Dr. Rachel Reindorf named CDC-Hubert Global Health Award Winner
March 28, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Reindorf (current CA-1) for being awarded the 2023 CDC-Hubert Global Health Award by the CDC Foundation! Click here for more info on the award. CDC-Hubert Global Health Award | CDC Foundation Dr. Reindorf received a certificate and stipend to support her travel to the 2023 Annual EIS Conference Attending EIS Conference | Epidemic Intelligence Service | CDC.
If you see Dr. Reindorf please congratulate her.
Read the full story at: https://www.cdcfoundation.org/what/program/cdc-hubert-global-health-award
Department of Anesthesiology
(410) 328-6120 (phone)
(410) 328-5531 (fax)