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Journal Articles
- DasSarma, S. and B. Das Sarma. 1979. Meridionaltris(pyridine)tris(thiocyanato-N) chromium (III) and its conversion to cyanato-N analog by a novel method, Inorg.Chem., 18:3618 – 3620.
- Read, H.A., S. DasSarma, and S.R. Jaskunas. 1980. Fate of donor insertion sequence IS1 during transposition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:2514-2518.
- Pogue-Geile, K.L., S. DasSarma, S. King, and S.R. Jaskunas 1980. Recombination between bacteriophage lambda and plasmid pBR322 in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 142:992-1003.
- Das Sarma, B. and S. DasSarma. 1982. Trans-bis(N-cyanato)bis(ethylenediamine)-chromium(III) Bromide and its structure. Proc. WV Academy of Science, 54:64 – 69.
- Simsek, M., S. DasSarma, U.L. RajBhandary, and H.G. Khorana. 1982. A transposable element from Halobacterium halobium which inactivates the bacterio-opsin gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79:7268-7272.
- DasSarma, S., U.L. RajBhandary, and H.G. Khorana. 1983. High-frequency spontaneous mutation in the bacterio-opsin gene in Halobacterium halobium is mediated by transposable elements. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80:2201-2205.
- DasSarma, S., U.L. RajBhandary, and H.G. Khorana. 1984. Bacterio-opsin mRNA in wild-type and bacterio-opsin deficient Halobacterium halobium strains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81:125-129.
- Tischer, E., S. DasSarma, and H.M. Goodman. 1986. Nucleotide sequence of an alfalfa glutamine synthetase gene. Mol. Gen. Genet. 203:221-229.
- DasSarma, S., E. Tischer, and H.M. Goodman. 1986. Plant glutamine synthetase complements a glnA mutation in Escherichia coli. Science 232:1242-1244.
- DasSarma, S., T. Damerval, J.G. Jones, and N. Tandeau de Marsac. 1987. A plasmid-encoded gas vesicle gene in a halophilic archaebacterium. Mol. Microbiol. 1:365-370.
- DasSarma, S., J.T. Halladay, J.G. Jones, J.W. Donovan, P.J. Giannasca, and N. Tandeau de Marsac. 1988. High-frequency mutations in a plasmid-encoded gas vesicle gene in Halobacterium halobium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:6861-6865.
- DasSarma, S. 1989. Mechanisms of genetic variability in Halobacterium halobium: the purple membrane and gas vesicle mutations. Can. J. Microbiol. 35:65-72.
- Hackett, N.R. and S. DasSarma. 1989. Characterization of the small endogenous plasmid of HalobacteriumSB3 and its use in transformation of H. halobium. Can. J. Microbiol. 35:86-91.
- Jones, J.G., N.R. Hackett, J.T. Halladay, D.J. Scothorn, C.-F. Yang, W.-L. Ng, and S. DasSarma. 1989. Analysis of insertion mutants reveals two new genes in the pNRC100 gas vesicle gene cluster of Halobacterium halobium. Nucleic Acids Res. 17:7785-7794.
- Yang, C.F. and S. DasSarma. 1990. Transcriptional induction of the purple membrane and gas vesicle genes in the archaebacterium, Halobacterium halobium, is blocked by a DNA gyrase inhibitor. J. Bacteriol. 172:4118-4121.
- Hackett, N.R., M.P. Krebs, S. DasSarma, W. Goebel, U.L. RajBhandary, and H.G. Khorana. 1990. Nucleotide sequence of a high copy number plasmid from Halobacterium strain GRB. Nucleic Acids Res. 18:3408.
- Ng, W.-L., S. Kothakota, and S. DasSarma. 1991. Structure of the large gas vesicle plasmid in Halobacterium halobium: inversion isomers, inverted repeats, and insertion sequences. J. Bacteriol. 173:1958-1964.
