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Anthony R. Roggio, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine

Administrative Title:

Director of Emergency Medicine Telehealth Services

Additional Title:

Medical Director, Center for Telehealth, University of Maryland Medical System

Education and Training

Undergraduate: Brown University 

Medical School: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine 

Emergency Medicine Residency: New York Presbyterian Cornell/Columbia (2012-2013) and University of Maryland Medical Center (2013-2015)

Emergency Department Administration Fellowship: University of Maryland Medical Center


Dr. Roggio is an Emergency Medicine Physician at the University of Maryland Medical System. He attended University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and completed his residency in Emergency Medicine at University of Maryland Medical Center, becoming Chief Resident while completing an Emergency Department Administration Fellowship. Dr. Roggio is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He served from 2018 through 2024 as the former Associate Director of Emergency Medicine at University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus, and is the current Chair of UMMC Midtown Hospital's Medical Staff Quality Committee.

Since 2017, Dr. Roggio has led telehealth development at University of Maryland Emergency Medicine with the deployment of the UMEM Tele-Skilled Nursing Facility program, and he has served as Director of UM Emergency Medicine TeleTriage since the COVID pandemic. 

In 2021, he became the University of Maryland Medical System's Medical Director at the Center for Telehealth. In this role, Dr. Roggio Chairs the University of Maryland Medical System Telehealth Development Team - a system leadership group with the goal of creating policy and standardizing telehealth operations through the system - and organizes and collaborates with partners throughout the University of Maryland Medical System to facilitate program development in various virtual care programs including: Outpatient Telehealth, Virtual First/Inpatient Consultations, eConsults, E-ICU, Remote Fetal Heart Monitoring, Telehealth Follow-Up, Tele-Sitter, and Telehealth Urgent Care.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Telehealth, Emergency Department and Hospital Administration, Quality Assurance, Opioids and Addiction, Physician Wellness, Patient Satisfaction, Medical Student and Resident Education, and Insurance/Reimbursement

Highlighted Publications


Adams, A., Roggio, A., Wilkerson, G. Sonographic assessment of inadvertent vascular puncture risk during paracentesis using the traditional landmark approach. Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine. May 2015; 22(S1):67-68.

Quinn, C., Roggio, A., Barr, E., Gruber-Baldini, A. Nursing Home TeleED Intervention: Advancing New Care Models. Innov Aging. Nov 2019; 3(Suppl 1):S337-S338. PMCID 6840395

Roggio, A, Lavin,S, Claire, P, Dinh, K, Couperus, C, Sommerkamp, S, Tran, Q.  The Efficacy of TeleTriage: Does it Matter Who Performs it?  October 2024, Volume 84, Issue 4, Supplement 1, Page S65.

Roggio, A, Lavin,S, Claire, P, Epstein, J, Dinh, K, Couperus, C, Sommerkamp, S, Tran, Q. Does TeleTriage Benefit Emergency Departments? October 2024, Volume 84, Issue 4, Supplement 1, S122.

Scholarly Articles

Rao, T., Roggio, A., Bontempo, L., Dezman, Z. 55 year-old male with bilateral lower extremity weakness. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, Nov, 2017. PMID 2984933

Gruber-Baldini, A., Quinn, C., Roggio, A., Brown, B., Magaziner, J. Telemedicine for Older Adult Nursing Home Residents to Avoid Emergency Department Visits: The Experience of the NHTeleED Project in Maryland. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 Feb 26:S1525-8610(22)00101-3. PMID 35231439

Book Chapters

Roggio, A.: Pitfalls of DKA, Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, Second Edition, Edited by Mattu A, Elselvier, 2017

Roggio, A.: Acute STEMI in patients with Left Bundle Branch Block and Pacemakers, Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, Second Edition, Edited by Mattu A, Elselvier, 201

Roggio, A.: Pitfalls of DKA, Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, Third Edition, Edited by Mattu A, Elselvier, 2023 

Research Interests

Telehealth, Emergency Telemedicine, Teletriage, Tele-Skilled Nursing Facility, Emergency Department Administration


Awards and Affiliations

Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center

  • Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine, 2015-2016
  • UMEM Distinguished Service Award, 2016
  • Administration Fellow, Emergency Medicine, 2015-2016
  • Clinical Pathologic Case Finalist to CORD 2017, Emergency Medicine Faculty

University of Maryland Medical Center - Midtown Campus

  • Dynamite Documenter, 2018




Grants and Contracts

HRSA Telehealth Network Grant Program

Roggio (PI)

09/2020– 08/2024

The Maryland Eastern Shore Tele-ED Expansion



Roggio (Sub-PI), Chen (PI)


The impact of hospital-based health information technology on health care quality and equity among patients with ADRD