The table below can be sorted by Cores and Building by clicking their column heading. Building Addresses are below the table.
Cores | Building | Room | Instruments/Services |
Biomedical Research Supply Core (BIORESCO) | MSTF Room | 166 | 1-stop shop for all your research supply needs. |
Biosensor Core | Health Sciences Facility II | 611 | Biacore T200. Determine molecular binding. |
Biostatistics & Informatics Core | Howard Hall | 109 | Pre and post award biostatistical services. |
Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT) | Health Sciences Facility II | SB12 | NMR, 600, NMR 800, NMR 950 |
Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT) | UM - Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research | Rm B109 | NMR 400, Cryo-EM, X-Ray Crystallography |
Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM) | Howard Hall | 645 | Pre-Clinical Imaging; Tesla Small Animal MRI Scanner; Xenogen IVS Imaging; microCT scanner; small animal PET/CT Imaging; MRI-guided focused ultrasound |
Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM) | Health Sciences Facility III | L129 | Human Imaging: MRI/PET Whole Body Scanner; Tesla MRI Scanner |
Clinical Pharmacology Unit | School of Pharmacy | Contact for room | Protocol design and review, Dosing plans, Subject recruitment, Interpretation of PK (pharmacokinetic)/ PD (pharmacodynamic) from phase I-IV trial sample data |
Clinical & Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC) | Howard Hall | 124 | Research design, Data management, Quality Assurance, Data anlysis |
Computer Aided Drug Design Center | Health Sciences Facility II | 633 | Fosters collaborative research between biologists, biophysicists, structural biologists and computational scientists at the University of Maryland, Baltimore and beyond. |
Confocal Microscopy Core | Howard Hall | 523 | Data analysis workstation shared with Electron Miroscopy Core |
Confocal Microscopy Core | Bressler Research Building | 5-008 | STED Super Resolution Microscope |
Confocal Microscopy Core | Health Sciences Facility I | 610B | Nikon W-1 Spinning Disk, Zeiss LSM 710 NLO, 7MP, LSM DUO |
Confocal Microscopy Core | Health Sciences Facility III | 9-162 | Zeiss LS7 Lightsheet Microscope, Nikon A1 Confocal |
Cyogenetics Laboratory | Bressler Research Building | 7-049 | CLIA & CAP Clinical Lab: Chromosome Studies: Peripheral blood, bone marrow, Fibroblasts and solid tissues (Karyotype), FISH testing, Microarray analyses (Data analyses) |
Cytokine Core Laboratory | Bressler Research Building | 7-010 | Human, mouse, and rat cytokine, chemokine and growth factor assays |
Electron Microscopy Core | Howard Hall | 696 | Sample prep and analysis, core office |
Electron Microscopy Core | Howard Hall |
HH030 | Scanning Electron Microscope with Volume Scope 3D |
Flow Cytometry Core | Bressler Research Building | 7-022 | Amnis FlowSight Imaging Cytometer; Aurora 4; Aurora 5; Aurora CS Sorter; BD Accuri C6; BD Aria II; BD Canto II; BD LSR II; Aurora 3; MACSQuant 10 |
Flow & Mass Cytometry Core | Health Sciences Facility I | 456 | BD LSR II Flow Cytometer; Beckman MoFlo Astrios Cell Sorter; Fluidigm Helios Mass Cytometers; |
General Clinical Research Center | University of Maryland Medical Center | S10D04 | Resources for clinical research, including facilities for both inpatient and outpatient data collection and patient care, as well as monitoring and equipment to support phase 1 clinical trials. |
Maryland Genomics | Health Sciences Facility III | Contact for room | Next Gen Sequencing and Multi-omics services, Analysis & aomputational services |
Mass Spectrometry Core | School of Pharmacy | Contact for room | Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Proteomics, Quantitative Analysis of Metal Ions in Biological Systems/Materials, Metallomics, LC-MS/MS assay development, Drug analysis and PK/PD, and more. |
