
Congratulations to Dr. Samuel Galvagno for being awarded UMMC “Attending Physician of the Year”

March 30, 2021 | Danielle Hill

Drs. Samuel Galvango and Michael Jablonover

In celebration of “National Doctors Day” on March 30th, the University of Maryland Medical Campus (UMMC) held its third annual awarding of UMMC Physicians of the Year. We would like to extend congratulations to Samuel M. Galvagno, DO, PhD, FCCM, Professor of Anesthesiology and Medical Director of the Multi Trauma Critical Care Unit,  for being awarded the “Attending Physician of the Year”. Medical staff members, residents, and fellows vote on this honor awarded to faculty that go above and beyond to model patient-centered, high quality, and safe care while demonstrating a strong commitment to the mission and values of UMMC. "Outstanding leadership and overall treats nurses with the utmost respect", "A very patient teacher. Great with patients. Imparts learners with a love of physiology" and "Impeccable leadership during Covid-19 (and beyond)" were comments submitted with nominations on behalf of Dr. Galvagno. An award presentation was made to Dr. Galvagno by Michael Jablonover, MD, Chief Medical Officer, University of Maryland Medical Center shown in the photo. Nine other Anesthesiology faculty received nominations in this category. This celebration also included "Resident and Fellow of the Year" in which this Department was also honored with the nomination of two fellows and four residents in the category. Listed below are the faculty, fellows, and residents nominated. 

Anesthesiology Faculty nominated:

  • Jessica Galey, MD - Great Mentor
  • Khang Lee, MD - Great teacher, particularly with difficult hands-on skills
  • Ron Samet, MD - A great clinician and educator
  • Mary Njoku, MD - Great clinician, and teacher. Ultimate role model.
  • Seema Deshpande, MD - Cheerful, caring and competent
  • Megan Anders, MD - Extremely knowledgeable and skilled intensivist. Embodies humanistic care. Is an excellent role model for young faculty. Very creative researcher and leader.
  • Michael Mazzeffi, MD - Amazing teacher and clinician, inspires me every day
  • Bhavani Kodali, MBBS, MD- Very experienced clinician who is in tune with the art of anesthesia. He is very well versed in current research and literature. He gives very salient career and life advice as well, speaking from many leadership perspectives                      
  • Douglas Martz, MD - A true role model for young faculty. He went out of his way to help me prepare for my board exams. Always willing to help, answer questions, or provide sage advice to a colleague. Dependable, adaptable, and highly skilled anesthesiologist

Anesthesiology Fellows nominated:

  • Patrick Coleman, MD - Great attitude and very diligent. Goes above and beyond for his patients and to teach the house staff. Extremely reliable.
  • Emma Harmon, MD - My favorite fellow, always has my back, I know I can always count on her.

Anesthesiology Residents nominated

  • Jessica Hsu, MD - Great doctor
  • Ben Hume, MD - Strong clinical skills. Great attitude and a joy to work with. 
  • Christopher Jones, MD - He is one of our chief residents and works tirelessly for his co-trainees. Great attitude. Very adaptable. 
  • Kris Levengood, MD - He knows his stuff. His technical skills are impeccable. He is unflappable during stressful situations. Great patient advocate and role model for patient interaction. Works well with team members



Department of Anesthesiology
(410) 328-6120 (phone)
(410) 328-5531 (fax)