
Drs. Birukov and Galvagno awarded NIH R61 to study new technologies at point-of-care of trauma

February 23, 2024

Drs. Birukov and Galvagno

Konstantin Birukov, MD, PhD, Anesthesiology Endowed Professor of Entrepreneurial Research and Samuel M. Galvagno, DO, PhD, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Anesthesiology have been awarded an R61 exploratory research grant from NHLBI. The project, “Point-of-care system to assess the risk of trauma-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome,” is aimed at the development and testing of a conceptually new device for non-immunological express-detection of blood histone of trauma patients admitted to the R. Cowley Shock Trauma Center. The award will strengthen an ongoing collaboration between groups at the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, led by Ian White, PhD, Professor, Associate Chair, and Director of Undergraduate Studies at UMCP, and UMSOM Department of Anesthesiology and the STAR Center (Professors Birukov and Galvagno). 


Department of Anesthesiology
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(410) 328-5531 (fax)

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