
Morosanu, I., Scott-Herring, M., Ergas, Y., & Cade, M. (In press). “Hemoglobin Louisville: A Case Report”. AANA Journal.

Scott-Herring, M. (In press). "Active Shooter in the OR: How to Apply “Run, Hide, Fight.” AORN Journal.

Scott-Herring, M. & Broussard, M. (In press). Synthetic Cannabinoid Use in the Trauma Patient: A Case Study. AANA Journal.

Scott-Herring, M. & Mendez, A. (In press).  Chapter 19.12 Cholecystectomy and Chapter 19.7 Nissen Fundoplication. Pediatric Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Approach to Safe and Effective Care edited by James S. Furstein, PhD, DNAP, CRNA, CPNP-AC. 

Morosanu, I., Scott-Herring, M., Ibhaze, E., & Anders, M. (In press). Retained guidewires - a continuing patient safety issue. CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology.

Howie, W.O. (In press).  Chapter 36: Trauma anesthesia. In J.J. Nagelhout & K.L. Plaus.  Nurse anesthesia (7th ed.) (p. XXXX).  St. Louis:  Elsevier.

Scott-Herring, M., Morosanu, I., Bates, O., & Batoon, B. (2020). Cut to Air. AANA Journal, 88(2), 116-120.

McMullen, P. & Howie, W. (2020). Credentialing and Privileging: A Primer for Nurse Practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 16(2), 91-95.

Howie, W., Scott-Herring, M., Pollak, A., & Galvagno, S. (2019). Advanced Prehospital Trauma Resuscitation With a Physician and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist: The Shock Trauma “Go-Team.” Air Medical Journal, 1-5.

Scott-Herring, M., Mendez, A. , Shay, J. , McCloskey, J., & Koka, R. (2019). A pediatric airway rotator performance improvement initiative. AANA Journal, 7-14.

Howie, W.O., Broussard, M., & Batoon, B. (2019). Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) as an option for uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock: Current best practices and anesthetic implications. AANA Journal, 87(1), 19-25.

Goetz, L., Anderson, B., Greenier, E. (2018). Medical staff bylaws impact on CRNA practice, AANA NewsBulletin, 24-25.

Howie, W.O. (2018). Chapter 40: Trauma Anesthesia. In J.J. Nagelhout & K.L. Plaus. Trauma Anesthesia (6th ed.) (p. 855-870). St. Louis: Elsevier.

Scott-Herring, M, Singh, S. (2017). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist preceptorship-mentorship program, Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48 (10), 464-73.

Scott-Herring, M, Singh, S. (2017). A CRNA preceptor workshop to increase preceptor satisfaction, confidence and comfort: A quality improvement project. AANA Journal Online, 24-31.

McMullen, P.C., Howie, W.O., Philipsen, N., Bryant, V., Setlow, P.D., Calhoun, M. & Green, Z.D. (2014). Electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs): An overview for nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 10(9), 660-665.

McMullen, P.C., Howie, B.A., Howie, W.O., & Philipsen, N.C. (2013) Caring for the dangerous patient: Legal and ethical considerations. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(9), 568-575.

Howie, W.O., Howie, B.A., & McMullen, P.C. (2012) To assist or not assist: Good samaritan considerations for Nurse Practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 8(9), 688-692.

Howie, W.O. & Dutton, R. (2012). Implementation of an evidence based extubation checklist to reduce extubation failure in trauma patients: A pilot study. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 80(3), 179-184.