- Excellence
- Leadership
- Diversity
- Social and Public Health Responsibility
- Collaboration and Communication
- Respect/ Ethical Behavior/ Professionalism
- Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability
Our Mission and Vision
The University of Maryland School of Medicine provides an inclusive learning environment and that develops leaders in medicine who strive to improve the health and well-being of patients and communities through high-quality and equitable patient care, research, education, and engagement in a culturally relevant and socially responsible manner.
Our Vision is to create an environment where a diverse student body has the opportunity and support to achieve at the highest levels in all areas and missions of careers in medicine.
Undergraduate Medical Education Offices
The four Undergraduate Medical Education Offices work collaboratively to successfully steward our medical students from application to graduation.
Combined Degrees
MD/PhD Our mission is to train a diverse and creative cadre of physician- scientists who will become leaders in their chosen fields of research, develop new knowledge and translate it to enhance clinical practice. Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
The MD/Masters Programs at the UMSOM provide medical students with advanced training in specific areas to complement and enhance their medical training and maximize opportunities after graduation.
Doctor of Medicine Program Resources
Undergraduate Medical Education Leadership
Donna Parker, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education, Professor of Medicine
Paul Moore, BS
Instructional Support Services: Director
HSF-I 316
Kevin Brown, MS
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate
Medical Education Operations
Doug Clarke, MEd
Associate Director: Quality, Compliance and Accreditation
HSF-I 316