Updates & Resources
- The UMSOM will provide regular updates on CTI progress, including monthly features in SOM News and reports on the UMSOM website. The shorthand tag #TransformMed will be used across communications platforms to identify content related to the initiative.
- New website will provide continuously updated information, including feedback channels and links to relevant information.
- UMMC Compliance Line: 1-877-300-DUTY (3889) or reportIT.net. For both, please use the username: UMMC and password: UMMC.
- Title IX: Mikhel Kushner, Office of Accountability and Compliance at: 410-706-1852, the Hotline at 866-594-5220, or report through the following website: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/28588/index.html. All reports and complaints are taken seriously and are investigated appropriately.
- TransformMed@som.umaryland.edu is a confidential email account for anyone wishing to send feedback, concerns, or ideas regarding the culture transformation initiative.