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Sponsors and Partners

Supporting organizations make the Brain Bank possible.

The University of Maryland Brain and Tissue Bank requires financial support to provide the personnel and infrastructure necessary to fulfill its mission. We also rely heavily on many organizations to help identify and recruit potential tissue donors and to facilitate the collection of precious tissue and biopsy samples. We are grateful for these supporting organizations and partnerships, and pleased that we can contribute to the fulfillment of their missions as well.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The University of Maryland Brain and Tissue Bank is supported by a contract (271201400045C-6-0-1) with the NIH though the following organizations. 

Support is provided to the Bank as part of the NIH NeuroBioBank (click the "Partners" tab above to learn more).

The Blazeman Foundation for ALS

The Blazeman Foundation for ALS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. It is a family foundation that serves to carry out the vision of its namesake and founder, the late Jonathan "Blazeman" Blais. Jon was an elite athlete and multi-sport competitor when diagnosed with ALS at the age of 33. He spent the remainder of his life fighting for ALS research and awareness.

The mission of the Blazeman Foundation for ALS is 1) to raise awareness about ALS by leveraging the energy, commitment and compassion of the multi-sport community and 2) to raise necessary funds to be directed into cutting-edge scientific research to find treatments and an eventual cure for ALS…"So Others May Live.®" The Blazeman Foundation for ALS provides generous financial support to aid in the recruitment tissue donors with ALS and in the recovery, storage, and distribution of ALS brain and nerve tissue.

