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Peter B. Crino, MD, PhD

Dr. Richard and Kathryn Taylor Endowed Professor of Neurology

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):

Neurobiology, Psychiatry

Administrative Title:

Chair, Department of Neurology



Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

  • Binghamton University, BA, Psychology/Philosophy
  • Yale University Medical School, MD
  • Yale New Haven Hospital, Internship, Internal Medicine
  • Boston University, PhD, Neuroscience
  • University of Pennsylvania, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Physician Post-Doctoral  Fellow; Clinical Epilepsy Fellow
  • University of Pennsylvania, Residency, Neurology


Dr. Crino is an internationally recognized physician-scientist specializing in developmental brain disorders. His laboratory has researched mechanisms of altered brain development associated with autism, intellectual disability, and epilepsy, defining developmental disorders associated with intractable epilepsy including autism, hemimegalencephaly, focal cortical dysplasia, and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), which he has studied extensively. He has collaborated on identifying several new genes associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, pioneered single cell mRNA and DNA sequencing analysis in resected human tissues; and has used mouse models to plumb the effects of mTOR regulatory genes on cell development in in vitro models using immunocytochemistry, Western assay, mRNA expression analysis, gene transfection, and in vitro cell migration assays.

Before his appointment to Chairman of the UMSOM Department of Neurology, Dr. Crino was professor and vice chair for research at Temple University School of Medicine’s Shriners Hospital Pediatric Research Center in Philadelphia. Over the last 20 years, his lab has had continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health, through which he has four grants totaling $4.1 million. He has coauthored 151 peer-reviewed manuscripts, chapters, and reviews. He has been invited to lecture all over the world.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Epilepsy, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Brain Development, Translational Neuroscience, mTOR, focal cortical dysplasia, tuberous sclerosis complex

Highlighted Publications

The mTOR signalling cascade: paving new roads to cure neurological disease. Crino PB. Nat Rev Neurol. 2016 12(7):379-92.

Novel Histopathological Patterns in Cortical Tubers of Epilepsy Surgery Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Mühlebner A, van Scheppingen J, Hulshof HM, Scholl T, Iyer AM, Anink JJ, van den Ouweland AM, Nellist MD, Jansen FE, Spliet WG, Krsek P, Benova B, Zamecnik J, Crino PB, Prayer D, Czech T, Wöhrer A, Rahimi J, Höftberger R, Hainfellner JA, Feucht M, Aronica E. PLoS One. 2016 11(6):e0157396.

Mutations in TBCK, Encoding TBC1-Domain-Containing Kinase, Lead to a Recognizable Syndrome of Intellectual Disability and Hypotonia. Bhoj EJ, Li D, Harr M, Edvardson S, Elpeleg O, Chisholm E, Juusola J, Douglas G, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Siquier-Pernet K, Saadi A, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschke P, Narravula A, Walke M, Horner MB, Day-Salvatore DL, Jayakar P, Vergano SA, Tarnopolsky MA, Hegde M, Colleaux L, Crino P, Hakonarson H. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 98(4):782-8.

mTOR pathway inhibition prevents neuroinflammation and neuronal death in a mouse model of cerebral palsy. Srivastava IN, Shperdheja J, Baybis M, Ferguson T, Crino PB. Neurobiol Dis. 2016;85:144-54.

Impaired Reelin-Dab1 Signaling Contributes to Neuronal Migration Deficits of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Moon UY, Park JY, Park R, Cho JY, Hughes LJ, McKenna J 3rd, Goetzl L, Cho SH, Crino PB, Gambello MJ, Kim S. Cell Rep. 2015 2(6):965-78.

Rapamycin prevents seizures after depletion of STRADA in a rare neurodevelopmental disorder. Parker WE, Orlova KA, Parker WH, Birnbaum JF, Krymskaya VP, Goncharov DA, Baybis M, Helfferich J, Okochi K, Strauss KA, Crino PB. Sci Transl Med. 2013; 5(182):182ra53.


Research Interests

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Awards and Affiliations

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