- Jones, J.G., D.C. Young, and S. DasSarma. 1991. Structure and organization of the gas vesicle gene cluster on Halobacterium plasmid pNRC100. Gene 102:117- 122.
- Halladay, J.T., W.-L. Ng, and S. DasSarma. 1992. Genetic transformation of a halophilic archaebacterium with a gas vesicle gene cluster restores its ability to float. Gene 119:131-136.
- Halladay, J.T., J.G. Jones, F. Lin, A.B. MacDonald, and S. DasSarma. 1993. The gas vesicle gene cluster inHalobacterium plasmid pNRC100: Identification of the gvpA and gvpC gene products by use of antibody probes and genetic analysis of the region downstream of gvpC. J. Bacteriol. 175:684-692.
- Ng, W.-L. and S. DasSarma. 1993. Minimal replication origin of a 200 kilobase-pair Halobacterium plasmid pNRC100. J. Bacteriol. 175:4584-4596.
- DasSarma, S. 1993. Identification and analysis of the gas vesicle gene cluster on an unstable plasmid of Halobacterium halobium. Experientia 49:482-486.
- DasSarma, S. and P. Arora. 1993. Gas vesicle proteins and genes. Mol. Biol. (Life Sci. Adv.) 12:93-98.
- Ng, W.-L., P. Arora, and S. DasSarma. 1994. Large deletions in class III gas-vesicles deficient mutants of Halobacterium halobium. Sys. Appl. Microbiol. 16:560-568.
- Bobovnikova, Y., W.-L. Ng, S. DasSarma, and N.R. Hackett. 1994. Restriction mapping the genome of Halobacterium halobium strain NRC-1. Sys. Appl. Microbiol. 16:597-604.
- DasSarma, S., P. Arora, F. Lin, E. Molarini, and L.R-.S. Yin. 1994. Wild-type gas vesicle formation requires at least ten genes in the gvp gene cluster of Halobacterium halobium plasmid pNRC100. J. Bacteriol. 176:7646-7652.
- Yang, C.-F., J.-M. Kim, E. Molinari, and S. DasSarma. 1996. Genetic and topological analyses of the bop promoter of Halobacterium halobium: stimulation by DNA supercoiling and non-B-DNA structure. J. Bacteriol. 178:840-845.
- Kim, J.-K., C.-F. Yang, and S. DasSarma. 1996. Analysis of Z-DNA formation in short d(CG)n sequences in Escherichia coli and Halobacterium halobium plasmids. J. Biol. Chem. 271:9340-9346.
- Kim, J.-M., and S. DasSarma.1996. Isolation and chromosomal distribution of natural Z-DNA-forming sequences in Halobacterium halobium. J. Biol. Chem. 271:19724-19731.
- DasSarma, S. and P. Arora. 1997. Genetic analysis of the gas vesicle gene cluster in haloarchaea. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 153:1-10.
- Ng, W.-L., S.A. Ciufo, T.M. Smith, R.E. Bumgardner, D. Baskin, J. Faust, B. Hall, C. Loretz, J. Seto, J. Slagel, L. Hood, and S. DasSarma. 1998. Snapshot of a large dynamic replicon from a halophilic Archaeon: Megaplasmid or minichromosome? Genome Res. 8:1131-1141 (cover feature).
- Baliga, N. and S. DasSarma. 1999. Saturation mutagenesis of the TATA-box and upstream activator sequence in the haloarchaealbop gene promoter. J. Bacteriol. 181:2513-2518.
- Peck, R.F., S. DasSarma, and M.P. Krebs. 2000. Homologous gene knockout in the Archaeon Halobacterium salinarum with ura3 as a counterselectable marker. Mol. Microbiol. 35:667-676.
- Baliga, N.S. and S. DasSarma. 2000. Saturation mutagenesis of the haloarchaeal bop gene promoter: identification of DNA supercoiling sensitivity sites and absence of TFB recognition element and UAS enhancer activity. Mol. Microbiol. 36:1175-1183.
