica
- Nunez Gonzalez, Joel
Neurohospitalist, Stroke, Carotid Web, Thrombectomy, Autoimmune Encephalitis, Inpatient Neurology
- O'Connor, Kyle
- Oakes, Jonathan
- Ochs, Michael
- Oh, Sangbo
- Omosule, Ayodeji
- Oreizi-Esfahani, Mohammad
Rheumatology, Degenerative Arthritis, Metabolic Bone Disease, Autoimmune Systemic Diseases
- Otitoju, Foluke
- Ozair, Ahmad
neurosurgery, neurological surgery, neuro-oncology, brain tumors, brain metastases, systematic review, meta-analysis, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, clinical trials, outcomes, biostatistics
- Paine, Robert
- Paluskievicz, Christina
- Panlilio, Louis
- Papadimitriou, John
- Papanikos, Yani Konstantinos
- Parikh, Rikesh
- Park, Hongju
- Parker, Pamela
PMS, Telecontraception, Women's Health, Menopause
- Paronich, Paul
- Patchan, Kathleen
- Patel, Ashka
- Patel, Shivani
- Patel, Smita
- Patel, Vipul
- Peng, Bo
- Phan, Thanh
- Phan, TramAnh
- Piras, Crystal
- Plaza-Rodriguez, Alma
- Polito, Albert
- Postolache, Teodor
- Powell, Carole
- Powell, Danielle
- Prao, Leonie
- Quaglieri, Caroline
Mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotherapy, student mental health
- Rabin Blair, Lauren
- Rahimi Darabad, Robabeh
- Rahimi, Yasaman
- Ratzki-Leewing, Alexandria
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes epidemiology | Hypoglycemia epidemiology | Clinical epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology | Real-world methods and data | Health survey design | Person-reported outcome measures
- Rebassa Palou, Joan Gabriel
- Redfield, Robert
- Rehani, Chavi
- Rehman, Aliya
- Renaldo, Antonio
- Reynolds, H. Neal
- Ribeiro, Marcelo A.F.
Hemorrhagic shock, coagulopathy, REBOA, HPB trauma, frailty, soft tissue infection
- Richert, Mary
- Ridelfi, Matteo
- Rifai, Safiullah
- Riojas, Ramon
- Robertson, Colin
- Robins, Marni
- Robinson, Jacqueline
- Robinson-Ector, Kaitlynn
- Rodrigo, Minna
- Rowe, Anthony
- Rowland, Laura
Keywords: Schizophrenia and related disorders, translational neuroscience, MR Spectroscopy, MRI, women's mental health, aging
- Roychaudhuri, Robin
Chiral Stereoisomers
Alzheimer's disease
- Russman, Caryn
- Salimitari, Mehrdad
- Sarkar, Saumen
Type I Interferon (IFN),
IFN-Stimulated Genes (ISG),
Oligoadenylate Synthetase,
Innate Immune Signaling Anti-viral innate immunity,
Tumor microenvironment,
IFN Signaling,
Interferon Regulatory Factor (IRF),
- Sarzynski, Sadia
- Savin, Douglas
- Schechter, Matthew
- Scotland, Brianna
- Scott, Samantha
- Seifi, Farinaz
Endometriosis, Chronic Pelvic Pain, minimally invasive Surgeries for fibroids, adenomyosis and robotic hysterectomies for large fibroid uterus. Radio Frequency ablation of Fibroid ( Acessa ), Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopy (vNOTES).
Post operative pain control, Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS), Laparoscopic TAP block.
- Serafini, Grace
- Seto, Isabelle
substance use, addiction psychiatry, community psychiatry, veteran health
- Shadle, Matthew
- Shakya, Anil
- Shepard, Eric
- Shetty, Carol
- Shovestul, Bridget
- Shu, Daniel
Liver cancer, cancer immunology, immune checkpoint blockade, neoadjuvant immunotherapy, tertiary lymphoid structures
- Shukla, Vinay
Maternal inflammation, placental development, embryo implantation and decidualization.