Musculoskeletal Physiology Service Center | Howard Hall | 4-038 | Body Composition Analysis; Confocal Microscope; ECG (Tunnel); ECG (Wires); Gait Analysis (DigitGait); Grip Strength; Inverted Grip; Microcomputed Tomography; Nerve-evoked Muscle Function; RotaRod; Running Wheel; Treadmill; Vevo2100 Ultrasound |
Nanofabrication & Characterization Core | Health Sciences Facility III | 8-164 & 8-165 | Integrated solutions in nanoparticle synthesis, physico-chemical characterization, wet-chemistry support, drug release studies, stability studies, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and electrophoretic potential measurements. |
Optum Labs Core | Health Sciences Facility III | 4-050 | A comprehensive, nationwide real-world database that contains de-identified, longitudinal health information on enrollees and patients, representing a mixture of ages and geographical regions across the United States. |
Pathology Biorepository Shared Resource (PBSR) | Bressler Research Building | 7-016 | Tissue procurement and processing, Histology services, Digital image analysis, Data services, Consultation services, Tissue biobanking |
Histology Core | Bressler Research Building | 3-007 | Complete, ruitine paraffin histology services, including processing and sectioning, Special stains: H&E staining only, Frozen tissue sections. Oversized tissue processing and sectioning |
Pediatric Biochemical Genetics | Bressler Research Building | 7-041 | CLIA Clinical Lab. Genetic evaluation, genetic counseling and testing. |
Pharmaceutical Research Computing | Health Sciences Facility II | 633 | Responsive and client-focused computer programming, data management, pharmaceutical classifications, and analytic support for health services research and evaluation. |
Quality Management System | MSTF Room | 3-11 | GLP and GLP-like QA services |
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Physiology & Hemostasis Core | Health Sciences Facility III | 8-162 | Evaluation of RBC biochemistry, morphology, physiology, and biophysics, and their effect on vascular regulation and O2 delivery. |
Small Animal Surgery & Physiology (SASP) Core | Health Sciences Facility III | 8-151 & 8-161 | Supports experimental models that focus on (but not be limited to) cardio-pulmonary and vascular physiology and oxygen transport at the whole organism, isolated organ and tissue level. Full array of state-of-the-art anesthetic and surgical instrumentation. |
Translational Genomics Core (TGL) | Bressler Research Building | 7-037 | Clinical Testing. CLIA. Myeloid Malignancy Targeted Panel, Confirmation of a Research Finding, CYP2C19 Genotyping, Cytogenomic Microarray, FLT3 ITD and TKD Fragment Size Analysis, IDH1 R132 and IDH2 R140, R172 Sanger Sequencing |
Translational Genomics Core (TGL) | Bressler Research Building | 7-010 & 7-037 | Research Services.Cytogenomic Arrays, Extraction of Nucleic Acid, DNA& RNA, Gene Expression Arrays, Global Expression Profiling, miRNA Expression Profiling, Transcriptome Analysis, Genotyping, Taqman Assays, Sanger DNA Sequencing |
Translational Laboratory Shared Resource (TLSR) | Bressler Research Building | 7-010 | In vitro/in vivo assays; clinical trial support; pharmacodynamic (PD) Endpoints |
UMMS Biorepository | Bressler Research Building | 7-010 | Sample Extraction, Prep., etc. Clinical sample database for research use. |
UMMS Biorepository | Health Sciences Facility I | 605 | Hamilton BIOS Freezer |
Viral Vector Core | Bressler Research Building | 7-018 | Custom gene cloning and packaging in AAV or LV |
Building Addresses
Bressler Research Building
655 West Baltimore Street
Health Sciences Facility I
685 West Baltimore Street
Health Sciences Facility II
20 Penn Street
Health Sciences Facility III
670 West Baltimore Street
Howard Hall
660 West Redwood Street
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
20 North Pine Street
University of Maryland - Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
9600 Gudelsky Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC)
22 South Greene Street