- Baliga, N.S., Y.A. Goo, W.V. Ng, L. Hood, C.J. Daniels, and S. DasSarma. 2000. Is gene expression in Halobacterium NRC-1 regulated by multiple TBP and TFB transcription factors? Mol. Microbiol. 36:1184-1185.
- Ng, W.V., S.P. Kennedy, G.G. Mahairas, B. Berquist, M. Pan, H.D. Shukla, S.R. Lasky, N. Baliga, V. Thorsson, J. Sbrogna, S. Swartzell, D. Weir, J. Hall, T.A. Dahl, R. Welti, Y.A. Goo, B. Leithauser, K. Keller, R. Cruz, M.J. Danson, D.W. Hough, D.G. Maddocks, P.E. Jablonski, M.P. Krebs, C.M. Angevine, H. Dale, T.A. Isenbarger, R.F. Peck, M. Pohlschroder, J.L. Spudich, K.-H. Jung, M. Alam, T. Freitas, S. Hou, C.J. Daniels, P.P. Dennis, A.D. Omer, H. Ebhardt, T.M. Lowe, P. Liang, M. Riley, L. Hood, and S. DasSarma. 2000. Genome sequence of Halobacterium species NRC-1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:12176-12181 (cover feature).
- Peck, R.F., C. Echacarri-Erasun, E.A. Johnson, W.V. Ng, S.P. Kennedy, L. Hood, S. DasSarma, and M.P. Krebs. 2001. brp and blh are required for synthesis of the retinal cofactor of bacteriorhodopsin in Halobacterium. J. Biol. Chem. 276:5739-5744.
- Baliga, N.S., S.P. Kennedy, W.V. Ng, L. Hood, and S. DasSarma. 2001. Genomic and genetic dissection of an archaeal regulon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:2521-2525.
- Stuart, E.S., F. Morshed, M. Sremac, and S. DasSarma. 2001. Antigen presentation using novel particulate organelles from halophilic archaea. J. Biotechnol. 88:119-128.
- Kennedy, S.P., W.V. Ng, S.L. Salzberg, L. Hood, and S. DasSarma. 2001. Understanding the adaptation of Halobacterium species NRC-1 to its extreme environment through computational analysis of its genome sequence. Genome Res. 11:1641-1650.
- DasSarma, S., S.P. Kennedy, B. Berquist, W.V. Ng, N.S. Baliga, J.L. Spudich, M.P. Krebs, J.A. Eisen, C.H. Johnson, and L. Hood. 2001. Genomic perspective on the photobiology of Halobacterium species NRC-1, a phototrophic, phototactic, and UV-tolerant haloarchaeon. Photosyn. Res. 70:3-17.
- Evilia, C., X. Ming, S. DasSarma, and Y-M, Hou. 2003. Aminoacylation of an unusual tRNACys from an extreme halophile. RNA 9:794-801.
- Berquist B.R. and S. DasSarma. 2003. An archaeal chromosomal autonomously replicating sequence element from an extreme halophile, Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1. J Bacteriol. 185:5959-5966.
- Goo, Y.A., J. Roach, G. Glusman, N.S. Baliga, K. Deutsch, M. Pan, S. Kennedy, S. DasSarma, W.V. Ng, and L. Hood. 2004. Low-pass sequencing for microbial comparative genomics. BMC Genomics 5:3-21.
- Mizuki, T., M. Kamekura, S. DasSarma, T. Fukushima, R. Usami, Y. Yoshida, and K. Horikoshi. 2004. Ureases of extreme halophiles of the genus Haloarcula with a unique structure of gene cluster. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 68:397-406.
- Shukla, H.D. and S. DasSarma. 2004. Complexity of Gas Vesicle Biogenesis in Halobacterium sp. Strain NRC-1: Identification of Five New Proteins. J. Bacteriol. 186:3182-3186 (cover feature with #47).
- Wang, G., S.K. Kennedy, S. Fasiludeen C., Rensing, and S. DasSarma. 2004. Arsenic Resistance in Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 Examined Using an Improved Gene Knockout System. J. Bacteriol. 186:3187-3194 (cover feature with #46).
