The Department of Anesthesiology achieves “top ten” status; now ranked 6th in the country amongst all anesthesiology departments for NIH funding
February 03, 2020 | CONTACT Department of Anesthesiology (410) 328-6120 (phone) (410) 328-5531 (fax)

According to the latest rankings of NIH funding, the University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology is now the sixth-ranked department amongst all US Departments of Anesthesiology.
We are also the second amongst all Anesthesiology Departments in US Public Universities. Only 52 out of the approximately 130 anesthesiology departments have any NIH funding, placing us in the top 5% of all US Departments of Anesthesiology. According to Dr. Peter Rock, the Chair of the Department, we have been making a steady climb in the rankings for more than 10 years. Entering the top 10 for our specialty is a very special accomplishment and is the culmination of a long-term effort to raise the Department’s research profile to the highest echelons of anesthesiology departments.
The Department’s research funding is spread out over many investigators resulting in a deep “bench” and a broad research portfolio. This ranking could only be accomplished by the hard work of our entire faculty and staff. We congratulate and thank our investigators for their hard work, dedication, innovation, and commitment to discovery.
For a full listing of all US Departments of Anesthesiology, please click here.
Department of Anesthesiology
(410) 328-6120 (phone)
(410) 328-5531 (fax)