NOTE: Beginning with nominees whose packets are submitted in the fall of 2020, there exists a pathway for the Clinician-Educator and Clinician-Administrator to be promoted to Associate and Full Professor on the Non-Tenure Track. Below is the SOM-promulgated informational slide addressing both the new and traditional pathways.
Department of Anesthesiology Profile of a Nominee for Promotion to Associate Professor
I. Citizenship:
A. Departmental
Sustained contributions to the Department (e.g. “citizenship):
For at least three years immediately prior to the nomination, the individual should meet or exceed the threshold criteria for citizenship set forth for those academic years in the Inventory of Activities (“activity matrix”) with service provided directly to the Department and/or by representing the Department in the School of Medicine.
B. Extra-Departmental
Appointment to or elected leadership on SOM/UMB/Medical Center committees, national societies, specialty governing boards, or editorial boards.
Have an established regional/national reputation in our specialty as defined by:
Clinical Faculty: serving at least twice as a Visiting Professor at other academic anesthesiology departments and serving at least twice as an invited lecturer or panelist at a major meeting of anesthesiologists (not just presenting an abstract).
Research Faculty: serving at least twice as a Visiting Professor at other academic anesthesiology or non-UMB Basic Science departments and serving at least twice as an invited lecturer or panelist at a major meeting of anesthesiologists or scientists in your field (not just presenting an abstract).
II. Education:
Sustained contributions to the Department’s educational mission:
For at least three years immediately prior to the nomination; the individual should meet or exceed the threshold criteria for Education set forth for those academic years in the Inventory of Activities (“activity matrix”). Educational activities should be “Department-centric.” Valued educational activities center upon teaching Department residents and fellows, medical students on clinical Anesthesiology rotations, and (while expressly representing the Department) pre-clinical medical students and graduate students (e.g., GPILS).
The individual should demonstrate multiple examples of sustained excellence in teaching. Examples include:
Resident Teaching Scores > 50%ile; excellent to outstanding record of medical/graduate student teaching scores (e.g., >4/5 or 8.5/10, with supportive comments) for multiple lectures.
Developing new educational tools/curricula used here (Department/SOM) or elsewhere in the training of medical students, anesthesiology residents, or anesthesiology fellows.
(Co-) chairing educational committees in the Department or in the SOM/UMB.
For research faculty, evidence of successful training and mentoring of students and postdoctoral fellows.
III. Scholarly Output:
The number of published, peer-reviewed (i.e., PUBMED) papers (co-) authored should meet the 25%ile for candidates successfully promoted to Associate Professor in the School over the trailing three years. (Note: currently 22 papers but updated yearly - see resources links listed under faculty development at Numbers of citations are also listed. The h-index (calculated for SOM APT review) is more important for research faculty.
For those nominees considered on the path 2 (for clinician-educators and clinician-administrators) to promotion on the non-tenure track it is suggested that the minimum number of peer-reviewed papers (co-) authored by a proposed nominee be 60% of the 25%ile or thirteen (13). For this upcoming cycle (AY22), the Department considers this number to be a “hard deck;” that is, the Department APT Committee will NOT consider the promotion of any nominee on the clinician-educator pathway who has (co-) authored twelve (12) or less peer-reviewed manuscripts.
Invited presenter at national meetings and at other academic institutions (see above)
For research faculty, extramural (preferably Federal) funding of salary, covering the rank-associated amount required by Departmental and SOM policies (% of the NIH salary cap), and primarily achieved as a principle investigator.
IV. Clinical Service:
Be recognized as an excellent clinician and “team player” by your peers in the Department and throughout the Medical Center and all other clinical locations where the faculty member practices. Evidence of clinical excellence includes data reviewed during the Annual Review Meeting (e.g., quantitative and qualitative evaluations, annual clinical billing and compliance data, annual quality and safety data) and a willingness of both Departmental and non-departmental faculty members to declare written support of your clinical excellence.