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Faculty Administrative Appointments

Process for Concurrent Faculty and Administrative (ADSPEL or ADSPIN) Components for Existing Faculty:

  • Use templates to draft:
    1. Chair's letter to the Dean requesting the admin supplement
    2. Letter to a Faculty Member
    3. Administrative Offer Letter
  • Email to OAA (to Lisa Kummer, copy David Ingle) for review before printing for signature:
    1. Draft (MS Word) of the chair’s letter to the Dean
    2. Draft (MS Word) of the letter to a faculty member
    3. Salary Sheet (rev. 02-07-25) (not complete if any red fields)
    4. State in the email whether the administrative increase is being funded by MSP External/PA (if so, indicate the amount)
    5. Please note that each administrative appointment must be paid fully by the PA or the University and not split between the two.
    6. State in the email whether or not there is anything else that is pending for this faculty member (retention increase, promotion, etc)
    7. State in the email if the faculty member already has an administrative component(s) and whether or not they will cease or remain.
  • OAA reviews the request against current salary records and contacts the Department with a request for edits or the okay to have the Chair Letter to the Dean signed
  • Email to OAA (to Lisa Kummer, copy David Ingle):
    1. Revised and/or signed chair’s letter to the Dean
    2. Draft letter (revised if requested) to the faculty member
    3. Salary sheet (revised if requested)
  • OAA submits the request for Dean approval once revisions have been finalized
  • OAA emails the signed approval to the Department
  • Department finalizes faculty member letter with Chair’s signature and presents to the faculty member who signs an acceptance
  • If applicable, department completes ePAF reflecting change (ADSPEL or ADSPIN, as appropriate), attaching:
    1. Dean’s approval
    2. signed/accepted letter to a faculty member
    3. salary sheet (not complete if any red fields)

Process for Concurrent Faculty and Administrative (ADSPEL or ADSPIN) Components for New Faculty: 

  • Follow the instructions above, but email drafts to OAA with the offer letter
  • Insert this language in the Administrative Offer Letter:

Should you accept this position, I will also appoint you as ____. This administrative role is considered separate from your faculty appointment and therefore, you are receiving a separate letter (attached), requiring a separate acceptance on your part and delineating the specific conditions and additional compensation associated with that role.

Process for stepping down from an existing Concurrent Faculty and Administrative role:

What is the difference between ADSPIN and ADSPEL?

ADSPIN means the Faculty member has an administrative appointment/component to their salary that is NOT eligible for future merits and COLAs. 

ADSPEL means the Faculty member has an administrative appointment/component to their salary this IS eligible for future merits and COLAs.
