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Medical School Curriculum

Students in classroom with lab coats

The Department of Dermatology faculty play an integral role in the education of medical students, participating in required course work, and teaching elective courses.

Department faculty teach Structure and Development, Immunology, Host Defenses and Pathophysiology, and Therapeutics blocks. During the ambulatory care portion of the third year, students are required to attend eight half-day sessions in the clinic. An examination is given at the conclusion of this exercise.


DERM 541-01. Dermatology Elective
Dermatology may be taken as an elective during the fourth year. Students work together with the dermatology residents and attending physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of a large number of patients with cutaneous disorders. Emphasis in this course will be on methods of diagnosis and treatment of conditions in which skin eruptions play a major role. Both outpatient and impatient dermatological cases will be studied and there will be opportunities to study laboratory procedure. Students actively participate in Grand Rounds, daily seminars, and the weekly journal club. Students will also attend the clinical sessions of the Maryland Dermatological Society. A brief oral presentation and short final examination are required.

DERM 542-01. Advanced Dermatology Elective - to be arranged
During this elective the student will plan an in-depth experience focusing on one or two of the Dermatology subspecialties such as dermatopathology, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, dermatological surgery, occupational or cutaneous environmental dermatology, or individual research. During the course a comprehensive report of one of subject will be made by the student. As a prerequisite students enrolled should have completed their required third year course in an exemplary manner.