- Jellison, R., Y.S. Zadereev, A.G. Degermendzhy, P.A. DasSarma, S. DasSarma, G. Zambrana, and J.M. Melack. 2004. Conservation and Management Challenges of Saline Lakes: A Review of Five LakeNet Experience Briefs,
- Stuart, E.S., F. Morshed, M. Sremac, and S. DasSarma. 2004. Cassette-based presentation of SIV epitopes with recombinant gas vesicles from halophilic archaea. J. Biotechnol. 114:225-237.
- Müller, J.A. and S. DasSarma. 2005. Functional genomic analysis of anaerobic respiration of the archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) as terminal electron acceptors , J. Bacteriol. 187:1659-1667.
- DasSarma, S. 2005. Saline Systems: A research journal bridging gene systems and ecosystems. Saline Systems 1:1.
- McCready, S., J.A. Müller, I. Boubriak, B.R. Berquist, W.L. Ng, and S. DasSarma. 2005. UV irradiation induces homologous recombination genes in the model archaeon, Halobacterium sp. NRC-1. Saline Systems1:3.
- DasSarma, S. 2006. Extreme halophiles are models for astrobiology. Microbe 1:120-127. (feature article)
- DasSarma, S., 2006. Saline systems highlights for 2005. Saline Systems 2:1.
- DasSarma, S., B.R. Berquist, J.A. Coker, P. DasSarma, J.A. Müller. 2006. Post-genomics of the model haloarchaeon Halobacteriumsp. NRC-1. Saline Systems 2:3.
- Crowley, D.J., I. Boubriak, B.R. Berquist, M. Clark, E. Richard, L. Sullivan, S. DasSarma, and S. McCready. 2006. The uvrA, uvrB, anduvrC genes are required for repair of ultraviolet light induced DNA photoproducts in Halobacterium sp. NRC-1. Saline Systems 2:11.
- Reid, I.N., W.B. Sparks, S. Lubow, M. McGrath, M. Livio, J. Valenti, K.R. Sowers, H.D. Shukla, S. MacAuley, T. Miller, R. Suvanasuthi, R. Belas, A. Colman, F.T. Robb, P. DasSarma, J.A. Müller, J.A. Coker, R. Cavicchioli, F. Chen, S. DasSarma. 2006. Terrestrial models for extraterrestrial life: methanogens and halophiles at Martian temperatures. Intl. J. of Astrobiol. 5: 89-97.
- DasSarma, S. 2007. Saline systems highlights for 2006. Saline Systems 3:1.
- DasSarma, S. 2007. Extreme microbes. American Scientist 95:224-231 (cover feature).
- Berquist, B.R., P. DasSarma, and S. DasSarma. 2007. Essential and non-essential DNA replication genes in the model haloarchaeon, Halobacterium sp. NRC-1. BMC Genetics 8:31.
- Giaquinto, L., P.M. Curmi, K.S. Siddiqui, A. Poljak, E. DeLong, S. DasSarma, and R. Cavicchioli. 2007. Structure and function of cold shock proteins in archaea. J Bacteriol. 189:5738-48.
- Coker, J.A., P. DasSarma, J. Kumar, J.A. Müller, and S. DasSarma. 2007. Transcriptional profiling of the model ArchaeonHalobacterium sp. NRC-1: responses to changes in salinity and temperature. Saline Systems 3:6.
- DeVeaux, L.C., Müller, J.A., Smith, J., Petrisko, J., Wells, D.P., and S. DasSarma. 2007. Extremely radiation-resistant mutants of a halophilic archaeon with increased single-stranded DNA binding protein (RPA) gene expression. Radiation Res. 168:507-514.
- Coker, J.A. and S. DasSarma. 2007. Genetic and transcriptomic analysis of transcription factor genes in the model halophilic Archaeon: Coordinate action of TbpD and TfbA. BMC Genetics 8:61.
