Nurse Anesthesia

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) are an integral part of the anesthesia team, working closely with our anesthesiologist and surgical colleagues. With over 60 CRNAs in our division, we provide quality care to patients in 3 locations:

  • General Operating Rooms (GOR)
  • R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
  • University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus (UMMC - Midtown Campus)

Visit OR Locations to learn more

Interested in Becoming Part of Our Team?

The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has a novel CRNA Preceptor/Mentorship Program for our newly hired CRNAs. This program is individually tailored to meet their professional needs through orientation and beyond. An experienced mentor is paired with each newly hired CRNA, and the majority of our CRNAs have completed specialized preceptor education. We believe in building successful, long term relationships!

As our CRNA division continues to grow, we are seeking qualified applicants dedicated to advancing the art and science of anesthesia in our challenging and rewarding academic environment. If you have any questions, please contact Matthew D’Angelo, Chief, Division of Nurse Anesthesia

What Our CRNAs Say About Working at UMMC

  • Two pregnant trauma CRNAs"Every day is exciting. I provide anesthesia to the most critically ill patients in the state and take pride in working here. Every day I’m challenged to be a better provider and continue to learn. We literally save lives on a daily basis, that’s a good feeling."
  • "UMMC is a fantastic place to start as a new graduate CRNA. There is such a large variety of cases you will never get bored. So many opportunities to learn new things. It’s also a fun group with many CRNA’s very close in age."
  • "I like working in an academic environment with cutting edge, challenging cases. The pay is very good for an AMC, competitive with private practices. Flexible scheduling."
  • "I started at UMMC as a new graduate and wanted experience in high patient acuity and case complexity. I have been here six years and enjoy the work environment and schedule."
  • "UMMC has a great group of CRNAs and anesthesiologists who work well together!"
  • "High acuity experience in an academic setting. There are opportunities to be involved in quality and process improvement."
  • "I like the patient population and learning opportunities. I feel like we make a difference here."
  • "The patients. Underserved, underprivileged, overlooked population. I CAN make a difference."