Master of Public Health (MPH)

Endowed and State Scholarships 

The University of Maryland Baltimore offers a number of scholarships to students who demonstrates a strong ability to succeed through their academic achievements, community leadership, and service. 

Endowed scholarships are competitive awards requiring a record of demonstrated academic achievement and commitment to the community. Currently enrolled degree seeking graduate & professional students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore may be eligible to apply for one or more endowed scholarships.
Students entering into their last semester of study are not eligible to apply.

State scholarships are available to students who are classified as residents of Maryland state by the Office of the Registrar. 

More details about the Endowed and State Scholarships can be found here.

The Renee Royak Schaler Memorial Endowment In Health Equity Award

The Renee Royak-Schaler Memorial Fund was established to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Royak-Schaler in the department. The endowment provides merit-based monetary awards to students in the MPH, MS, or PhD programs in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. This prestigious award recognizes excellence in the student’s academic work and in research and/or service in areas deeply important to Dr. Royak-Schaler: health equity, health behavior, women’s health, cancer prevention, and/or community engagement and participation. Work in these areas can include a project related to the student’s program or research, volunteer work, a presentation or publication. 

Click here for more information on how to apply:

Renee Royak-Schaler Memorial Endowment in Health Equity Award


MPH Student Travel Award

The MPH Student Travel Award supports student travel in attending professional conferences, participating in a capstone experience, public health practicum or other public health-related academic event. The MPH Program grants this award to current MPH students who are in good academic standing. To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted to the MPH Program by the deadlines noted below and the experience must take place during the selected travel period. In addition, students need to apply for the MPH Student Travel Award before the experience happens. All current MPH students are encouraged to apply, as multiple awards may be granted each funding cycle. Funding will be awarded only one time per student. However, students may reapply multiple times during their tenure.

Award amounts vary depending on the destination of travel and the public health-related experience. Allowable expenditures include but are not limited to the following airfare, rail fees, mileage, housing, program/training registration and meals during the experience. Reimbursement will occur after the experience and once the student provides the required documentation for reimbursement. (The University requires original receipts.)

Application Deadlines: The MPH Program accepts applications  three times per year.

Funding Cycle

Application Deadline

Funding Announcements

Travel Timeframe*


November 15th

December 1st

January 1st - April 30th 


March 15th 

April 1st

May 1st - August 31st


July 15th

August 1st

September 1st - December 31st 

* The departure date for the travel experience must be within the timeframe of the funding cycle you select.

Application procedures can be found here: MPH Travel Award Announcement.

MPH students must submit their completed MPH Travel Award Application and MPH Travel Award Budget Form along with the supporting materials to the MPH Collaborative Initiatives Director, Kara Longo at

Travel Award Recipients

2024 Recipients

2023 Recipients

2019 Recipients

2018 Recipients

