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Ranked 10th in NIH Funding

The Department of Anesthesiology returns to “top ten” status; now ranked 10th in the country amongst all Anesthesiology departments for NIH funding

Blue Ridge Institute for Medical ResearchAccording to the latest NIH funding rankings, the University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology ranked #10 among all US Departments of Anesthesiology.

We are pleased that our Department remains a top-ranked Department of Anesthesiology. By comparison, only 54 Anesthesiology departments have any NIH funding. Our NIH funding is listed in the Blue Ridge report at $8.6M; the median funding for all US Anesthesiology Departments is ~$2.29M. Our very own, Dr. Marta Lipinski, Associate Professor, Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR), is #19th ranked funded investigator of all Anesthesiology PI's.

Over a number of years, the Department’s funding and ranking have steadily increased.  In 2019, we were #6, 2020 we were ranked #10, 2022 #6 and 2023 #10. That makes 4 top-ten rankings in the past 5 years. 

Our research funding is spread out over many investigators. This means our “bench” is deep and our research portfolio broad. This is an excellent strategy for long-term success and means we are making contributions in a number of important areas. We are also doing well regarding where we stand in terms of overall SOM NIH awards performance. “This represents a noteworthy achievement, one that reflects the long-standing, strong commitment to research by the Department of Anesthesiology” according to Alan Faden, David S. Brown Professor, Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR) and Associate Dean for Trans-Campus Research Advancement.

Dr. Samuel Galvagno, Interim Chairman, concurs "Our top ranking represents the hard work of our entire faculty and staff, and is the result of a true team effort. Everyone should take great pride in this success. We take care of the sickest patients in the country, we train terrific anesthesiologists, and we perform research that makes a significant difference to patients here, and elsewhere. These are all reasons why our department continues to be one of the top Anesthesiology programs in the nation."

For a full listing of all US Departments of Anesthesiology: Blue Ridge Ranking 2023

For a full listing of the Top 100 US Anesthesiology PI: Blue Ridge Ranking 2023


Department of Anesthesiology
(410) 328-6120 (phone)
(410) 328-5531 (fax)

Blue Ridge Report 2023