Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


PTRS advocates for and advances societal health by optimizing wellness and human movement or function through excellence in education, research, clinical practice, and service.


By integrating education, research, clinical practice, and service PTRS excels in:

  • Graduating culturally competent professionals capable of delivering excellent patient centered clinical care through critical thinking, evidence based practice, and lifelong learning.
  • Providing new knowledge and evidence that enhances rehabilitation sciences and supports clinical practice through expertise, innovation, and technology.
  • Guiding and promoting the physical therapy profession and rehabilitation sciences through engagement with scientific and professional organizations as well as local, national, and international communities.


These values will serve as the basis for PTRS to fulfill its mission and achieve its vision.

  • Excellence
  • Leadership
  • Diversity, cultural competence, and inclusivity
  • Social responsibility
  • Collaboration and communication
  • Respect, ethical behavior, integrity, and professionalism
  • Fiscal responsibility

Goal I

Goal I: Achieve and be recognized as a leader in education, research, clinical practice and scholarship

Objective I: Enhance integration of foundational and clinical content in the DPT curriculum to improve outcomes and achieve educational and curricular innovation


  • Block Leader Meetings
  • Faculty Meetings
  • CCC Meetings
  • Curriculum Day

Objective II: Recognized excellence for Leadership in IPE


  • Increase funded faculty for research in IPE
  • Increase teaching faculty trained for IPE
  • Branding/symposiums/award recognition for IPE
  • Student involvement in IPE

Objective III: Develop innovative curricular offerings


  • Dual degree programs
  • Residency Programs
  • Mechanisms to promote curricular flexibility (MSc, research electives, community engagement etc.)
  • Continuing Education with clinical partners and alumni
  • Use of technology to enhance curricular offerings such as CE
  • PTRS leads new biomedical/rehabilitation engineering training program

Objective IV: Increase funding to support educational mission


  • Increase philanthropy directed toward education (community programs, conferences, special programming, endowments, professorships, equipment, renovations)
  • Seek and secure grants for innovative educational programs

Objective V: Ensure an infrastructure of human and physical resources


  • Maximize and prioritize resources by establishing a financial sustainability plan
  • Recruit and retain highly-qualified and diverse faculty, staff, and students (scholarships, merit, professorships)
  • Optimize the learning, research, and clinical practice environments (space, equipment, technology, etc.)

Objective VI: Increase faculty research productivity and scholarly products


  • Enhance development of all investigators
  • Increase the number and percent of total faculty engaged in federally funded research through collaborative engagement
  • Facilitate all teaching faculty involvement with funded research
  • Increase federal and overall grant funding

Objective VII: Establish a national center of balance and mobility rehabilitation research


  • Attain 3 federally funded researchers focused on balance and mobility Rehabilitation
  • Develop infrastructure and resources to support center (research Engineer
  • Dean’s support for pilot projects, centralized support personnel
  • Engage interdisciplinary researchers to support center
  • Establish rehabilitation engineering as a core component of the center

Objective VIII: Enhance service and clinical practice activities


  • Evaluate the viability of sustaining the Service Learning Center (SLC) and/or development of a broader Service Center
  • Investigate opportunities with SOM clinical services
  • Optimize position for inclusion in UMCP Performance Center

Objective IX: Strengthen stakeholder relationships


  • Increase engagement with student body, alumni, professional community, clinical partners, faculty, staff, and citizens
  • Add UMRN partnerships

Goal II

Goal II: Establish and implement a plan for financial growth

Objective I: Increase enrollment in the DPT program


  • Determine % of growth and resource capacity

Objective II: Increase philanthropic support


  • Annual giving
  • Major gifts
  • Partner with internal stakeholders (faculty referrals)
  • Stewardship
  • Engage alumni (build sense of community)

Objective III: Establish a plan (if feasible) of clinical models for generating revenue


  • Discuss/analyze with SOM administration (system-wide relationships)

Goal III

Goal III: Increase internal and external visibility of PTRS

Objective I: Establish the PTRS Brand


  • Develop policies and procedures for branding
  • Determine points of pride in research (clinical conditions of aging, stroke, falls), DPT education (IPE and block curriculum), community service, PhD program, leadership and involvement in professional service, alumni
  • Brand PTRS website and establish social media presence