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USMLE Preparation

Step 1

Second year students take Step 1 at the conclusion of the pre-clerkship phase of their education.  The exam is Pass/Fail, and dedicated study periods typically range from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the student. This flexibility allows students to begin their clerkships in March (requires special approval), April, or May.  Exams taken after May require approval.   

Academic Development supports students through the Step 1 process beginning with registering for the exam, support if accommodations are sought, individual and group study planning sessions, recommendation of resources, practice exam support, and encouraging student wellness.

Step 2

Third year students take Step 2 at the conclusion of their required clerkships.  Academic Development supports students as they determine the length of their dedicated study period, support if accommodations are sought, create study plans, make resource recommendations, and encourage student wellness.
