CVID Core Facilities
The Flow Cytometry Facility, directed by Dr. Mark Williams, provides investigators within the CVID the capability for multiparameter fluorescent analysis of any cultured or primary cells. Characteristics of sub-populations, based upon prototypical markers, in heterogeneous mixtures can easily be determined. Parameters typically analyzed in the facility include; expression of cell surface receptors/markers, levels of intracellular proteins including cytokines and fluorescent proteins (GFP), intracellular calcium flux or generation of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, DNA content, cell proliferation, and multiple measures of cell death/apoptosis. The facility contains a BD FACSCalibur and a BD FACScan, with separate stations for analysis of data using CellQuest or FlowJo.
Contact: Mark Williams
Microscopy Core
The microscopy core includes several conventional light and fluorescent microscopes, a confocal fluorescence microscope (Nikon BioRad Radiance 2100), and a Zeiss Axiovert 200 MOT live cell imaging system with a temperature controlled perfusion chamber. The system also contains Stallion deconvolution software. Image analysis is provided by the Volocity 4-dimensional imaging software (Improvision). The confocal instrumentation is under the direction of Dr. Irina Mikhailenko.
Contact: Irina Mikhailenko
Protein Analysis Lab
The protein analysis lab provides services that include: protein purification, and mass spectrometry. The core is directed by Mr. Brian Hampton, and is equipped with a Thermo LTQ ion trap mass spectrometer, a Waters Quattro Micro triple quad mass spectrometer and three HPLC systems capable of micro analytical to preparative scale separations of proteins and peptides.
The Protein Analysis Lab provides multiple technologies for the purification and analysis of proteins, peptides and small molecules. Mass Spectrometry is used for intact protein mass determination, protein identification, quantitative global protein profiling and targeted quantification of peptides and small molecules. HPLC techniques are used for analysis or purification of biomolecules and include ion exchange, hydrophilic interaction, size-exclusion, and reversed phase chromatography.
Investigators interested in purifying, identifying or quantifying biomolecules should contact the PAL Resource Facility to discuss your project.
Location: BioPark I Building, Room 301A
800 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD, 21201
Contact: Brian Hampton
Protein Interaction Core
The protein interaction core is equipped to assist CVID members in measuring and quantifying protein-protein interactions. This core includes an SLM fluorimeter, a recently acquired JASCO circular dichrometer, and a BiaCore 3000 surface plasmon resonance instrument. The core is under the direction of Dr. Leonid Medved. Recently, we have been successful in interfacing the BiaCore 3000 technology with a mass spectrometer to identify proteins captured on the BiaCore chip.
Contact: Leonid Medved