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About Us

Brajesh K. Lal, MD

Pictured: Our director, Dr. Brajesh K. Lal


To improve vascular health through innovation, creativity and discovery.



To develop and deploy cutting-edge science for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease by engaging diverse stakeholders, educating the next generation of clinician-scientists, and asking the right questions.



The Center for Vascular Research (CVR) is dedicated to high quality clinical and translational research by engaging in:

  1. Basic discoveries of the causes for vascular disease
  2. Translation of basic discoveries into clinical preventive, diagnostic and treatment protocols
  3. Testing of new protocols and devices for safety, efficacy and comparative effectiveness
  4. Training and mentoring of emerging physicians and scientists

The Center has been continuously supported for the past 10 years through federal, industry, foundation and private resources.



The Center encompasses unique resources located at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM), University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), Baltimore VA Medical Center (BVAMC) and George Mason University (GMU).

Our team consists of highly qualified multi-specialty healthcare professionals including physicians, career scientists, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, research coordinators, regulatory specialists, fellows, residents, and medical students.

The team brings together a diverse range of expertise, including vascular surgery, endovascular surgery, vascular medicine, vascular biology, vascular imaging, geriatrics, neurology, neuroradiology, neurophyschology, physical medicine, exercise physiology, kinesiology, bioengineering, epidemiology, biostatistics. These individuals provide the full range of knowledge and experience needed to address the broad field of vascular disease.

We are a dedicated research team committed to ensuring high quality standards and data-integrity, while providing the utmost respect and exceptional care to our patients participating in over 40 active protocols in the Center.

Videos on our Research and Clinical Activities

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