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Changing FTE

**Change in FTE requires a new offer letter. Please refer to our Offer Process page for  guidance. All offer letters must be reviewed      and approved by OAA prior to packet submission.

Submit Change-in-Status packets by email to Rose, Ruth, and Hannah. 
Use the following naming convention for the packet:  yyyy-mm-dd-lastname-firstname-CIS  (date is the effective date of the request)

Reduction in FTE (with Proportional Change in Salary)

  1. Changing from FT (100% FTE) to PT (99% FTE or lower)
  2. Changing from FT (100% FTE) to Volunteer (0% FTE)
  3. Changing from PT (99% or lower) to Volunteer (0% FTE)

These three changes only require the Dean’s approval.  

Please submit one copy of the following:

If going to part-time (scenario 1)
    • Chair’s letter requesting change (prefixed title if going to clinical part-time)
    • CV verification form and CV
    • Salary sheet and FAIS (an interim is not needed)
    • Demographic form
    • Offer Letter. 
    • If the faculty member is changing to an FCC1 employee, include a copy of the completed contract. (this can substitute for the acknowledgement of the decrease in FTE)
    • Signed written statement from faculty member acknowledging the decrease in FTE
      • If the faculty member is tenured, the statement should also acknowledge the move to the non-tenure track.
    • If faculty member is full-time and currently on the tenure track, include a completed Tenure Track to Non-Tenure Track form.  
    • This change also requires a Partial Leave Payout Request
If going to volunteer (scenarios 2 and 3)
    • Volunteer FAIS  (no chair's letter required.)
    • CV verification form and CV
    • Demographic form
    • Signed written statement from faculty member acknowledging the decrease in FTE.  
      • If the faculty member is tenured, the statement should also acknowledge the move to the non-tenure track.
    • If faculty member is full-time and currently on the tenure track, include a completed Tenure Track to Non-Tenure Track form.  

Forms can be found here: Forms, Letters & Templates

Increase in FTE (with Proportional Change in Salary)

  1. Changing from Volunteer (0% FTE) to FT (100% FTE)
  2. Changing from Volunteer (0% FTE) to PT (50% FTE or greater)
  3. Changing from PT (49% FTE or lower) to FT (100% FTE)
    These three changes require that you complete a Faculty Recruitment
    before processing any paperwork. Once the recruitment is complete, please refer to the appointment page for the required paperwork and the approval process for the requested rank.
  4. Changing from PT (49% FTE or lower) to PT (50% FTE or greater)
    This change also requires that you complete a full recruitment. Once the recruitment is complete please send a copy of the FRCS to our office along with a letter from the Department Chair requesting the change.
  5. Changing from PT (50% FTE or greater) to FT (100% FTE)
    This change does not involve a new recruitment. Send a copy of the original FRCS that was done for original PT recruitment along with the appointment packet. Please refer to the appointment page for the required paperwork and the approval process for the requested rank.
  6. Changing from Volunteer (0% FTE) to PT (49% FTE or lower)
    This change does not involve any recruitment. Please refer to the appointment page for the required paperwork and the approval process for the requested rank.

For Part-time Faculty Only

Fluctuating FTE (with Proportional Change in Salary)

  1. Part-time faculty (appointed at 50% FTE or greater): FTE is allowed to fluctuate (up or down) between 1% and 99% FTE with a proportional change in salary. This is a payroll action and does not require a formal Dean's approval, however the eUMB action form will still require Dean's Office signature.
  2. Part-time faculty (appointed at 49% FTE or less): FTE is allowed to fluctuate (up or down) between 1% and 49% FTE with a proportional change in salary. This is a payroll action and does not require a formal Dean's approval, however the eUMB action form will still require Dean's Office signature.

Please Note:

  • For these part-time faculty, FTE may not go above 50% without affirmative action/recruitment being addressed. Please follow recruitment procedures outlined above for this increase in FTE.
  • For part-time faculty, who were 50% or above and changing to below 50%, a new FAIS will be needed and should be sent to Lisa Kummer with a new salary sheet and documentation from the faculty acknowledging that they are aware and agree that their benefits (including leave) will cease when they drop below 50%.  This should be sent in one pdf in the following order:  New FAIS, new salary sheet and acknowledgement.  Once approved, department may submit the ePAF.  Template can be found here:   Part Time Faculty – Dropping above to below 50% FTE Template