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Funding Search Consultations

CARTI provides a grant funding consultation service to help faculty identify non-NIH sources of research funding.

While the NIH remains the largest source of research funding, many investigators have expressed interest in learning about additional grant agencies and foundations.

The one-on-one consultation is conducted by Stacie MendozaProgram Director, who will search for funding opportunities, provide recommendations and answer any questions.

How to Request Assistance

Complete the Funding Search Request Form to request assistance in identifying sources of funding for your research project by clicking on the Online Form button below.

Please note: This service is only available to University of Maryland, Baltimore faculty and postdoctoral fellows.

Funding Search Request Form


Please direct questions to:

Stacie Mendoza, BS
Program Director
Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI)
University of Maryland School of Medicine
685 West Baltimore Street
Room 3-19, MSTF
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1559