
Article in US News features Dr. Jonathan Chow

July 06, 2020 | Danielle Hill

Jonathan Chow, MD

Jonathan Chow, MD, Assistant Professor was featured in U.S. News & World Report for working with robots to help keep health care workers safe while treating the sickest COVID-19 patients. The article focuses on how Dr. Chow’s and colleagues conduct rounds in the intensive care unit’s biocontainment section using robots. The two robots named “Blue Bertha” and “Red Randy” are controlled by Dr. Chow using a few keystrokes movements to help examine seriously ill COVID-19 patients. Dr. Chow states “They change the way you’re able to take care of the patient; and we don’t need to bring our team of clinicians inside an air-locked room for four hours, risking exposure to the virus. It makes me a lot more confident when I come home that I won’t bring the virus home” 

Read the full story at:


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