- Lu, Q., J. Han, L. Zhou, J.A. Coker, P. DasSarma, S. DasSarma, and H. Xiang. 2008. General Transcription Factor Directed Heat Shock Response in Extremely Halophilic Archaea: a New Paradigm for Archaeal Gene Regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 36:3031-3042.
- Ng, W.V., B.R. Berquist, J.A. Coker, M.C. Capes, P. DasSarma and S. DasSarma. 2008. Genome sequences of Halobacterium species. Genomics 91:548-552.
- DasSarma, P. and S. DasSarma. 2008. On the origin of prokaryotic "species": the taxonomy of halophilic Archaea. Saline Systems 4:5.
- Boubriak, I. W.L. Ng, P. DasSarma, S. DasSarma, D.J. Crowley, and S.J. McCready. 2008. Transcriptional responses to biologically relevant doses of UV-B radiation in the model archaeon, Halobacterium sp. NRC-1. Saline Systems 4:13.
- DasSarma, S., M. Capes, and P. DasSarma. 2008. Haloarchaeal megaplasmids. megaplasmids. In Microbial Megaplasmids, E. Schwartz (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3-30.
- Sparks, W.B., J.H. Hough, L. Kolokolova, T. Germer, F. Chen, S. DasSarma , P. DasSarma, F. Robb, N. Manset, I. N. Reid, F. D. Macchetto, and W. Martin 2009. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110:1771-1779.
- Coker, J.A., P. DasSarma, M. Capes, T. Wallace, K. McGarrity, R. Gessler, J. Liu, H. Xiang, R. Tatusov, B.R. Berquist, and S. DasSarma. 2009. Multiple replication origins of Halobacterium sp. NRC-1: Properties of the conserved orc7-dependent oriC1. J. Bacteriol. 191:5253-5261.
- Sparks, W.B., J. Hough, T.A. Germer, F. Chen, S. DasSarma, P. DasSarma, F.T. Robb, N. Manset, L. Kolokolova, N. Reid, F.D. Macchetto, and W. Martin. 2009. Detection of Circular Polarization in Light Scattered from Photosynthetic Microbes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106:7816-7821.
- Slonczewski, J.L., J.A. Coker, and S. DasSarma. 2010. The Microbial Habitability Zone: Surviving with Multiple Stressors. Microbe 5:110-116 (cover feature).
- Capes M.D., J.A. Coker, R. Gessler, V. Grinblat-Huse, S.L. DasSarma, C.G. Jacob, J.M. Kim, P. DasSarma, and S. DasSarma. 2011. The information transfer system of halophilic archaea. Plasmid 65:77-101.
- Capes M.D., P. DasSarma, and S. DasSarma. 2012. The core and unique proteins of haloarchaea. BMC Genomics 13:39.
- Karan, R., M.D. Capes, and S. DasSarma. 2012. Function and biotechnology of extremophilic enzymes in low water activity. Aquatic Biosystems 8:4.
- DasSarma, P., R. Zamora, J.A. Müller, and S. DasSarma. 2012. Genome-wide responses of the model archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 to oxygen limitation. J. Bacteriol 194:5520-5537 (cover article).
- Karan, R., M.D. Capes, P. DasSarma, and S. DasSarma. 2013. Cloning, overexpression, purification, and characterization of a polyextremophilic b-galactosidase from the Antarctic haloarchaeon Halorubrum lacusprofundi. BMC Biotechnology 13:3.
- DasSarma, S., M.D. Capes, R. Karan, and P. DasSarma. 2013. Amino Acid Substitutions in Cold-Adapted Proteins from Halorubrum lacusprofundi, an Extremely Halophilic Microbe from Antarctica. PLoS ONE 8:e58587.
- DasSarma, S., R. Karan, P. DasSarma, S. Barnes, F. Ekulona, and B. Smith. 2013. An improved genetic system for bioengineering buoyant gas vesicle nanoparticles from Haloarchaea. BMC Biotechnol. 13:112.
