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Equity in Faculty Promotions and Compensation


  • A committee chaired by Jim Kaper, PhD and Mary-Claire Roghmann, MD, MS, has completed a full analysis of promotions data across basic science and clinical departments. Based on these findings, two Equity in Promotions initiatives are being implemented:
    • Annual Faculty Promotional Status Report. This annual report, developed by the Office of Academic Administration, will include a list of faculty members with a calculation of the number of years to possible promotion. All department chairs will receive this report and be required to develop action plans as part of annual progress reports.
    • New APT Guidelines Committee. Dean Reece is forming a new APT (Appointments, Promotions & Tenure) Guidelines Committee, which will:
      • Supplement current assessments
      • Contemporize interpretation of “scholarly contributions”
      • Develop “education value units” to assess education contributions.
  • Faculty Salary Equity. Dean Reece has charged Louisa Peartree, MBA, Senior Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer, with conducting a comprehensive UMSOM faculty salary equity study by gender and rank and to identify and address salary inequities.

“We must ensure that our promotions guidelines value the new and innovative ways that our faculty engage in educational scholarship.”

Nancy Ryan Lowitt, MD, EdM, FACP