Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • 3 students looking at cells on a microscope
  • Biochemistry-banner02

    Dr. Saif Hasan 2024 Teacher of the Year

    The University of Maryland School of Medicine proudly announced Dr. Saif Hasan as the recipient of this year’s Graduate Program in Life Sciences (GPILS) Teacher of the Year Award. This annual award honors a GPILS faculty member with an outstanding record of teaching graduate students.

  • Lab group observing zebrafish tank
  • Biochemistry-banner01
  • 108 N Greene St building
  • Student observing liquid robot
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Who We Are

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is dedicated to advancing knowledge in the molecular mechanisms that govern cellular processes, and contribute to health and disease. Our department brings together world-renowned researchers, educators, and students working to unravel the complexities of life at the molecular and biochemical levels. Our research spans critical areas including gene expression regulation, cellular signaling, metabolic pathways, and structural biology.

Through cutting-edge experimental approaches and interdisciplinary collaborations, our faculty and students tackle significant questions in cancer biology, neurobiology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular health, and more.

Our focus is on the molecular underpinnings that influence human health, with the ultimate goal of translating discoveries into innovative therapies and clinical applications.
