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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Primary Faculty

  • Ananyeva, Natalya M., PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Ballin, Jeff D., PhD, Research Associate
    (410) 706-8903
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  • Benedetti, Francesca , PhD, Research Associate
  • Cho, Suhan , PhD, MS, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Clark, Adam , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Collins, John H., PhD, Professor Emeritus
  • Corti, Paola , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: globins, nitric oxide, nitrite, zebrafish, embryonic development, cardiac regeneration
  • Dey, Debajit , MA, Post Doc Fellow
  • Drohat, Alexander C., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: DNA Repair, Epigenetics and DNA methylation, Enzymology, NMR, Structural Biology, SUMO modification
  • Du, Shaojun , PhD, Professor
    (410) 234-8854
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    Keywords: Genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, muscle, bone and adipocyte cell differentiation, molecular chaperones and protein stability, zebrafish models, gene transfer and genome editing.
  • Emmanuvel, Arputharaj , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Fay, Jonathan F., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Membrane protein, structure, structural biology, cryo-EM, GPCR
  • Goelet, Philip , PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
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  • Hasan, S. Saif , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Infectious Viruses, Inter-Organelle Trafficking, Membrane Proteins, Protein Secretion, Structural Biology, Vesicular Trafficking, Viral Structures, X-Ray Crystallography
  • Hegde, Kavita R., MBBS, PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Hernandez-Ochoa, Erick O., MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
    (410) 706-5787
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    Keywords: Excitability, calcium signals, voltage-gated ion channels, neurons, skeletal muscle cells. Calcium channel regulation, calcium dysregulation, pathophysiology of diabetes, skeletal muscle diseases.
  • Huang, Chuan-Sheng , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Hunter, Daniel , MS, Research Fellow
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  • Hurt, Elaine M., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Kaetzel, David M., PhD, Adjunct Professor
  • Kalari Kandy, Rakhee , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Karbowski, Mariusz , PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: mitochondrial membrane dynamics, impact of ubiquitin and proteasome-dependent control of mitochondria
  • Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, Aikaterini , PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-5788
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    Keywords: cytoskeleton, signaling, skeletal and cardiac muscle (patho)physiology, breast cancer
  • Krauss, Christopher , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Kundan, Sivashanmugan , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Lakowicz, Joseph R., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-8409
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    Keywords: Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Radiative Decay Engineering, Plasmon-controlled fluorescence
  • Lattman, Eaton E., PhD, Adjunct Professor
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  • Lin, Jiayuh , PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: IL-6, IL-11, GP130, STAT3
  • Lu-Chang, A-Lien , PhD, Adjunct Professor
  • Medved, Leonid , ScD, PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, Plasma Proteins Structure and Interaction, Fibrinogen, Fibrin, Fibrin(ogen) Receptors, Fibrin-Dependent Inflammation.
  • Neuwald, Andrew F., PhD, Adjunct Professor
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    Keywords: Protein sequence and structural analysis, Bayesian statistics, Computational Biology
  • Pidugu, Lakshmi Swarna Mukhi , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Pomerantz, Seymour , PhD, Professor Emeritus
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  • Pozharskiy, Edvin , PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: Protein crystallography, cryoelectron microscopy, structure based drug design, biomolecular recognition
  • Qi, Jianfei , PhD, Associate Professor
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    Keywords: transcriptional gene regulation, epigenetics, signaling transduction, histone demethylase, ubiquitin ligase, androgen receptor, c-Myc, prostate cancer, castration-resistant prostate cancer, DNA damage response
  • Ramani, Sivasubramanian , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
    (667) 312-0372
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  • Ray, Krishanu , PhD, Associate Professor
    (410) 706-6175
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    Keywords: Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Super-resolution imaging, HIV Envelope, Fc gamma receptor, DNA Packaging Motor, Plasmonics
  • Rosales-Soto, Giovanni , MS, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Samsuzzaman, Samsuzzaman , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Schneider, Martin F., PhD, Professor Emeritus
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  • Shakya, Anil , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Shi, Changyou , PhD, Research Associate
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  • Shriver, Marey R., PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Professional Development, Career Development, Grant Writing, Grant Proposals, Summary Statements, Research Question Development, Early Project Development, Scientific Writing, Individual Consultations
  • Singh, Suruchi , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Summers, Michael F., PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor
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  • Thompson, Richard B., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-7142
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    Keywords: fluorescence, biosensor, fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence polarization, FRET, zinc, copper, hydroxyapatite, retina, sub-RPE deposits, drusen, fiber optics, sensors, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, age-related macular degeneration
  • Varney, Kristen M., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-2110
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    Keywords: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Drug design, Structural Biology
  • Weber, David J., PhD, Professor
    (410) 706-4354
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    Keywords: Calcium-signaling, tumor suppression & cancer biology, structural biology
  • Wilson, Gerald M., PhD, Professor
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    Keywords: Gene expression, RNA turnover, RNA-binding proteins, fluorescence spectroscopy, tumor progression, inflammatory mediators, lipoprotein receptors, high throughput drug screening, assay development
  • Wu, Mei-Yi , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Epigenetics, Chromatin remodeling protein, Breast cancer, Prostate Cancer, Kidney development, Neurodegeneration
  • Yakovlev, Sergiy , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Fibrinogen, Fibrin, VLDL receptor, Endothelial cells, Leukocyte transmigration, Inflammation
  • Ye, Zhou , PhD, Post Doc Fellow
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  • Zalzman, Michal , PhD, Assistant Professor
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    Keywords: Stem cells, Embryonic stem cells, ESCs, Induced pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs, Multipotent stem cells, MSCs, Telomere, Cancer stem cells, CSCs, Parkinson's disease, Stroke, Conductive hearing loss, Bone reconstruction, 3D Printing, DeepFeeze-3D printing, Tissue-reconstruction, Regenerative-medicine, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, Bioengineering, Tissue engineering
  • Zella, Davide , PhD, Assistant Professor
  • Zhao, Chengguang , PhD, Visiting Post-Doctoral Fellow