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Useful Websites

Public Websites

Password-Protected Websites (Require Log in)

Internal Websites (Only Available Within the UMMC Network)

Mobile Applications (Apps)

EPIC Haiku: Haiku provides authorized clinical users of Epic’s Electronic Health Record with secure access to clinic schedules, hospital patient lists, health summaries, test results and notes.

SpinFinity: The app version of Spinfusion via android or iPhone.

TigerConnect: Secure messaging (please contact your Administrator for access).

Radiation Badges

Please contact Riva Yevdayev for assistance. For more information see Instadose Dosimeter

Scrub Issues

Please call 410-328-5174 for assistance.

Trauma Articles


Anesthesia for Adult Trauma Patients

Development of the emergency preservation and resuscitation for cardiac arrest from trauma clinical trial

Role of anesthesiologists in the management of trauma patient: updates

The Ryder Cognitive Aid Checklist for Trauma Anesthesia

Trauma resuscitation and the damage control approach

Thrombelastography (TEG): practical considerations on its clinical use in trauma resuscitation

Thromboelastography (TEG) in Trauma

Rapid thrombelastography thresholds for goal-directed resuscitation of patients at risk for massive transfusion

Monitoring the coagulation status of trauma patients with viscoelastic devices

Damage control resuscitation in patients with severe traumatic hemorrhage: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

Permissive hypotension/hypotensive resuscitation and restricted/controlled resuscitation in patients with severe trauma

Damage control resuscitation: a practical approach for severely hemorrhagic patients and its effects on trauma surgery

Pathophysiology of trauma-induced coagulopathy: disseminated intravascular coagulation with the fibrinolytic phenotype

Statement of Principles: Trauma Anesthesiology

Transfusion practices in traumatic brain injury

Trauma, Critical Care and Anesthesia