
Alan Shuldiner

Alan R. Shuldiner, MD
John L. Whitehurst Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean and Director of the Program in Personalized and Genomic Medicine (PPGM)
Founder and Co-director of the University of Maryland Amish Research Clinic (ARC)
University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM)

Dr. Shuldiner received his MD degree from Harvard Medical School in 1984. He was a resident in internal medicine at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City and a Medical and Senior Fellow in Endocrinology and Metabolism in the Diabetes Branch at the NIH. In 1991, he joined the faculty of Johns Hopkins University. In 1997, Dr. Shuldiner was recruited to the University of Maryland School of Medicine as Professor and Head of the Division of Diabetes, Obesity and Nutrition in the Department of Medicine, which became the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition in 1999. 

In 2005, he was named the John Whitehurst Professor of Medicine and was appointed the Director of the University of Maryland School of Medicine Interdepartmental Program in Genetics and Genomic Medicine.  Dr. Shuldiner is currently the Vice President at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc, where he serves a leadership role at the Regeneron Genetics Center, in addition to directing the PPGM at UMSOM.

Dr. Shuldiner's major research interests are in the molecular basis and genetics of common diseases and traits such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and pharmacogenomics. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed articles.


Braxton D. Mitchell, PhD, MPH
Vice Chair for Research in the Division of Endocrinology Diabetes & Nutrition
Co-director of the University of Maryland Amish Research Clinic (ARC), UMSOM

Dr. Mitchell received his PhD from the University of Michigan in Epidemiology and has been a core investigator at ARC since 1995. He is a genetic epidemiologist whose research focuses on cardiometabolic health, stroke, and bone and joint disorders.  His current work integrates whole genome and exome sequencing and other –omics data.


Katherine Autry, MS is the key administrator responsible for clinical business operations and ARC Supervisor.

Kamah Woelfel, MS manages the many research studies at the ARC, including overall project coordination with PIs and clinic staff to develop IRB applications, REDCap forms, and standard operating procedures.    

Dawn Fox, RN, and Diane Montgomery, BSN are the lead nurses ensuring successful research projects from inception to closeout. By taking a holistic view of each project, they work with PIs to develop budgets and clinical protocols, assign and train staff, and assure study compliance with regulatory agencies.   

Tracy Broderick (BA) manages the clinic's office operations, supervises Amish liaison staff, and facilitates ARC communications. 

Maryann Drolet, MT, ASCP supervises laboratory, business, and ARC operations. She has extensive experience working with participants and performing high-complexity assays for clinical research protocols.

Karen Howk, MT, ASCP is the lead laboratory technician, the primary consultant for nurses on their studies and blood draws, and the direct contact with UMB and Regeneron labs for specimen handling. She creates lab protocols and flowsheets for all new studies.

Amish Liaisons 

Amish Liaisons are the gateway to the Amish Community and act as advocates. They are an integral part of the study team, facilitating culturally sensitive protocol development, recruitment, and research support. 

  • Anna Esh
  • Barbie A. Stoltzfus
  • Barb B. Stoltzfus
  • Emma Beiler
  • Esther Smucker
  • Hannah King
  • Kate Kauffman
  • Katie King
  • Lavina Ebersol
  • Malinda Zook
  • Marian Stoltzfus
  • Naomi Esh
  • Susie Fisher
  • Susie Stoltzfus
  • Verna Fisher
  • Verna Petersheim

Research Nurse Staff

The Research Nurse Staff support all aspects of research studies and are the ARC's recruitment specialists: 

  • Dawn Fox, RN
  • Diane Montgomery BSN, RN
  • Leslie Drummond, BSN, RN
  • M. Ranea Riehl, BSN, RN
  • Cynthia Rohrer, BSN, RN
  • Denise Weiss, BSN, RN
  • Charlene Wolford, BSN, RN
  • Ada Stoltzfus, BSN, RN

Transportation Services

Bob Henry, Woody Wagner, and Grace Redcay transport participants to the ARC and off-site University of Maryland research facilities.