- Siddiqui, Aazim
- Siegel, Eliot
- Singh, Apurva
- Smith, Christopher
- Smith, Jaclyn
- Spencer, Caresse
- Stansbury, Lynn
- Stennett, Christina
molecular epidemiology, biostatistics, socioeconomic status, aging, microbiota, fracture healing outcomes
- Stonestrom, Aaron
I diagnose and treat patients with blood disorders including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
- Strome, Scott
- Su, Yijun
- Sun, Yilun
Topoisomerases, PARP, chemotherapeutics, DNA repair, ubiquitin-like modifications
- Suresh, Minnu
- Sutherland, Ryan
- Swart, William
- Swihart, Bruce
- Syed, Ehsan
Child and Adolescent; self-harm; mood disorders, disruptive disorders; health care quality and safety, inpatient and acute care
- Takami, Kenji
- Talaat, Sherine
Palliative medical education, symptom management and advanced care planning
- Talwar, Simita
- Tang, Weiqing
- Tarafder, Anik
- Tate-Richards, Marika
- Tatsuoka, Curtis
- Telles-Hernandez, Luis
- Teng, Da
- Terry, Tamara
- Thirupadiripuliyur, Aswin
- Thompson, Rebecca
- Thompson, Summer
Alcohol, decision making, glutamate, gut-brain axis, reward
- Tian, Xiao
- Tonascia, James
- Tripathi, Susmit
Healthcare technology, Functional mapping, Intraoperative mapping, Epilepsy, Seizures, Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
- Tsagmo, Jean Marc
- Tuchman, Lisa
- Tucker, Gretchen
- Tully, Andrew
- Tunstall, Ariel
- Turner, Gauri
- Ukeh, Ifechi
- Vaeth, John
Treatment Resistant Depression, TRD, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , TMS, Intranasal Esketamine, Spravato, Ketamine, Electroconvulsive Therapy, ECT, Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD
- Vaishnav, Birjoo Dilipkumar
- Valceanu, Kelly
lactation, shared decision-making, menopause,
- van der Vaart, Andrew
- Van Nederveen, Viktoria
- Van Winkle, Matthew
- Von Zuben De Valega Negrao, Cyro
- Wake, Laura
- Walker, Morgan
- Walter, Thomas
- Wang, Jennifer
- Wang, Xincai
- Wang, Zhulin
- Warner, Sarah
- Weber, Sophia
- Wei, Chunyu
- Wen, Tong
- Wernick, Meredith
- White, Tristan
- Wilk, Christopher
- Woodward, Matthew
- Wu Chuang, Alejandra
- Wu, Junfang
Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, aging, dementia, neuropathic pain, inflammation, neuroprotection, autophagy-lysosomal, extracellular vesicles, Hv1/NOX2/ROS, TrkB.T1, motor function, cognition, depression, olfaction, microglia, neurons, astrocytes
- Wu, Kevin
- Xie, Zane
- Xu, Alexander
- Yacoub, Sherif
- Yaddanapudi, Sridhara
- Yin, Andrew
- Yoo, Choongsung
Exercise Physiology, Obesity, Epigenetics, Fetal/Perinatal Physiology, Cognitive function, Brain development, Placental development, Adipocytes/myocytes, Stem (progenitor) cell differentiation
- Yoon, Yongdae
- Young, Justin
Adult psychiatry, bipolar disorder, crisis stabilization, depression, inpatient psychiatry, medical education, risk assessment and management, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, severe mental illness (SMI), post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Young, Rylee
- Yu, Fengshan
Traumatic brain injury, cGAS
- Yu, Ronald
- Zare, Zakieh
- Zeng, Xinglin
- Zhan, Steven
- Zhang, Jie
- Zhang, Taiyu
- Zheng, Amy
- Zhu, Linying
- Zisman, Erin
*Faculty Members: Click here to create or update your profile.
Profiles by Department
Department of Anesthesiology
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Department of Dermatology
Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine
Department of Epidemiology & Public Health
Department of Family & Community Medicine
Department of Medical & Research Technology
Department of Medicine
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Department of Neurobiology
Department of Neurology
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Department of Orthopaedics
Department of Otorhinolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery
Department of Pathology
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Pharmacology
Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science
Department of Physiology
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Surgery
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