
2021 The Professors Martin Helrich and M. Jane Matjasko Annual Lecture in Anesthesiology

September 29, 2021 | Pamela Shinnick

The annual Helrich -Matjasko Lecture will be presented virtually on Wednesday, September 29 at 5 PM by Monica S. Vavilala, MD. Dr. Monica Vavilala is Tenured Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics and has adjunct appointments in several departments. Dr. Vavilala also serves as the Director of the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, and is the only anesthesiologist to hold this position. She completed the medical school at McGovern Medical School in Houston after which she completed her residency in Pediatrics. She then completed a second residency in Anesthesiology at the University of Washington where she has risen through the professorial rank. Dr. Vavilala is an internationally recognized practicing neuroanesthesiologist with expertise in trauma care, trauma outcomes, and in particular the field of traumatic brain injury. She has been continuously funded by NIH and CDC for nearly 25 years and has published over 350 peer reviewed publications. She has mentored over 30 trainees, most of whom are in academic medicine. Dr. Vavilala serves on the National Academy of Sciences Task Force on Traumatic Brain Injury and is a member of the Washington State Academy of Science.

To attend click here.


Department of Anesthesiology
(410) 328-6120 (phone)
(410) 328-5531 (fax)