- Karan, R., P. DasSarma, E. Balcer-Kubiczek, R.R. Weng, C.C. Liao, D.R. Goodlett, W.V. Ng, and S. DasSarma. 2014. Bioengineering radioresistance by overproduction of RPA, a mammalian-type single-stranded DNA-binding protein, in a halophilic archaeon. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 98:1737-1747.
- DasSarma, P., Negi, V.D., Balakrishnan, A., Karan, R., Barnes, S., Ekulona, F., Chakravortty, D., and DasSarma, S. 2014. Haloarchaeal gas vesicle nanoparticles displaying Salmonella SopB antigen reduce bacterial burden when administered with live attenuated bacteria. Vaccine 32:4543-4549.
- Phlips, E.J. and DasSarma, S. 2014. Aquatic Biosystems reviewer acknowledgement. Aquat Biosyst. 10:1.
- DasSarma, P., Negi, V.D., Balakrishnan, A., Kim, J.-M., Karan, R., Chakravortty, D., and S. DasSarma. 2015. Haloarchaeal gas vesicle nanoparticles displaying Salmonella antigens as a novel approach to vaccine development. Proc. Vaccinology 9, 16–23.
- DasSarma S. and P. DasSarma. 2015 Halophiles and their enzymes: negativity put to good use. Curr Opin Microbiol. 25:120-126.
- DasSarma, S., F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, and E.M. Fleischmann (eds). 1995. Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Book Chapters
- Ng, W.L. and S. DasSarma. 1991. Physical and genetic mapping of the unstable gas vesicle plasmid in Halobacterium halobiumNRC-1, NATO Advance Science Institutes Series Vol. 201: Genetic and applied aspects of halophilic microorganisms (ed. F. Rodriguez-Valera), Plenum Press, pp. 305-311.
- DasSarma, S. 1995. The halophilic archaea - an overview in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 3-11.
- Kim, J.-M. and S. DasSarma. 1995. Purification and labeling of RNA from Halobacterium halobium for identification of regulated genes in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 155-160.
- Ng, W.-L., C.-F. Yang, J.T. Halladay, P. Arora, and S. DasSarma. 1995. Isolation of genomic and plasmid DNAs from Halobacterium halobium in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 179-184.
- DasSarma, S., E.M. Fleischmann, and F. Rodriguez-Valera. 1995. Media for halophiles in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 225-230.
- DasSarma, S. 1995. Natural plasmids and plasmid vectors of halophiles in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 241-250.
- DasSarma, S. and P. Stolt. 1995. Halophages in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 251-252.
- DasSarma, S. 1995. Insertion elements of halophiles in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 253-256.
- DasSarma, S. 1995. Restriction-modification systems for halophiles in "Archaea: A Laboratory Manual - Halophiles" (eds. F.T. Robb, A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, E.M. Fleischmann, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 257-258.
- Robb, F.T., A.R. Place, K.R. Sowers, H.J. Schreier, S. DasSarma, and E.M. Fleischmann (eds). 1995. Archaea: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- DasSarma, S. and P. Arora. 1999. Halophiles, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,, London: Nature Publishing Group.
- DasSarma, S. and P. Arora. 2002. Halophiles, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 8:458 - 466. London: Nature Publishing Group.
- DasSarma, S. 2004. Genome sequence of an extremely halophilic archaeon, in Microbial Genomes, pp. 383-399, C.M. Fraser, T. Read, and K.E. Nelson (eds.), Humana Press, Inc, Totowa, NJ.
- Jellison, R., Y.S. Zadereev, A.G. Degermendzhy, P.A. DasSarma, S. DasSarma, G. Zambrana, and J.M. Melack. 2004. Conservation and Management Challenges of Saline Lakes: A Review of Five LakeNet Experience Briefs,
- Baxter, B.K., C.D. Litchfield, K. Sowers, J.D. Griffith, P.A. DasSarma, and S. DasSarma. 2005. Microbial diversity of Great Salt Lake. In Adaptation to Life at High Salt Concentrations in Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, Gunde-Cimerman, N., A. Oren and A. Plemenitas (eds.). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 9-26.
