The research group is composed of research faculty Peter Rock, Professor and Chairman of Anesthesiology; Peter Hu, Associate Professor; Shiming Yang, Assistant Professor, Colin Mackenzie, Professor Emeritus, and Samuel Galvagno, Associate Professor; 2-4 medical students and residents; and 4-8 PhD students in computer science and engineering. Our research is focused on developing machine learning based predictive algorithms for near and long-term patient outcomes based on the continuous analysis of vital signs from the field to in-hospital resuscitation to the intensive care unit bedside. Our research has been continuously funded by DoD (USAF, Naval Research, US Army and Veterans Administration); past funding agencies included NIH/NLM, NSF, NASA, AHRQ, and industry. Currently, we have over 10 extramural funded projects with over $6 million in funding. We have developed and tested a Bleeding Risk Index (BRI) Monitor for a minute-by-minute analysis of continuous photoplethysmograph (PPG) waveform. This monitor could be used for predicting future transfusion need in the field. We have also developed an ICU Viewer, which takes real-time patient monitor data and provides an at-a-glance view for thepatients in the SICU, NTCC, MTCC or for an individual patient for up to 7 days.
Active Grants
Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program (JWMRP) W81XWH-17-C-0034 Predicting Blood Transfusion Using Automated Analysis of Vital Sign Input From All Available Sources PI: Thomas Scalea MD. ISR PI: Jose Salinas, PhD ; TATRC PI: Gary Gilbert, PhD Role: Main PI |
2017 - 2020 |
DoD: Discovery Program FA8650-17-2-6H11 Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation: Novel Application of ECMO and Closed-Loop Physiologic Monitoring USAFSAM_FHE PI: Catriona Miller, PhD; OHSU PI: James Rose, PhD Role: Main PI |
2017 - 2020 |
FA8650-17-2-6H09 United State Air Force Pre-Hospital Automated Prediction of Blood Product Needs After Severe Trauma: A Prospective Study USAF PI: Dr. Stacy Shackelford, Col, USAF, MC; Catriona Miller, PhD Role: PI |
2017 - 2020 |
USAF Contract FA8650-18-2-6H16 Optimal Vital Signs Processing Methods for Telemedicine Application in Limited Bandwidth Environments (Telemed II) PI: Shiming Yang, PhD Role: Co-PI |
2018 - 2019 |
USAF Contract FA8650-18-2-6H18 Real Time Vital Sign Assessment to Predict Neurological Decline After Traumatic Brain Injury (RAPID-TBI) PI: Neeraj Badjatia MD. Co-PI: Shiming Yang PhD Role: Co-PI |
2018 - 2021 |
United States Air Force Contract FA8650-15-2-6D24 Assessing the Accuracy and the Impact of Standard-Practice Ventricular Drainage on Intracranial Pressure Measurements following Traumatic Brain Injury” PI: Deborah Stein, MD Co-PI: Bizhan Aarabi, MD Role: Co-PI |
2016 - 2019 |
United States Air Force Contract: FA8650-16-2-6H05 Evaluation of Handoff Outcomes in a Multi-Site Continuum of Care Exercise (HandOff) PI: Thomas Grissom Role: Co-PI |
2015 - 2018 |