Department of Psychiatry
Mentorship Program Tracks

It is recognized that faculty in the Department range widely with respect to their background, training, career goals, and expectations for mentorship. Because of this, the DPMP is designed to ensure that all faculty in the Department of Psychiatry have the opportunity for mentorship.  To ensure that mentorship is an equitable process for all, the DPMP is designed for faculty both on a Research track and on a Clinical/Educator track to participate and be successful. It is hopefully clear that the appointment, promotion, and tenure process is achievable for faculty involved in both the research and clinical educator tracks.

It is anticipated that those joining the DPMP will come from diverse mentorship experiences and the DPMP will ensure that all who participate have an opportunity to complete an informative onboarding process. This will help prepare mentees for initial mentor meetings, ensure they have been informed of the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) promotion and tenure guidelines and requirements, and provide guidance in preparing a UMSOM CV which includes strategies for highlighting professional strengths to include clinical and education activities.

Mentees will complete a self-assessment tool when completing their own Goal Plan in preparation for mentor meetings (e.g., identify short- and long-term career goals, consider the breakdown of time currently allocated to various work activities, and identify strengths and unique skill sets).  Those on the Clinician/Educator track will be encouraged to discuss with their Division Director strategies for integrating time for mentorship and scholarly activities into their workload, including options to develop scholarly activities derived from their existing teaching or clinical responsibilities.