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Past Seminars and Symposiums


October 12, 2023: Andrew P. Goldberg, MD Memorial Lectureship
Memorial Lecture 2023
Guest Speakers: RICHARD E. PRATLEY, MD AdventHealth, "Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults: The Goldberg Principle"; MARIANNE SHAUGHNESSY, PHD, AGPCNP-BC, GS-C, FAAN Director, Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Centers (GRECC), "Reflections on Mentorship"

April 18, 2023: Aging Research Seminar
Psychosocial Aspects of Aging
Guest Speakers: David Camacho, PhD, “Dolores y Soledad: An Examination of Loneliness in Older Latinx Adults”; Amber Kleckner, PhD, “Time-Restricted Eating to Address Cancer-Related Fatigue”; Michael Lepore, PhD, “Enhancing Access to Evidence-based Psychosocial Services among People with Dementia: The Heart of a Pragmatic Trial”

March 23, 2023: Aging Research Seminar
Aging and the Brain
Guest Speakers: Asaf Keller, PhD, "Fundamental neuroscience research on aging at UMSOM”; Peiying Liu, PhD, “Physiological MRI in the Aging Brain”; Dudley Strickland, PhD, “Lipoprotein Receptors in Alzheimer’s disease”

January 5, 2023: Aging Research Seminar
The Concept of Frailty
Guest Speaker: Jeremy Walston, MD


June 9, 2022: Aging Research Seminar
The Pathway to Disability Including Progressive vs. Catastrophic Disability
Guest Speaker: Luigi Ferrucci, MD, PhD

May 16, 2022: 3rd Annual Aging Research Symposium: Keynote Address and Poster booklet
The Implications of Longevity for Public Health and Epidemiology
Guest Speaker: Linda Fried, MD, MPH


November 18, 2021: Aging Research Seminar
Past and Future Demographic Changes and the Concepts of Active Life Expectancy and Compression of Morbidity
Guest Speaker: Jack Guralnik, MD, PhD, MPH

March 8, 2021: Aging Research Seminar
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Guest Speakers: Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, Michy Kelly, PhD, and Kate Gordon, MSW


2nd Annual Aging Research Symposium - Poster Abstract Booklet
The University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Research on Aging is proud to present poster abstracts from the 2nd Annual Aging Research Symposium that was to be held on April 24th, 2020. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we were unable to hostDr. Linda Fried, Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University Medical Center, presenting “Pillars of Health in Longevity” as the guest speaker, as well as the poster session featuring aging related research by faculty, fellows and graduate students.


May 22, 2019: Aging Research Seminar
What Exactly are we Measuring? Hormonization of Assessments in Older Adults
Guest Speaker: Karen Bandeen-Roche, PhD

March 4, 2019: 1st Annual Aging Research Symposium: Keynote Address and Poster Abstract booklet
NIA Enters a New Age: Aging Research Questions and the Opportunities Available to Address Them
Guest Speaker: Richard Hodes, MD


April 26, 2018: Aging Research Seminar
Cardiovascular Research: Implications for Healthy Aging

Michael Miller, MD, FACC, FAHA
"Heart & Soul: New Insights for a Sound Mind & Healthy Heart"

Shari Waldstein, PhD
"Cardiovascular Risk Bodes Poorly for Cognitive Aging"

Amanda Lehning, PhD, MSW"
"Neighborhood Characteristics and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Preliminary Analysis of Pathways"

N. Jennifer Klinedinst, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, FAHA
"Post-Stroke Fatigue as an Indicator of Cellular Energy Dysfunction"

February 15, 2018: Aging Research Seminar
Cognitive Disorders - The Journey on the Road to Informed Practice through Interprofessional Research and Evaluation

Jacob Blumenthal MD
"Strategies to Promote Independence and Mitigate Functional Decline in those with Cognitive Difficulties"

Nicole Brandt, Pharm D, MBA, BCPP, BCGP, FASCP
“Medication Safety Concerns Among Older Adults with Cognitive Disorders”

Ann Gruber-Baldini, PhD
"Cognitive Impairment after Hip Fracture: Measurement and Impact on Recovery"


October 4, 2017: Aging Research Seminar
Falls & Aging: An Interprofessional Approach to Research and Intervention\
Key Note Speaker: Mark Rogers, PT, PhD, FAPTA
"Startled Off Balance: Implications for Falls and Trauma in Aging"