- Berquist, B.R., J. Soneja, and S. DasSarma. 2005. Comparative genomic survey of information transfer systems in two diverse extremely halophilic Archaea, Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 and Haloarcula marismortui. In Adaptation to Life at High Salt Concentrations in Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, Gunde-Cimerman, N., Oren, A. and Plemenitas, A. (eds.) Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp 148-182.
- Berquist, B.R., J.A. Müller, and S. DasSarma. 2006. Genetic Systems for halophilic Archaea. In Methods in Microbiology, pp. 637-668, A. Oren and F. Rainey (eds.), Elsevier/Academic Press.
- DasSarma, S. and P. DasSarma 2006. Halophiles. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Wiley, London.
- Shively, J.M., G.C. Cannon, S. Heinhorst, D.A. Bryant, S. DasSarma, D. Bazylinski, J. Preiss, A. Steinbüchel, R. Docampo, and C. Dahl. 2006.Bacterial Inclusions. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Wiley, London.
- Gledhill, T.M., W.B. Sparks, Z. Ulanowski, J.H. Hough, and S. DasSarma. 2007. Prospects for the detection of non-terrestrial biological material In A. Hoekstra, V. Maltsev, and G. Videen (ed.), Astro-Biological particles, NATO Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 238, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp.193-210.
- Sowers, K.R., P. H. Blum, and S. DasSarma. 2007. Genetics of Archaea. In C.A. Reddy, T.J. Beveridge, J.A. Breznak, G.A. Marzluf, T.M. Schmidt, and L. R. Snyder (ed.), Methods for General and Molecular Microbiology. 3rd edition. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C., pp. 800-824.
- Berquist, B.R. and S. DasSarma. 2008. DNA replication in Archaea. In Archaea: new models for prokaryotic biology. Horizon Press, P. Blum (ed.), Norwich, U.K., pp. 95-120.
- DasSarma, S., M. Capes, and P. DasSarma. 2008. Haloarchaeal megaplasmids. megaplasmids. In Microbial Megaplasmids, E. Schwartz (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3-30.
- DasSarma, S., J.A. Coker, and P. DasSarma. 2010. Archaea - Overview. In Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 2nd edition, Academic Press, M. Schaechter (ed.), p. 118-139.
- DasSarma, S., J.A. Coker, and P. DasSarma. 2010. Archaea - Overview. In Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 3rd edition, Academic Press, M. Schaechter (ed.), p. 118-139.
- DasSarma, P., Coker, J.A., Huse, V., and S. DasSarma. 2010. Halophiles, Biotechnology. In Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology M.C. Flickinger (ed.), p. 2769-2777.
- Shively, J.M., G.C.Cannon, S. Heinhorst, D.A. Bryant, S. DasSarma, D. Bazylinski, J. Preiss, A. Steinbuchel, R. Docampo, and C. Dahl. 2011. Bacterial and Archaeal Inclusions. In: eLS – Encyclopedia of Life Science
- DasSarma S and P. DasSarma, 2012 Halophiles. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Teaching Manuals
- DasSarma P. and S. DasSarma. 2005. Basic Microbiology Skills Part I, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
- DasSarma P. and S. DasSarma. 2006. Basic Microbiology Skills Part II, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
- DasSarma P. and S. DasSarma. 2006. Introduction to Life in an Extreme Environment, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
- DasSarma P. and S. DasSarma. 2006. Extremely Easy DNA Extraction Kit, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
- DasSarma P. and S. DasSarma. 2007. Antibiotics in Action Kit, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
- Tuel, K., S. DasSarma, T. Burnett, and P. DasSarma. 2013. The Genotype-Phenotype Connection: Basic Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics Skills, Carolina Biological Co. Press, Burlington, NC.
