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Scientific Writing Seminar Series


The purpose of this seminar series is to help faculty, fellows and postdocs write clear, well-organized scientific papers.  The series consists of ten (10), 1-hour stand-alone sessions, each of which focuses on an important aspect of scientific writing. 

Please note: faculty, fellows and postdocs are welcome to attend every session in the series or single sessions of interest.

Topics include:

  • Planning your Publication
  • Tips for Scientific Writing with a focus on clarity/editing
  • Tips for Increasing Your Scientific Writing Productivity
  • Writing a Standard Scientific Research Paper
  • Developing tables, figures and graphs for your research paper
  • Writing Effective Titles and Abstracts
  • Tips for Writing Case Reports, Commentaries and Review Articles
  • Ethical Considerations in Authorship
  • Writing and Conducting a Systematic Review
  • Responding to Reviewers